My AE system suddenly started going crazy. It blinks all the time, and blinks so badly that I can hardly do anything.
Well thanks to a post on this forum from a year ago, I just figured out what is going on.
The blinking wasn't due to insufficient power supply. And it wasn't due to too many items flowing in (I have a lot of bee alvearies making my materials).
Turns out the AE blinking was caused by my little level emitter/dark cable combination, which I was using to keep a few stacks of honey drops in my system at all times (for use in my Beealyzer and Treealyzer).
Apparently, every time the level emitter changed state and toggled the dark cable on or off... this resets the AE system. Since I have a lot of honey drops coming in from my alvearies, the level emitter was basically going "on/off/on/off/on/off" non-stop... and since it was turning a dark cable to my Squeezers on and off at the same rate, my AE system was resetting itself at this rate. On, off, on, off - all my AE was doing was blinking and I literally couldn't use it.
tl;dr: Don't use AE dark cable in conjuntion with a level emitter that is going to change state quickly. That's what I've learned today.