Kinda reminds me of cubeworld for some reasonVanilla 1.8 is confirmed to add bunnies.
Kinda reminds me of cubeworld for some reasonVanilla 1.8 is confirmed to add bunnies.
It's probably the shaders, but I agree.Kinda reminds me of cubeworld for some reason
This thread is now a sticky after some thinking.
I have edited @Yusunoha 's first post with a message reading "While this thread is a sticky - FTB doesn't label all information as true or false, Believing it is on you.
~Lawbroken" The only thing I want in return is for that message to stay there.
Enjoy the thread guys and hope more people will help out with updates now =)
I dont think there is anything more satisfactory than seeing Dumbledore do a little jig.hey guys, guess what time it is...
Hey cool.I found a new mod that was released yesterday called "Even More Utilities" by @marcin212. It adds a few nifty things that may interest you, link here:
I know another mod was already made for that purpose, but perhaps you could also add a way for players to see what their current saturation is?
would post a 'i know dat feel' pic, but those things creep me out.Gah These updates are getting me fired up to work on a 1.7 modpack.... Just hoping to hear news on solstice.
qaz is so awed, he can't think of anything to say.I'm like doing stuff, and things
This is the news I have been waiting for, for ages. I can finally figure out what has been causing all these lag spikes.
Well done on writing the first one... Writing in pig-latin is hard[Snip]
Sorce?Vanilla 1.8 is confirmed to add bunnies.
Greymerk said:Roguelike Dungeons - Version 1.3.2a
- Added theme customization