there are range upgrades. the bigest one is a emerald upgrade it exend the range white 11 block on every sideWhat's the best way to turn steam into power?
I've just started FTB and I have just got myself 2 HP boilers.
Also how do you all get huge MFR farms? Mine are only 3x3.
Its not that, they retain their hear and everything, its just the heatup time is impractical for a big boiler when it isn't running 24/7.Do Boilers need to be re-heated every time you log back on to SSP? What about if it's chunk loaded?
there are range upgrades. the bigest one is a emerald upgrade it exend the range white 11 block on every side
I don't get why so many people are boiler addicts: the only time I ever used one I just powered it with a wither skeleton spawner (though i'm limited to SSP, that's part of the reason I guess). Are they really that good?
Unfortunately my epic nuclear setup is on my laptop world, I can't post a picture of it yet![]()
Good lord.
It's... beautiful.
Its not that, they retain their hear and everything, its just the heatup time is impractical for a big boiler when it isn't running 24/7.
That's the point, you want it to run 247. It and 29 others.Its not that, they retain their hear and everything, its just the heatup time is impractical for a big boiler when it isn't running 24/7.
Check out the boiler fuel calculator. For example, it takes roughly 54 1/2 stacks of Coal Coke to fully warm up a 36HP boiler.What I'm curious about is how much fuel is needed to heat the boiler before switching to a renewable resource. I might need to make one, but I'm wondering if just using diesel generators would be better.
I'll post a power room sometime anyhow, shouldn't take long to finish.
Thank you! I knew something like this existed. 54 half-stacks...why not just say 27 stacks?Check out the boiler fuel calculator. For example, it takes roughly 54 1/2 stacks of Coal Coke to fully warm up a 36HP boiler.
Oh. deerrrrrpp.I think he means 54 and a half stacks.
Guess he wanted to link this one:Also, I think the link's broken :<
Guess he wanted to link this one:
Unless I'm missing something obvious, doesn't it take about 6 cooling towers to keep up with a single one of those reactors? That's an absolutely enormous initial investment (not to mention the reflectors). CASUCs might chew through lapis, but it will take a very long time for that UU cost to pass the cost of your system.Okay, here's my nuclear setup. The first picture shows the reactors themselves, which are controlled by RP logic gates (because i'm completely inept with anything to do with computers, including CC). The reactors are set up like this.
The second pictures shows some of the reactors that act as coolers for the hot cooling cells (there are 42 in total), which are configured like this.
I haven't done any maths, so I have no idea whether or nor this beast was cheaper than just making a whole bunch of mark 1 reactors (I suspect probably not), but it has zero running costs, and much higher efficiency than a normal mark 1 setup. If you've never seen a nuclear setup like this before, then the concept if similar to DW20's reactor (if you've seen it), except I don't blow 1/3 of the eu on making lapis. It also makes a LOT more eu/t: 7680 eu/t to be precise.
I wish I could've done an aerial picture, but its too much effort to destroy & rebuild the ceiling.
It takes about 4.67 coolers per reactor (though with multiple reactors you have to round it up to 5 for 5*8=40, I just used an extra 2 to be safe). Also, with GT copper isn't really an issue (lava centrifuge ftw).Unless I'm missing something obvious, doesn't it take about 6 cooling towers to keep up with a single one of those reactors? That's an absolutely enormous initial investment (not to mention the reflectors). CASUCs might chew through lapis, but it will take a very long time for that UU cost to pass the cost of your system.
I currently run 5 cheap CASUCs that each produce 512 EU/t (I use this design because it produces exactly HV current) at the cost of 35 lapis every cycle (overall efficiency of 4.38). It runs on thorium, so those cycles are 5x longer than uranium. All 5 are supported by a single breeder.
Also, your ongoing costs aren't 0, it costs 40 copper plates (320 copper) per cycle to make your quad uranium cells. Dual/quad thorium cells just use ingots instead of plates so in the time one of your reactors has spent 1280 copper, one of mine has spent 30 copper and 35 lapis. Of course, one of your reactors also generates almost 400 EU/t more than mine, but even if I used 2 of my reactors to each of yours, that'd only be 60 copper and 70 lapis.
EDIT: Fixed copper numbers in last bit, forgot you had to make 2 duals per quad. Didn't really affect the ratio, but it was still off.
You mean thorium pings won't affect plutonium anymore? Lame. The whole reason I decided to run my current world on nuclear power was because I liked the challenge. After setting up the automation for my breeder and hybrid reactors, a simple refueling setup seems pretty boring. Except for the extra resource cost, those uranium-fueled Mk. 1 reactors are almost as easy as solar panels/nether lava power. In 1.5 I might end up going with your setup, just so there's some way to make it more complicated. At least my breeder would still be mostly viable with a little tweaking - that was the most fun to properly automate.It takes about 4.67 coolers per reactor (though with multiple reactors you have to round it up to 5 for 5*8=40, I just used an extra 2 to be safe). Also, with GT copper isn't really an issue (lava centrifuge ftw).
By the way, I don't know if you were aware, but in 1.5 thorium & plutonium have been changed. Thorium now only lasts half as long (25000 seconds), but generates 20% less heat, while plutonium generates both more eu/t and more heat than before (value is different depending on the efficiency). Also, the hybrid effect between plutonium & thorium cells is now gone.
I haven't, however I have every type of plant and seed crap in my AE storage I believe. I plan on testing automatically feeding a bioreactor, however I'm busy working on automating EVERYTHING in my gregtech/AE building atm.
Here's a sneak peek: