Werewolves the matrix. [Game Thread][Championship Practice]

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
You think that's a towntell? I'd always considered voting somebody to save yourself to be a scumtell. Maybe if you're a cop or a bodyguard type, I could see it, but as a vanilla town? It's always better for a vanillager to die than a power role. And robijn's cop claim is dubious as all heck.

I could easily see wolf!robijn voting for Vike to distance himself from him, especially when Vike's already going down. And "to save my own hide" is an easy enough reason to make up, especially as Nojr had just used it a few posts earlier.

I'm starting to think you're a wolf now. Not as wolfy as robijn yet, mind you, but you're not looking towny either.
I'm sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be connected to from the scumcave. Please try again next game.


Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
@goreae, who's your best guess at a wolf right now?
@Someone Else 37, defend yourself.
I haven't read the thread for the past two days because I've been absorbed in stardew valley. Not entirely sure what's going on at this point.

However suspecting me because of the first two nights having no wolfkill? That's just dumb. There are four wolves in this setup. The odds of every single one being so inactive that no kills get posted is so low that expecting people to believe that from no wolfkill is just ridiculous. When I used that tactic, I was the last wolf alive. We had just killed the second to last. We had big problems with inactive players. So I didn't post any kills so that the town would off the less active players and give me some breathing room. However, were I a wolf this game, I'd have no reason to do that. That wouldn't shift blame from the active wolves to the inactive townies, it'd just shift blame to me. Plus I'm sure another wolf would've ignored that and posted a kill anyway because that would've been a terrible plan.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Uh goreae, all I asked was your best guess at wolf right now, but thanks.

(Yes I do suspect you, but that's not what I asked there)

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
I'm sorry, the number you have dialed cannot be connected to from the scumcave. Please try again next game.
You're not even going to try to explain why the post you quoted is scummy? Town!Pyure would say something meaningful, at least...

For what it's worth, my top scumreads at the moment are robijn, and Pyure, mainly because they're trying to kill me for no reason that I can see. Shazzy's pretty well covered the case on that, so no need to restate him. However, I will make a few more specific objections:
Yesterday's votes revolving around Rob:

RealKC - Votes Rob "Why are you asking Pyure and not another player? vote robij until he clarifies this for me."
Rob - Votes Goreae ", since he admitted to playing a werewolf game without issuing any werewolf kills in the first few nights."
RealKC - Votes Pyure {speech about trusting Pyure}
fowltief - Votes RealKC "I honestly don't like your tone of your speech. i understand where you coming from "He could do it" But i can't put it past him to pull off something like this so early. To me, its not like him. I think your making up excuses and your activity makes you suspicious in my eyes."
016Nojr - Votes Trajing "I hate my team and I hope they all die"
016Nojr - Votes Vikestep "Even though I'm not trying to help my team at all, I'd still rather someone else die besides me, lololol"
Zexy - Votes Rob (2nd) "I like SE37 latest post and vote on Robijn."
Rob - Votes Vikestep (2nd) "Not entirely sure if I need to atm, but ##vote Vike for self preservation. Good night!"
For one thing, you left out the post where I voted for him.

After this point, I escalate on Vike. Victini and Shazam08 vote for fowltief and Vikestep respectively. Vikestep is now leading in votes.

Now, you'd think at this point that even if wolf!Rob doesn't try to do anything to actively protect Vike, he'd still at least do something to weaken me. Instead he essentially strengthens me and therefore my case on Vike.
Unless you and robijn are wolfbuddies. I'm liking this idea.

Rob - "With only a quarter to go, I will not take any chances and share my real n0 and n2 peeks now. They were Pyure town and SE scum. Goodbye my fellow townies, it's been nice living here."

Yes, this is silly and weird since he's not even in danger. It also makes his cop-claim today really look dumb since he already played that card yesterday.

Now it gets complicated. Vikestep drops this annoying msg: "Guys, one does not simply leave a peek like this. Why isn't he pushing SE? Lynch this mafia" I think Vike could have come up with a stronger argument than this to redirect the lynch back at Rob.
Note that Vike was distancing himself from robijn there, as he has been doing the whole game.

Rob then asks Vike "Why aren't you voting for me? ...Nvm. you are. I missed that." which reads fairly clean to me.

Then Rob doubles up his vote on Vikestep, not that it mattered at that point, Vike's end was elementary. "On the off chance that my previous vote didn't count because of me editing the post after it had already been quoted by someone else."

I'll be honest. I had Rob 100% town when I went to bed last night because I was 95% convinced Zexy was mafia. When Zexy flipped town, my case for Rob weakened, but I think it has merit. I think he's a rather silly town. I think SE37 looks filthy, and the fact that SE37 was high on Vike's "trust" list, while Rob was high on his "suspect" list reinforces this.
Why do I look filthy, exactly? I never got a clear answer on that.

Also, do note that Vike had several more townreads than there are wolves. And he's way too smart to flat-out townread all of his teammates, because if he did, people would use your argument here and lynch them all.

Also, I noted that Vike was really trying to learn how I interpreted his reads. This tells me there's useful information there.

##Vote Someone Else 37.
Care to tell us what information Vike thinks might be useful?


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
SE37, you keep digging yourself deeper. You want my evidence list? I'm glad you asked!

For what it's worth, my top scumreads at the moment are robijn, and Pyure, mainly because they're trying to kill me for no reason that I can see. Shazzy's pretty well covered the case on that, so no need to restate him.
1) You lynched Fred
2) You fought against lynching Vikestep
3) You made it into Vike's high-trust list.
4) RobijnVogel is on Vike's suspect list (and voted for by Vike)

For one thing, you left out the post where I voted for him.
Uh really? I'll have to go back and find it. Its not in my notes.


Note that Vike was distancing himself from robijn there, as he has been doing the whole game.
That was me noting that possibility. Do you like to engage in overly long wifom circles?

Why do I look filthy, exactly? I never got a clear answer on that.
See above.

Care to tell us what information Vike thinks might be useful?
Sure, he would have liked to know who I thought was town and who was scum from his reads. If I had dissected his reads perfectly in front of his eyes, it would have told him I was a cop. Then he could have strategized his last move better or discussed who to murder.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
SE37, you keep digging yourself deeper. You want my evidence list? I'm glad you asked!

1) You lynched Fred
Not much I can say there, other than D1 mislynches happen all the time.
2) You fought against lynching Vikestep
Not very hard, IIRC. Are you referring to the last line of this post?
You're doing that thing again >_<
I'd vote you for it right now if I hadn't already.

Vike and Zexy's recent analysis posts look pretty town to me. I know that Vike's done snazzy analysis posts like that as a wolf in the past, so I can't take too much stock in that (though I don't know Zexy well, so I dunno if he does that as wolf too).

Pyure's current crusade against Vike confounds me. Currently, we've got a pretty good lead on robijn; if, at some point, we run out of leads, I might consider Vike as a possibility.
Recall, again, that this was before you posted any evidence against Vike. Before that pile of evidence, he looked pretty town to me. Which, I should add, is exactly what he wanted me to think. You convinced me otherwise, although I didn't say anything about it.

What's scummy about "OK, but I think we should lynch the guy who I think is a wolf first"?
I thought robijn was a wolf, you thought Vike was a wolf, we disagreed and voted differently, what's the problem?

3) You made it into Vike's high-trust list.
4) RobijnVogel is on Vike's suspect list (and voted for by Vike)
I've already responded to these, and I bet the conclusion you're drawing from them is exactly what Vike wants you to conclude. You're probably going to ignore this line of text with reasoning "wifom".

Uh really? I'll have to go back and find it. Its not in my notes.

View attachment 27035
See here, right in the middle of the post.

That was me noting that possibility. Do you like to engage in overly long wifom circles?
Wasn't Vike distancing himself from robijn days ago? Of course he'd continue doing that when you point it out- robijn's only looked wolfier since. Go back and read Zexy's posts if you need a second opinion.

See above.

Sure, he would have liked to know who I thought was town and who was scum from his reads. If I had dissected his reads perfectly in front of his eyes, it would have told him I was a cop. Then he could have strategized his last move better or discussed who to murder.
Fair enough.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Also: if you're legit town, I cannot over-emphasize how critical it is for you to be as honest about your lists as possible. Please do not overthink this with circular what-if logic. One way or another I think you know I am town.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
SO37 has been lurking like a madman for the last 30 minutes. This doesn't bode well for his authenticity in our "deal".

Don't be shocked when I disappear for an hour. Game of Thrones starts in 7 minutes.
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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
SO37 has been lurking like a madman for the last 30 minutes. This doesn't bode well for his authenticity in our "deal".

Don't be shocked when I disappear for an hour. Game of Thrones starts in 7 minutes.
Because I'm in the process of ISO'ing every player in the game to get all of my thoughts sorted, and the TV's on which is really distracting. Expect a wall of text within the next few hours.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Tell you what SE37. You gimme your top 3 scum and top 3 town, and I'll switch my vote to Rob.
Hum de dum. This'll take a bit. Time to do some ISOs!
(for those of you not familiar with MU, there's a button on that forum on each player's posts labeled ISO that "isolates" their posts, showing them and hiding everything from other players)

Living Players:
Fowltief: Some fluff, an antismite, a few townish-feeling posts, a few wolfish-feeling... Averages out to pretty neutral.
016Nojr: Typical Nojr, then he votes Traj in self-defence (which I still consider to be a wolftell), then he does the same at Vike, posts a very vague scumread... Scum lean, I guess.
Pyure: I don't wanna beat a dead horse here. The post I quoted reeks of town!Pyure... I don't recall wolf!Pyure arguing with peeps and then stating an ultimatum like that, but town!Pyure has done it plenty of times. Not sure what to say at the moment; I'll see how he responds to this post.
RealKC: Scumread robijn (agrees with my analysis), then turned and voted Pyure (final read pending), hopped on Vike-wagon after Pyure's quoting of the rulebook (agrees with my read at that time, but also the obvious thing for a wolf to do), defends me a bit (thx :)), utter lack of a read in response to Pyure's request (scummy, or at least lazy), scumreads me (changed your mind? hmm), questions robijn but then defends him, votes me twice. Town lean overall, I'd say.
Trajing: Literally hasn't made a single post the entire game. Can't read him because there's nothing to read. We should off him at some point.
VictiniX888: Decent analysis ending with a Vike-vote, defends frederikam, scumreads Leth (town) erin (/* TODO */) robijn (agreeing with my read) and fowl (meh), townreads KC (also in agreement), changes mind on robijn (boo), townreads me, Zexy, and Vike (all perfectly reasonable at the time), changes mind on Vike (also perfectly reasonable)... Also, he's been posting, discussing, and making reads a good bit. Town, methinks.
Erindalc: Gut-read Fred scummy for the same reason I did, posted some fluff, voted KC for unexpected activity (wat?) then flipped around and townread him, questioned Pyure's initial crusade against Vike (as did I), takes Pyure way too seriously (I kinda doubt that a wolf would say those things- I'd just keep my mouth shut), suddenly votes me ( :( )... Neutral read overall.
Someone Else 37: I'm not a wolf, I swear
Robijnvogel: I think my stance on him is pretty clear. Strongest wolfread I've got, by far.
Shazam08: Several posts that feel town to me, hops on SHC wagon in jest then jumps off, posts more townish stuff, voted Vike before Pyure dropped the anvil (towny considering Vike was a wolf, but scum!Shaz throwing Vike under the bus would do the same thing), is defending me today (omgthx)... Solid town read.
Corpsecat: Pushes against frederikam's being overly pushy, a few posts discussing posting at night, silence, blatantly denies a request for reads (woof woof)... Pretty scummy.
Goreae: Slight town feel from one of his early posts, then just a bunch of filler, silence, and a defense against an accusation that wasn't really there. Slight scum lean, I guess.
The_J: An antismite, filler, a post with a *very* weak town feel, more filler, and then silence. Scum lean.

And now, just for Pyure, here's my top and bottom 3:

Town: Shazam, Victini, and RealKC, in that order
Scum: robijnvogel and Corpsecat, followed by a tie between Nojr, goreae, and J
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I've made my position today pretty clear already, I think. I really can't justify joining the wagon on SE.

##Vote Robijnvogel

Trying to help with something never works out for me...
I feel ya, man. Werewolf can be that way.

Talking more will always help the town, though. Who's your top wolf read? Top townie?


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
I've made my position today pretty clear already, I think. I really can't justify joining the wagon on SE.

##Vote Robijnvogel

I feel ya, man. Werewolf can be that way.

Talking more will always help the town, though. Who's your top wolf read? Top townie?
In my head erin and Vic are top wolves in my head, SO and robijn following after.
Top town? Not sure actually
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry that I haven't been much active today, the 12 hour night thing meant majority of the day is when I'm asleep or when I'm at school.

That being said, I quickly read through the thread, and would just like to point out that Robin almost cannot be the cop at this point of the game. First of all, cops will not lie about their scans. That would just make SHC useless.
Another thing is: Robin claimed he got scum as a N0 result. Which as stated, is not possible. I see no reason for him to lie, so therefore, Robin is not cop.

I originally had Robin as jailkeeper, but since he's obviously not one, then he reverts back to mafia on my reads. The fact that he said he'll give us his cop results right before the end of day just seems to be a mafia trying to get votes off of him and convince everyone he's cop. Which I've said, he is not.

##Vote Robin


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Just a reminder, this looks a bit wolfy in my eyes, considering that Vike didnt really have votes on that point, and he was a mafia.
Well, at that point I found Pyure suspicious for pushing so hard on Vike. I didn't know Vike was mafia
Nobody nobody

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Urgh. This does not look good. In fact, none of KC's posts look good. I'm giving him a scum read.
I got nothing no corpse cat or someone else.

I think victini and realkc are the mafia.

Realkc I'm not sure at all. Victini to me is really straight foward suggesting scums and trying to make himself look townish.

Robi is safe to me. Pyure is neutral. Same with goreae. Those are my current thoughts.

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...okay reads I guess. I mean, what am I supposed to do other than suggesting scum?
Anyways, Fowl's reads look weird. "I'm not sure at all" does not justify why you think someone is mafia.


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
SE and me are either tied (in that case we'll both die, I guess?) or I am the only one on death-row right now.

Since I will die either way, I'll just make clear now that I a vanilla townie. As such, you know you can trust me on this post.

SE is not necessarily a wolf. He could have had any role, just trying to save his own skin, lying about his peek at me. I think his reaction on my vote made it extremely unlikely for him to be a wolf, but that could very well be a quadruple (because double or triple isn't enough) bluff.

I just wanted to share this theory with you: Pyure is a wolf who suspects SE from being the cop. After SE wolf-peeked me, which you will know to be a lie in about an hour and hypothetical Pyure-wolf would have known to be a lie for a fact, Pyure got the idea to back me up, so SE would get lynched, everyone'd know he'd be the cop and then you all would, because of SE's latest and lied peek, lynch me (another townie) first thing tomorrow. If this plan would have worked, the wolves would have killed two other townies tonight and one more tomorrow night (or the other way around), which would have come down to 5 townie deaths in the next two days, leaving 8 players, of which three are wolves, and one has been totally inactive so far. If the wolves would manage to get town to lynch only one more villager in the following days, they'd already have won.
If SE is, in fact, the cop or not, is totally trivial to this theory. It's only about what hypothetical Pyure-wolf would think SE's role is, that matters.

##vote Robijnvogel to block the scam that Pyure is possibly trying to pull.

My wolf suspect list exists out of SE, followed by Pyure. I have no idea who the other two wolves are, but I believe those two would exclude each other.
I think it's time for the actual cop to speak up to get some wolf influence out of the voting mill.

Wolves may be laughing at me behind my back and I may regret all this later.

Ruby out.