*chuckles, in the canadian wilderness, not caring at all*Happy 'Murica Day!
*chuckles, in the canadian wilderness, not caring at all*Happy 'Murica Day!
Random Things said:- Added: Dyeing Machine
- Added: Support for the Forge Configuration GUI (Some options might require a minecraft restart even though it won't tell you too)
- Modified: Changed recipe of lapis lamp to not collide with stained glass (derp)
- Modified: Spirits no longer require a Spirit Binder to spawn, to compensate for that the default spawn chance has been reduced.
- Fixed: Collision Box of Spirits
- Fixed: A crash while loading a wireless lever
- Fixed: A crash while using the Advanced Item Collector with the Item Filter
- Fixed: mcmod.info (Invalid formatting + added logo file)
- Updated to Minecraft 1.7.10
Just gonna add the changelog herenew day, new update, and today it's @mDiyo with a port for Tinkers Construct
mDiyo said:1.6.0d31
- Updated to Minecraft 1.7.10. 1.7.2 is not supported.
- Many undiscovered bugs may be present.
New Content:
- Armor pulled from experimental version
- Tool Forges can name every item provided they do not have a name.
- Mod separated internally into modules. Modules can be disabled, but this process is not yet finished.
- FluidType is more suitable for outside use
- Various glass types have been fixed
- Fixed memory leaks with packets
Dynious said:- Added Toolbox (stores wrench type items)
- Added WAILA compatibility for Relocators (shows stuffed items!) Thank MCMicky!
- Fixed Sorting Interface
- Added seconds to extraction time. Thank MCMicky again!
- Code optimizations and fixes
Ps: Sorry for the Double post, I have a bad habit of clicking the 'Post Reply' button without remembering to check if I just posted before.Flaxbeard said:Prerelease 20:
BUGFIX: Fixed crashes related to the exosuit
BUGFIX: Fixed client/server sync for the crucible (for reals)
Prerelease 19:
ADDITION: Reload bar for firearms
CHANGE: Musket cartridge recipe much easier. Harder one is a config option.
BUGFIX: Fixed FSP tab name
BUGFIX: No more Archimedes Screw lag spikes! Thanks to zenith, our new dev!
Prerelease 18b:
BUGFIX: More server stuff
Prerelease 18:
BUGFIX: Works on servers!
Prerelease 17:
ADDITION: Survivalist's Toolkit
ADDITION: Archimedes Screw
CHANGE: Config added for passive steam consumption on the exosuit
CHANGE: Exosuit recipe includes pistons
BUGFIX: Fixed sync issues with the mold
BUGFIX: Fixed issues with the mold eating metal or outputting incorrect results
BUGFIX: Steam pipes no longer crash when adjacent to other mod's pipes, when fluid steam is not added.
BUGFIX: More fixes that I can't remember.
Prerelease 16:
ADDITION: Waila support! Thanks to wasliebob for helping me learn my way around the Waila API.
BUGFIX: Fixed crash related to other mods' liquid containers
BUGFIX: Fixed another bug with other mods' pipes, without fluid steam.
Prerelease 15:
ADDITION: Valve pipes (HL3 confirmed)
BUGFIX: Fixed boiler GUI
BUGFIX: Fixed molds not showing the mold inside on save+load
BUGFIX: Fixed crashes with steam heater on multiplayer
Prerelease 14:
CHANGE: Exosuit storage capacity changed to 30 mins of fuel
CHANGE: Lowered jetpack cost to 1 SU/tick
CHANGE: Changed mold block recipe so it no longer conflicts
CHANGE: Allowed using lava under the crucible
BUGFIX: Removed new forge hook dependency
BUGFIX: Steam pipes no longer crash when adjacent to other mod's pipes, when fluid steam is not added.
BUGFIX: You no longer suffocate in steam hammers or the crucible.
BUGFIX: Fixed alloys disappearing in the crucible.
BUGFIX: Made molds have mining time.
BYGFIX: You no longer instantly die when hurt wearing an exosuit
Prerelease 13:
ADDITION: Added information and crafting for flintlock weapons
ADDITION: Support for shapeless recipes in the book
ADDITION: Spyglass crafting+info
CHANGE: Changed how spyglass worked
BUGFIX: Made sure ores dropped the correct item
A bald eagle hears your ignorance and swoops down and grabs you by your shirt and carries you, you scream "Let me go" and the eagle replies with "Sorry, what was that? I only speak freedom." The eagle then drops you and you hit the ground. You look up, ignoring your broken legs, and see 4 presidents faces carved into a mountain, at that moment, you pass out... You were overwhelmed by the liberty and justice. 'Murica*chuckles, in the canadian wilderness, not caring at all*
i am inside. i NEVER leave my computer. the eagle was killed by my sentry turrets powered by RF.A bald eagle hears your ignorance and swoops down and grabs you by your shirt and carries you, you scream "Let me go" and the eagle replies with "Sorry, what was that? I only speak freedom." The eagle then drops you and you hit the ground. You look up, ignoring your broken legs, and see 4 presidents faces carved into a mountain, at that moment, you pass out... You were overwhelmed by the liberty and justice. 'Murica
No, the eagle shot red, white, and blue freedom beams at your stupid turrets then got you from inside your house. Freedom>RFi am inside. i NEVER leave my computer. the eagle was killed by my sentry turrets powered by RF.
i shoot my healthcare-bazooka at the eagle, and is explodes into red, white, and blue streamers. Healthcare>USA eagles.No, the eagle shot red, white, and blue freedom beams at your stupid turrets then got you from inside your house. Freedom>RF
Ok, movingi shoot my healthcare-bazooka at the eagle, and is explodes into red, white, and blue streamers. Healthcare>USA eagles.
(lets move this to the forth of july thread now. this is NOT the thread for it.)
Looks like another attempt for Modular Suits, I hope this one works out.
Do that to bunnies. Please?
So a friend of mine started making a mod specifically for my modpack for 1.7, but then we decided it was a mod he wanted to share with everyone. It is still currently beta and he still has a ton of items he wants to add. currently the public release is 0.9.1-beta.
More items are in the mod now than are on the post at the moment since I have not had the time to update the images. But the text side of the mod does reflect most of the current items in the mod.
Some videos Mithion posted.
Yay for the new mechanics.
But this next one makes me say "Hay Dire"
Shrink spells and walking on the moon.
Shrink spells and walking on the moon. Squeee
i'll edit out the spoiler tags, just seemed to be such a long link, lol. I'll talk to him about lower res textures, but in testing so far they have had minimal to no impact in using the mod as they are at most 64x and most at 32x
Skerp said:thercmod-minecraft.net
Join our dedicated server! - Offline
Version 3.0 is still work in progress and will be updated periodically to introduce the other RC vehicles.The RC Mod is taking a major leap forward from the previous versions and v3.0 will introduce new features. Some of these features are:
- New detailed 3D models with 512x512 textures. (These models are for both RC entities and items).
- New overlay system. (The overlay that displays information).
- New physics modelling. (Which allows for more detailed simulations)
- Integrated jBullet (Bullet physics) which provides a collision detection and response system.
For more frequent updates on development and early access follow us on Facebook.http://www.facebook.com/TheRcMod
-Updated 28/06/2014
Discussions will still continue on this forum.
neptunepink said:Factorization 0.8.84
- Localizations are useful.
- Fixed probe
http://forum.feed-the-beast.com/thr...ed-minecraft-today.39595/page-144#post-688549and neptunepink with an update for Factorization
pokefenn said:1.5.5
Major parts of this update is brought to you by Zombiepig333, so go thank him![]()
Config for the amount of factory blocks you get.
Half done locale support (For some block descriptions and the names)
Works on 1.7.10 now, no crashes from AABB changes.
Few bug fixes.
CrazyPants said:2.0_Beta.131
- Fixed crash with quite clear glass
- Fixed Sagmill not consuming ores
New / Changed
- Added Wireless Charger
- Added and improved tooltips
- Changed items required for speen and jump upgrades for Dark Steel Armor
- #774 Crash when block next to cap bank changes.
- #781 Enabled Dim. Trans. to work on offline servers.
- #789 Vacuum chest now keeps its inventory when broken and can be wrenched properly.
- Armor droped when selected in Capacitor Bank UI
- Fixed several rendering issues in 1.7.10
- Fixed 'fov toggle' bug when DS leggings with speed upgrade ran out of power
AE2 Tech Add-On is a mod that adds new tech to Applied Energistics 2 by adding machines and other devices that are designed to interact with AE2 and run off the AE2 network Grid.
Development is on-going and more machines are in the works.
- Energetic Incinerator - Basic Electric Furnace, uses 2 AE/t power just being on the grid, doesn't use a grid channel.
- Advanced Energetic Incinerator - Electric Furnace that can take upgrades such as speed upgrades.
- Energetic Crumbler - Machine that can ore double by pulverizing ores
theflogat said:Chagelog:
- Added Eldritch Consumer
- Does not depend on Thermal Expansion anymore but will use it if present
- Potential fix: Server crash
- Fix: Purified ores no longer output pulverized iron
Sangar said:All right, here's another double release, a maintenance update for OC 1.2 that fixes one or two potential crashes, and the first release candidate for OC 1.3!
As always, remember to make a backup of your world before updating.
The wiki is not fully updated to represent the state of some Lua APIs in OC 1.3. I'll try to work on that over the weekend.
@Modders: I'd like to encourage everyone who's using OC's API in their mod to start updating to the OC 1.3 API now. The changes are non-breaking for the most part, meaning you probably won't have to change your code. The breaking changes are documented and explained in the wiki, including how to adjust to them.
Regarding MC 1.7.10: there's currently an issue preventing compilation of mods using Scala in some cases on some systems. This includes my build server, meaning no automatic builds yet, so I'm a little unmotivated to explore 1.7.10 at this point. For those that need it, there are experimental builds for 1.7.10 here. By experimental I mean that some of the changes that were made to get it to build in 1.7.10 were not extensively tested. Let me now if something breaks.
davboecki said:1.Supplier should check every 100th tick, not every tick.
2.Add missing null check in HUDStopModuleWatchingPacket
3.Whoops, _fluidIdentifierCache can contain nulls. Fixes #395
4.Rewrite ItemIdentifier again.
5.Damage and maxstacksize now ask using a itemStack.
6.Remove debug spam
7.Add missing NBTBase conversion.
8.Avoiding a full equals on hashcode mismatch saves time here.
9.Replace open-coded .clone() with .clone()
10.We have a caching getMaxStackSize on ItemIdentifier, use it.
11.isDamagable -> isDamageable, also use it in a few more places
12.There are too many errors in the current zh_CN localization. Start to redo.
13.zh_CN rework almost done
14.finished zh_CN rework
15.Add request GUI item sorting.
16.Use a TreeMap for displayMap, that way providers HUD content gets sorted automatically.
17.Send Packets to EntityPlayer not Player
18.Part of 80337ca43a94db91eaa1eadc5270c0a143370d9f broke matching damaged items as crafting materials, fix that.
19.Improve Packet Debugging.
20.Fix CraftingSign content packet's location.
21.Fix possible NPE.
22.Add message to indicate what is meant by the exception cause here.
23.Fix power laser packet.
24.Ignore CRP's that still need to init the router.
25.Only render power balls on corners not every LP pipe.
26.Dump ItemIdentifier for any clicked DummyContainer slot to stdout in debug builds