What's new in modded minecraft today?

  • The FTB Forum is now read-only, and is here as an archive. To participate in our community discussions, please join our Discord! https://ftb.team/discord


Also, IC2 can handle a lot more power throughput than I thought, as demonstrated with 1-tick mass-fabricator(ing):

Also, @xbony2, is there any way to get me in touch with Greg? I want to make sure that these do not upset what he is trying to do, so I would like his input for suggestions to make the converters more dangerous/expensive if "hard mode IC2" (either a config or GT installtion) is enabled.
@SpwnX is a lot better bet for getting in touch with Greg.[DOUBLEPOST=1414887405][/DOUBLEPOST]
Visiting his thread on the IC² forums is a good way, or PMing him there.
If you are fond of IRC you can join #kirara , the server which he plays (although he hasnt joined it recently).
Damn you ninja[DOUBLEPOST=1414887485][/DOUBLEPOST]
Visiting his thread on the IC² forums is a good way, or PMing him there.
If you are fond of IRC you can join #kirara , the server which he plays (although he hasnt joined it recently).
Also, It would have been a better idea to PM him the kirara thing. :| No, IRC stalkers please. ESpecially since the server is hooked up to that.
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Also, IC2 can handle a lot more power throughput than I thought, as demonstrated with 1-tick mass-fabricator(ing):

Also, @xbony2, is there any way to get me in touch with Greg? I want to make sure that these do not upset what he is trying to do, so I would like his input for suggestions to make the converters more dangerous/expensive if "hard mode IC2" (either a config or GT installtion) is enabled.
Mimicking the trolls (notice the /s)
Some updates to my small mods

Santa's Decor updated to 0.6
Freedom updated to 1779

Santa's Decor:
  • NEW: You can now use the config file to set the ender pearl family to output the same amount as any other block family. This should be used in modpacks where pearls are farmable and/or abundant.
  • NEW: Crying block family
  • NEW: Porked block family
  • NEW: Creative tab now has a search bar
  • FIX/TWEAK: Glass blocks are now included in the families of their respective material (this includes in the config file)

  • Wayne County, North Carolina created in honor of General Anthony Wayne.
  • NEW: Add some MTN Dew-based console messages.
  • NEW: Search bar in the creative tab
  • NEW: Config file
new day, new update, and today it's @neptunepink with Factorization
neptunepink said:
Just polishing & bugfixing.
  • Shifting goo into the void will return it to you; use this to recover goo that is inconvenient to break
  • Goo now expands twice as quickly, and punching it removes a larger area
  • Using goo in creative mode should behave better
  • Creative-mode players can spread goo up to 1024 blocks
  • Fixed z-fighting at certain camera angles
  • Shows a bounding box in the tool tip

and @TheDrunkMafia with Thaumic Infusion

Ok, so with this release I have decided to keep things closed up and secrete. But I will say that the mod will have special effects for other mods (Computer craft) and there might be a teaser mod review coming out, however for now lets dive into the update which is about the new infusion process.

So after being away for a while I have reflected allot on the old releases and I hate the way the infusion process worked in them, they were clunky and unneeded. So I am cutting it away and trying something abit more risky, I have merged my core with the infusion alter from vanilla TC. When you want to do block infusion, you can switch out the pedestal from under the matrix with the infusion core. Now normal infusions will work even with the core, the core will decrease instability but will add a major magic cost to ALL infusions for the stability it adds.

But to start a BLOCK infusion, the player will have to right click on the core itself and not the matrix. The way I intend to have this all work, is you have the catalyst block in the core and aspect shards on all the pedestals, the core can take stacks so all is fine with bulk infusions, the shards on the pedestals surrounding the alter will serve as an indicator. The core will see which shards are on the pedestals and will drain the jars that have that aspect within it. Essentia charges will still apply to the infusion, which means that aqua will cost 1 essentia per block whereas vacusos will cost 6 essentia per block.

All in all, you should expect a better mod than last time. I am sorry to everyone who has followed the progress of my mod and has been let down by me leaving without any notice. But I intend to do a better job this time and make something which is worthy of the following that has been built up.

(P.S. Sorry for any typos, I wrote this on my tablet)

This is a small teaser of what I ment from the last update, the infusion core will work like a pedestal but will offer more stability and will infuse blocks with the aspects on the rest of pedestals when right clicked with a wand
Cool mod I found over at the Japanese forums.
Very nice Thermal Expansion add-on
It came out about 2 weeks ago, so there are some bugs.




◆チャンクリーダー&チャンクレコーダー <Chunk Reader & Chunk Recorder>


◆ロックカッター&レーザーロックカッター <Rockcutter & Laser Rockcutter>

◆鉄盤の剣 <Bediron Sword>
耐久4096 攻撃力16

◆エンチャント 宿命&過負荷 <Fate & Overload>
宿命 Ⅰ~Ⅲ 耐久が減るほど攻撃力が上がる
過負荷 Ⅰ~Ⅴ 攻撃力が上がるが耐久の消費も増え、攻撃したとき一定確率で自分もダメージを受ける


◆合金精錬機 <Alloy Smelter>


◆レーザークァーリー <Laser Quarry>


・チャンク境界の表示 <Show Chunk Border>
・液体バリアの建設 <Build Barrier>

◆グラインダー <Grinder> 大型機械
(There was suppose to be a cool Multiblock.gif structure here, but japanese forums no like to show .gif, so... go to the mod's site and check it out in one of the spoilers.)


Carpenter's Block
Released a new dev build 3.3.1 DEV R3. I fixed the void layer crash, and possibly a crash at the world ceiling (same type of scenario). Also, Nuchaz was kind enough to add block rotation support to just about everything, so blocks should play more nicely with mods like Archimedes' Ships.
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Umm, every single image is broken for me.

EDIT: Why are people liking this, did I miss sarcasm or an obvious joke?
Meh, I just liked it.

I'm on a mobile device, so all I did was copy, but apparently the japanese forums pictures are not in .png or .gif

So... I went to imgur to upload all the images, can't upload the .gif though :S
To see the rest of the pictures just go to the site.
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Meh, I just liked it.

I'm on a mobile device, so all I did was copy, but apparently the japanese forums pictures are not in .png or .gif

So... I went to imgur to upload all the images, can't upload the .gif though :S
To see the rest of the pictures just go to the site.
Works now! ;)
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This Mod adds an item which name is Large Sign.Block size and text size of Large Sign is bigger than Sign, and you can choose one of all items icons showing on it ,like Item Frame but not need to consume items.

There is two mode in the current version,Text Mode and Item Icon Mode.In Text Mode,you can input text and edit it font style and more.InItem Icon Mode,you can choose an items icon showing on the sign. Large Sign only be placed on the walls,it can not stand on the floor.
Text Mode

Above is Text Mode GUI screenshot.Using Font Styles controls to edit the font Style of showing text,and using Adjustor controls to move or scale showing text.Color Switcher controls is used to change the color of showing text.You can edit message at the inputbox,and only enter 8 characters(not include style carets).
Font Styles
To edit font style correctly,you have to use style carets.In this Mod,style carets are different with original carets,you can see the screenshot as above,style carets show in the inputbox,and the font style of each character are displayed on the Large Sign separately.
You can adjust "X pos." and "Y pos." to move the position of showing text.Adjusting "Scale" to resize showing text.
Color Switcher
This controls using RGBA to represent color.You can adjust the value or click color blocks to change text color.

Item Icon Mode

Above is Item Icon Mode GUI screenshot.There is an list of all items display at right side.Just click the item icon which you want and it will show on the sign and click "prev" or "next" to change page.You do not need to consume items.

Recipe of Large Sign as below:


Ender IO
- Added text labels to Travel Anchors and improved rendering and selection
- Added new item 'Ender Resonator', made in Slice'N'Splice, used to make wireless chargers and dim. trans.
'Easy' recipe config option added to use old, cheaper recipe
- Added wireless powered light (tterrag)
- Old transceiver now hidden in NEI / creative tab. Will be removed soon, convert existing blocks to new version by
placing in the crafting grid
- #1167 Improved NEI handlers (Tonius)
- #1165 Updated zh_CN.lang (Mrkwtkr)
- Removed mobs from EnderIO, moved to new mod EnderZoo
- Redstone conduits will now output strong signal to blocks they are connected to (tterrag)
- Machines now only respond to strong redstone signals (tterrag)
- #1181 Add dump buttons to vat tanks (tterrag)
- Added the ability to set the output direction of Ender Rails

- #1162 Infinite Broken-Spawner exploit with Twilight Forest
- #1170 Dimensional Transceiver infinite loop with liquids
- #1176 Stirling Gen not outputting as much power as it generates when base rate changed in config
- Transceiver item buffers would allow multiple non-stackable items of the same type

Pneumaticraft 1.3.0-30
This version is marked as beta as it contains a GUI refactor, lots of existing code has changed. It could be that I missed something/forgot to change something. Additionally to that I've changed the air dispersion system. I do think it's stable, but you never know ;). Any bug reports are appreciated, at the usual place https://github.com/MineMaarten/PneumaticCraft/issues?q=is:eek:pen is:issue!

-Added Redstone Flux converters (Pneumatic Dynamo and Flux Compressor).
-Added liquid XP pumping in/out of the Aerial Interface (works with OpenBlocks' Liquid XP and MFR's Mob Essence).
-Refactored GUI code.
-Finally got rid of all possibilities of getting plastic plant seeds with a weird meta value.
-Added config option to disable the seed drops of entities.

Bugfix: GPS Tool doesn't work when either the X, Y or Z is 0.
Bugfix: Aphorism Tile adds whitespace when characters like Shift are pressed.
Bugfix: Dupe bug with drones, when breaking a drone holding items, and replacing it.
Bugfix: World corruption (StackOverFlow) when connecting up many Elevators next to each other.
Bugfix: Regulator Tube doesn't behave.

Apparently, MinecraftForums now has a ModPack section:
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Not so big news, but Reika's mods is gonna be a bit more compatible with GregTech "soon" (for more info read the last ~5 pages of the GT thread), and its GregTech update time:
GregoriusT said:
Fixed the Crash Issue due to accidential Clientside Code on Servers in my own Written Book Items.
Added Creeper Ignition on Leftclick using any Lighter or Matches.
Another note is that the Changelog for GregTech and Q/A is now available at the maven.
If you happen to open the changelog, you will notice the future changelog of 5.06.03 , but that is not even released, thus i'm not posting it here, yet. Courtesy of Greg.
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