What's new in modded minecraft today?

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Hmm, playing a resource poor custom pack, Ore berries are very valuable to me. I hope they do remain in some way. Even just disable by default, not convert to Essence Berries, which are actually the one type of bush I don't actually like at all.
Plus, those Ore Berries are quite useful to track down any hidden caves, since you'll usually hear mobs hurting themselves on them from quite a distance.

Why do modders have to remove the fun?
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Screenshot showing some new features that'll be in the next update of The Spice of Life (all optional/configurable; haven't decided on what the default settings will be):


The hunger/saturation icons are shown when holding Shift.

actually was about to suggest something like that, a way to see how much drumsticks and saturation food gives
seeing as food is quite important with hunger overhaul you want to be as efficient as possible with it
He mentioned in a stream a couple of weeks ago that he was planning on removing them. I do believe he plans on reimplementing the concept behind oreberries in a different way, so you can look forward to that.

That has potential anyone else think it's opening up a new thread to discuss?[DOUBLEPOST=1401963151][/DOUBLEPOST]
Hmm, playing a resource poor custom pack, Ore berries are very valuable to me. I hope they do remain in some way. Even just disable by default, not convert to Essence Berries, which are actually the one type of bush I don't actually like at all.
Plus, those Ore Berries are quite useful to track down any hidden caves, since you'll usually hear mobs hurting themselves on them from quite a distance.

Why do modders have to remove the fun?

Ex nihilo while usually used in skyblocks has bin discussed several times as a add on to normal packs you might want to try that. It might work perfectly and be much more fun in the long run.
That has potential anyone else think it's opening up a new thread to discuss?[DOUBLEPOST=1401963151][/DOUBLEPOST]

Ex nihilo while usually used in skyblocks has bin discussed several times as a add on to normal packs you might want to try that. It might work perfectly and be much more fun in the long run.
Ex Nihilo is seriously "broken" for non skyblock maps. It can be easily automated, and output more ores than any quarry system and zero energy cost. It's not something I'd really call fun. I'd perfer an adventure to find these rare oreberries, lug them home, build a dark farm system, and some autocrafting system to turn the products into ingots.
Ex Nihilo is seriously "broken" for non skyblock maps. It can be easily automated, and output more ores than any quarry system and zero energy cost. It's not something I'd really call fun. I'd perfer an adventure to find these rare oreberries, lug them home, build a dark farm system, and some autocrafting system to turn the products into ingots.
Well, the automation part can be turned off via config, but otherwise I agree with you.
Well, the automation part can be turned off via config, but otherwise I agree with you.

The default setting is off. A modpack creator or server operator must choose to turn automation on. Also, if people are terribly concerned, you can either use the "Sieve Frustration Multiplier" to make sieves harder to profit from OR you can disable sieves entirely. Both of those settings are also in the config file.
New Logistics Pipes 0.7.4.dev.229

Ver 229
  1. Revert "Change PLayerCollectionList to use a CopyOnWriteArrayList."
Ver 228
  1. Change PLayerCollectionList to use a CopyOnWriteArrayList.
Ver 227
  1. Pull isServer() check from onWrenchClicked up into CRP.blockActivated
  2. These can use onWrenchClicked
  3. Get rid of wrenchClicked, clean up logic in blockActivated
Ex Nihilo is seriously "broken" for non skyblock maps. It can be easily automated, and output more ores than any quarry system and zero energy cost. It's not something I'd really call fun. I'd perfer an adventure to find these rare oreberries, lug them home, build a dark farm system, and some autocrafting system to turn the products into ingots.

Or disable normal mining. Or make sieves something you have to find.
But the fun of Ex Nihilo in normal maps is that it gives you options. "Oh today I don't want to mine, so I'll hold right click for a few hours instead". Disabling mining would just turn the game into skyblock 2, now with stone and dirt everywhere.
I like the idea of restricting yourself to only using the sieve for automation, then turning at least the hammers into dungeon loot though.
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Another new feature coming to the next version of The Spice of Life so that you don't have to keep opening your inventory and checking tooltips to see how much hunger your food will restore:

Hunger bar overlays while holding food

I'm also planning on adding a config option that disables all of the diminishing returns stuff so that people can install the mod client-side if they just want the added tooltip/HUD information.
Last edited:
Another new feature coming to the next version of The Spice of Life so that you don't have to keep opening your inventory and checking tooltips to see how much hunger your food will restore:

Hunger bar overlays while holding food

I'm also planning on adding a config option that disables all of the diminishing returns stuff so that people can install the mod client-side if they just want the added tooltip/HUD information.

It might be better to make that a separate mod in it's entirety.
Another new feature coming to the next version of The Spice of Life so that you don't have to keep opening your inventory and checking tooltips to see how much hunger your food will restore:

Hunger bar overlays while holding food

I'm also planning on adding a config option that disables all of the diminishing returns stuff so that people can install the mod client-side if they just want the added tooltip/HUD information.

I know another mod was already made for that purpose, but perhaps you could also add a way for players to see what their current saturation is?
new day, new update, and today it's @iChun with Mob Amputation and Mob Dismemberment
iChun said:
  • Reworked Entity and Renderer in an attempted fix (with a successful report) on the gibs rendering in the player’s face.
and @joshie with an update for Enchiridion

joshie said:
Enchiridion 1.1a
  • Added a config option to adjust the icon looping, set to 0, to disable (may help with fps), higher number = less frequent updating
  • Added config options to enable/disable book binder or it's recipe
  • Books should behave now? (no freezy?) Let me know if not!

and a new mod by @SoBiohazardous which is called Elemental Caves which looks pretty awesome to me
SoBiohazardous said:

Elemental Caves - A New Element in Exploration


Ever found Vanilla Minecraft's caves unfathomably boring? Ever wished there were more rewards for exploration in the game? Do you, on a nightly basis, sit in your bed and softly pray that one day people will stop starting overviews with a series of questions that you have no way of responding to, as you shed a single tear for the deplorable soup of un-creativity that internet literature has fallen into? Well, if you answered yes to those first two questions and tl;dr: the third one, this is quite possibly the mod for you!​

Elemental Caves adds a series of "underground biomes" to the game; caves made of different stone types, containing various new blocks, items, and resources. Each cave is themed around a certain "element" -- the current three being Forest, Ice, and Fire -- and generates in biomes with corresponding climates. In addition to making exploration more interesting, the caves also feature a variety of useful resources, such as powerful new tools and armor, as well as transformative Crystals, which can be used to terraform the very earth around them.​

Due to some of the caves being more difficult to traverse than others, it may be difficult to explore certain types of caves early-game. If you are playing survival, it is HIGHLY recommended that you visit at least one normal cave before visiting any of the elemental ones, and then progress from there to the Forest cave, then to the Ice caves, and finally to the Fire caves. However, if you think you're pro enough to brave the dangers of the Fire caves before harnessing the freezing powers of the Ice caves, power to you. (You're probably going to die
). Elemental Caves was originally created for the 96 hour mod making competiton, modjam.


These are the caves in order of progression (Which ones you should visit first to last).

Forest Caves


Forest Caves generate in Forest and Jungle biomes. Floored with Rich Grass and Soil, Forest Caves are incredibly useful when found early-game. The green Earth Crystals on the ceiling fertilize all nearby blocks. This property can be especially useful for setting up fast-growing farms in the caves, but the constant re-growth of Tall Grass and Flowers makes Forest Caves especially difficult to navigate.

Ice Caves


Ice Caves generate in snowy biomes, such as Snow Plains or Ice Spikes. While being much more easily navigable than the cluttered jungle of Forest Caves, moving through Ice Caves can be difficult, as the ground it composed entirely of the very slippery Ancient Ice that has formed in them over the years. The temperatures of the Ice Caves are also very low, causing the player to move much more slowly than normal. The blue Ice Crystals found here can be used to freeze blocks, and are especially useful for traversing through hot areas, if the player can obtain them.

Fire Caves


Fire caves generate in hot biomes, such as Deserts or Savannas. Due to the extreme underground heat caused in these biomes, most of their floor has melted into Lava, making them extremely dangerous, if not impossible to traverse without proper gear. However, the risk of these caves, in many cases, is well worth the reward, as the Diamond Ore that generates in them gives double drops, even without a Fortune-enchanted Pickaxe. The red Fire Crystals that spawn here are extremely volatile, and can melt or set fire to nearly anything within their area of effect.


Forest Gem - Right click the throw, applies bonemeal in a 6 block radius of where it was thrown.
Ice Gem - Right click to throw, applies freeze effect in a 6 block radius
Magma Gem - Right click to throw, applies melt effect in a 6 block radius.

All gems are used to craft their corresponding tool set.

Please note that we have many more caves and elements planned for the future

For a complete list of features, visit the official Elemental Caves Features List Here.

By us devs:


*Requires latest version of Minecraft Forge. Just download and run installer.​

All builds/pre-releases are located here.
If you're looking for source code, it can be found here.


Found on the releases page of our github.

Create your own caves using our Caves API! Simply download the deobf and sources builds from our releases here. Link the deobf to your workspace, and link your source to your deobf jar once added to eclipse. In-depth tutorial coming soon.​


-Sometimes, worlds may take very long to load, or chunks will not load at all. Try re-loading your world.
-In some biomes, every cave is an elemental cave. We're working on this.
-Rich Soil and Tilled Rich Soil are a bit buggy as far as what can be planted on them.
-Icefloe cannot be picked up in a Bucket.​

If you find any bugs, please report them here. Make sure they aren't already on that list.


SoBiohazardous - Coder and Project Manager

Delocuro - Texture Artist and Concept Creator

Clashsoft - Resident Java Wizard


Be sure to check out our other mod, Minestrappolation! It's a massive compilation of all sorts of cool stuff, so if caves aren't your thing, check out Minestrapp here!

Need a signature? Paste this into your signature bar!

and the last one is another new mod by shadowking97 which is called Dynamic Link Panels. which is a very awesome addon for mystcraft
shadowking97 said:
Hello! So, this is my first mod (even though it's an just an addon) I've finished enough I was willing to publicly release...

But here it is:


This mod gives you a peek into the other dimensions/ages of mystcraft before you link into them.

This will work with any linking book, showing you the age before you even link to it! No more do you have to worry about decay having taken over the world while you were gone, or pesky other players filling your spawnpoint with lava!

*Super Speedy 9000 Update*
The linkbook world will start displaying as little as a second on singleplayer!

Currently, it does not show any block updates or entities, but having those live is planned in the future!

It also acts as a chunk loader - opening the books will tell minecraft to load the chunks around that spot, and pre-generate new age chunks before you link in. Until the live update update, it will still allow minecraft to unload those chunks immediately after.

This is an optional mod - meaning it's designed so that if you have it and the server doesn't, it simply will not function. Will not crash, or tax the system that doesn't have it. I have not tested this, so if that's not the case, please let me know!

Warning - this is an ALPHA build. Crashes may occur, please send me any crash reports related to Dynamic Linking Panels. I will try to push updates as fast as I can to fix anything major.

Install forge 964+
Install Mystcraft 10.13 (Download in blog)
Download: Dynamic Link Panels

Drop it into your mods folder next to mystcraft, and you're all set!
The same on the server.

If you want to use this mod in a modpack - I will say yes. However, you must have permission to use mystcraft in your modpack, and ask!

MOD - modification, plugin, a piece of software that interfaces with or alters the Minecraft software to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MODADDON - modification, plugin, a peice of software that interfaces with or alters a MOD to extend, add, change or remove original capabilities.
MOJANG - Mojang AB
OWNER - shadowking97 (Ken Butler), Original author of the MODADDON. Under the copyright terms accepted when purchasing Minecraft (http://www.minecraft.net/copyright.jsp) the OWNER has full rights over their MODADDON despite use of MOJANG code.
MOD OWNER - Xcompwiz (Zach Laster), Original auther of the MOD Mystcraft
USER - End user of the mod, person installing the mod. (You!)


2. USE
Use of this MODADDON to be installed, manually or automatically, is given to the USER without restriction.

This MODADDON may only be distributed where uploaded, mirrored, or otherwise linked to by the OWNER or by entities the OWNER has given permission for its distribution.The MODADDON may be distributed in a 'private modpack' without issue. Private distribution requires that only 'members' be able to access the pack. There cannot be a publicly accessible link. Peer-to-Peer transfer is recommended in this context, or password protected downloads.ANY attempts to make money off of this MODADDON (selling, selling modified versions, adfly, sharecash, etc.) are STRICTLY FORBIDDEN, and the OWNER may claim damages or take other action to rectify the situation.
This modaddon is provided freely and may be decompiled and modified for private or educational use, either with a decompiler or a bytecode editor. Public distribution of modified versions of this MODADDON require advance written permission of the OWNER and may be subject to certain terms.

Dynamic Link Panels 1.4A
*Super speedy 9000 update*
-increased loading speed drastically
-server packet sending is now handled in separate thread
-Fixed 'stack overflow' errors on some machines.

Dynamic Link Panels 1.3A
-Fixed nether textures disappearing while using a book.
-Fixed crash due to closing book too quickly.
-Added circular flying camera, to better represent original Myst series.
-Added config files

Note on let's plays and mod spotlights: Go ahead. Do what you want, say what you want. The only restriction is distribution. If you distribute my mod, you must credit me and send me a message about it! Note that this only applies to public modpacks, or uploading to other sites. Anything you're just sending to your friends is fine by me.

Mod Reviews/Spotlights