Guys, at this point, a separate bee-gun-related thread would probably be more appropriate please. I keep getting notifications on one of my favorite threads only to find out its still about this bee joke. Which we "discovered" yesterday.
grind cobblestone? pulverize smoothstone.. plenty of ways to make gravel.. but I guess after a while you start swimming in uu matter too ^^
I love chisel concreteI discovered that I have made so much Chisel Concrete that I have run out of Gravel. I am NOT going to start a quarry again just for Gravel...
So making Gravel with UU-matterAnd then I discovered that you can replicate Compressed Gravel.
Yeah I have been using large amounts of regular Concrete and Asphalt.I love chisel concreteits a bit challenging to walk along when trying to build with it though.
A cool little thing I discovered with it a while ago is the asphalt texture; I love that - its great for roads. And that the light concrete and dark concrete can be blended seamlessly into one another because there is a texture that's half and half! Though I think its light on the top only, there is no dark top/light bottom.
And what's wrong with choosing UU-matter?There must be...50 ways to get some gravel...