Werewolf Organisation: Electric Boogaloo Redux

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So... You've got two functionally identical village meatshield roles?

Also, am I understanding the Advertiser role correctly? As I read it, each night, they can target a villager and nullify half of the votes that that player will place from then on out.

Also, the wording on the Translation Team is ambiguous. When I first read it, I figured that they could forge their own role reveal when they die; but as it's worded, it could allow them to jump ship if they die while the village is winning, thus becoming a villager and assuming the village win condition.
So... You've got two functionally identical village meatshield roles?

Also, am I understanding the Advertiser role correctly? As I read it, each night, they can target a villager and nullify half of the votes that that player will place from then on out.

Also, the wording on the Translation Team is ambiguous. When I first read it, I figured that they could forge their own role reveal when they die; but as it's worded, it could allow them to jump ship if they die while the village is winning, thus becoming a villager and assuming the village win condition.

Yes, that's right

The way that works is when they die, their role is revealed as villager, but they still have the wolf win condition.
@Shazam08 you may put this somewhere in the que.

Olla? Olla? This is the rebelión speaking! Do you love el Dictator? No? Join us now! We will take back the Archipelago of Santos. We will make him taste the dirt we eat every day! And destroy all of his army on the way! Viva la revolución!

In Fuckerclúck: Isla de Locura. The rebellion will be fighting the dictator himself, Claudio Castro. For the Archipelago of Santos. The special flavour of this game is that its not fully public. What I mean with that. That the Roles, Abilities, Items and what not aren’t revealed publicly before or at game start!

1. Everyday a vote must be casted on a player who is ♫ still alive ♫. Votes must be Boldfaced
2. The gm may spare you once for not voting. After this you will get killed
3. El ejército del dictador may decide to kill someone every day. They don't have to!
4. Usted must invite me to all convo's about this game!
5. The dead are dead. Ghosting is allowed. But don’t spoil the game by sharing information!
6. No screenshots of convo's. Quoting is allowed.

There will be 4 pre-defined roles in the game. While 2 of their powers are revealed:
Rebelión Matón: No special power
Líder de la Rebellion: Power unknown
Ejército Matón: Part of El ejército del dictador. No special power
El Dictator: Power unknown

All other role powers will be taken out of my previous games (If there are any neutral roles they may or may not be taken out of any of my previous games)
There may or may not be multiple teams.
There may or may will not be items in the game
There may or may not be status effects in the game [Such as lover]
There may or may not be duplicate roles.
There may or may will be no extra abilities independent of a role.
You will know all the powers of any ability, status effects, items etc. you have at the beginning of the game

Since the clusterfuck this game will be. I’m thinking about making this game have a 24 h day phase and a 24 h night phase. Opinions wanted on this.

If anyone wants to co-host using @Werewolf Joint GM pm me.
I've been thinking and lately there is a request for more mafia like game instead of what werewolf evolved into.
Instead of taking roles and their powers out of previous games I hosted, I feel like hosting a game based on the ol' standards.

Roles like these: Mafia Roles
What do you guys think?

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Since there seems to be a want for a simple game, I'm going to run another iteration of murder at monocon!

(I'll convert this to a Gdoc list but for now this'll do)
Team Werewolf: Wins by killing all but the number of wolves. If there are 2 wolves, they need to kill all but 2. If this requirement is not met, then the wolves lose.

Werewolf: Generic wolf #1

Moon-moon: Must be dead for the wolf team to win.

Were-vamp: If this role is in play and the wolves fail to get a kill for whatever reason, the werevamp will kill a random player (whatever alignment) and reveal themselves to the town at the same time. If he attacks a vampire with this ability, he dies.

Team Villager: Must kill all wolves to win.

Chap: Generic villager. Can vote twice in one day once per game. This vote is done in secret through PM.

Investigator: The seer. Every night, the investigator checks a random person to see what team they're on.

Priest: Hands out blessings. He can only have one blessing active at a time. He can bless anyone including himself. Any blessed player will survive a single fatal event, be that a lynching, wolfkill, wasp poison, etc.

Muscle Man: The bodyguard. Can protect one player a night from being killed, but cannot protect the same person twice in a row. Whoever he blocks is disabled for a day and cannot use any of their abilities. If they are lynched, duels with the original accuser, being the first person who voted for them that day. Even if they change their vote later. When this happens, the muscle man has a 50% chance to survive the lynch and kill the accuser. Otherwise, they die like usual.

Medium: Once per game can ask a yes or no question to a random dead person. They don't know who, but they know what the person's alliance was. When killed, he can leave a 3-word message to the living.

Adulterer: Can kill one person per game. Once this power is used, the adulterer is converted to a murderer, and joins the criminals.

Team CROST (Chap Robbing Organization Syndicate Thingie): Wins individually. Players win by surviving to the end of the game. Every member loses if the investigator is alive at the end.

Identity theft: Generic criminal #1. Has the same extra vote as the villager.

The Unicorn: Can check one player per night to see their role. Can also make a player look like they're on a different team to the investigator. Power has a 25% failure rate.

The Wasp: Can kill one person per game, granted that player had voted to lynch the wasp at one point or another. The person is notified that they were poisoned and if the wasp dies that night, then the poisoned player will be cured.The poison takes a full day to take effect.

Vampire: feeds off of the blood of the dead. If nobody dies in any night, he kills a random player and reveals his identity to the town. If he kills a wolf, he dies.

Murderer: Converted adulterer. Nothing special. Looks like a chap when they're checked by the investigator.
Generic werewolf rules apply. There can and probably will be duplicate roles.

Notes: Removed lone wolf. I'm not a huge fan of wolves having a traitor to worry about. I also added a few roles from heaven and hell: the vampire, werevamp, and the priest. Also made the villager have an extra vote. As such, I removed the aristocrat as it was essentially the same thing but just slightly different. Also tweaked the muscle man to also roleblock those he protects to differentiate the role from the priest. Questions? Comments? Concerns?
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Since there seems to be a want for a simple game, I'm going to run another iteration of murder at monocon!

(I'll convert this to a Gdoc list but for now this'll do)
Team Werewolf: Wins by killing all but the number of wolves. If there are 2 wolves, they need to kill all but 2. If this requirement is not met, then the wolves lose.

Werewolf: Generic wolf #1

Moon-moon: Must be dead for the wolf team to win.

Were-vamp: If this role is in play and the wolves fail to get a kill for whatever reason, the werevamp will kill a random player (whatever alignment) and reveal themselves to the town at the same time. If he attacks a vampire with this ability, he dies.

Team Villager: Must kill all wolves to win.

Chap: Generic villager. Can vote twice in one day once per game. This vote is done in secret through PM.

Investigator: The seer. Every night, the investigator checks a random person to see what team they're on.

Priest: Hands out blessings. He can only have one blessing active at a time. He can bless anyone including himself. Any blessed player will survive a single fatal event, be that a lynching, wolfkill, wasp poison, etc.

Muscle Man: The bodyguard. Can protect one player a night from being killed, but cannot protect the same person twice in a row. Whoever he blocks is disabled for a day and cannot use any of their abilities. If they are lynched, duels with the original accuser, being the first person who voted for them that day. Even if they change their vote later.

Medium: Once per game can ask a yes or no question to a random dead person. They don't know who, but they know what the person's alliance was. When killed, he can leave a 3-word message to the living.

Adulterer: Can kill one person per game. Once this power is used, the adulterer is converted to a murderer, and joins the criminals.

Team CROST (Chap Robbing Organization Syndicate Thingie): Wins individually. Players win by surviving to the end of the game. Every member loses if the investigator is alive at the end.

Identity theft: Generic criminal #1. Has the same extra vote as the villager.

The Unicorn: Can check one player per night to see their role. Can also make a player look like they're on a different team to the investigator. Power has a 25% failure rate.

The Wasp: Can kill one person per game, granted that player had voted to lynch the wasp at one point or another. The person is notified that they were poisoned and if the wasp dies that night, then the poisoned player will be cured.The poison takes a full day to take effect.

Vampire: feeds off of the blood of the dead. If nobody dies in any night, he kills a random player and reveals his identity to the town. If he kills a wolf, he dies.

Murderer: Converted adulterer. Nothing special. Looks like a chap when they're checked by the investigator.
Generic werewolf rules apply. There can and probably will be duplicate roles.

Notes: Removed lone wolf. I'm not a huge fan of wolves having a traitor to worry about. I also added a few roles from heaven and hell: the vampire, werevamp, and the priest. Also made the villager have an extra vote. As such, I removed the aristocrat as it was essentially the same thing but just slightly different. Also tweaked the muscle man to also roleblock those he protects to differentiate the role from the priest. Questions? Comments? Concerns?
Hey, retro. \o/

Want me to add you to the queue? If you want to cut ahead, you'll have to clear it with @dragon_fang101, @Someone Else 37, and @the_j485.
What do you mean by the Muscle Man dueling with the original accuser?
The first person to vote for the muscle man the day he's lynched duels with him. The muscle man has a 50% chance to die and 50% chance to kill the accuser. It was originally a hidden perk meaning I made it up on the spot. I edited the role sheet to clarify.
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