What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Maybe the TE stuff is just the new input/output displays, it could be useful as it would be possible to see them when pipes are attached, meaning some people *coughs* DireWolf *coughs* won't derp as much

Or maybe a florb storage device thingy, so you can r-click on one of those "tanks" with an empty florb and get what's in it (although, I don't understand the point in florbs, so I don't know)

And some stuff from skyboy way back I never saw:
On Twitter Skyboy said:
So I may have done a thing while updating.
and then shortly after
Skyboy said:
And this is what I spent all day yesterday tweaking. Mega Rubber Trees (lights not included). They're worldgen!
-first tweet
-second tweet
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Can anyone give this a go?
I'm on mobile, so I can't try this.
Just a mod to centralize your ores and simplify configs, it also dynamically adjusts ore generation rates depending upon what mods you have installed.

That's what it does, no more info.
If this is as good as I hope it is, I can play my packs without the ores being everywhere.
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Can anyone give this a go?
I'm on mobile, so I can't try this.

That's what it does, no more info.
If this is as good as I hope it is, I can play my packs without the ores being everywhere.
Unfortunately that appears to be the extent of the information on the mod. He worked on it back in december and then not again until may, then most recent the port to 1.7.10 but no other details on what it does or how to use it.
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Unfortunately that appears to be the extent of the information on the mod. He worked on it back in december and then not again until may, then most recent the port to 1.7.10 but no other details on what it does or how to use it.
Thanks for the help. I guess there is only one way to find out, play with the mod.


TechnoMagi is a mod I'm currently working on that brings large scale futuristic technology to the world of Minecraft. The name comes from the fact that the primary focus is technology, but on a scale that appears as if its magic.This is my first large mod and has turned out to be a much larger project than I had originally anticipated. TechnoMagi has a large set of features, including but not limited to, nanites, abilities, passive abilities, teleportation, power systems, roboticisation of mobs and several ways to research.


The first thing a TechnoMage initiate must do before having their nanites activated, is select the specialisation path they wish to walk.A TechnoMages specialisation affords them extra abilities reflective of their chosen path.​
  • Scholar.png
    - The scholar path is one chosen by those who seek knowledge and understanding wherever they may be, and wherever that may take them. Some scholars consider themselves to be the superior technomages, but a true scholar would know that they are simply a small part of a large machine, and without their fellow technomages, that large machine would fall apart.
    As a scholar you receive a random research boost while collecting data on knowledge topics.
  • Medic.png
    Medic - The medic path is one chosen by those who value life above all else. Technomages who choose to follow the medic path, are for the most part, empathetic, caring individuals, who accept the responsibility of the life of others without a second thought.
    As a medic you receive increased regenerative capabilities, allowing you to tend to the wounds and needs of others without worrying about yourself.

  • Warrior.png
    - The warrior path is one chosen by those who strive for strength in the pursuit of protecting others. Warriors are the frontline of the technomage world, their job is to defend and protect their fellow technomages by putting their life on the line. For the most part, technomage warriors will if possible, seek an option that does not require fighting.
    As a warrior you receive the ability to endure more physical damage compared to your fellow technomages.
Although each specialisation is entitled to certain abilities, every specialisation will gain the default abilities awarded for discovering certain knowledge topics.



I know that the term research is a daunting one, but don't let that fool you, this comes in several different flavours.​
  • Event - This comes from data that your internal nanites collect as you play the game, this can be a result of almost any event in the game, from certain kinds of damage, to picking up certain items dropped by entities. This is the main source of research and is designed so that it happens as you play, as to not draw you away from the actual gameplay.
  • Analysis - This is similar to other mods research systems in that you create a machine which will analyse the items placed into it. Once you've added the items to this, you can continue playing and let this machine do the work. The actual GUI looks a lot like that of a crafting table and will sometimes require multiple levels, for example, if you complete the analysis of a potion, it may be required that you then analyse its recipe.
  • Crafting - This is data collected as you craft certain items within the game.
  • Mining - This is data collected as and when you mine certain blocks.
  • Observation - This is data collected from observation chambers. Certain entities within the game can be led into one of these chambers, whereby the chamber will then monitor the entity and collect data. You can fire certain types of research by providing the chamber with items such as potions which will add a chunk of data if it matches a recipe.
  • Monitoring - Like observation, this comes from entities, but rather than collecting entities in chambers, this comes from replicating your own nanites in blood samples from the entity you want to monitor, you then add these nanites to the entity and let them do their work. Just like monitoring, you can fire certain bits of data collection by performing various acts on the entities.
Research adds up for a certain topic which will unlock a piece of knowledge. Each knowledge topic requires 100 research but may have more than 100 research available, allowing you a more tailored discovery.


Abilities come in two flavours, active and passive. Both are gained through discovering knowledge (which research leads to), or a combination of knowledge.Active abilities require you to select them as your active ability in the overlay GUI which exists on the left hand side of the screen, these are then activated by right clicking. Some abilities require you to have nothing in your hand, some require you to be clicking a block or entity and others require you to be in a certain situation like falling or running.Passive abilities at the moment are always there although there are plans for you to be able to disable and enable them as you like. These abilities provide such things as nanite regeneration and damage reduction, like the 'redistribute force' ability which will take the force normally exerted on a player as they fall from a damaging height and redirect it outwards, protecting the player from damage.


I've written the core functionality into an API/Library/Core mod called Ennds which can be used for development and should be installed alongside TechnoMagi.

I'm setup a wiki which I'm trying to update as and when I get everything working. It can be found here.​
Can anyone give this a go?
I'm on mobile, so I can't try this.

That's what it does, no more info.
If this is as good as I hope it is, I can play my packs without the ores being everywhere.

Looks like it's meant to replace everybody else's ore with his versions. He probably found out that mods mod devs aren't willing to make there mod dependent on anothers.
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new day, new update, starting with @Aidan with a screenshot of a cute little baby
and an update from @Benimatic for Twilight Forest
though sadly I couldn't find a changelog
The changelog is on top of his thread :p

Updated July 12th to version 2.2.1. This version supports Minecraft 1.7.2 and 1.7.10. New in this version, the alpha yeti has moved into the yeti lairs in the snow forests. Following in his wake, yetis and winter wolves have moved in nearby. Two new armor sets, and a new treasure are available. Version 2.2.1 has bug fixes and some revisions to the aurora palace.
Okay, let's call this Week 1 for AE2's weekly build!
Today's Saturday or Sunday, depending on your timezone.
AlgorithmX said:
rv1.alpha build 5
  1. Added Extra Utilities Energy Pipe as attunement for RF
  2. Fixed bug where Interface Terminal shows TileInterface For all the machines.
  3. Auto Starting a job that has no cpu now display the gui instead of just exiting like it started.
  4. When Crafting Interface completes your now retuned to the Terminal

rv1.alpha build 4
  1. Co-Processors can now increase bandwidth for a single item being split on more then Maxed out 2 Assemblers.
  2. Lowered CPU's Default Specs ( darn testing code )
  3. Fixed minor rendering glitch.

rv1.alpha build 3
  1. Fixed Bug: #0607 - Interface crafting card crash ( the take 2 )
  2. Fixed Bug: #0611 - Can place crafting CPU multiblock blocks inside of yourself
  3. Show only Export Bus on Crafting Card instead of Import/Export Bus.
  4. Fixed Crash with Assembler when it contains a processing Pattern.
  5. You can no longer insert processing patterns into Assemblers.
  6. Interface Terminal now maintains order of interfaces between views.
rv1.alpha build 2
  1. Added Survival Recipes.
  2. Localize Crafting Card.
  3. Fixed Annihilation Plane name should have "ME" on the front.
  4. Fixed Anti-Recursive Crafting Check.
  5. Color Applicator now works on glass/stained glass.
  6. Fixed Bug: #0603 - Anvil Repair of Quartz Tools.
  7. Interface Terminal now is better at showing Names on automatic interfaces.
  8. Named Interfaces now show their name in the Interface Terminal.
  9. Fixed MA Crash with processing Patterns.
  10. Fix Interface Cross Talk.
  11. Fixed Interface Crash ( bad attempt at managing inventory. )
  12. Probably Fixed Bug: #0607 - Interface crafting card crash.
  13. Fixed Bug: #0605 - Molecular Assembler card slots.
  14. Interfaces no longer share Patterns or can push patterns while they have no channel.
  15. Fixed Bug: #0606 - Missing crafting cards.
  16. Fixed Pattern De-Coding Sync bug.
  17. Decoding Patterns should now only occur while holding shift.
rv1.alpha build 1
  1. Added new Block Molecular Assembler
  2. Added new Block Crafting Cpu Unit
  3. Added new Block Crafting CPU Monitor
  4. Added new Block Crafting Cpu Co Processor
  5. Added new Block Crafting Cpu 1 - 64k Storage
  6. Added new Part Patten Terminal
  7. Added new Part Interface Terminal
  8. Added new Item Pattern and Encoded Pattern
  9. Added new Item Crafting Card
  10. Added new Item Color Applicator
  11. Added new Item Paint Ball
  12. Added new Item Lumen Paint Ball ( No use yet )
  13. Crafting CPU Parts form a cubeoid Crafting CPU Multi Block.
  14. The Crafting CPU Requires 1 channel per multiblock.
  15. Pattern Terminal and Interface Terminal both require a channel.
  16. Molecular Assemblers do not require a channel.
  17. Interfaces can now take crafting cards
  18. Export Buses can now take crafting cards
  19. Added Setting to Cell workbench to control copy mode.
  20. Added Setting setting to export bus to control craft only behavior.
  21. Added Setting to interface to control blocking behavior for crafting exports.
  22. Added Setting to terminals to toggle craftables/stored items/both
  23. Converted from using usernames to GameProfiles ( biometric cards will reset, and security terminals will need to be re-placed. )
  24. Added Packet Logging and Config
  25. Added @ To Search by ModID in Terminals
  26. Revamped Gui Synchronization Code
  27. Fixed a bug where ad-hoc networks could tunnel tunnels
  28. Fixed but with multiblock formation/deformation logic
  29. Fixed how damage values are handled for Crystal Seeds
  30. Fixed Matrix frame didn't fill entire spatial dimension
  31. Fixed Bug where you can replace Matrix frame with water
  32. Fixed issue where energy cells would not display charge in waila
  33. Fixed Bug where NEI Overlay wouldn't work on Crafting Terminal.
  34. Fixed Several Minor Performance Issues
  35. Fixed Issue where phantom network components are added to the network.
  36. Fixed Bug with quartz fiber improperly de-registering when removing only half of it from a grid.
  37. Fixed Block Default Light Opacty.
  38. Illumintation and Other Monitors adjust output based on block in front of them.
  39. Export Buses can now request crafting from Crafting CPUs
  40. Interfaces can now request crafting from Crafting CPUs
  41. Color Applicator can act as a forge compatible paint brush and paint cable.
  42. Color Applicator functions like a storage cell and can be loaded with Chest/Drive/IO Port.
  43. Color Applicator requires power and can be charged all other AE2 Tools.
  44. Added NEI Integration for Pattern Terminal
  45. Added Crafting Quantity Gui - accessable from terminal GUI
  46. Added Crafting Confirm Gui - accessable form terminal GUI
  47. Patterns can now be encoded in the Pattern Terminal into two types.
  48. Crafting Patterns use the crafting recipe to accept diffrent inputs and auto detect their outputs.
  49. Processing Patterns don't vary their input but can have 3 diffrent outputs.
  50. Holding Shift Down shows the First Encoded Recipe Output.
  51. You can decode patterns by shift clicking them in your hand.
  52. You can edit a pattern by inserting it into the Pattern Terminal.
  53. Patterns can now be loaded into the bottom slots of ME Interfaces
  54. Interface Patterns are now Displayed in Terminal Item List
  55. Terminals can now open crafting GUI by clicking on items with no quantity that are available via pattern
  56. Terminals can now open crafting GUI by middle clicking on items that are available via pattern, regardless of quantity
  57. Holding Shift lets you skip the confirm screen
  58. Molecular Assembler has two modes.
  59. Molecular Assembler Can use a single pattern to craft a single item type.
  60. Molecular Assembler Can accept patterns and ingredients from interfaces.
  61. Molecular Assembler pushes its outputs into adjacent inventories.
  62. Crafting CPU Multiblocks enable a single concurrent crafting job to execute, each additional Multiblock enables a new job.
  63. CPU Co Processors enable faster interface usage as the job executes.
  64. Interface Terminal enables access to manipulate pattern allocation in your interfaces from a central location.
  65. Paint Balls can be inserted into Color Applicator.
  66. Color Applicator can switch between colors by using the mouse wheel, or right clicking somewhere without a colorable block.
  67. Identical Patterns in two interface will be used to split crafting load for a particular pattern.
  68. Resource usage and Crafting Operations are reported on the Crafting Confirmation Screen.
  69. Current CPU Storage, Tasks, and pending tasks are Display on the Crafting CPU Gui.
  70. Crafting CPU Monitor displays the top level progress of the active job on the crafting CPU.
  71. The Crafting Calculation screen lets you select which CPU you want to use for a specific job.
  72. API Change Removed Crafting Monitor
  73. API Change Added Items Interface Terminal, Crafting Card, Paint Balls, Color Applicator, Crafting CPU Blocks
  74. API Change Split IMEMonitor into IBaseMonitor
  75. API Change Added Crafting API
  76. API Change Added isConnected method to Cable
  77. API Change Split out ICellProvider as a seperate interface from ICellContainer
  78. API Change Added registerCellProvider / unregisterCellProvider to storage grid
  79. API Change Split IItemContainer from IItemList
  80. API Change Renamed sameAs to sameAsStack and added sameAsBlock