What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Changing tickrate. Is that like downloading more ram?
No, it alters the amount of ticks per second that passes. The game uses ticks to determine growth rate, machine progress and other such things. By increasing the tick rate, you essentially make a second 'longer' for the game, meaning more machine progress per second. If you reduce it, 'shortening' a second, you slow down the game.
new day, new update, and today it's @ganymedes01 with Another One Bites the Dust: Berry Bushes
ganymedes01 said:
Inspired by Tinker's Construct, this add-on adds bushes that yield berries that can be smelted into nuggets of any of the metals found in your game!

-Berry bushes generate randomly in caves all around your world.
-They will only grow and prosper if they are in a dark enough area!


-Can I use this on my modpack?

and @RWTema with Extra Utilities
RWTema said:
Extra Utilities 1.2.4c
  • "Soul of a forgotten deity" now drops super-duper-extremely rarely from mobs.
  • Switched Trading post to use better code when the player chooses an villager to interact with (so now Mystcraft villagers custom trading guis show up).
  • Reduced Food generator auto-scaling-nerf for non-vanilla foods
  • Fixed Thaumcraft-Compatability crash when spikes are disabled.
  • Added config options for disabling transfer nodes infinite water/cobble gen.

and @TomEV with Router Reborn
TomEV said:
Router Reborn 1.1.25
  • Fixed crash on fluid extractor.
  • Added: Camouflage device, for hiding routers (Item routers only for now)

and @warlordjones with SteamCraft 2
warlordjones said:
SteamCraft 2 B4.3
  • Stonebrick (with mossy, cracked and chiseled) and stone slab wall.
  • Capacitor. 64M storage, but only transfers at 10rf/tick. Intended to be a long term energy storage.
  • Autofeeder module
  • Update Chinese localisation joccob
  • Add recipes for converting engraved blocks black to normal blocks
  • Diamond/Lapis engraved block retextures
  • Energy system rebalancing work. Still trying to work it out.
  • Move the SC2 api TO SC2, rather than having it in Boilerplate. That was an…odd…idea of mine.
  • Change the magnet recipe to use a single-use voltaic pile rather than an electric jar. Never meant for the lightning rod to be anything more than an optional generator.
  • Shrinkray refuses to shrink tile entities. Intentional
  • Rename 'Chisel' to 'Engraving Tool’

and @X_Simeon with Matter Overdrive
X_Simeon said:
Matter Overdrive 0.2.6
  • Implemented Transporter
  • Implemented new Automatic Matter Calculation from recipes
  • Added recipes for the Pattern Monitor and All the Machine Upgrades
  • Added new Range Upgrade for the transporter
  • Fixed Machines sound remaining when in unloaded chunk
  • Added Version Checking
  • New options for matter overriding in config, and adding new items as well as blacklist of items
  • CoFHLib is now an external dependency, and is required to run the mod
  • Machines now how their power, matter and upgrades when picked up by a wrench.

and @Ivorius with Ye Gamol Chattels
Ivorius said:
Ye Gamol Chattels 1.1.2
  • New: Right clicking sculptures with a club hammer now rotates it
  • New: Comparator support for item shelves, loot chests, pedestals and weapon racks
  • New: API and config options to add new entries to saw benches and table presses
  • New: Club hammer functionality (break opaque blocks into microblocks) now works on compatible blocks
  • Change: Vitas are now procedurally added to the creative tab (so that modded entities appear too)
  • Fix: Weapon Rack modifications now apply live again
  • Fix: A few english translations were missing
  • Fix: Refinement progress is now properly discarded when removing the item from the table press
  • Fix: Potential crash when looking at the sky while holding a chisel / microblock
  • Fix: Statues will no longer burn if the killed entity was burning
More fixes for GregTech from Greg.
GregoriusT said:
[FIXED] A lot of tiny not that noteworthy things.
[FIXED] Screwdrivers not being craftable from Screwdriver Tips.
[FIXED] The Collection Bounding Box of the Smelting Crucible. This means you need to aim better to hit it, also Molds aren't scrapped as often, when they are harvested while being right next to a Crucible.
[FIXED] The missing Gem Rods (what caused missing Gem Tools) and the missing Crafting Recipe for the Bismuth Chest.
[FIXED] changed Black Bronze to require 2 Electrum instead of 1 Gold and 1 Silver, and Bismuth Bronze to require 4 Brass instead of 3 Copper and 1 Zinc.
[FIXED] Crucibles and Molds made of Metal being considered Machine Blocks rather than Metal Blocks resulting in a Wrench requirement instead of a Pickaxe one. Only newly placed or replaced Crucibles and Molds will be Pickaxable, older ones will stay Wrenchable.
[CHANGE] Moved some Textures to the API, so that they are globally usable in the future. (Barometer Overlays and the Character Overlays)
I have updated Jewelrycraft 2, few bug fixes, a few changes and some additions to help language pack creators and modders
OnyxDarkKnight said:
Jewelrycraft 2 v1.0.9
  • Added EE3 EMC values, thank you to MineMarteen for providing the ThirdPartyManager code :)
  • Working on making it possible to translate every part of the mod
  • Created an interface modders can use to make an item wearable in the jewelry inventory and have special effects
  • Hearts and Half-Hearts are no longer invincible and have a life span of 1 minute, this should reduce lag considerably
  • Fixed molten metal render in the molder
  • Fixed an issue with smelters detecting being as full
  • You can now smelt back jewelry to get the ingot
  • Fixed an issue where the smelter would say the item is renamed to 'Ingot' even if it is not
  • Like
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