What's new in modded minecraft today?

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@WayofTime comes with a new rune! It increases the capacity of altar 10% multiplicatively! (Whatever that means...)

A second tier storage rune nice. Add one it incresses the amount of blood it stores by 10% for each rune. From 10,000 to 11,500 12,000
and so on
. No that's works out to less than the old version. Whitch adds 1,500 each time. 10,000 11,500 12,000
Maybe geometric expansion? 10,000 * 10% = 11,000 * 10% = 12,100
That could increase way to fast.
Next would be 13,310 14,641 16105.1? Yah maybe not.
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A second tier storage rune nice. Add one it incresses the amount of blood it stores by 10% for each rune. From 10,000 to 11,500 12,000
and so on
. No that's works out to less than the old version. Whitch adds 1,500 each time. 10,000 11,500 12,000
Maybe geometric expansion? 10,000 * 10% = 11,000 * 10% = 12,100
That could increase way to fast.
Next would be 13,310 14,641 16105.1? Yah maybe not.
Multiplicative increase and geometric expansion are the same. No matter which one you use, the principle remains the same: total storage = 10,000 x 1.1^amount of expansion runes.
Multiplicative increase and geometric expansion are the same. No matter which one you use, the principle remains the same: total storage = 10,000 x 1.1^amount of expansion runes.

I didn't recognize the term Multiplicative. Heh the more you know.
Of coarse you will probably also be able to combine the two types of expansion runes. Up to a point that will give you the biggist bang for your buck.
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I didn't recognize the term Multiplicative. Heh the more you know.
Of coarse you will probably also be able to combine the two types of expansion runes. Up to a point that will give you the biggist bang for your buck.
With only a few runes, the flat increase runes or 'additive' runes would be the best, but with eleven expansion runes or more, using only the multiplicative ones give you a higher total size.
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If you're having liquid problem....
Hehe ^.^ "liquid". I'm sorry, I'm so immature!

Anyway back to the liquid.

Have you ever wanted a portable tank?
What? Almost every mod has this feature!
No! Get outta here! Really?

Well this portable tank is way better!
What awesome amazing things can this tank do that others can't?!
Well this tank is part of your inventory!

michael__ said:
Have you ever wanted to carry a few buckets of some liquid around, but didn't have enough inventory space for all the buckets? Well this mod is here to save the day! This mod is an attempt to make an easy way to carry a few buckets of liquids without the need to mess with lots of buckets or portable tanks. You just have tanks as part of your inventory, so like you have slots for items you have slots for liquids too.
michael__ said:
Currently planned features:
  • Some kind of armor you equip that has tanks in it.
  • The armor adds tanks which can be accessed by pressing L (for liquids).
  • Integration with buckets like auto-refilling the bucket in your hand from liquids in your tanks, and auto-emptying buckets into your tanks when collecting liquids.
Known bugs:
  • Weird behavior when trying to empty tank into multiple buckets at a time.
It's very new but these are the current features:
First version is now available!
What it has:
  • Press L to show liquids menu
  • Empty and fill buckets from tank.
What it doesn't have:
  • Something to equip that allows you to have tanks.
  • Save liquid in tank after world reload.
  • Some way to drop everything in the tank when you die.
Thanks for the help. I guess there is only one way to find out, play with the mod.


TechnoMagi is a mod I'm currently working on that brings large scale futuristic technology to the world of Minecraft. The name comes from the fact that the primary focus is technology, but on a scale that appears as if its magic.This is my first large mod and has turned out to be a much larger project than I had originally anticipated. TechnoMagi has a large set of features, including but not limited to, nanites, abilities, passive abilities, teleportation, power systems, roboticisation of mobs and several ways to research.


The first thing a TechnoMage initiate must do before having their nanites activated, is select the specialisation path they wish to walk.A TechnoMages specialisation affords them extra abilities reflective of their chosen path.​
  • Scholar.png
    - The scholar path is one chosen by those who seek knowledge and understanding wherever they may be, and wherever that may take them. Some scholars consider themselves to be the superior technomages, but a true scholar would know that they are simply a small part of a large machine, and without their fellow technomages, that large machine would fall apart.
    As a scholar you receive a random research boost while collecting data on knowledge topics.
  • Medic.png
    Medic - The medic path is one chosen by those who value life above all else. Technomages who choose to follow the medic path, are for the most part, empathetic, caring individuals, who accept the responsibility of the life of others without a second thought.
    As a medic you receive increased regenerative capabilities, allowing you to tend to the wounds and needs of others without worrying about yourself.
  • Warrior.png
    - The warrior path is one chosen by those who strive for strength in the pursuit of protecting others. Warriors are the frontline of the technomage world, their job is to defend and protect their fellow technomages by putting their life on the line. For the most part, technomage warriors will if possible, seek an option that does not require fighting.
    As a warrior you receive the ability to endure more physical damage compared to your fellow technomages.
Although each specialisation is entitled to certain abilities, every specialisation will gain the default abilities awarded for discovering certain knowledge topics.



I know that the term research is a daunting one, but don't let that fool you, this comes in several different flavours.​
  • Event - This comes from data that your internal nanites collect as you play the game, this can be a result of almost any event in the game, from certain kinds of damage, to picking up certain items dropped by entities. This is the main source of research and is designed so that it happens as you play, as to not draw you away from the actual gameplay.
  • Analysis - This is similar to other mods research systems in that you create a machine which will analyse the items placed into it. Once you've added the items to this, you can continue playing and let this machine do the work. The actual GUI looks a lot like that of a crafting table and will sometimes require multiple levels, for example, if you complete the analysis of a potion, it may be required that you then analyse its recipe.
  • Crafting - This is data collected as you craft certain items within the game.
  • Mining - This is data collected as and when you mine certain blocks.
  • Observation - This is data collected from observation chambers. Certain entities within the game can be led into one of these chambers, whereby the chamber will then monitor the entity and collect data. You can fire certain types of research by providing the chamber with items such as potions which will add a chunk of data if it matches a recipe.
  • Monitoring - Like observation, this comes from entities, but rather than collecting entities in chambers, this comes from replicating your own nanites in blood samples from the entity you want to monitor, you then add these nanites to the entity and let them do their work. Just like monitoring, you can fire certain bits of data collection by performing various acts on the entities.
Research adds up for a certain topic which will unlock a piece of knowledge. Each knowledge topic requires 100 research but may have more than 100 research available, allowing you a more tailored discovery.


Abilities come in two flavours, active and passive. Both are gained through discovering knowledge (which research leads to), or a combination of knowledge.Active abilities require you to select them as your active ability in the overlay GUI which exists on the left hand side of the screen, these are then activated by right clicking. Some abilities require you to have nothing in your hand, some require you to be clicking a block or entity and others require you to be in a certain situation like falling or running.Passive abilities at the moment are always there although there are plans for you to be able to disable and enable them as you like. These abilities provide such things as nanite regeneration and damage reduction, like the 'redistribute force' ability which will take the force normally exerted on a player as they fall from a damaging height and redirect it outwards, protecting the player from damage.


I've written the core functionality into an API/Library/Core mod called Ennds which can be used for development and should be installed alongside TechnoMagi.

I'm setup a wiki which I'm trying to update as and when I get everything working. It can be found here.​
Seems like an overhual mod, I probably wouldn't play it.
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Some new Gregtech updates from GregoriusT, with more Thaumcraft support.


  • Added a lot more Recipes/Researches for Thaumcraft.
  • All GT Thaumcraft Research is now properly configurable.
  • Fixed some Bugs I stumbeled upon.
  • Added a lot of Convenience Recipes to the Assembler and the Cutter in order to make several Vanilla Blocks and Items without having to use an Autocrafter.
You can now select your permission nodes: http://puu.sh/a8Msz/a2ffb41c29.jpg…

Green means you've got the permission. Red means you're dead! http://puu.sh/a8TLM/a4875886e0.jpg…

had an update to 1.7.2 a few days ago.
No changelog that I can find though :sadface:

1.7.2. Release and Making qCraft Open Source
Posted on July 7, 2014 by qCraft Team
Back in October, Dan200 and some friends from Google, MinecraftEdu, E-Line Media, and CalTech came together to build qCraft to see if we could bring quantum mechanical principles into Minecraft. Seven months and hundreds of thousands of downloads later, we’ve been thrilled to see what players have done with it, and even more excited by their ideas for how to expand the mod.

Since launching, we’ve added some new features like server-to-server teleportation and advanced redstone interactions, and built a whole curriculum for teachers to use in the classroom. But we know there’s so much more qCraft can do, so today we’re taking the mod open source, available for anyone to contribute to or fork.

Developers can help our team improve the current quantum features, like allowing mobs and players to be teleported using quantum computers. Or they can add totally new features, like quantum levitation (maglev minecarts!). Or they can fork the mod and do whatever they want with it, whether it’s quantum or not: maybe houses that disappear with the flick or a switch, or doors that only open with the placement of the correct series of blocks.

The possibilities are endless, and that’s part of the reason why we’re going open source.

Fork the source on Google Code and start experimenting.

Happy hacking!

qCraft Team
Draconic Evolution has a new beta build!


Changelog thus far:
Added Items:
Wyvern and Draconic Armor
Wyvern is slightly better than diamond but add boosts for each piece of armor Haste I and Jump Boost I
Draconic Armor provides ultimate protection (95% of damage negated). Also provides fire resistance (swimming in lava...Oh Yeah!). Added boosts are Night Vision, Jump Boost II and Haste II. The chest provides for creative style flight.​

Mob Spawner
Since MFR is the only real mob spawning mechanic at the moment. Added the ability to convert Vanilla Spawners to Draconic Spawners.
1 in 1000 chance to drop mob essence (can change in the config to any value)
Right click Draconic Spawner with essence to turn into that specific mob. At level 0 spawner works exactly like a vanilla spawner.
Can be upgraded (exact materials still in testing) all the way to tier 3. Each tier decreases the delay between spawns and at tier 3 it is redstone controllable.​
Particle Block
Decorative block that is highly configurable to emit a variety of particle effects​
Energy Infuser
Many tools and eventually the Draconic Chest piece will require RF to function. To offset this the energy infuser offers a quick way to infuse the items with energy. It can take in as much as you can give it (nether star generators anyone) and then transfer to the items inside.​

Various bugfixes and prep for version 1.7.10
Possibly adding a "generator" of sorts with limitations so outside of powering the infuser can't be abused as a primary power source.