What cool little thing have you discovered today?

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Thaumium with 3 redstone modifiers?
I fail to see why you'd use thaumium to get an extra modifier and then have to pay 3 modifiers to make it any useful. Also, i'd prefer to pay 1 diamons and 1 modifier to make the pick of my choise able to mine obsidian. Then to pay 3 modifiers and 150 redstone. You find redstone and diamonds on the same layers so...

If you want obsidian quick, try this : igneous extruder, aqueous accumulator, 2 buckets of water, a wrench, a portable tank and a few pipes. You shovel the lava in the portable tank and you have obsidian in no time.

Or just use your electrum plated stone hammer with diamond upgrade to mine 9 at a time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If I swandive off the edge of a cliff with my resonant jetpack's hover mode switched off, it'll automatically turn on before I hit the ground.

That's neat.

the tier before the resonant jetpack also does that, but tiers before that do not.
you can also switch this feature of by pressing the jetpack activation key while holding shift.

while it's a great future I also ended up dying because of it quite a few times, mostly due to lagg.
I'd end up falling down and pressed the jetpack key early on but the jetpack wouldn't activate, so I'd end up pressing it more often till I almost hit the ground.
the safety would switch on and for some reason the game then decided to accept the keypress of the jetpack key, thus turning it off again
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Too Much Free Time
Nov 11, 2013
Bee Frames can be ENCHANTED!!!

Ok perhaps not that useful... But I suppose the costs of an Oblivion frame might make it worth to spend one of the gazillion Unbreaking III books in my ME network on. :p

EDIT:Ok the Oblivion frame can not be enchanted... :( Perhaps it is only Forestry frames then.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Bee Frames can be ENCHANTED!!!

Ok perhaps not that useful... But I suppose the costs of an Oblivion frame might make it worth to spend one of the gazillion Unbreaking III books in my ME network on. :p

EDIT:Ok the Oblivion frame can not be enchanted... :( Perhaps it is only Forestry frames then.

that's... weird. I would actually think that if frames could be enchanted the magic bees ones would be the first, since they're from a magic mod after all...


Jul 28, 2013



Jul 28, 2013
Also an ME Interface with 5 Molecular assemblers attached to it still only uses one channel.

Technically this means I can run 160 Molecular assemblers off a single dense cable.

Fear the might of Colin!