What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Yes, yes they are. New in modded Minecraft: poorly coordinated players.
TARDIS mod: expandable, sort of mobile bigger-on-the-inside-box. Looks fairly interesting to me. Link
New beta of Magical Crops. Link
WARNING: When updating to BETA 3 all vanilla crops and seeds already in a world will be deleted, sorry for the inconvenience.

- Added: Nature essence when right clicked on dirt turns it into grass
- Change: Dye essence is now called Technicolor essence
- Fix: Some incorrect essence names changed and fixed
- Added: Wither and Ender dragons drop zivicio essence when killed (this is configurable on/off and how much essence is dropped)
- Added: Passive & Hotile mobs drop minicio essence when killed (this is configurable on/off and the % chance of getting the drop)
- Fix: Zivicio flight should be more stable now
- Added: Ability to disable Zivicio armour flight in configs
- Changed: Some file names for crops/Seeds, mainly all vanilla crops/seeds will disappear if updating from BETA 2 or an older version of Magical Crops (Sorry but codes much clearner now)
- Added: Ultimate Diamond, Emerald, Ultimate Emerald apples (these can be disabled in configs)
New alpha of Thermal Recycling. Link
  • Core: Extraction module for the Thermal Recycler. This core allows the machine to convert that precious dust and scrap boxes into ingot dust. The quality of scrap determines which dusts can be produced. Scrapboxes count as if 10 pieces of scrap were used.
  • Thermal Recycler gives off particle effects when operating. This can be turned off in the config file.
  • All items have tool tips indicating the scrap level of the item if it were to be processed in a recycler w/o a decomposition core. Those items without a tooltip cannot be placed into a recycler (such as ingots and blocks). Tooltips can be turned of via the config file.
  • The scraping routines properly account for the tier of Thermal Expansion machine, strongbox, etc. and ensures the proper machine frame is used. Also, it will take into account whether the item has been modified with a Security lock and gives a chance to recycle those components. The Scrap Assessor will properly show all the parts for these items.
  • The scraping routines are smart enough to understand BuildCraft gates. When scrapped the proper chipsets and extensions can be generated. The Scrap Assessor will show you what will happen.
  • A bunch of work making sure that items are properly classified and configured for each of the supported mods. This is a WIP and any feedback as to game balance would be appreciated.
  • Refactor to make the code more extensible. Better isolation between components as well as a new infrastructure that allows for custom scrap routines.
  • Thanks to LorenzoDCC for Brazilian translations!
Essential Thaumaturgy, a bridge of sorts between Thaumcraft and Essentialcraft. Link
Arcane broes would be great if they didn't make so much damn flux.
Ah. I haven't played TC since 1.6.4; I finally decided to make my own packs, the first of which I decided would be tech themed. I won't get to the magick-y one for a while, if ever. ;)
Ironically enough, I prefer magic, but tech mods are easier to build packs with. Compatibility is just better overall. :p
Arcane broes would be great if they didn't make so much damn flux.
But they don't do that anymore, as far as I know.
Just stick a pickaxe and an excavation focus in them, and enjoy your mining (which can be sped up by using perditio centivis and light things up with a lux jar).
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I am looking for a mod that lets me identify which mod adds a recipe. Actually, let me clarify that a bit.

I have three crafting recipes for gold nuggets. One is gold ingot > 9 gold nuggets, but the other two are copper ingot/ardite ingot > 9 gold nuggets. I know for a fact that there is some mod that adds these ridiculously overpowered (and gamebreaking, I can't make copper nuggets anymore) recipes, but I don't know which one that is. Help would be appreciated.
If anyone still hasn't seen the survey by @xbony2 here it is and here is an analytic version
You know, I'm proud of those responses. I'm happy with all of the responses to the various copyright/money questions about mods.
I'm surprised that there is anyone who doesn't agree with #StopModReposts, though...

It might be a bit biased if it was posted on the FTB Forums alone. It can't really not be biased at all, though; only a small portion of the MC community actually frequents forums. So what we're looking at in that are the "good" members; those who self-advocate and discuss stuff.
... It's still awesome, though. :D
Maybe if it got posted on the front page of the Minecraft Forums...
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You know, I'm proud of those responses. I'm happy with all of the responses to the various copyright/money questions about mods.
I'm surprised that there is anyone who doesn't agree with #StopModReposts, though...

It might be a bit biased if it was posted on the FTB Forums alone. It can't really not be biased at all, though; only a small portion of the MC community actually frequents forums. So what we're looking at in that are the "good" members; those who self-advocate and discuss stuff.
... It's still awesome, though. :D
Maybe if it got posted on the front page of the Minecraft Forums...
It was originally spread around Twitter.
new day, new update, and today it's @ganymedes01 with Gany's Nether
ganymedes01 said:
Gany's Nether 1.8.0
  • Fix Weeping Pods being replaced by the MFR Planter
  • Changes to sceptres recipes. They are no longer crafted damaged for the first time.
  • Added Sceptre of Withering! Shoots wither skulls :O
  • Undertaker will now use the vanilla way of generating loot (better mod compatibility! yay!)
  • Lava consumption for the Magmatic Centrifuge is now configurable on a per-recipe basis
  • Adapt to forge's fluid changes
  • Small changes to some textures

and @ganymedes01 with Gany's End
ganymedes01 said:
Gany's End 1.9.0
  • New texture for Infinite Buckets
  • Adapt to forge's fluid change
  • Fix hoppers pullings from sided inventories when they shouldn't
  • Emulator sort of emulates grass colour
  • Infinite Bucket and Infinite Water Source now fill up botania's Petal Apothecary
  • Infinite Bucket and Infinite Water Source now fill up Cauldrons
  • Added Reinforced Ender Scythe (works like the old one but has better durability)
  • If Headcrumbs is present, drop its heads instead of Gany's End's

and @Lycanite with Lycanites Mobs
Lycanite said:
Lycanites Mobs
New Features:
  • New Mountain Mob Added: Barghest
Config Changes:
  • New config entry adding in lycanitesmobs-spawning, Ignore WorldGen Spawning, false by default and when set to true, mobs from this mod will not spawn when newly generated chunks are populated, this should be used if Lycanites Mobs are not to spawn in the overworld dimension.
  • The Warg will now also apply paralysis if it attacks an entity in mid air after using its leap ability in addition to its usually small area paralysis on landing.
  • Change: Mobs spawning in the water will now check the light level of an air or water block up to 24 blocks above instead of just air blocks 16 blocks above.
Minor Fixes:
  • The Dimension spawn restrictions should now work correctly.
  • The Familiar GUI should no longer incorrectly show up as empty, this needs to be tested.
  • Added a minimum size restriction to hit boxes to prevent tiny mobs from slipping into the ground such as Baby Silex.

and @OnyxDarkKnight with Jewelrycraft 2
OnyxDarkKnight said:
Jewelrycraft 2 1.0.8
  • Working on a GUI showing what curses you get with a description on them
  • Added a search bar in the Liquids Tab for easier searching
  • Fixed an issue with golden objects giving errors due to missing default texture
  • Improved the Infamy Mask to have less parts, thus causing less lag
  • Improved ingots and ore detection
  • Fixed certain ores when smelted outputting a different ingot
  • Necklaces and Rings now render as well
  • Updated the guide at the Guide item to have the proper link to the mod as well as mention the right people who helped with it
  • Added a list of the ores that work in the guide
  • Added a new tab to the guide regarding the ores and the ingots they create
  • Changed the stun effect caused by rings with feathers as modifiers to be a potion effect instead

and @pixlepix with Aura Cascade
pixlepix said:
Aura Cascade 362
  • Made looting enchantment act like vanilla
  • Fixed major bug when updating worlds to 358
  • Added creative-only pump

and @ollieread with TechnoMagi
ollieread said:
  • Ollie Read: Modifications for ability payloads
  • Ollie Read: Adjusted the handlers and added to the api class
  • Ollie Read: Casting stops and event is cancelled if the payloads do not match
  • Ollie Read: Made helper methods no longer check itemstack size
  • Ollie Read: Recipe modifications, including furnace recipe time shift transformations
  • Ollie Read: Added the analyser machine
  • Ollie Read: Blocks now have a rarity for item versions, and register their own TEs
  • Ollie Read: Rarity, textures and stuff
  • Ollie Read: Progress inside GUIs is now a %
  • Ollie Read: Relocated some item interfaces
  • Ollie Read: Yup, these
  • Ollie Read: Added progress percentage to resource processor TE
  • Ollie Read: Inventory component proxy now honors containers
  • Ollie Read: Made the researcher copy a combine rather than overwrite
  • Ollie Read: Added a tile specific extension of IResearcher
  • Ollie Read: Analyser rendering done, next it needs effects
  • Ollie Read: Containers now handle being destroyed
  • Ollie Read: Analyser auto syncs when right clicking on it with a personal interface
  • Ollie Read: Fixed gold ingot reference as recipe was broken
  • Ollie Read: Research storage advanced version, textures and localisations
  • Ollie Read: Analyser texture
  • Ollie Read: Analyser to retain data and has resettable research
  • Ollie Read: Method renaming
  • Ollie Read: Modified method for retrieving abilities list
  • Ollie Read: Mouse events now sets highlight ticks
  • Ollie Read: The ability name is highlighted and displayed when selecting it
  • Ollie Read: Texture fix for faux pocket renderer
  • Ollie Read: Renamed nanites for food ability
  • Ollie Read: Added tiltable block and ability corresponding to it
  • Ollie Read: Components are cleared from the abilities list before re-adding
  • Ollie Read: Various abilities
  • Ollie Read: Lots of textures and icons
  • Ollie Read: Many more localisations
  • Ollie Read: Fix for a locally found analyser bug
  • Ollie Read: Update in forge and a few init settings
Stuff that updated after Yusunoha posted :P

TechnoMagi (by ollieread)
Ollie Read: Small fix for interface NPE

Epic Siege Mod 10.0.106 (by Funwayguy)
Added configurable warm up period for players (Thanks Ben)
Added configurable 'Hardcore Days' (similar to blood moons)
Tweaked the swimming AI to priorities navigation over targets
Swimming AI should now work in all liquids
Mobs avoid flowing liquids now (counters water traps/barriers)
Fixed arrow crash issue with BattleGear2
New navigation hooks for possible features in future

EiraIRC 2.8.214 (by BlayTheNinth)
Ignore messages by itself in case some weird IRC servers are echoeing them

Fix server chat not being sent to IRC if a custom port is specified

Fix several other issues when specifying a custom port in the configuration

Fix loaded config not being properly cleared on /irc config reload

Fix preventUserPing adding numbers to names

Fix preventUserPing config command not working

Fix active channels not being clearing on config reload
ProjectE 1.4.6 "The Pack Author Tools Update" is now live on the Curse Client and at: http://minecraft.curseforge.com/mc-mods/226410-projecte/files

###Version 1.7.10-PE1.4.6
* NEW: More EE2 sounds added
* NEW: EMC values can now be pregenerated via config. Pack authors can use this feature to decrease load times
* NEW: Config option to log possible EMC exploits
* NEW: Italian language file
* NEW: German language file updates
* NEW: Config option to use old PE vein mining instead of the EE2 accurate version
* NEW: Test rendering code for future Patreon/code contributor cosmetics. Look for sinkillerj on your server to see it in action
* FIXED: Collector log spam caused by a naughty mod not checking if a inventory can accept a item
* FIXED: Possible workaround for the rare alchemical bag issues
* CHANGE: Lootballs have been optimized further
* CHANGE: Lootballs can be disabled via config
* CHANGE: Minimum Forge version bumped to 1291
New release of RFTools 2.83 with some bugfixes:

  • Teleporting from the end works now. This kind of teleportation is handled slightly differently in Minecraft which caused troubles for RFTools teleportation code. Worked around this so that you can now safely teleport out of the end using any of the RFTools teleportation mechanisms.
  • Added configuration options to control the rarity of unknown dimlet generation in chests.
  • Added a new configuration option to control the chance with which enderman drop unknown dimlets.
  • Implemented a 'Flight' effect dimlet.
  • Fixed flight (in both the environmental controller as well as a dimension) so the effect remains working if you switch dimensions.
  • Increased the buff time for dimension effects as well as the environmental controller to avoid the problem of night vision flashing when the effect is about to be restarted.
  • The matter transmitter now shows the destination in the tooltip (both inventory as well as WAILA tooltips).
  • Fixed the teleportation sound which was no longer playing. Whoosh!

Curse: http://www.curse.com/mc-mods/minecraft/224641-rftools#t1:other-downloads
Mediafire: http://www.mediafire.com/download/qlxjprubncb515h/rftools-2.83.jar

Have fun!
It might interest some of you to know that the DartCraft creator popped up again after I inadvertently gave him the impression that I was porting/stealing his mod. Seems that he plans to update it to 1.7.10 after all, completely rewritten and with a new name.

He got that impression since I've been making the 1.6.4 versions of a couple mods work in 1.7.10, similar to what I did with Intermediary and 1.2.5 mods, but with a different technique this time. I might even end up applying some of it to the previous version.
It might interest some of you to know that the DartCraft creator popped up again after I inadvertently gave him the impression that I was porting/stealing his mod. Seems that he plans to update it to 1.7.10 after all, completely rewritten and with a new name.

He got that impression since I've been making the 1.6.4 versions of a couple mods work in 1.7.10, similar to what I did with Intermediary and 1.2.5 mods, but with a different technique this time. I might even end up applying some of it to the previous version.

What no Zycraft yet? :P