What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord
This is not true. Mod support from the mod itself is also possible: See Gany's End. :p
Yes, good old-ish Endium. And Mariculture also adds tool parts. And is the integration of Thermal Foundation done by TiC or TF?
Relying on the mod author to create support for the other mods is unreliable, considering the author has so many request to add features.... What are the chances that your suggestion will get implemented anytime soon?

Why not put in some effort & do it yourself when its so easy?
I believe that works the other way; TiC, or rather ExtraTiC, would have to add support for AoA metals and gems.

... or you could DO IT YOURSELF!
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Where in those two comments does either ofus say it's easy to add TiC parts? Type1Ninja just pointed out that mods can add the parts without relying on ExtraTiC, I gave a few more examples. As for making them ourselves? Minecraft modding is fairly difficult to learn, and not everybody knows how to code.
Where in those two comments does either ofus say it's easy to add TiC parts? Type1Ninja just pointed out that mods can add the parts without relying on ExtraTiC, I gave a few more examples. As for making them ourselves? Minecraft modding is fairly difficult to learn, and not everybody knows how to code.
Click the DO IT YOURSELF in the post above please....
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JSONAbles currently has limits on what it can do. Custom modifiers are outside of it's scope, as are adding certain modifiers by default to particular materials.
I believe the original question was asking for "support". I took that to mean "let me make TiC tools out of Uberiuanimextraometaphostatium".
AFAIK, AoA metals don't have any sort of special modifiers or traits anyway...
Just to clarify, what I meant was that it's possible to add native support. It isn't necessary a good idea or easy, but it's possible. It's important to have all the information present in a discussion. :P

Although I will say that it is good behavior on the part of a mod author to add support for (popular) mods themselves where it makes sense, imho.
new day, new update, and today it's @Purplicious_Cow with Inventory Pets
Purplicious_Cow said:
Inventory Pets 1.1.1
  • Anvil Pet can now repair currently equipped armor
  • Nether Portal Pet is proud to announce some new safety features:
    • He will now prevent you from spawning into a wall in the Nether
    • He will allow you to gently fall if you spawn in a high place
    • He will provide a small netherrack raft if you fall into a lava pit
    • He will provide you with a short amount of Fire Protection upon entry
    • He gently reminds you he will remember your return points (or return you to your spawn point)
    • Finally, he asks you to be patient when you spawn into the Nether, while he identifies a safe spot
  • Pingot’s accuracy is improved
  • Chest, Double Chest, and Crafting Table have all gone on a diet and now prefer Planks over Logs
  • Reduced default frequency of all dungeon types
  • Config file updates... you can now:
    • Tune the spawn frequency of individual dungeon types
    • Prevent All Dungeons or individual Dungeon Types from spawning
    • Prevent dungeon Mobs from spawning altogether
  • Added Chinese language support
  • Favorite Foods are now localized on Pet tooltips
  • Iron Nuggets and Planks are now ‘OreDictionaried’ for feeding your Pet
  • Mob EntityIDs are now dynamic to avoid ID conflicts with other mods
Bug Fixes
  • Dungeons truly no longer spawn in Superflat worlds
  • Magma Cube will allow you to walk on lava consistently and when in all slots. (Even Pat from PopularMMOs)
  • Now compatible with Biospheres mod (when Dungeons are turned off in config)
  • Enderman will no longer teleport you into wall
  • Bed Pet now doesn’t sleep during day or if mobs are around (before he protested, but slept anyway)

and @ollieread with TechnoMagi
ollieread said:
  • Ollie Read: I genuinely have no idea how this bug made it all the way through
  • Ollie Read: Added missing textures for the processor
  • Ollie Read: Added third type of battery
  • Ollie Read: Added nanite cultivator
  • Ollie Read: Added Specialisation modifiers
  • Ollie Read: Added textures for light structure blocks
  • Ollie Read: Added stone icon for voidstone
  • Ollie Read: Some various fixes for entity items
  • Ollie Read: Added cleric, guardian and shadow modifiers
  • Ollie Read: Fixed the whole byte -> int thing in inventories
  • Ollie Read: Fixed broken shifted block
  • Ollie Read: Fixed issue with abilities casting multiple times
  • Ollie Read: Made disguises actually work when loading from NBT
  • Ollie Read: Added the elevator block
  • Ollie Read: Bridges & Platforms update their textures upon enabling/disabling
  • Ollie Read: Elevators no longer teleport you into them
  • Ollie Read: Moved electromagnetic action interface
  • Ollie Read: Some layovers from previous changes
  • Ollie Read: Interaction events are cancelled if the pre-requisites aren't met
  • Ollie Read: Some changes towards upcoming features
  • Ollie Read: Added cultivators
  • Ollie Read: Fix for generator inventory
  • Ollie Read: Nanite containers are now usable
  • Ollie Read: Digital tool can now be reset and informs user of a link being removed
  • Ollie Read: Added method for creating sample itemstacks
  • Ollie Read: Added the sample extractor
  • Ollie Read: Added engineer staff texture
  • Ollie Read: Limited charged crystals to 1 per stack
  • Ollie Read: Increased time to cultivate nanites
  • Ollie Read: Processors and generators sync upon starting to update texture
  • Ollie Read: Removed conduits and moved block settings to block classes
  • Ollie Read: Modified helper for retrieving player item
  • Ollie Read: Electromagnetic pockets remove themselves if an issue occurs
  • Ollie Read: Nanite cultivation has a chance to fail

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.4.0-alpha2
  • Added Refined Relocation support. Sorting drawers and compacting drawers. Min version required is 1.08b.
  • Added player interact protection event to left-click (in non-creative mode).
  • Disabled label rendering for back-facing labels (potential performance savings).
  • Changed drawer network to prefer filling existing slots with space instead of populating empty slots. Depending in refresh timing, it's still possible for empty slots to get picked.
  • Fixed player inventory not properly updating when dumping inventory into drawers.
  • Fixed various issues with drawer network code introduced in last alpha.

and @Tuhljin with Automagy
Tuhljin said:
Automagy 0.23
  • Added Scrivener's Oculus.
  • Added golem's workbench upgrades: air, fire, earth, and entropy.
  • An Inventarium Core that is right-clicked with a wand will temporarily be marked as preferred for links. This allows you to link an Unseen Scribe or other device to a specific core even if another is closer.
  • The Amnesiac's Stone will now drain experience from bottles o' enchanting.
  • Added "Aspect Count" mode to the vis reader and Capacity option for 16.
  • Adjusted recipes for vis reader and tally box.
  • Adjusted crafting speed of golem's workbench.
  • The Signum Entia can now output a signal strength over 15, though redcrystal is required to read it.
  • Added a config option to control how much water a water bottle is worth when used to fill/empty tanks.
  • Added a config option that can make thirsty tanks consume water source blocks even when one is next to them. (This could be useful when another mod alters the way infinite water works.)
  • Added a config option controlling the cooldown required by the Glyph of the Bovine to milk cows.
  • Added a page to mercurial redcrystal's Thaumonomicon entry that appears when essentia mirrors are researched to make it clear they can be used instead of regular magic mirrors.
  • Fixed golems with Use cores not being returned empty container items (e.g. buckets) when they fill an Automagy tank using liquid-containing items (e.g. buckets of milk).
  • Added localization: Russian.

and @way2muchnoise with WAILA-features
Way2muchnoise said:
WAILA-features 0.0.2

and @jotato with QuantumFlux
jotato said:
QuantumFlux 1.2.0
  • Forge updated to
  • Default ZPE power levels decreased
  • ZPE will do damage to entites within 4 blocks
  • ZPE can be turned off when given a redstone signal
  • ZPE can be disabled in the config
  • RF Exciter default transfer rate lowered to 100.
  • RF Exciter can be upgraded to transfer more power. Right click an Exciter Upgrade onto the RF Exciter for an addition 100 rf/t
  • Eviscerator added
  • Darkstone, Darkstone Lamp, Darkstone Tile, Darkstone Pillar added
  • More information added to the RF Entangler and RF Exciter debug text (sneak+rclick with an empty hand)
  • Battle suit added
  • Default transfer rate for the Quibit Cell increased
  • Added several new items used for crafting components
  • Added a simple magnet
  • Quibit Clusters will push energy to neighbor blocks as long as it is not another Quibit Cluster
  • Fixed a bug where the Quibit Cell wouldn't charge armor
  • A few minor bug fixes and performance tweaks
  • A few recipes were tweaked

and @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 1.1.18
  • added Inventory cable (for connecting inventory blocks)
  • added support for Forge Multipart covers if installed
  • PS: You can not block the cable using covers.
Portablejim updated Power Converters (3.2.0 - Build 65)
* Fix crashes on opening GUI in SMP.
* Re-add gregtech back in for Gregtech 5 port.
* Energy bridge '% chg' tooltip shows the type of steam stored.
This is an alpha release, use with caution

Lumien has released Extended Potion ID's for MC 1.7.10 and MC 1.8
By default the vanilla potion id limit is 32, many mods extend that to 128 as that is still possible without changing much of the code. This mod goes further and allows you to make the id limit as high as you want, by default it is increased to 4096 which should really be enough for everyone^^. Obviously if you increase it to something really high you are going to notice a slight increase in memory usage.

After you install the mod and run minecraft the potion limit will automatically be increased to 4096, if you for whatever reason wanna change this default value there is a config file available for that.

When you install this mod all active potion effects are going to be kept, if you remove this mod all active potion effects are going to vanish.

When you wanna add this mod to your public modpack please send me a small pm with the name of your pack, you don't have to wait for an reply.
AlgorithmX2 updated Applied Energistics 2 (rv2 beta 31)
Fixes #1333: Removes warning about RecipeSorter and fixes disassembling crafting recipes - thatsIch

Fixes #1339: Was not able to retrieve the name of an unregistered part - thatsIch

Fixes #1348: Removed MJ as icon - yueh

Update fr_FR.lang Minor correction and group organisation - Yves

Update fr_FR.lang Minor correction and group organisation - Mazdallier
This is a beta, use with caution

AEnterprise updated Buildcraft Additions (2.1.3)
update to BC 7
fix red gilded metal crash when dusts are dissabled
more forge fluid fixes
NEI Addons 1.12.7
  • AE2 Cell Workbench can now be configured by dragging items from NEI
    • Requires NEI Addons to be installed on the server
  • Added [?] button support for Bibliocraft and RemoteIO workbenches
  • Fixed multiple errors caused by other mods putting bad data in Forestry API
  • Added localization support
Downloads on my website

Note about Ex Nihilo 1.38.x Beta versions

This (and all previous) version does not work with newer betas of Ex Nihilo due to internal changes.

Due to popular demand (stable versions of EN not working with latest forestry, etc.) i created a separate branch of NEI Addons to support them. Once EN 1.38 becomes stable this will be merged into the main NEI Addons releases.

For now if you use EX Nihilo 1.38.x- download NEI Addons from here instead.
Aand Squiddy is gone again... :(
Portablejim updated Power Converters (3.2.0 - Build 65)
This is an alpha release, use with caution
Note: Alpha builds are just running from my jenkins. So not really something to report on. They are prereleases.

I have now released PowerConverters 3.2.0.

  • * Fix crashes on opening GUI in SMP.
  • Re-add gregtech back in for Gregtech 5 port.
  • Energy bridge '% chg' tooltip shows the type of steam stored.
  • Producers and consumers will not transfer any energy when provided with a redstone signal.
Some of you may have seen this by now since it's floating around Twitter, but in the surreal world we live in now of Microsoft owning Minecraft, they've now taken it upon themselves to create a Visual Studio development system for Minecraft mods.

And yes, Microsoft's comically ironic solution to making mods really is to just repackage Forge and let you develop Java code in Visual Studio.
Some of you may have seen this by now since it's floating around Twitter, but in the surreal world we live in now of Microsoft owning Minecraft, they've now taken it upon themselves to create a Visual Studio development system for Minecraft mods.

And yes, Microsoft's comically ironic solution to making mods really is to just repackage Forge and let you develop Java code in Visual Studio.
Listen... I'd say it's better than them trying to make their own Forge-style things without fully researching the modding community.
I mean, they're being sensible and allowing mods to continue using their current set of hooks instead of fragmenting the community by creating their own.
It's still comically ironic, though. ;)
new day, new update, and today it's @skyboy026 with CoFHTweaks
skyboy026 said:
Configuration options, defaults are least-disruptive to normal play:
  • Option to disable animated textures (higher fps)
  • Option to disable items attempting to stack (higher tps)
  • Option to disable some entity-pushing (higher tps/fps)
  • Option to defer client-side lighting updates when a block changes (higher fps)
  • Option to make fewer entities render when tightly packed (higher fps)
  • Option to reduce AI tick rate (higher average tps)
Non-configurable logic:
  • 1.8 style occlusion (higher fps)
  • Generally more efficient AI logic (higher tps)
  • Non-pushable entities do not attempt to be pushed (higher tps)
  • Faster chunk lookup (higher tps)
  • The logo is a large black T on a white background. This is to be blamed on jadedcat.

and @insaneau with Ex Astris
insaneau said:
Ex Astris 1.16-32
  • RF Powered Blocks (AutoHammer/AutoSieve) now only check for the RF API being present.
  • AutoHammer/AutoSieve no longer lose power when "wrenched".
  • Items should no longer go into the AutoHammer if they can't be hammered. (This is actually fixed in Ex Nihilo, so update it).
  • Many more tinkers tools can now get the "Hammered" modifier.
  • Natura Bushes/Saplings can be composted.
  • Recipe for Manasteel Hammer.
  • FoodPlus Bridge - you can now get saplings by sifting dirt, and using the "Fruit Seed".

and @Vazkii with Botania
Vazkii said:
Botania r1.6-185
  • Added M4/M5 (the buttons of the side of the mouse) support to the Lexica Botania.
  • Added the Corporea Crystal Cube, a new corporea block that allows for visualization and quick extraction of items from the network.
  • Added the Orechid Ignem, a nether version of the Orechid.
  • Changed the wireframes produced by the Ring of Loki so that the center one is thicker and easier to distinguish.
  • Fake players can no longer spawn Gaia Guardians.
  • Fixed a crash when viewing item uses on NEI sometimes.
  • Fixed looking up blocks in the FTB wiki redirecting to the Gamepedia homepage.
  • Fixed Petite Flowers not being craftable.
  • Fixed shovels not being effective against Trodden Dirt.
  • Fixed the Eye of the Flugel not working when acquired and needing to be deselected and selected again.
  • Fixed the Force Relay's bindings not properly saving to the world's data if not pushed by a piston.
  • Fixed the Solegnolia consuming mana even if disabled with redstone.
  • Rotating the items in the Item Frames around a Corporea Funnel now changes how many are pulled per request. (1, 16, 32 and 64 for each of the possible rotations)
  • The Ring of Loki will now only place blocks when the player is sneaking and the bindings have been set to follow the cursor.
  • Tweaked the textures for the cloaks a bit.
  • [API] Added an ore table for nether ores for the Orechid Ignem.
  • [API] Added CorporeaRequestEvent.
  • [API] Added IExtendedWireframeCoordinateListProvider. These names are getting ridiculous.
  • [API] Changed the wiki fallback to ftb.gamepedia.com rather than wiki.feed-the-beast.com.
  • [API] Fixed the check in RecipeMiniFlower targetting the output stack rather than the output subtile name.
  • [API] Removed GregTech ores from the Orechid ore table.
  • [API] Using -1 as the itemCount parameter for CorporeaHelper.requestItem() will find every single item it can that matches the matcher passed in.
  • [API] Incrased version number to 45.

and @ganymedes01 with AOBD
ganymedes01 said:
AOBD 2.6.0
  • Adapt to forge changes to the fluid system (only TiC support uses fuids)
  • Added RotaryCraft support
  • Added Electrical Age support
  • Added Aura Cascade support
  • Fix Gany's Nether support
  • Smelting clusters in the Infernal Furnace now produces extra ingots (as they should)

and @jaquadro with Storage Drawers
jaquadro said:
Storage Drawers 1.4.0
  • Added Refined Relocation support. Sorting drawers and compacting drawers. Min version required is 1.08b.
  • Added 'Trim' block for decoration and as a connector in drawer networks.
  • Added 'Controller Slave' block to expose more faces as an extension of the drawer controller.
  • Added void upgrade. Any items inserted through the sided inventory will be voided if the drawer is full.
  • Added player interact protection event to left-click (in non-creative mode).
  • Changed lock upgrades to a reusable drawer key.
  • Changed drawer network to prefer filling existing slots with space instead of populating empty slots. Depending in refresh timing, it's still possible for empty slots to get picked.
  • Changed invertShift setting to be client-side instead of server-side.
  • Updated renderer to improve and brighten drawer labels.
  • Locked or voided drawers will display a small indicator on their front trim.
  • Disabled label rendering for back-facing labels (potential performance savings).
  • Third party plankWood that is correctly registered in the ore dictionary can be used to craft drawers.
  • Fixed player inventory not properly updating when dumping inventory into drawers.
  • Updated fr_FR language file. Thanks Mazdallier.

and @GoldenAppleMinecraft with RFDrills
GoldenAppleMinecraft said:
RFDrills 1.1.1 & 1.1.2
  • [CHANGED] TE and EIO motors are now seperated into two different items. All the motors that you have now will get deleted after the update.
  • [CHANGED] Buffed drill mining speed
  • [CHANGED] Tier 3 Drills are now also enchantable
  • [CHANGED] Improved tooltips for energy
  • [FIXED] Unbreakable drills breaking when they run out of energy (yup)
  • [FIXED] Motors not having correct rarities (a.k.a. text color)
  • [FIXED] Optimized drills quite a bit
  • [FIXED] Config GUI tooltips not being localized
  • [FIXED] Got rid of the test Chainsaw code
  • [FIXED] EnderIO drills not saving energy when upgraded