What exactly is offensive about being told to play in creative mode?

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Im going to use an anology here.

Mine craft is ike horse-hobbies. Some like to race, some like to go to a petting zoo, ssome like to ride, some like gambling, some like breeding, some like that weird horse dance nnonsense they put in the Olympics. What matters is the person doing it eenjoys it, preferably without getting into arguments with other hhobbyists.

Except the horse dancing thing, that shits weird. Just kidding

For the record, I don't know jack about horses.
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No, mod authors who require ender pearls are. It's the one item that makes me miss EE3. I'd even take an 8 diamonds to one ender pearl trade with how annoying they are to get. Currently, I've been saving mimichite for when I need them.

Back on topic: arguments that insult a person or their play style (which is a subjective thing anyway) are always bad. Address their actual concerns about specific mods, mechanics or interactions, and accept they have a different opinion

You can get EE3 on Pahimar's twitter for 1.6.4
I've never really had too much issues with ender pearls, you can get a fair number from endermen with a looting sword and there's just something therapeutic about hunting endermen at night.[DOUBLEPOST=1389676818][/DOUBLEPOST]Ender lilies are good though, on end stone, autonomous activator/watering can underneath.

i must admit though for me personally I was getting too many too quickly to enjoy using magical crops. With the autonomous activator/watering can underneath they would pretty much have grown again by the time i got back from storage room.
because people always want a challenge, and if you play on easy mode or use a mod that is in the slightest OP people just tell you to play creative.

I don't want a challenge, I want to play and have fun, not die every 5 minutes/spend hours trying to make a stupid ingot
I'm not really in the mood to read through this right now, but I'll give you my short take on this one, since it's one I've used myself, albeit amongst my group of friends:

I had several friends who loved EE2. I argued that it was "Creative for people who don't want to play Creative" since it literally did, after a little basic work, create infinite resources. The only real investment was setting up the first couple of collectors, waiting for them to collect, upgrading. A few "flowers" gave me anything I wanted at incredible speed.

The reason it upset me; I'm not really a very good builder. Unlike my brother and many of my friends, I've never been able to create three-dimensional art with ease. My strength is in resource-gathering and my primary "achievement" on most servers is, "I've got more stuff than you. Look at all of my stuff. You may use my stuff, I have no problem sharing my stuff, but I desire you to be impressed by it." You can't impress anyone with your collection of stuff with EE2 installed. The response is inevitably: "Yeah, so what, I can make infinite resources really fast too."

I do realize a lot of people use it as a lazy insult, but there's some justification to it, in many cases. I'm getting better at design but my friends still outstrip me there every time; if I'm to play on a server, I'd like to feel that I have a niche.

You bring a valuable point. I do not think I'm good at resource gathering. I will admit swimming in resources does require skill. I wonder the being good at building or gathering influences others. Any one here who would like to comment?
Just gonna throw in my two cents here. For me, the point of modded minecraft is getting to the point of creative mode. For example, if somebody was to say "Your Steves cart farm/MFR Farm/ Thaumcraft Farm is too OP and gets way too much return!" My response? Good. That was the whole point of it.
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The context of him saying the latter part of his post made it far from subtle. It's a fairly obvious joke.

I missed it too. Couldn't tell if he/she was trying to be snooty or actually posting something they liked.

On Topic: My view is this:

If you play creative you obviously don't like the main part of the survival game, resource gathering and crafting. Above all else, the main goal in the game is gathering resources, if you don't like that, why even switch to survival. The whole point of that mode is to force gathering and crafting. Just stay in creative and post your creation as such and take what praise comes with it. Switching just seems like you're trying to pull the wool over someone.

I agree with Wagon above, that to me, the whole point of modded MC is to provide a creative like feel after a payment of time invested. People who complain about some mod giving infinite this or that doesn't really bother me in a game that is, even in its vanilla incarnation, infinite in resources.

I think the problem only really comes when people do massive things to a world in creative, then switch to survival and try to pass it off as an accomplishment. When most people see the hunger and armor bars in screen shots, we assume there was some investment of time, the larger the build the larger the investment. When I see a post from creative, I see no time investment besides choosing a building material. Both builds are avialable in either environment, it's just that one has a significantly higher investment of time than the other.

I don't necessarily see anything inherently bad in creative builds, but I don't see as much respect in their investment, as I do in a world that is equal in size but done entirely from survival. One thing that has probably scewed my view in this is watching time lapse buildings. Those builds can be done in either mode, but in one it's less about time invested into the game, and more about time invested in choosing material and clicking to place a block.

When I see someone place a block in creative I see a time investment of 30 seconds of scrolling through the windows and making a decision.

When I see someone place a block in survival I see a time investment of several hours lost in a cave digging blocks for the materials to create the block so they can even place it. Even if they've got a thousand quarries running, at some point they had none and were digging manually in a cave to get it all started. That feeling just isn't there when I view creative structures.
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I have enjoyed reading this thread and I have got a lot of good answers to my original question. Thanks everyone.

I have learnt a few things

  1. There seems to be a rough split between playstyles and I don't think the infamous gregtech/not gregtech dichotomy is in anyway a satisfactory description (in case anyone was still in doubt).
  2. I don't get the whole resource acquisition side of the game. Sure I like to dip my toe in the water and build the odd quarry or other automated resource gathering machine but my motivations seem to different. I like to build a themed machine and this time I think I would like a Steve's carts system with some appropriate aesthetic additions. Other people seem to derive more pleasure from the resource gathering slog. I don't understand it at all, so I am going to assume there is something more to it that I am not likely to get any time soon. In case it needs to be said, that doesn't make it bad.
  3. The "go play creative" trope seems motivated... actually no. We are all busy not understanding other playstyles while we should be busy not giving a <family friendly noun of your choice>
  4. Be careful with these ;)
  5. I am neurotic about analogies
Meanwhile, my girlfriend thinks this is all hilarious. She reckons we are all like this

I don't get the whole resource acquisition side of the game. Sure I like to dip my toe in the water and build the odd quarry or other automated resource gathering machine but my motivations seem to different. I like to build a themed machine and this time I think I would like a Steve's carts system with some appropriate aesthetic additions. Other people seem to derive more pleasure from the resource gathering slog. I don't understand it at all, so I am going to assume there is something more to it that I am not likely to get any time soon. In case it needs to be said, that doesn't make it bad.

Meanwhile, my girlfriend thinks this is all hilarious. She reckons we are all like this

View attachment 9234
I can't entirely explain it, but it's an attitude that's followed me through every game I've ever played as an adult. The feeling of achievement falls somewhere between "I have more stuff than you" and "I'm better than you at gathering stuff" but I think it's easier to understand if you think of it like money.

Resources are, in a sense, the equivalent of Minecraft's currency. Some of us are starving artists, and creating is far more important than acquisition. Others are the businessmen of MC, and being the "richest", having more than the next fellow, being able to afford anything on a whim, is what we value most.

Both types are important. If everyone was an artist, we'd all starve. If everyone were the, er, rich people, if you will, we'd all be bored to tears. Plus the economy would collapse =P The same is true within the game, or any multiplayer game; true success comes when people work together.

I don't talk about it too often outside of my friends within it, but I play EVE as well. The people who get the accolades in that game are the top PVPers, the guys who run corporations, the people who make news... but there is not a player in that game who doesn't realize that everything they do happens because of a lot of people mining and crafting behind the scenes.

Anyhow, this is starting to get away from me, so let me close with this; to your girlfriend: everyone has their silly obsession, their thing that they are way too picky about, their passion that the outsider does not understand. Gaming is mine. I'm curious what hers looks like, and if it would look just as silly to us ;)

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I can't entirely explain it, but it's an attitude that's followed me through every game I've ever played as an adult. The feeling of achievement falls somewhere between "I have more stuff than you" and "I'm better than you at gathering stuff" but I think it's easier to understand if you think of it like money.

Resources are, in a sense, the equivalent of Minecraft's currency. Some of us are starving artists, and creating is far more important than acquisition. Others are the businessmen of MC, and being the "richest", having more than the next fellow, being able to afford anything on a whim, is what we value most.

Both types are important. If everyone was an artist, we'd all starve. If everyone were the, er, rich people, if you will, we'd all be bored to tears. Plus the economy would collapse =P The same is true within the game, or any multiplayer game; true success comes when people work together.

I don't talk about it too often outside of my friends within it, but I play EVE as well. The people who get the accolades in that game are the top PVPers, the guys who run corporations, the people who make news... but there is not a player in that game who doesn't realize that everything they do happens because of a lot of people mining and crafting behind the scenes.

Anyhow, this is starting to get away from me, so let me close with this; to your girlfriend: everyone has their silly obsession, their thing that they are way too picky about, their passion that the outsider does not understand. Gaming is mine. I'm curious what hers looks like, and if it would look just as silly to us ;)

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She was mainly just teasing me but I thought it was funny so I included it here. She is pretty obsessed with Disney and mermaids but I was under the impression that that was normal (maybe even compulsory, I know I love it).
The reason I love mod minecraft is the challenge of making everything perfect putting the finishing touches on a tower of power or making the last piece of that greg tech fusion reactor then coming here to talk to everyone on how to make it better even hear people say make another. That is what makes moded minecraft the best game to play everyone is working together to reach one goal get as close to creative without going into the game. The moders gave us the tools to make this goal real now we have tasked ourselves with achieve the goal of earned creative mode
She was mainly just teasing me but I thought it was funny so I included it here. She is pretty obsessed with Disney and mermaids but I was under the impression that that was normal (maybe even compulsory, I know I love it).
No argument ;) I just like to shake people up a little, make them a bit more self-aware. I certainly didn't take offense; I'm proud of understanding subtleties.

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I missed it too. Couldn't tell if he/she was trying to be snooty or actually posting something they liked.

On Topic: My view is this:

If you play creative you obviously don't like the main part of the survival game, resource gathering and crafting. Above all else, the main goal in the game is gathering resources, if you don't like that, why even switch to survival. The whole point of that mode is to force gathering and crafting. Just stay in creative and post your creation as such and take what praise comes with it. Switching just seems like you're trying to pull the wool over someone.

I agree with Wagon above, that to me, the whole point of modded MC is to provide a creative like feel after a payment of time invested. People who complain about some mod giving infinite this or that doesn't really bother me in a game that is, even in its vanilla incarnation, infinite in resources.

I think the problem only really comes when people do massive things to a world in creative, then switch to survival and try to pass it off as an accomplishment. When most people see the hunger and armor bars in screen shots, we assume there was some investment of time, the larger the build the larger the investment. When I see a post from creative, I see no time investment besides choosing a building material. Both builds are avialable in either environment, it's just that one has a significantly higher investment of time than the other.

I don't necessarily see anything inherently bad in creative builds, but I don't see as much respect in their investment, as I do in a world that is equal in size but done entirely from survival. One thing that has probably scewed my view in this is watching time lapse buildings. Those builds can be done in either mode, but in one it's less about time invested into the game, and more about time invested in choosing material and clicking to place a block.

When I see someone place a block in creative I see a time investment of 30 seconds of scrolling through the windows and making a decision.

When I see someone place a block in survival I see a time investment of several hours lost in a cave digging blocks for the materials to create the block so they can even place it. Even if they've got a thousand quarries running, at some point they had none and were digging manually in a cave to get it all started. That feeling just isn't there when I view creative structures.

A guy on reddit just told me this: "People simply want things made more difficult, so that it takes longer to accomplish the same task."

This is really the whole idea of this thread. Any time you go to survival mode, you are making things more difficult to accomplish the same task. They do it for the reason you said, you get more credit for your work and people appreciate the time you put into it. What bugs me personally is that if you go one step further and just make things even harder than the norm... people attack you. "tedium isnt difficult!" which is basically saying that just making the game harder so that it takes longer to accomplish the same task does not mean you deserver more credit.

But crafting anything at all is just tedium. A creative player could say "why did you waste all that time crafting that MPS suit when you could have just build fun things and done fun stuff with the same effect I do without all that tedium?" Everyone is doing the same exact thing, but just to different levels.
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Any time you go to survival mode, you are making things more difficult to accomplish the same task.

Well actually, as I said near the start of this thread, I go into survival mainly to do something you can't do in creative. I like to see how the things I build work when a small semblance of resource scarcity is introduced to the game. Likewise, I don't go into creative mode to do stuff that is easier than survival. Its mainly about abstracting away the parts of the game I am usually not that interested in (mainly resource gathering).
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I am such a passive aggressive person. The joke had only one way to be interpreted in context, the joke highlighted that.

If you give proper context to something that gives little room for misinterpretation then there's no reason not to do it. Those people can be dealt with just not in the same way you would others. He smiles at you while insulting you? Laugh and call his bluff. The one who folds to anger is the one who lost. Everyone in this forum is a minority. There is no real majority within the modded MC community in terms of opinions. Not until you group people together anyway. We're not groups; we're individuals.

I'm not.

-Anonymous individual in crowd, "Life of Brian", when Brian tells a crowd "Don't let anyone tell you what to think... You're all individuals!"
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