What cool little thing have you discovered today?

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But do know what the eff you are doing. Explosives aren't funny if you accidentally blow your hand off.
Yeah, I mostly spent my time watching the video being mystified at how lucky those idiots were to not get a stray rocket to the face, standing as close as they were without protective gear (which was what the recommended video was for amusingly enough). I know from my Dad's antics with those that I don't want to be even 30 feet* of non-professionals using fireworks in a (mostly) intended fashion let alone an unpredictable display like the video shows.
If you want to do something awesomely insane with fireworks then please at least use a little bit of that unused sanity to follow some sort of safety protocol. ;P

*the distance between our and our neighbor's dock which proved to be not safe enough when a stray rocket managed to reach it
This is probably obvious, but another Pure Daisy-related item I found recently is that Equal-Trade makes "harvesting" your livingrock a billion times easier, if you have access to it. I tend to farm 8-10 daisies worth of livingrock/wood at a time, so having a quick means of picking it up is super nice. (You replace it with another bunch of stone or wood or whatever you anticipate you'll need more of next)
I'll blow your mind by saying that Botania has it's own ET that can be used for this purpose. It's named Rod of Shifting Crusts I think. It is not working with saplings and such, though.
I'll blow your mind by saying that Botania has it's own ET that can be used for this purpose. It's named Rod of Shifting Crusts I think. It is not working with saplings and such, though.
I'll be honest in return and say I had hoped someone would say something along these lines :)

Botania's one of those funny mods that has a, well, rod/flower/something for everything.
This is probably obvious, but another Pure Daisy-related item I found recently is that Equal-Trade makes "harvesting" your livingrock a billion times easier, if you have access to it. I tend to farm 8-10 daisies worth of livingrock/wood at a time, so having a quick means of picking it up is super nice. (You replace it with another bunch of stone or wood or whatever you anticipate you'll need more of next)
A Barrel for stone and wood with a sample of both on top respectively(for setting the rod/wand) makes it very easy indeed to farm the living materials early game.
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"Transparent" blocks, such as stairs, slabs, Botania Abstruse Platforms, are transparent for Aura Cascade bursts too.
If you use Purple Aura breeding as energy source (i.e. don't need to return it back up), then you can descend another 15 blocks down and use same energy again, and then again all the way to bedrock.
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Making gems in Intangible can be automate. Drop blue stones from above using dropper on a flowing lava on top of crucible with gem template. Pull gems out of crucible with hopper.

After Pigman has soul removed in Intangible, he will start to die. Hitting him with lightning will turn him back into Zombie Pigman, which will stop dying and will be able to gain another Wise soul.
The DimensionGuard mod for 1.7.10. I wanted a dimension that was as safe as possible for building, and another that permitted all the mobs and blocks that go *Boom*. This did it for me, you can restrict blocks from entire mods (not tested with many, but worked for I wanted) and you can block entities on a per dimension basis. I don't have bukkit or kcauldron, so this was an easy add-on to do.
This isn't so much a discovery (since it's spelled out in the Thaumcraft Wiki...) but you can actually use the Sword of the Zephyr to fly; hold right click and you'll ascend into the air. You can move very slowly while doing it, but I found if you release and then re-click the button while holding forward you get forward momentum which can be used to fly around. Not creative-level flying by any means but very effective.

You can also right-click while falling and you won't take fall damage, which is cool
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This isn't so much a discovery (since it's spelled out in the Thaumcraft Wiki...) but you can actually use the Sword of the Zephyr to fly; hold right click and you'll ascend into the air. You can move very slowly while doing it, but I found if you release and then re-click the button while holding forward you get forward momentum which can be used to fly around. Not creative-level flying by any means but very effective.

You can also right-click while falling and you won't take fall damage, which is cool
The thread is specifically about neat things we discover, fits right in :)
On a similar vein I noticed the Equal Trade focus (and I presume Excavation) gets silk touch access at level 5. This is assuming you don't get fortune :P
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This isn't so much a discovery (since it's spelled out in the Thaumcraft Wiki...) but you can actually use the Sword of the Zephyr to fly; hold right click and you'll ascend into the air. You can move very slowly while doing it, but I found if you release and then re-click the button while holding forward you get forward momentum which can be used to fly around. Not creative-level flying by any means but very effective.

You can also right-click while falling and you won't take fall damage, which is cool
If you've got witching gadgets and twilight forest, the cloak of the raven makes a brilliant companion to the upward propulsion from the sword.
I learned that the song "You can't always get what you want" is about the drug store being out of cherry coke, you know cause that's where you used to get pop(or soda for you non Midwesterners)
Again, this probably isn't news to most of you (and is Vanilla to boot!) but Efficiency II iron shovels are enough to instant mine dirt blocks, but you need Efficiency IV diamond to instant mine grass blocks. (Eff V iron might do it, I've never owned an Eff V Iron spade lol)

Man that grass is tough stuff!
Again, this probably isn't news to most of you (and is Vanilla to boot!) but Efficiency II iron shovels are enough to instant mine dirt blocks, but you need Efficiency IV diamond to instant mine grass blocks. (Eff V iron might do it, I've never owned an Eff V Iron spade lol)

Man that grass is tough stuff!
Yeah I've always found that a little bit odd.
Again, this probably isn't news to most of you (and is Vanilla to boot!) but Efficiency II iron shovels are enough to instant mine dirt blocks, but you need Efficiency IV diamond to instant mine grass blocks. (Eff V iron might do it, I've never owned an Eff V Iron spade lol)

Man that grass is tough stuff!
I've played around with this before.
For dirt, sand, gravel, or clay it requires an Eff II Diamond Shovel for Instamine.

For grass, Mycelium, or (maybe?) Podzol it requires an Eff IV Diamond Shovel.

Iron Shovels have roughly the same mining speed if enchanted one level above diamond (I.e. Diamond with Eff II = Iron with Eff III, Diamond with Eff IV = Iron with Eff V)

Also, Stone Shovels are one level below Iron, So an Eff IV Stone = Eff III Iron
Well, more irritating than cool tbh, but i found that molten glass from a smeltery counts as hot enough to break temperate fluiducts.

Well there's that foray into non-EnderIO piping curtailed, back to fluid conduits we go :)
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Well, more irritating than cool tbh, but i found that molten glass from a smeltery counts as hot enough to break temperate fluiducts.

Well there's that foray into non-EnderIO piping curtailed, back to fluid conduits we go :)
I always liked EnderIO because of the aesthetics and clusters. I heard people complain about lag but I have a PoS computer and I never had any issues with that. I wonder if they were having huge fully automated everything systems and decided to blame it on the conduits.