If I donated a dollar to every free thing I love in life, I'd be on welfare. (I'm a positive person, I love a lot of things in life)Actually, if you did the maths, If everyone who saw his mod donated a dollar, he would be a millionare...
If I donated a dollar to every free thing I love in life, I'd be on welfare. (I'm a positive person, I love a lot of things in life)Actually, if you did the maths, If everyone who saw his mod donated a dollar, he would be a millionare...
So they haven't fixed any bugs, or provided any [much needed] optimisation?Searge @SeargeDP
We will have mostly new gameplay features in 1.9 and only very few internal changes, so that mods will be much easier to update from 1.8.x
and unless 1.9 (or a mod function) makes the jump to 1.8 easier- it'll still be waste time as the port to 1.8 itself is a waste of time.Searge @SeargeDP
What that means is, if you update your mods to 1.8 now, it won't be "wasted" time, because it's less painful to update to 1.9 later.
Assuming I haven't missed anything;
So they haven't fixed any bugs, or provided any [much needed] optimisation?
and unless 1.9 (or a mod function) makes the jump to 1.8 easier- it'll still be waste time as the port to 1.8 itself is a waste of time.
If a problem still exists (and can't be avoided) then it isnt fixed.
I think he's trying to get people to port to 1.8 So when 1.9 comes out they would have some work done since it is easier to port from 1.8 to 1.9
There are multiple reasonsI think he doesn't have a clear understanding as to why devs don't want to update to 1.8.
There are multiple reasons
- Json modeling system is shitty
- 1.8 has some performance hitches
- Everything it has that is good is easily backportable
- Switching from versions is a needless hassle in the first place
Actually I don't even know why I keep going on about this though. Nothing has changed, nothing's apparently going to change, and apparently nobody with enough sway is going to make Lex stop haplessly driving Forge into a wall. It drives me nuts to watch, but I probably just look like a nut going on about it by now.
Suggestion: Replace him. From what I've seen you surly have the talent to replace him or even replace forge. You have the talent passion and skill to do it and do it right.
Suggestion: Replace him. From what I've seen you surly have the talent to replace him or even replace forge. You have the talent passion and skill to do it and do it right.
Yeah good luck with that. You have to redo everything from the past 7 Mc versions before you can claim your own modding api. And you can't kick lex off his own project FYI.
But I doubt he'd be willing to let go of it at all.I appreciate the vote of confidence but I've just never wanted his job. If Forge is his day job then he should probably make sure people still actually want his product. So far it's been a resounding "no thanks." Technically the money he's probably getting right now is mostly coming from cpw and Lemming's continued work, ironically enough. Seems like quite an unfair system in place to be honest.
FMC was incredibly time-consuming since I didn't have the luxury of mappings made by someone else like Forge has, although I enjoyed the work at the time. But the first time I had to update my mappings when 1.8.1 came out was when that reality of a constantly moving target really started to set in, and how Mojang would never be any help in that regard. It took me two weeks to update the mappings (granted, some of which was to make custom tools), which is enough time for even more versions to come out. And while I updated the mappings, pretty much nothing else got done on FMC as a result. Obviously I was trying to do too much on my own (unlike Cuchaz who was smart enough to take user-submitted mappings on his similar project). But the point was for it to always be fun to do and be something I could take satisfaction in knowing I made by myself. So when I'm in the mood to make other things, particularly content-related ones rather than utility, then nothing happens with FMC. And now it's two versions behind, and I'm still not particularly in any mood to update it.
I have my fingers in too many pies and won't pretend to be dedicated enough on one project for any extended period. I always come back to them, but I always do what's fun for me, because I can't make a living at this stuff.
Forge isn't Lex's. It was a culmination of several talented individuals, most of which eventually left. He didn't, and now he makes a living from it. Funny how that works. The main guts of it is FML anyway, and that was mostly cpw's work. You could still make mods without using the Forge layer, believe it or not.
Gekoreivax said:Geko's Lasers 0.5
- Added Lasersabers
Lasersabers are crafted like so:
I = Ingot
R = Laser Reactor Unit
Combine the hilt and a piece of refined laserite in any crafting window- Lasersabers can defelct lasers when blocking, and set things on fire when you hit them
- Fixed Leadstone lasers not phasing through anything
- Fixed laser guns not doing the correct amount of damage
- You might want to regenerate the config file, as a few default values have been added and changed. This version also marks the first "release" version! It's the minimal viable product!
superckl said:BlockPhysics is a mod originally created by id_minor and ported by the BnBGaming Dev Team.
This mod enables you to set the blocks of Minecraft to fall. The falling blocks collide with each other and the mobs, causing damage and bouncing off. You can set the mass, strength, moving behavior and a few more properties to customize the worlds physics.
This mod requires BnBGamingLib v1.0.1 or higher.
Configuration Description
OnyxDarkKnight said:Jewelrycraft 2 is a magic mod where you can create jewelry and wear them. They render on the player and is Multiplayer compatible. You can also add objects to the pieces of jewelry as modifiers. Depending on what modifier was used different jewelry have different effects, each coming with both a positive value and a negative value. There are also certain actions that, when done, grant you Curse Points. One you have gained your first points you will have a curse upon you, some good, some bad. The more curse points you have, the more active curses you can have at once.
Initially Jewelrycraft 2 was supposed to be just a huge update to my first mod, Jewelrycraft. However, I had made so many changes that I decided to make it a whole new mod instead. I have been working on this for several months with the help of some friends for some parts and although I have just recently fulfilled my quota for releasing the mod to the public, I would still consider this a WIP mod. The base is there, but there is so much more stuff that I want to add, which is why this mod is currently in alpha.
jotato said:QuantumFlux 1.2.0-rc1
- Forge updated to
- Default ZPE power levels decreased
- ZPE will do damage to entites within 4 blocks
- ZPE can be turned off when given a redstone signal
- RF Exciter default transfer rate lowered to 100.
- RF Exciter can be upgraded to transfer more power. Right click an Exciter Upgrade onto the RF Exciter for an addition 100 rf/t
- Eviscerator added
- Darkstone, Darkstone Lamp, Darkstone Tile, Darkstone Pillar added
- More information added to the RF Entangler and RF Exciter debug text (sneak+rclick with an empty hand)
- Battle suit added
- Default transfer rate for the Quibit Cell increased
- Added several new items used for crafting components
- Added a simple magnet
- Quibit Clusters will push energy to neighbor blocks as long as it is not another Quibit Cluster
- Fixed a bug where the Quibit Cell wouldn't charge armor
- A few minor bug fixes and performance tweaks
- A few recipes were tweaked
GoldenAppleMinecraft said:RFDrills 1.1
- [ADDED] Ability to configure drill properties, such as mining speed, energy consumption etc.
- [ADDED] Config GUI goodness for all the above stuff! Some properties require a Minecraft restart, though
- [CHANGED] Slightly rebalanced some drills
- [FIXED] Durability bars being all weird when drills have more than 100% energy
I guess since this is coming to FTB I might as well post the changelogs here too [for Advent of Ascension]. This week's update:
Changelog for 2.2:
◘ Content:
► New Dimension: Crystevia
»A crystal caving dimension full of ores and mobs known as "Constructs".
» 10 Structures
►7 mobs for this dimension:
» Construct of Flight
» Construct of Strength
» Construct of Range
» Construct of Resistance
» Construct of Terror
» Construct of Speed
» Construct of Mind (rare)
► New boss: Crystocore
» A large floating boss
» Changes the type of debuff it provides in a large area around it
»» Debuff depends on colour
» Drops the Crystal Staves [see below - weapons]
► 11 New Mobs [outside Crystevia]
» Fungung (rare)(Mysterium)
» Flamewalker (hunter)(Nether)
» Hellcat (nether)
» Pigotron (nether)
» Fishix (hunter)(swamp)
» Skipper (hunter)(swamp)
» Swamp Charger (swamp)
» Void Charger (underground)
» Desert Charger (desert)
» Snow Charger (snow biomes)
» Boneback (hunter)(savannah)
► 2 New Pets
» Goofer (level 73 Creation)
» Construct of Servility (level 83 Creation)
► 2 New NPCs
» Crystal Lottoman (crystevia)
» Crystal Trader (crystevia)
► 13 New Weapons
» Crystal Maul (sword)
» Void Sword (sword)
» Ultraflame (sword)
» Blast Barrel (spread shotgun)
» Construct (gun)
» Crystal Carver (gun)
» Crystal Staff
» Cryston Staff
» Crystik Staff
» Crystaneer (sniper)
» Orbocron (energy weapon)
» Crystal Greatblade
» Shroomic Greatblade
►New Armor: Crystallis Armor
» 66% Chance To Deal Double Melee Damage
» 20% Chance To Deal 45% Of Base Damage To Yourself Too
◘ Functional Changes:
► New Death System
» Depending on a player's augury level they can now keep certain items on death
» Armor that a player is wearing is kept at level 20
» Weapons are kept at level 30
»» There is a GameRule to disable this feature called /keepNoInventory
»» There is a GameRule to keep everything still called /keepAllInventory
► Skill Changes
» Foraging:
»» Foraging exp has been boosted across all drops
»» Chances of foraging has been boosted across all drops
» Creation:
»» All members of the Draggy familiar had a large exp nerf
»» Ender Carriers had a large exp nerf
»» Spikebacks, Rammerhorns & Alluricorns had an exp buff
» New Augury Training:
»» Crystals that are made at Crystal Stations in Crystevia can now be converted to Essence
»» The type of Essence depends on a player's level
»» At least level 35 is needed
»» Converted at a 'Crystal Extension Shrine'
» Slight Generation Changes:
»» New water colours in several dimensions
»» Gardencia received a slight change to the amount of plants / flowers that generate (increased)
» Balance Changes:
»» Eeo's received a major health nerf in their scared form
»» Eeo blindness has been reduced largely
»» Emberstone Sword damage was decreased by 2 damage
»» Gimmick had a damage boost
»» Spectacle had a damage reduction
►Too many bugfixes to list.
I believe that works the other way; TiC, or rather ExtraTiC, would have to add support for AoA metals and gems.Can you add support for TiCon?![]()
OreCruncher said:Thermal Recycling 0.3.0ALPHA
- Added Thermal Recycler machine
FireDrgn said:Tooltips 1.0.0
- Finally the official release. Added/Fixed a few API features and redid the way you need the mod.
Hea3veN said:TwinTails
A Minecraft mod that adds twintails. This mod adds several cosmetic "Hair Tie" items, which can be equipped in the helmet armor slot. The recipe is one slimeball in the center of the crafting grid and 4 colored wool in a plus shape around it.
More info, source and issue tracker at github: https://github.com/hea3ven/TwinTails
OnyxDarkKnight said:Jewelrycraft 2 alpha-21
- Fixed some grammatical errors from the guide.
- Made the Smelter basin and bucket look metallic
- Made the Jeweler's Crafting Table texture to have a wooden top and stone legs
- Updated forge to version
- Changed the Jeweler's Crafting Recipe to use stone instead of cobblestone
- Fixed Fossils and Archeology from crashing
- Added a mcmod.info and a logo to it
MysteriousAges said:Magic Bees 2.3.0
- Full release of Botania integration.
- 8 new bee species, all about Botania
- Beegonia and Hiveacynth
- Manasteel apiary and arborist tools
- Some updates to internal stuff that you probably don't care about.
Ferdz said:Placeable Items 1.4.1
- Added bucket interaction (right click with filled bucket to fill a placed bucket)
- Optimized ingot's texture handling
- Changed ingot's texture
- Minor code refactoring
octarine_noise said:Better Foliage 1.0.11
- missing grass and particle textures will no longer crash the game
- added Hanging Grass
This is not true. Mod support from the mod itself is also possible: See Gany's End.I believe that works the other way; TiC, or rather ExtraTiC, would have to add support for AoA metals and gems.
... or you could DO IT YOURSELF!
Yes, good old-ish Endium. And Mariculture also adds tool parts. And is the integration of Thermal Foundation done by TiC or TF?This is not true. Mod support from the mod itself is also possible: See Gany's End.![]()