What's so amazing about Storage Drawers? I keep seeing people wax lyrical about it, but I've looked it up (though not played with it) and I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Well the 1st great block is the Drawer Controller. It connects to all drawers (barrels) that are less then 13 blocks away. You can pipe in, and it'll go in to the correct(or next empty) drawer. You can pipe out as well. When you connect the controller to an AE2 storage bus, it will see all the items in all the drawers it's connected to. It's super awesome.What's so amazing about Storage Drawers? I keep seeing people wax lyrical about it, but I've looked it up (though not played with it) and I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Well the 1st great block is the Drawer Controller. It connects to all drawers (barrels) that are less then 13 blocks away. You can pipe in, and it'll go in to the correct(or next empty) drawer. You can pipe out as well. When you connect the controller to an AE2 storage bus, it will see all the items in all the drawers it's connected to. It's super awesome.
Next great block is the compacting drawer. I'm going to use examples to describe it. 1st, let's use iron ingots. You put an iron ingot into the compacting drawer, and 3 icons will show up. An iron block, ingot, and nugget. You can take out 1 ingot or 1-9 nuggets. If you put in 8 more ingots, you can take out a block, 1-9 ingots, or 1-81 nuggets. Next, try it with cobblestone (with extraUtils installed). You put in 1 cobble, and it shows up cobble, compressed, and double compressed. (Also, if the spoiler images don't load, here's the gallery.)
I don't have XU in my pack right now, so I was unaware that cobble would compress in a compacting drawer. Will this work for higher levels of compression? For example, would placing triple compressed in the next compacting drawer allow for triple, quadruple, and quintuple compressed to be stored?
Well, it does have 4.3 MJ/kg in energy density. For reference, your typical Lithium-ion battery tops out at around 1.8 MJ/kg, for reference...and a ham and cheese sandwich has about 10.13 MJ/kg. So...I guest this means you should explode a ham and cheese sandwich.Today I learned that TNT generates a lot of power ... (watching Etho)
Today I learned that theres a fine line between making explosives and making explosions![]()
Didn't the Mythbusters make a rocket out of ham?...So...I guest this means you should explode a ham and cheese sandwich.
"I hold your hand in mine, dearThis post makes me hope you still have all of your fingers. Bonus points if they are still attached to your hands.
This post makes me hope you still have all of your fingers. Bonus points if they are still attached to your hands.
Salami, to be precise. It went as well as you'd expect.Didn't the Mythbusters make a rocket out of ham?
What's so amazing about Storage Drawers? I keep seeing people wax lyrical about it, but I've looked it up (though not played with it) and I can't see what all the fuss is about.
Storage Drawers > AE2 (IMO) I wad never a fan of digital storage because it's not very aesthetically pleasing unless you have a big techy base. Although it does make a pretty sick server room.1. Easy to make for early game, basically just some wood which is free for the punching.
2. Gets your stuff out of chests - where it is hidden - out into the open where you can see each item and click the drawer to obtain a stack.
3. Can store way more than chests can - default drawers hold either 32 stacks of one item, 16 stacks of 2 items, or 8 stacks of 4 items (2x2 drawer). 5 levels of upgrades as well.
4. With the Drawer Controller, one double-click on it puts all the stuff in your inventory into its respective drawer so you don't waste time sorting all the crap you collect into the right chest.
5. Drawers make a base look cool!! (IMO)
There's probably more but those are the big ones. I disagree that it's the same "game-changer" as AE is, but I do agree that it is an awesome mod most useful when you really need some help - during very early game. The biggest drawback is that you will max out the capacity of the 2x2 Drawers at around 15,000 items even with all 5 upgrades installed. There is a Void Upgrade if you choose to use it. And another issue is that the wall can get so large that it becomes difficult to click on the higher rows. But those are minor complaints that are easily solved (just use 2 drawers when one gets filled, or swap the 2x2's for 1x1 drawers that hold more).
It's usually just for people who don't realize this section exists.There's a non-ftb general chat section?
EDIT: I discovered that there's a "non-ftb general chat" section, but it just seems to talk about modpacks and servers, often talking about ftb packs.
It's usually just for people who don't realize this section exists.
I was referring to this, but okWhile this is true, I didn't want to annoy the internet gods by posting in the wrong section![]()
I discovered that there's a "non-ftb general chat" section, but it just seems to talk about modpacks and servers, often talking about ftb packs.