Werewolves the matrix. [Game Thread][Championship Practice]

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
If mafia isn't killing then we have nothing to lose,no? We won't be able to blame inactive person for not killing. Reduces one tactic they can use. Now if they do starting killing tonight then we can switch back, no?

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Popular Member
Mar 3, 2015
So this is kinda weird. I have nothing to say except...
Because if he's a wolf, he is good for the town and bad for the wolfs.

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This says town to me. He might just be saying that but I'm pretty sure he's town at this point.


King of the Wicked
Dec 19, 2012
Look behind you
So this is kinda weird. I have nothing to say except...

This says town to me. He might just be saying that but I'm pretty sure he's town at this point.
I wouldn't say so entirely. Other posts aside, it doesn't really scream town. He is simply restating something which I made somewhat obvious to anyone who had already properly read my posts. (Looking at you @016Nojr :p )
So it could be that he's a town, but it's just as likely from that post alone that he's a wolf; it could be that he realised that I had already put it out in the open and him restating it would pose no disadvantage to his side.
Not saying he's wolfy from that post though. Just that he isn't towny from it either.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Switch back to what fowl?

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Back to investigating and looking at each other since the wolfs won't have any inactive players to try hide behind.

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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Fyi: I've been quite busy updating my modpack tonight and I should go to bed now to get up tomorrow before in-game day's end.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Well guys, I have to say, I'm still of the opinion that Vike is scum. For the various reasons I listed yesterday. I feel that he's chilling out watching us massacre each other at this point.

I respect that this would mean that either Zexy did a misread on Vike or is covering a wolf-buddy. I'm leaning towards the latter.

I also respect that I'll lose a lot of my trust-credit I've (somehow) earned if he flips town. As per usual, I go with what I've got.

Vote Vikestep.


Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
I'm also kinda hoping that if Zexy didn't legitimately scan Vike, that he just stay away and not exist for a while and trust my instincts on this :)

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Which is why I don't like the Seer Hunt Clear tactic--a smart wolf would do the same because he know who the townies are, and do it himself to gain trust.

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Which is why EVERYONE should be doing it. Then it would all even out.

On the one hand, it would help the wolves locate the cop (by looking at who's posting accurate fakepeeks); on the other, the village as a whole doesn't know who the real cop is until they die, which might provide the wolves an incentive to keep him alive as long as possible (because the death of the cop means that now the town knows that all of that player's peeks were real and are accurate).

Anywho, I scanned RealKC last night. He's clear. Or maybe that's BS; that's for me to know and you to find out.

If I were a cop, then my n0 peek would be Goreae scum and my n1 would be Letho towny.

So no and no.

Since I hypothetically know that Letho is town, I'd rather have you all divert your attention to someone other than Letho and I'd follow you there.
As I said before, "my primary (and as you know by now, my only) reason today for voting Letho is to avoid getting lynched myself."

Please decide whether to lynch me tomorrow (if I survive this night) or not, depending on what happens in an hour and on what happens this night. :)

Hypothetically, I was talking BS there, since I sort of know that Letho is town...
I'm not sure if it was wise to point this out, but I figured that you (Pyure) would have pointed it out anyway so I might as well do it myself.
This post reads like your peeks are BS, you know they're BS, and you're not doing a very good job of hiding that you know that. "Hypothetically know?" "Sort of know?" If you were a real cop, you'd be a whole lot more sure than that.

Also, if you're a vanillager (which I assume you probably are, given that you're not a cop and that there are so many vanillagers this game), you should be trying to draw the wolfkill away from the power roles and toward yourself. To paraphrase Pyure, there is nothing more dangerous than someone with nothing to lose. Lynching somebody else to save yourself shows that you really value your own life- either you're a wolf, or you have a particularly strong power role.

Also, the N0 peek cannot be on a wolf. It says so right in the rules, in the bottom bullet under "Notable restrictions/clarifications". Even without this slip and your lynching then hypothetically retroactively defending Leth, I would have to say
##Vote robijnvogel.

Rob, sorry, I think I started that. I also had no idea it had any specific meaning whatsoever, nevermind that it is dutch.

For the record: "Pyure" doesn't mean anything in any language, and you can call me Pyure, Py, P, Asshole, whatever pleases you.
Howzabout Late for Supper? :p

I have no idea. I read something about a single designated mafia who gets to identify the murder target. If that person is on lockdown for whatever reason the murder would be blocked. I guess.

Or the wolves are comprised of Nojr, Trajing, the_J, etc who are totally out to lunch so far this game.
I feel that some clarification is necessary, as I was a wolf in that Wild West game and therefore know how this most likely works (assuming that Dylan is doing it the same way).

During the night, the wolves discuss in their private convo on who to kill and who should do the killing. There is no formal voting process; they just come to an agreement and then one of them sends a message to the GM. That message will read something like "Vikestep shall kill Pyure tonight," where Vike is on the wolf team and Pyure is not. "Kill Pyure" is then added to the list of actions that Vike performs that night, in addition to any powers of his own (e.g. if he's a Mafia Vigilante or Roleblocker). A Tracker watching Vike that night would see that he visited Pyure; a Watcher watching Pyure would see that Vike visited him; and a Jailkeeper targeting either of them would prevent Pyure from dying.

In this game, if we're on setup D (which seems unlikely, given the lack of death), the Ninja would obviously be designated to perform as many kills as possible, since he's immune to being Tracked (setup 2 has no tracker or watcher, so it wouldn't matter anyway). But, the Ninja can't do two kills in a row, so there's that.

Anyhow, another night with no nightkill says to me that this game cannot be using setup 3, because if the Bulletproof Villager got shot last night, he'd have lost his vest and would be dead today. I'm also leaning away from the Doctor (B6) being likely to exist, as he cannot target the same player twice in a row. If the game was using setups B or 6, the wolves could've easily targeted the same player last night as the night before, and bam, they'd be dead since the Doctor couldn't save them. Unless that player happened to be Lethosos.

Anyhow, building off my analysis yesterday, B, D 3, and 6 are definitely out (barring an inactive wolf team), and with them all possiblilty of there being Masons and some possibility of there being a Tracker. In addition, considering the Doctor argument, setups C and 2 are most likely ruled out as well. That leaves:
B2: Town Cop. Almost certainly gone (but there is a viable duplicate at E5)
B3: Mafia Goon. There's a bunch in all setups.
B6: Vanilla Town. Again, there's a bunch.
C2: Town Doctor. Almost certainly nonexistent.
C3: Town Tracker. Almost certainly ruled out, with duplicate at D6 definitely ruled out.
C6: Vanilla Town. Meh.
D2: Mafia Ninja. Almost certainly ruled out, and the setup where he's not effectively a goon has already been ruled out for sure.
D3: Town Masons. Ruled out for sure.
D6: Town Tracker. Definitely ruled out; possible (but very unlikely) duplicate at C3.
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Not Totally Useless
Aug 14, 2013
Waterloo, Ontario
Gah, I'm too tired from work to sort this all out :\

My big problem with the Rob evidence is that a lot of it hinges on what I might call "innocent mistakes". Also, he had a "gut feeling" you could be in the mob. This makes your own motives in the discussion a bit murky.


Uhm... wolves did not try to kill two nights in a row or only one of both nights?

Or... we have a really awesome Town Jailkeeper (or other protecting role...).

@Pyure, what do you think is most likely?
That's TMI (Too Much Information) at its finest.

I wanna lynch you, and if you are scum, I'll know for sure there exists a Jailkeeper AND that you targetted Pyure and the kill failed because said Jailkeeper used their ability on Pyure.

Speaking of @Pyure; can you just claim your n1 and n2 already? Pls…
##Vote Goreae, since he admitted to playing a werewolf game without issuing any werewolf kills in the first few nights.

If the wolves are not skipping kills (and therefore my vote on Goreae makes no sense whatsoever), the only other setups that'd make sense are setups with (1) at least one towny "saviour" and (2)* at least as many mafia "saviours" as towny vigilantes. This would mean setup B, D and 6 would be impossible and F, 1, 3 and 4 unlikely IN THIS CASE.

*Unless the town vigilante doesn't know who to hunt for.

Read each line of this message thoughtfully. I don't want Pyure accusing me of distracting you with trivial information like this line. :p
Even if that's the case, Goreae would have 3 wolfbros, and I doubt all of them would be OK with the no-kill strategy. It's so bad for wolves I'd like to believe at least one of the four objected...

Town Vigilante? How come? I don't like this TMI at all...

And the last line feels like "I am scum and pointed a flaw in my reasoning... so I'll point it out myself and negate it so that some townie doesn't do it".

You’re also trying to cast shade on Pyure which is also wolfy.

RealKC doesn’t look towny either; a few points he made against Robijn are easy to make, then he just agreed with him against Pyure; feels like an attempt from both of them to shift the wagon elsewhere. Would make more sense if Robijn is indeed a wolf who tries to get rid of Pyure only for the Jailkeeper to stop him…
And in turn, that post makes YOU look suspicious. Defending Pyure like that, it could easily be said that both Pyure and you are wolves.

For now, I am going to assume that both of you (Fowl and RealKC) are just overreacting townies though.
You look TMI wolf claiming a Pyure kill that was Jailed, don't blame fowl -_- the case on RealKC is good.

Because you have no reason to make enemies with them, do you?

The whole “lynch inactives” argument from the_j isn’t good. I wonder what @VikeStep; has to say about this all, considering how much he trusts the_j AND how inactive he’s lately…

Why not start with the most inactive one? Vote Trajing
Why not become more active and actually scumhunt?

erindalc also scummy and has done nothing to change my mind.

Listen, people; as much as I don’t like the case on Vike, I can’t defend for him, I want him to show up and state his opinion as well. It’s just pointless for me to just defend him anymore, the only reason I trust him is the check.

I like SE37 latest post and vote on Robijn.

Oh, and I’ll finish my post with the obvious

##Vote: Robijnvogel
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Well-Known Member
May 8, 2013
Not entirely sure if I need to atm, but ##vote Vike for self preservation. Good night!
I'll make that bold first thing in the morning.
Last edited:


Well-Known Member
Dec 11, 2013
Why not become more active and actually scumhunt?

You can react to it, if you want, but the "normal" players on here knows how I play, and that this isnt unusual.
It doesnt seem like it, but I do read through posts, and try to make up an opinion without it really working out, if I have then tried to make a public statement, I have just ended up getting myself lynched the first night.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sorry for my inactivity. I've been competing in a hackathon (I'm still in it).
That's TMI (Too Much Information) at its finest.

I wanna lynch you, and if you are scum, I'll know for sure there exists a Jailkeeper AND that you targetted Pyure and the kill failed because said Jailkeeper used their ability on Pyure.

Speaking of @Pyure; can you just claim your n1 and n2 already? Pls…

Even if that's the case, Goreae would have 3 wolfbros, and I doubt all of them would be OK with the no-kill strategy. It's so bad for wolves I'd like to believe at least one of the four objected...

Town Vigilante? How come? I don't like this TMI at all...

And the last line feels like "I am scum and pointed a flaw in my reasoning... so I'll point it out myself and negate it so that some townie doesn't do it".

You’re also trying to cast shade on Pyure which is also wolfy.

RealKC doesn’t look towny either; a few points he made against Robijn are easy to make, then he just agreed with him against Pyure; feels like an attempt from both of them to shift the wagon elsewhere. Would make more sense if Robijn is indeed a wolf who tries to get rid of Pyure only for the Jailkeeper to stop him…

You look TMI wolf claiming a Pyure kill that was Jailed, don't blame fowl -_- the case on RealKC is good.

Because you have no reason to make enemies with them, do you?

The whole “lynch inactives” argument from the_j isn’t good. I wonder what @VikeStep; has to say about this all, considering how much he trusts the_j AND how inactive he’s lately…

Why not become more active and actually scumhunt?

erindalc also scummy and has done nothing to change my mind.

Listen, people; as much as I don’t like the case on Vike, I can’t defend for him, I want him to show up and state his opinion as well. It’s just pointless for me to just defend him anymore, the only reason I trust him is the check.

I like SE37 latest post and vote on Robijn.

Oh, and I’ll finish my post with the obvious

##Vote: Robijnvogel
Firstly I'll reply to this, you are obviously town from this post. No-one vote Zexy ever.

The sad truth is that a lot of players do slank and make bad reads as town, it's just a meta of our forums I guess, we do have a couple people who like to make proper reads/posts though. The flipside is that they also do the exact same as wolf. I am still yet to learn the wolf tells for these players. By these players I mean RealKC, 016Nojr, trajing and occasionally erindalc.

the_j hasn't really done anything different imo compared to his usual play, but that's also partly because he's town and my n0 peek.

Also, I'm currently participating in a hackathon right now and have been since start of day and I have very limited time (combined with being in another game right now at the same time).

Also if it wasn't obvious, my n1 peek is Pyure is town. It seems it wasn't obvious.
my n2 peek is that goreae is town.

Here is my wonderwall of reads right now

Someone Else 37





I might be back before end of day, I might not. I'm really busy just for today. Tomorrow I should be all mint.

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