Werewolf Organisation: Electric Boogaloo Redux

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Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
3 questions.

1. Is there any reason that the Helvault shouldn't just be opened straight away?
2. How do you become a special kind of spirit?
3. Please, pretty please can I be a vampire?
  1. Yes. Opening it basically means doom at the hands of the wolves and vampires if the game doesn't end within a few days.
  2. Uhh... that's to be determined, apparently. My current thoughts are that if you're a Human and you die, you're randomly assigned a Spirit role. I'll weight them differently, so most Spirits will probably be Voiceless Spirits or Dearly Departed- i.e. the least helpful ones.
    However, I could use y'all's input on this. Ideas:
    1. On death, each human is assigned a weighted random Spirit. This was my default.
    2. Each human player is assigned a random, weighted Spirit role at the start of the game, and is told which they could become.
    3. Which Spirit role is assigned on death depends on how they died. Wolfkill victims are more likely to leave behind more powerful Spirits.
  3. Maybe. Depends on RNG.
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Ultimate Murderous Fiend
Nov 27, 2012
  1. Yes. Opening it basically means doom at the hands of the wolves and vampires if the game doesn't end within a few days.
  2. Uhh... that's to be determined, apparently. My current thoughts are that if you're a Human and you die, you're randomly assigned a Spirit role. I'll weight them differently, so most Spirits will probably be Voiceless Spirits or Dearly Departed- i.e. the least helpful ones.
    However, I could use y'all's input on this. Ideas:
    1. On death, each human is assigned a weighted random Spirit. This was my default.
    2. Each human player is assigned a random, weighted Spirit role at the start of the game, and is told which they could become.
    3. Which Spirit role is assigned on death depends on how they died. Wolfkill victims are more likely to leave behind more powerful Spirits.
  3. Maybe. Depends on RNG.
Lore-wise, more violent deaths tend to make more powerful spirits. Also, those with a stronger connection to the spirit world have more power over it when they die. But that's just general ghost stuff. I have no idea of the lore the game is actually based off of.


Aug 22, 2014
A place
  1. Yes. Opening it basically means doom at the hands of the wolves and vampires if the game doesn't end within a few days.
  2. Uhh... that's to be determined, apparently. My current thoughts are that if you're a Human and you die, you're randomly assigned a Spirit role. I'll weight them differently, so most Spirits will probably be Voiceless Spirits or Dearly Departed- i.e. the least helpful ones.
    However, I could use y'all's input on this. Ideas:
    1. On death, each human is assigned a weighted random Spirit. This was my default.
    2. Each human player is assigned a random, weighted Spirit role at the start of the game, and is told which they could become.
    3. Which Spirit role is assigned on death depends on how they died. Wolfkill victims are more likely to leave behind more powerful Spirits.
  3. Maybe. Depends on RNG.
I vote for 4

Someone Else 37

Forum Addict
Feb 10, 2013
Lore-wise, more violent deaths tend to make more powerful spirits. Also, those with a stronger connection to the spirit world have more power over it when they die. But that's just general ghost stuff. I have no idea of the lore the game is actually based off of.
I'm not sure if Magic has any well-defined correlation between Spirits and how or from whom they were created. Most of the cards that create Spirits are like this guy, creating fairly wimpy 1/1s that don't last long. Most of the more interesting Spirits have their own cards.

But I do like creating an incentive for the wolves in Moonwolf to not go after the power players right away. Option 3 it is.