If you have loads of Honey Drops and just a bit of Wheat you can also make Honeyed Slice.The best I've found (to the point it was borderline broken) was magicfood from Magical Crops, a Gourmaryllis fed one piece makes a really good amount of mana since one piece of magicfood = a full food bar.
My current world I'm running my entire Botania setup on 4 Gourmaryllis being fed Ambrosia, steak would be just as good but I have a lot of bee products. This setup produced enough mana to get my Terra Shatterer to rank SS in 2-3 days.
Wheat->Wheat Flour->Bread(Trivection chamber X2)->Honeyed Slice x4
That's 8! pieces of 4 hunger, 4.5 saturation foods for 1 wheat and 8 Honey drops