Nuts to timers. I just use an Immersive Engineering Pump with a lever on it. Lever on to cast, off to make ingots or whatever.
45-60 in Beyond is the primary territory for Bauxite/Aluminum, as well as copper I need lots of.
GT-IC2 is only bad if you're playing it 'Vanilla'. I've got Advanced Machines which gives very fast variants of the Metal Former, one for each mode, which makes live infinitely easier.
I'm using Tech Reborn machinery, aiming to eventually put up a Fusion Reactor. Right now, it's all about getting rubies to get Chrome.
Can't stand RFTools myself. Just too easy to do everything with. Like the Love Child of EE, and MFR. Place block, game won. Since there's not another option that doesn't make something out of nothing, manual mining it is. Maybe an IC2 miner. Haven't ever used one of those before.
Hmmm... now that sounds like an excellent option. And doable, which is nice. That can be enchanted as well I believe... Definitely have to do that then I think.
But spoon does save you something that is in very short supply in modded minecraft, hotbar slots.Plain Efficiency 5 is okay by me. I have a Cobalt shovel that's already too fast without any redstone, no spoon necessary.
Did you ever find out if this worked for you by the way @Drbretto?I'm trying to fill a much, much much bigger pool, but this could be what I was looking for!
Did you ever find out if this worked for you by the way @Drbretto?
Unrelatedly: I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but the greenhouse glass from Actually Additions DOES appear to work somewhat on Ender Lillies - it doesn't apply a bonemeal effect, so they don't regress, and it does seem to make sure they mature quicker - it certainly doesn't feel as slow as usual anyway.
Ah bugger. I wonder if part of that is because of the source-forming behaviour of water - that does half the job for you. In the video I watched, he used lava, but it was a VERY small pool.It only works for water, I believe. I never got a chance to actually try it, but I do remember resigning myself to the idea that I was just going to have to suck it up and do it manually.
Ah bugger. I wonder if part of that is because of the source-forming behaviour of water - that does half the job for you. In the video I watched, he used lava, but it was a VERY small pool.
I discovered that Actually Additions Fish 'n' chips are incredibly OP, only taking 1 cooked fish, 1 baked potato (cut into fries using a knife) 1 paper cup (3 paper), they restore nearly a full hunger bar and saturation bar, and the only "downside" is that you get the cup back which can waste inventory slots
That sounds OK to me, actually. If you think that's too much, you should try the coffeeIt's all that plus a potion effect based on your ingredients, that can last up to 2:30 and has multiple charges. Full hunger bar, full saturation, and you can drink it any time, even if you're full.
I'm ok with all that, though. That recipe gets you to fish, farm and cook, without being overly cumbersome.
fair enough, and I agree, one of the packs I play (All the mods 3) just added Spice of life and I was quick to disable thatI think it's all in how you like to play, too.
To me, the hunger aspect is a side thing. It's there because it's survival mode and you gotta eat (and more accurately, it's a good excuse to take a break once in a while because I don't know about the rest of you, but I can go off into a trance for hours playing this game sometimes. I feel like needing to stop and sort and eat and all that is healthy for my brain, lol). If I was playing vanilla, I'd just automate the production of baked potatoes anyway.
But, if you're out there trying to do a more realistic farm simulation with a greater focus on the survival aspects, I can agree that it's a bit OP.
However, AA, in my experience, seems to be designed directly around easing the chores of early to mid game minecraft, without completely eliminating them, and that seems totally fitting. In fact, I was not aware it even existed and that's something I will actively seek out next time I play.
The greenhouse glass probably seems to work by ensuring that the ender lily grows as soon as it's internal cooldown on allowing a growth tick runs out.Did you ever find out if this worked for you by the way @Drbretto?
Unrelatedly: I can't remember if I've mentioned this before, but the greenhouse glass from Actually Additions DOES appear to work somewhat on Ender Lillies - it doesn't apply a bonemeal effect, so they don't regress, and it does seem to make sure they mature quicker - it certainly doesn't feel as slow as usual anyway.