You're a smeltery-is-half-empty kinda guy. You can always have a jetpack to get in and out, with a perfectly serviceable (trap)door on top.The thing is that you get hurt if you're in it when metals are smelted, I think + you can't have any blocks or doors in it. Not really possible to make it your home and functional
It doesn't have to run while you're inside...You still can't place blocks in it if you want to have the multiblock work
It doesn't have to run while you're inside...
Or swapped out with one of those snazzy frame teleporter thingies from Funky Locomotion.Extra points if all your furnishings are deployed from and retracted into Drawbridges on command.
Okay, that's easily the fanciest thing I've ever heard. Especially if you have it automated with visible piping so you can watch your molten metals whisk by. OOH! Use ExtraCells' fluid storage buses and a set of big, clear tanks to store your metals in molten form, using liquid crafting and casting tables to automate the production of ingots whenever you need them.Mount it in the floor, and fill the top row with glass.
Yea, your 9x9 can have the smeltery above you, so you pour down to where you are, or below you, so you can look down on your creations!
Hey, isn't there something that lets you stick a room inside a block? Can you stick a smeltery iside that?
Since it technically makes refined iron, it is much more difficult to find.In Infinity, thermal expansion induction furnaces can make steel (output is reinforced iron, it evaded my nei search for steel for quite a while). No more waiting for railcraft blast furnaces!
Note that's configurable and you can set bees to needing requirements, I know in InfiTech at least the four seasonal bees are set to need date requirements. Thought that was the default too but can't find stuff to back that up.Gendustry is even more loltastic than I previously thought. The mutatron completely ignores any weird conditions needed for the mutation. So Leporine bees outside of easter and Jaded bees despite not being Jadedcat.