Your hour-before-bat-outta-heck report: (EDT edition) [yes, that stands for "Ermuffin's Diabetic Troll"]
@CoolSquid's altbot has gone haywire and generated a mind of its own.
@Vazkii has updated Botania to 1.6! I'm... flabbergasted.
A suspicious @iChun was seen lurking around today, emerging after nearly two years, which brought to light that his mods were recently either updated or just recently added to Curseforge! I'm too confused to find out which!
^^ This was already reported! I should probably stop!
@CoolSquid's altbot has gone haywire and generated a mind of its own.
@Vazkii has updated Botania to 1.6! I'm... flabbergasted.
Terra was released by the evil-minded ones of Feed The Beast!R1.6 173
- Added Relics. New unique, soulbound items with really powerful effects. There's currently 6 of them along with 2 extras.
- Added the ability to enter the Alfheim dimension through the portal if you have a specific item...
- Added fluid mana that you can store in railcraft, buildcraft, and so on, tanks. The conversion rate isn't 1:1 if you do it both ways.
- Added multiblock mana pools, 3x3, 5x5 and even 7x7. They store way more than normal ones, as expected.
- Added radius viewer functionality to the Manaseer Monocle. While looking at a flower with it equipped one will be able to see the flower's effective range visually.
- Added the Black Hole Talisman. It's the unlimited cobblestone works. Wait, that's from thaumic tinkerer. STOP STEALING CODE FROM YOURSELF VAZKII YOU SCUMLORD
- Added the Resolute Ivy, an Ivy item similar to the Timeless Ivy that lets you keep the item it's attached to through death.
- Added the Reverse Mana Fluxfield that transforms RF to mana. Again, the conversion rate isn't too generous so get your big reactors dusted.
- Added the Spriggan Mana Tablet, an upgrade to the normal Mana Tablet using Dragonstones that holds 10x as much.
- Botania tile entities no longer register non-prefixed names (eg, "pump" rather than "botania
ump"). This fixes incompatibilities with mods that have similar names. Since both names were registered previously, transition will work with no problems.
- Changed the Gaia Guardian to be able to be killed by fake players after I got spammed with requests for it.
- Edited the Thaumcraft Integration page to tell the user that the Botanurgist's Inkwell needs to be charged when created.
- Entries that come from botania addons will not have the "View Online" button.
- Fixed Ancient Wills rendering on a Terrasteel Helmet that has Phantom Ink.
- Fixed double flowers being able to be duplicated through bone meal.
- Fixed glimmering flowers being able to be bonemealed to create double flowers.
- Fixed the Hyacidus, Pollidisiac, Tigerseye, Narslimmus and Medumone having their range be lower in one side.
- Fixed the Phantom Ink recipe working if more than one piece of armor is put in the grid.
- Floral Powder can now dye sheep.
- Moved the Life Aggregator to the Ender Artifacts section and made it require two Bottles of Ender Air.
- Redid all the flowers, spreaders and pool HUDs. They now show exactly (in numbers) how much mana the blocks have, are producing and are receiving.
- Removed the cooldown on Thermalilies and returned their production rate to the original speed they were at before.
- The Mana Pump will not stop outputting a comparator signal once it stops pumping as long as it has a cart on the rail.
- [API] Added IManaFluidContainer and IRFManaAcceptor for compatibility.
- [API] Added IRelic, IWireframeCoordinateListProvider, ISequentialBreaker.
- [API] Added RELIC EnumRarity.
- [API] Added breakOnAllCursors() to the internal method handler.
- [API] Increased version number to 37.
^^ This was already reported! I should probably stop!