What's new in modded minecraft today?

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and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 2.0.0-alpha1
  • Based on early 1.3 fork, patches from later 1.3 releases may be missing.
  • Drawer Controller is disabled.
  • Storage and status upgrades do not render anything on drawers.
  • Lock upgrade is not fully implemented (intend to replace with 1.4.0 key instead).
  • Several config settings have no effect.
  • Label rendering is not as consistent as 1.4.0.
If it's unclear, 2.0.0 is a branch for MC 1.8.
And from the devs of the game itself apperently we have recieved some more info on 1.9

So it's basically mine & blade without the dual wielding? Sounds great.
Quivers were a planned feature in minecraft a while back IIRC, heck the quiver texture is still in the assets folder. as for shields, it is suppose to be a combat update, shields are a bit of a no brainer, and people probably suggested it using that suggestion thing that was on the Minecraft Reddit a little bit ago.
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Huh. Shields and the long-forgotten Quiver with updated arrows. Interesting choices for their Combat update.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
some of the guesses have been flame arrows (im guessing so you dont need flame on the bow but never know) wither arrows, and posion arrow and the like no clue what the gold arrow could be used for
Quivers were a planned feature in minecraft a while back IIRC, heck the quiver texture is still in the assets folder. as for shields, it is suppose to be a combat update, shields are a bit of a no brainer, and people probably suggested it using that suggestion thing that was on the Minecraft Reddit a little bit ago.
the quiver sure took a long time to get implimented though :P if it is indeed getting used finally
some of the guesses have been flame arrows (im guessing so you dont need flame on the bow but never know) wither arrows, and posion arrow and the like no clue what the gold arrow could be used for

I'm guessing slow/glue arrows, poison, wither, and maybe glowstone torch arrows.
Though poison being the orange and explosive being green could also be correct.

The best idea might be the green being essence of creeper that causes mobs to explode a second later like creepers. :D
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new day, new update, and today it's @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 1.1.23
  • Added new mining tool
  • Works as pickaxe, shovel and axe, can be repaired in anvil by using xp and redstone (good for early game) or by RF.
  • To fully repair it with RF will take around 50,000 RF.
  • Got 3 modes, single block break, 3x3 or 5x5, sneaking + right click changes mode.
  • sneaking when mining will mine 1 block only.
  • Right click to place torches (can be turned off in config)
  • Shows current mode in upper left corner (can be turned off in config)

and @OreCruncher with Thermal Recycling
OreCruncher said:
Thermal Recycling 03.2ALPHA
  • Core: Extraction module for the Thermal Recycler. This core allows the machine to convert that precious dust and scrap boxes into ingot dust. The quality of scrap determines which dusts can be produced. Scrapboxes count as if 10 pieces of scrap were used.
  • Thermal Recycler gives off particle effects when operating. This can be turned off in the config file.
  • All items have tool tips indicating the scrap level of the item if it were to be processed in a recycler w/o a decomposition core. Those items without a tooltip cannot be placed into a recycler (such as ingots and blocks). Tooltips can be turned of via the config file.
  • The scraping routines properly account for the tier of Thermal Expansion machine, strongbox, etc. and ensures the proper machine frame is used. Also, it will take into account whether the item has been modified with a Security lock and gives a chance to recycle those components. The Scrap Assessor will properly show all the parts for these items.
  • The scraping routines are smart enough to understand BuildCraft gates. When scrapped the proper chipsets and extensions can be generated. The Scrap Assessor will show you what will happen.
  • A bunch of work making sure that items are properly classified and configured for each of the supported mods. This is a WIP and any feedback as to game balance would be appreciated
  • Refactor to make the code more extensible. Better isolation between components as well as a new infrastructure that allows for custom scrap routines.
  • Thanks to LorenzoDCC for Brazilian translations!

and @MineMaarten with PneumaticCraft
MineMaarten said:
PneumaticCraft 1.6.8-72
  • This version is compatible with the new Equivalent Exchange 3!
  • The Charging Station can now be used to insert/extract items into items that are in it (like upgrading drones by inserting items via a Hopper).
  • Minor update to the new Forge fluid system.
  • Pneumatic Helmet's Coordinate Tracker upgrade now will try to navigate using the Drone's pathfinder if the default one fails. This makes it less specific.
  • Pneumatic Helmet's Block Tracker now only tracks one of the two Chests if they are connected.
  • Improved performance on the Block Tracker.
  • Added Item variables, added 'Item Assign' and 'Condition: Item Filter' Programmer pieces for future use.
  • Added Puzzle Piece panel in the Programmer GUI.
  • More protected against third party content crashing.
  • Added programming warnings/errors in the Programmer to assist with programming mistakes.
  • Bugfix: Crash when removing a Security Station a Remote is bound to, and opening the Remote Editor UI afterwards.
  • Bugfix: A few occasions where Enderman don't teleport, but create a big amount of Ender Plant seeds.
  • Bugfix: Toggling the Programmer programming setting doesn't work when IGW-Mod is not installed.
  • Bugfix: Programmer widgets reset when changing a program after importing it via Pastebin. Closes #449
  • Bugfix: Rare NPE crash with the Block Tracker.

and @Modbder with EssentialCraft 3
Modbder said:
What is EssentialCraft?

EssentialCraft 3 is a magic themed mod, that adds lots and lots of devices to the game. Here is a list of added content:

-Around 60 new blocks
-Around 100 new Items
-3 new mobs
-1 new dimension
-A new energy type - MRU and lots of ways to generate it

What EssentialCraft allows you to do?

EssentialCraft3 allows you to do lots of stuff, including

-Create and store MRU
-Create some decorative blocks
-Create an automated quarry, that allows you to mine up to 128x128 area of blocks until the bedrock layer
-Create a device, that holds monsters in place
-Create a device, that can use 1 potion up to 8 times in a small AOE, without losing the efficiency of the potion
-Create a device, that can enchant items up to level 60, using not your experience, but MRU
-Create a device, that is capable of generating drops from any mob
-Create a device, that can repare your tools and armor
-Create a device, that allows you to quadruple the outcome of your ores using MRU and lava
-Create a structure, that can teleport you any distance(including other dimensions!)
-Create a structure, that can smelt items, using MRU
-Create guns

-Some tool sets, including one, which automatically uses the right tool to mine
-An item, that allows you to carry around biomes!
-An item, that can mine a 3x3x3 zone of any block.
-An item, that can harvest mob spawners
-An item, that acts both as an AOE bonemeal, and can instantly grow any animal
-3 items, that restore your hp/hunger/remove debuffs
-A set of 10 elemental charms, that can grant you different abilities.
-An item, that allows you to fly
-lots new different weapons
-4 sets of armor

and lots of other stuff!

That seems interesting, how can I get to that?
Easy way. Just grab some simple resources and craft a Book of Knowledge. It has all the information you want in it:

Installation guide - universal

1)If you do not have minecraftforge installed, install it. It is really simple with their new installer.
2)Download the mod itself.
3)Install DummyCore
4)Install Baubles
5)Put the downloaded .zip into your mods folder
6)Launch the game to see if everything works correctly
I believe Blood Utils or Sanguimancy has an upgraded version of the ritual as well. Drill of Suffering, I think.

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I believe Blood Utils or Sanguimancy has an upgraded version of the ritual as well. Drill of Suffering, I think.

Sent from my SGH-T769 using Tapatalk 2
Drill of the dead. That's actually an upgraded version of the well of suffering, which steals life essence from mobs, so nope.
While we're on the subject of magical quarries, there's always TC Arcane Bores and Golems and Magic Mirrors for mining/item transport. :P
Yes, I'm gonna be the guy that recommends a totally different mod for a task. ;)
(Only here, though)
While we're on the subject of magical quarries, there's always TC Arcane Bores and Golems and Magic Mirrors for mining/item transport. :p
Yes, I'm gonna be the guy that recommends a totally different mod for a task. ;)
(Only here, though)
Arcane broes would be great if they didn't make so much damn flux.