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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I do use IC2 without Gregtech. Not extensively, just a few things out of it.
Yes, but barely anyone uses macerators and electric furnaces from the getgo, and the only worthwhile tool/armor set is quantum.
What I mean is very few use a purely-EU based base, while plenty use an RF-based one
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Well-Known Member
Oct 4, 2014
Yes, but barely anyone uses macerators and electric furnaces from the getgo, and the only worthwhile tool/armor set is quantum.
What I mean is very few use a purely-EU based base, while plenty use an RF-based one
Personally I much prefer IC2's rubber trees to MFR's rubber trees which may as well just be another tree. Expert Mode reminded me of alot of stuff in IC2 I missed too, mostly the induction furnace (So efficent and fast, not as fast as a fully overclocked electric... but nothing comes close to it efficency wise.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I learned that RF Tools' Liquid Monitor is buggy and can cause a crash.
I learned that basic BC gates work much better!
I learned the basics of hexadecimal to decimal conversion for use in the first 2 bits of ender tanks (because...)
I learned that there are 216 fluids in DW20 1.7.10. Thanks NEI!


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Personally I much prefer IC2's rubber trees to MFR's rubber trees which may as well just be another tree. Expert Mode reminded me of alot of stuff in IC2 I missed too, mostly the induction furnace (So efficent and fast, not as fast as a fully overclocked electric... but nothing comes close to it efficency wise.

The first time I used an induction furnace, I was pretty impressed at it's speed.

For me, GT was really neat in exploring the relationships between various elements and compounds. Gregorius must be some kind of student of metallurgy. More than once, I found myself looking up the real-life details on stuff like chromium, manganese, etc... Very interesting stuff, really. Just a b-tch to gather/create in-game (mining huge chucks of black granite for a tiny bit of tungstate...).
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
1. Easy to make for early game, basically just some wood which is free for the punching.
2. Gets your stuff out of chests - where it is hidden - out into the open where you can see each item and click the drawer to obtain a stack.
3. Can store way more than chests can - default drawers hold either 32 stacks of one item, 16 stacks of 2 items, or 8 stacks of 4 items (2x2 drawer). 5 levels of upgrades as well.
4. With the Drawer Controller, one double-click on it puts all the stuff in your inventory into its respective drawer so you don't waste time sorting all the crap you collect into the right chest.
5. Drawers make a base look cool!! (IMO)

There's probably more but those are the big ones. I disagree that it's the same "game-changer" as AE is, but I do agree that it is an awesome mod most useful when you really need some help - during very early game. The biggest drawback is that you will max out the capacity of the 2x2 Drawers at around 15,000 items even with all 5 upgrades installed. There is a Void Upgrade if you choose to use it. And another issue is that the wall can get so large that it becomes difficult to click on the higher rows. But those are minor complaints that are easily solved (just use 2 drawers when one gets filled, or swap the 2x2's for 1x1 drawers that hold more).

You can also connect a storage bus to a drawer controller...


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
This isn't strictly MC related, but for all you Dwarf Fortress players out there (and everyone else who should check out DF, this might convince you :p).
I discovered Note to Urist yesterday. I think it may be one of the funniest threads I have ever perused.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Immersive Engineering is neat, but I particularly love the energy distribution system.

You can transform RF into EU without a middle man. (Pardon the cave of shame) upload_2016-1-5_19-58-33.png
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