Werewolves the matrix. [Game Thread][Championship Practice]

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
my peek last night showed he's scum as well.
Not exactly what I meant with "protect"...

Where he specifically refers to "the Towny Jailkeeper" is now particularly incriminating, now that we know that there was a Mafia Jailkeeper as well.
I swear that was poor choice of wording, really, but you make a fair argument for why I'd be suspicious and I respect that.

I don't exactly see what you're playing at here. If the town lynches me today, that'd only make apparent that you lied and are, in fact, a wolf, in which case you'd die tomorrow. I see no way in which incriminating me could help your case.
On top of that, I may have lied about one or two of my peeks and have more of your buddies' names up my sleeve, which I'd be more than happy to reveal if it becomes certain that I'll get lynched.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm inclined to back SE today, if only because I hate the wagon forming.

Inb4, other players calling us out on "protecting" Pyure, claiming that the three of us are the last wolves.

I'm going to go with my n2 peek for now and ##vote SE37
My n3 peek was Zexy, so that doesn't help us a lot...
He seems wolfy enough to me

## vote Someone Else 37

Here are the two votes against him so far. Their reasonings are "Robijn's N2 peek" and "Erin's gut feeling", with nothing much added in between.

On top of that, SE's up against Robijn here. Rob was Zexy's top suspect, and Zex spent most of his living posts going after him.

If you had actually looked at the matrix with possible setups, you wouldn't exclude Bulletproof and Doctor... unless you just happen to be scum and can deduce which setup we are playing based on the roles the scum team has.

For now I will

##VOTE: Robjinvogel

The overall defense isn't solid enough. The Letho vote would increase the chances of Letho being town if Robij is indeed scum. Definitely want to lynch between the two today. Yet here, there is another contradiction; in the same post, Robij says that we should focus on someone else (making it a point he did not mean Someone Else)...then says that if anyone makes a good argument about SE being a wolf, he would move there... My vote stays.

n0 peeks can't be on scum -_-
earlier on you said you would vote Letho for lack of better. now you call Letho clear and want it directed elsehwere.
I seriously hope you're not jus a wolf with Goreae because then this was a really bad play...

Yes, it is -_-
he should because it's stated right there in the matrix

I feel like you did that just so you could appeal to your ignorance the moment someone (=me) pointed it out (if there's one mafioso who knows how MU works, which is not a stretch, they would bet their money on me noticing).
What kind of possible outcomes? Townies fakeclaiming seers wrongly so that the mafia understands they're not the seer, so that they'll never bother nightkilling them?

In what way did you save Leth? Still top wagon he is.

That's TMI (Too Much Information) at its finest.

I wanna lynch you, and if you are scum, I'll know for sure there exists a Jailkeeper AND that you targetted Pyure and the kill failed because said Jailkeeper used their ability on Pyure.

RealKC doesn’t look towny either; a few points he made against Robijn are easy to make, then he just agreed with him against Pyure; feels like an attempt from both of them to shift the wagon elsewhere. Would make more sense if Robijn is indeed a wolf who tries to get rid of Pyure only for the Jailkeeper to stop him…

I like SE37 latest post and vote on Robijn.

Oh, and I’ll finish my post with the obvious

##Vote: Robijnvogel

Make of it what you will. Zexy wasn't a seer, but he had to imprison two separate people to stop the wolfkills and he seemed pretty confident in lynching Robijn.

@Robijnvogel: Do you have any solid evidence for your vote (besides the peek), and do you have any idea why Zexy wanted to lynch you so much?


Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
@RealKC I'd like an answer on your thoughts on SO37 please.

I don't like that he wants Robij dead so badly(altough if Robij gets wolfkilled tonight that doesn't mean that SO37 is wolf, that would be how the wolfs want to make SO37 look wolfy).
Unless you are 100% sure that someone's not on your team(by either being a wolf or having a role that can know what role a specific player has(someone with this type of role wouldn't try to get someone dead so badly because that would make him look wolfy)) you aren't going to try to get someone lynched this badly.

He /could/ play town very bad, but I doubt that.
He /could/ play wolf very bad, but I doubt that too.

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Since I am going to die today, tonight or tomorrow anyway, I might as well put this out there:
"At this time in the game, it may not be a bad idea for town to lynch the town cop."
Why? Because being killed at daytime puts him in the spot of being able to pass on his real reads just before he dies.
If he gets lynched by the wolves at night, he will not have this privilege and some of his claimed reads may have been lies to distract the wolves.

In other words, if I'd sacrifice myself for the town today, that'd mean that town would definitely win this game.

Yes, I am doing the "too much information" thing again.


Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Any solid evidence? I'll hand town all three other wolves if you lynch me today. :D
So, the people that have voted you are wolves?

Also I'd like to point out that VikeStep has made a read where he said that I, Robij, and Fowl are wolves, and Vike was a wolf.

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Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Guys, one does not simply leave a peek like this. Why isn't he pushing SE?

Lynch this mafia.
This post shows that Robij can't be mafia. When Vike made that post there wasn't a Robij-will-be-lynched-bandwagon so there was no reason for vike to make that statement unless he knew that Robij is bad for him.

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Popular Member
Dec 6, 2015
King of the Hill
Actually there was one bandwagon that could've gotten Robij lynched.

Anyway, vote SO37, he's way to wolfy for me to believe that he is town anymore.

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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
This post shows that Robij can't be mafia. When Vike made that post there wasn't a Robij-will-be-lynched-bandwagon so there was no reason for vike to make that statement unless he knew that Robij is bad for him.

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There's a big fat hole in that logic.

If Vike thought he was going to be lynched, then a reasonable play is to make someone on his team look good. At the time, Vike had 3 votes on him, I had 2, and Rob had 2 (I believe).

He made that silly comment, then suddenly three guys who haven't super-shined in my notes suddenly jump on him to close the deal.

You even ended with this improbable comment: "As Erin mentioned this giant fight between Pyure and Vike could exist so one of the two gets town's trust." Which looks badly designed simply to trade Vike's death for my tarnished reputation.

This all gets even more likely if Vike thinks I'm cop, which is plausible given how I went after him.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
@Shazam08, would you say Vike was legitimately trying to get Rob lynched?
No, I don't believe he was. He kept revisiting the idea but never super comitted to it.

First attempt:
##Vote Robijnvogel

Seems we already found a wolf.

I guess that would work. I'm going to stay stupid while I'm asleep though, if you don't mind. :) See y'all in a few hours!

:mad: y u do dis

##Vote Frederikam
(Posted within 15 minutes of each other.)

Second attempt:
Not entirely sure if I need to atm, but ##vote Vike for self preservation. Good night!
I'll make that bold first thing in the morning.
Sorry for my inactivity. I've been competing in a hackathon (I'm still in it).

Firstly I'll reply to this, you are obviously town from this post. No-one vote Zexy ever.

The sad truth is that a lot of players do slank and make bad reads as town, it's just a meta of our forums I guess, we do have a couple people who like to make proper reads/posts though. The flipside is that they also do the exact same as wolf. I am still yet to learn the wolf tells for these players. By these players I mean RealKC, 016Nojr, trajing and occasionally erindalc.

the_j hasn't really done anything different imo compared to his usual play, but that's also partly because he's town and my n0 peek.

Also, I'm currently participating in a hackathon right now and have been since start of day and I have very limited time (combined with being in another game right now at the same time).

Also if it wasn't obvious, my n1 peek is Pyure is town. It seems it wasn't obvious.
my n2 peek is that goreae is town.

Here is my wonderwall of reads right now

Someone Else 37





I might be back before end of day, I might not. I'm really busy just for today. Tomorrow I should be all mint.


Rob and Vike had two votes on them each when they posted these votes here. In a scenario where they're both mafia, they wouldn't have had many other options at the time. They may have gambled to lose a wolf, hoping that the survivor would be seen as uber-town in the eyes of everyone else.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Any solid evidence? I'll hand town all three other wolves if you lynch me today. :D
Is... Is that a no? Are you asking to be lynched? I'm confused.

If you know the other three wolves, you have absolutely no motivation to keep quiet about it. Which, I mean... If you're soft claiming cop, you would have had to fudge all of your previous peeks (i.e. "Goreae n0 scum).


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
SO37 wants Robij dead very badly and Vike read Robij as wolf, and he was wolf.
Thus I will vote SO37

I would like to see what defense you have @Someone Else 37.
Zexy (Town Jailkeeper) also wanted Robij dead very badly, wolf!Vike intentionally mixes up his read lists (especially when he's under fire) to hide his teammates, and Someone Else just offered a giant defense to the non-existent accusations on him beforehand.
He made that silly comment, then suddenly three guys who haven't super-shined in my notes suddenly jump on him to close the deal.
For reference, two of those three names are pretty familiar.
I don't like how Pyure bothered to go to the point of looking up a handbook just to get Vike lynched. When he's already the top lynch target (if Robin's vote did indeed count)

##vote vike on the off chance robin's vote doesn't count.
So he can flip town and we can lynch pyure tomorrow

vote vike
As Erin mentioned this giant fight between Pyure and Vike could exist so one of the two gets town's trust.

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On the off chance that my previous vote didn't count because of me editing the post after it had already been quoted by someone else.

##vote Vikes


Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
13 hours and 52 minutes until day's end.

Votes until now
Ruby -> SE37
Erin -> SE37
Se37 -> Ruby
RealKC -> SE37

Shaz, vote for me already...

And with that, I should probably call it a day.
See you all in 10 hours!
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Yesterday's votes revolving around Rob:

RealKC - Votes Rob "Why are you asking Pyure and not another player? vote robij until he clarifies this for me."
Rob - Votes Goreae ", since he admitted to playing a werewolf game without issuing any werewolf kills in the first few nights."
RealKC - Votes Pyure {speech about trusting Pyure}
fowltief - Votes RealKC "I honestly don't like your tone of your speech. i understand where you coming from "He could do it" But i can't put it past him to pull off something like this so early. To me, its not like him. I think your making up excuses and your activity makes you suspicious in my eyes."
016Nojr - Votes Trajing "I hate my team and I hope they all die"
016Nojr - Votes Vikestep "Even though I'm not trying to help my team at all, I'd still rather someone else die besides me, lololol"
Zexy - Votes Rob (2nd) "I like SE37 latest post and vote on Robijn."
Rob - Votes Vikestep (2nd) "Not entirely sure if I need to atm, but ##vote Vike for self preservation. Good night!"

After this point, I escalate on Vike. Victini and Shazam08 vote for fowltief and Vikestep respectively. Vikestep is now leading in votes.

Now, you'd think at this point that even if wolf!Rob doesn't try to do anything to actively protect Vike, he'd still at least do something to weaken me. Instead he essentially strengthens me and therefore my case on Vike.

Rob - "With only a quarter to go, I will not take any chances and share my real n0 and n2 peeks now. They were Pyure town and SE scum. Goodbye my fellow townies, it's been nice living here."

Yes, this is silly and weird since he's not even in danger. It also makes his cop-claim today really look dumb since he already played that card yesterday.

Now it gets complicated. Vikestep drops this annoying msg: "Guys, one does not simply leave a peek like this. Why isn't he pushing SE? Lynch this mafia" I think Vike could have come up with a stronger argument than this to redirect the lynch back at Rob.

Rob then asks Vike "Why aren't you voting for me? ...Nvm. you are. I missed that." which reads fairly clean to me.

Then Rob doubles up his vote on Vikestep, not that it mattered at that point, Vike's end was elementary. "On the off chance that my previous vote didn't count because of me editing the post after it had already been quoted by someone else."

I'll be honest. I had Rob 100% town when I went to bed last night because I was 95% convinced Zexy was mafia. When Zexy flipped town, my case for Rob weakened, but I think it has merit. I think he's a rather silly town. I think SE37 looks filthy, and the fact that SE37 was high on Vike's "trust" list, while Rob was high on his "suspect" list reinforces this.

Also, I noted that Vike was really trying to learn how I interpreted his reads. This tells me there's useful information there.

##Vote Someone Else 37.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
What make's Rob's case half-decent is that he voted Vike into considerable danger to save his own hide. For this alone I give him town!rob.

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
What make's Rob's case half-decent is that he voted Vike into considerable danger to save his own hide. For this alone I give him town!rob.
You think that's a towntell? I'd always considered voting somebody to save yourself to be a scumtell. Maybe if you're a cop or a bodyguard type, I could see it, but as a vanilla town? It's always better for a vanillager to die than a power role. And robijn's cop claim is dubious as all heck.

I could easily see wolf!robijn voting for Vike to distance himself from him, especially when Vike's already going down. And "to save my own hide" is an easy enough reason to make up, especially as Nojr had just used it a few posts earlier.

I'm starting to think you're a wolf now. Not as wolfy as robijn yet, mind you, but you're not looking towny either.