It's not a bug though, everything is working as intended. Whether or not it should be changed is a different question, but it's not broken in the sense that things are crashing.
Indeed not, that is the pack maintainer's job. Railcraft should, however, not allow cross-mod exploits like this if it's possible to have the mod configured properly to change the minecart recipe it uses so that if they're produced from steel, they should become a different minecart by default and therefore don't get smelted as if they were a vanilla minecart. This bug has been reported, it's up to the FTB Infinity pack developers to decide what, if anything, they will do about it.
Cheers ...
I discovered what the Rite Of Fertility does
Makes you unable to see because of all the stupid tallgrass, still cool though. Can I revert it though?? haha![]()
ssh bby is okayHmm.
Sqrt(-x) == sqrt (-1 * x) == sqrt(i^2 * x)
Sqrt(a * b) = sqrt(a) * sqrt(b)
Sqrt(i^2) * sqrt(x) = i * sqrt(x)
(i * sqrt(x)) ^2 = i^2 * sqrt(x)^2
== -1 * sqrt(x).
Test: x=4. Sqrt(-4). 2i * 2i = -4.
Alright, I made an algebra error. Sqrt(-x) should be i*sqrt(x). So that inner term is just i*sqrt(bleep), which is just imaginary. Squaring that is just right back to -bleep.
What have I discovered today? I'm still a math nerd, even though I'm ... More than 20 years out of practice? Sheesh.
It doesn't say go ahead.Does it count if the discovery isn't Minecraft related? And also was made a few days ago? Because I discovered the channel of 331Erock recently. This guy is an AMAZING guitarist, and he's always so happy in his videos. To bring it more on-topic, his stuff makes an excellent replacement for the (in my opinion) occasionally bland Minecraft music.
Does it count if the discovery isn't Minecraft related? And also was made a few days ago? Because I discovered the channel of 331Erock recently. This guy is an AMAZING guitarist, and he's always so happy in his videos. To bring it more on-topic, his stuff makes an excellent replacement for the (in my opinion) occasionally bland Minecraft music.
Thaumcraft Essentia Tubes are Microblock compatible. None of the other blocks seem to be, but this does allow for hollow covers to be made where my piping travels through my wall/floor.
Pretty sure this is specifically only with Thaumic Tinkerer installed. It makes the candles multiparts too IIRCThaumcraft Essentia Tubes are Microblock compatible. None of the other blocks seem to be, but this does allow for hollow covers to be made where my piping travels through my wall/floor.
Ender Pouch... Always use Ender PouchesYou can lose Golden Bag of Holding from ExU by opening it and then SHIFT clicking on it. It will put "itself into itself" and you lose it.