Werewolf Organisation: Electric Boogaloo Redux

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I've finally gotten around to having another look at my Innistrad Werewolf rolesheet. Questions? Comments? Concerns?

Two questions, one concern!
  1. Why do all the wolf roles have two names each?
  2. Is there ever any scenario where Nobody would be wolfkilled?
  3. Concern: This will be a long game. You've got toughness roles (Thalia, Elder Cathar), protection roles (Midvast Protector, Hollowhenge Spirit), resurrection roles (Havengul Runebinder, Liliana)... The whole shebang. There'll be a lot of failed/reversed kills, and the wolves may find themselves at a big disadvantage since no one will really get dead or stay dead. Liliana alone is enough to completely counter the nightly wolfkill.
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Two questions, one concern!
  1. Why do all the wolf roles have two names each?
  2. Is there ever any scenario where Nobody would be wolfkilled?
  3. Concern: This will be a long game. You've got toughness roles (Thalia, Elder Cathar), protection roles (Midvast Protector, Hollowhenge Spirit), resurrection roles (Havengul Runebinder, Liliana)... The whole shebang. There'll be a lot of failed/reversed kills, and the wolves may find themselves at a big disadvantage since no one will really get dead or stay dead. Liliana alone is enough to completely counter the nightly wolfkill.
  1. Because the cards they're named after, such as this one, have two sides. If a wolf dies during the day (i.e. by the lynch), I'll post the first listed name in the recap (as they're in human form at that time); if a wolf dies during the night, perhaps due to a vigilante (Slayer of the Wicked), I'll post the second listed name. Either way, it'll be accompanied by a link like the one above, which shows both sides and both names.
  2. Nothing outside the normal circumstances under which that would happen. Basically, if the wolves are dumb and don't vote or something.
  3. Hmm.
    1. Liliana's zombies, for one, are neutrally aligned. Players raised by her do not count toward or against anyone's win conditions, save (indirectly) her own. Unless they get killed again somehow and are then resurrected by the Runebinder. I've clarified this on the rolesheet.
    2. I could just drop the Cathar role. You've got a point there.
    3. Thalia's role is an important flavor point, in particular in its interaction with Liliana's. I could exaggerate its downside somewhat, perhaps by reducing the delay before the demons released start wreaking havoc, or by making the demons' havoc cause an exponentially increasing swarm of vamps and wolves. Or just have it only work after Liliana activates her own power.
    4. I could also buff the bodyguard roles and have them (possibly suicidally) kill the attacker. The ghosty bodyguard couldn't be suicudal, of course, since he's already dead... you get what I mean.
  1. Liliana's zombies, for one, are neutrally aligned. Players raised by her do not count toward or against anyone's win conditions, save (indirectly) her own. Unless they get killed again somehow and are then resurrected by the Runebinder. I've clarified this on the rolesheet.
  2. I could just drop the Cathar role. You've got a point there.
  3. Thalia's role is an important flavor point, in particular in its interaction with Liliana's. I could exaggerate its downside somewhat, perhaps by reducing the delay before the demons released start wreaking havoc, or by making the demons' havoc cause an exponentially increasing swarm of vamps and wolves. Or just have it only work after Liliana activates her own power.
  4. I could also buff the bodyguard roles and have them (possibly suicidally) kill the attacker. The ghosty bodyguard couldn't be suicudal, of course, since he's already dead... you get what I mean.
  1. Even if they're neutrally aligned, their continual presence is enough to harm the wolves. An ex-seer still has all the scans and convos from before he died, for example, and nothing's to stop him now from continuing to help the town. You're right, their neutrality will add some distrust, but I'll bet a good chunk of the zombies will gravitate towards helping the town.
  2. Yeah, that'd help. Toughness dispensers like that can get crazy pretty quickly. You could repurpose him to something else, if you want; His MTG card lends itself to an active-on-death kinda power. Maybe he could relate to the spirits in some way?
  3. All of these sound good to me. Pick your favorite(s). If you're looking for a way to further nerf Lilliana, by the way, you could have any zombies used in her attack be killed. That'll help to counter the zombie zerg, if that's something you want to limit, and it might go well with the "Lilliana can only win after she uses her own power" thing.
  4. You could make the living bodyguard a suicide-and-kill-attacker role and leave the spirit as-is, maybe?
  1. Even if they're neutrally aligned, their continual presence is enough to harm the wolves. An ex-seer still has all the scans and convos from before he died, for example, and nothing's to stop him now from continuing to help the town. You're right, their neutrality will add some distrust, but I'll bet a good chunk of the zombies will gravitate towards helping the town.
  2. Yeah, that'd help. Toughness dispensers like that can get crazy pretty quickly. You could repurpose him to something else, if you want; His MTG card lends itself to an active-on-death kinda power. Maybe he could relate to the spirits in some way?
  3. All of these sound good to me. Pick your favorite(s). If you're looking for a way to further nerf Lilliana, by the way, you could have any zombies used in her attack be killed. That'll help to counter the zombie zerg, if that's something you want to limit, and it might go well with the "Lilliana can only win after she uses her own power" thing.
  4. You could make the living bodyguard a suicide-and-kill-attacker role and leave the spirit as-is, maybe?
  1. I could disallow the Zombies from speaking outside of a convo with Liliana. That'd keep them from helping the town much, but still let Liliana pick their brains (which she did at least once in the story, after raising Mikaeus, the Unhallowed).
  2. Would changing the Elder Cathar's ability to "After death, may grant Toughness to target player" be enough of a nerf, you think?
  3. Hmm... Rather than spamming Toughness, I could make Thalia's ability just kill all the Zombies. I think, in the story, after Liliana got Thalia to sunder the Helvault, she just left to pursue one of the released Demons. Meh, close enough.
  4. I like that. Doesn't fit the flavor of Midvast Protector at all, but the Innistrad block is oddly low on high power/low toughness creatures that would fit that flavor better. Ah well.