Welp, elo's alive

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would be nice if all the haters would stop equating rational thinking as "white knighting"

I'm sorry but equalling "I don't think RP is going to be updated" to "I think all <insert group of humans here> need to die" isn't rational thinking; it's inflating the meaning of the word 'hate'.
Sorry, but what 'hate'? Would be nice if all the white-knighting pimply faced youth here would stop equalling critique to 'hate'.


(And no I don't think that warrants a longer reply, "Idiot" will do)
To be fair, this is probably entirely Xycraft's fault. I'm playing 1.5.2 currently (obviously without Xycraft) and caves are much less colorful than they were when I was playing FTB Ultimate.
Partly, yes, I also had it inactive for quite some time because of that, but it's not the only thing. Personally, I feel monazit ore could be completely removed or made really rare, potentially increasing the yield per block, xycraft's shards could be made by some crafting/macerating/whatever the crystals that are dropped from thaumcraft (making those part of the ore dictionary if they aren't already), galena ore could be made much more rare or dropped completely, aluminium could be made much more rare, potentially increasing yield, redpower gems and nikolite could be at least three times as rare with two or three times the yield etc etc.

The problem isn't 'balance'. The problem is that some mod authors instead of adding 'new' stuff are remaking parts of their mods that work quit well in such a manner that people move towards other mods because they're actually making their own mod worse.
The forestry multifarms are a good example: the old farms were just better and more fun to use. People are getting a bit too carried away with these multiblock machines, modders are implementing them 'because they are cool', not because they make sense.
Balance compared to other blocks, that is. If one kind of treefarm is cheap and easy to set up and one is expensive and hard to set up, there is an imbalance between those two. I think that in itself is an issue, because it makes the ineffective method basically moot. Whether the easy method should be made harder or the hard method be made easier is a different question altogether, and completely reliant on playstyle; hence, config options.

Personally I feel MFR is a bit too easy and the multiblock farms are a bit too hard; I found the old forestry farms to be just the right amount of expense and work required. I think the multifarms shouldn't be replacements for that, they should be an upgraded version of them, and that the MFR method should be made a bit more expensive and a bit less effective. But, that's just what amount of difficulty I'd like. But the farms where just one obvious example, another would be the improved solar panels and how they perform compared to other methods of energy generation.

I do think something like Gregtech's remaking of the recipes are a good thing in general, just that I have issues with how it was pulled off in Gregtech. I'd love to see a mod which has as it's main functionality to make the other mods well-balanced compared to each other and to provide different levels of difficulty in "teching" so to speak. Of course it should be done with the modmakers permission (which comes back to modders needing to work together), but having a "single config to rule them all" (to some degree) would be very useful. Especially if it has some simple functionality, like setting "slow", "medium" and "fast" teching that determines recipes and ore generation chance.

Config files don't solve anything untill FTB will allow the distribution of private config packs. Server owners do not want to bother having to explain every single one of their users how/where to copy config files.
That would be good functionality, agreed, but people can quite easily distribute config files by themselves. As long as the mod author gives permission, it's as easy as copying a single downloaded folder; installing the whole config for the modpack is about as hard as installing a single external mod. So it would drastically improve functionality, though it wouldn't be perfect until FTB has an option for that.
Honestly, my hope is that Forge will come around to implementing a system where config files can be set and distributed directly by whatever server you connect to.

For a start mods should not do any worldgen unless they really REALLY need to. I think a bit better 'quality control' when adding mods to FTB packs would be a good idea. And I agree: IMHO all the full bright customer renderers for mod ores are a big nono. If it were up to me we'd remove XyCraft altogether from our server because it looks so friggin' terrible.
Yes, unfortunately those mods often bring something really good to the table (like glass viewers). I do think it's good that many basic metals and materials have been added - I fully support the adding of copper, tin, lead and silver (though I feel silver and lead are both a bit too common).

Honestly, I feel the magic mods could do completely without "magic ores". The crystals could either be crafted, or produced in some magicky manner, or be found in chests, or as random drops when mining other things (small chance of dark xycorium when mining coal, for example).
I'm sorry but equalling "I don't think RP is going to be updated" to "I think all <insert group of humans here> need to die" isn't rational thinking; it's inflating the meaning of the word 'hate'.
please provide quotes of where anyone mentioned that a group needs to die. Otherwise stop being so melodramatic.
My view is "leave her the fuck alone, she'll update when she's ready"
I don't believe that equates to "If you don't leave her alone you should die"
Maybe in your mind, but not in the mind of anyone else..
Wow... it's like watching a 4th of July Fireworks display going off in an enclosed fireworks warehouse... assuming said warehouse was perched precariously above a tectonically unstable cache of TNT old enough to have begun to 'sweat'...

I can't even begin to count the number of straw men, ad hoc, ad hominems, irrelevant appeals, and equivocation present in some of these posts. It would be a thing of beauty if it were only a classroom example of the various means and implementation of logical fallacies.
Honestly, if this is what minecraft "drama" looks like on the FTB forum, it's pretty tame... from all sides. Which is nice. I mean, compared to flowerchild and his fanboys' sexist slurs and how people act on the minecraft forums this is like a haven of niceness. Most of the drama here seems to be around the word "hate".
My view is "leave her the fuck alone, she'll update when she's ready"

I don't see anyone here bothering her personally? Stop trying to save a princess that doesn't need saving. Elo is an adult. I'm quite sure she's not cyring herself to sleep at night because some people want to move on without RP in FTB.[DOUBLEPOST=1371037483][/DOUBLEPOST]
Honestly, if this is what minecraft "drama" looks like on the FTB forum, it's pretty tame... from all sides. Which is nice. I mean, compared to flowerchild and his fanboys' sexist slurs and how people act on the minecraft forums this is like a haven of niceness. Most of the drama here seems to be around the word "hate".

I just wish people would stop inflating the meaning of that word. Hate is a very strong emotion. When you equal someone disliking certain aspect about a mod or a modder with 'hate' you're purposefully undermining the argument. If you think there is no 'argument' then you should not be participating in it.
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Not even close. Eloraam is obviously a clever person with an electrical engineering background. The equal of KingLemming & team as software engineers: she is not. This is not a disparagement, this is a frank assessment of capabilities. It's something I can unashamedly say I know a thing or two about.

I appreciate the confidence, but I can pretty much say that Elo is far and away the better programmer. I won't even pretend we're remotely close to the same level.
I just wish people would stop inflating the meaning of that word. Hate is a very strong emotion. When you equal someone disliking certain aspect about a mod or a modder with 'hate' you're purposefully undermining the argument. If you think there is no 'argument' then you should not be participating in it.
Agreed, at least to an extent. There HAS been hateful and hurtful comments directed towards Eloraam and that shouldn't be accepted or ignored - but I don't see those things in this thread, so it's unnecessary to call the people here "haters" etc (unless I missed some comment). The whole thing with FlowerChild running an "Eloraam is a cunt campaign" is certainly hateful and hurtful, and it's good that people reacted to that, but people saying "don't expect a release" or "Elo is bad at working together with the other modders" is not.
Agreed, at least to an extent. There HAS been hateful and hurtful comments directed towards Eloraam and that shouldn't be accepted or ignored - but I don't see those things in this thread, so it's unnecessary to call the people here "haters" etc (unless I missed some comment). The whole thing with FlowerChild running an "Eloraam is a cunt campaign" is certainly hateful and hurtful, and it's good that people reacted to that, but people saying "don't expect a release" or "Elo is bad at working together with the other modders" is not.

I'm not saying that there aren't complete idiots on the interwebz but responding to trolls is exactly what trolls want you to do. I think we all know the saying "Sticks and stones can break my bones but words alone can't hurt me": these so called "death threats towards here were just immature jerks saying immature stuff from behind the safety of their computer screen.

A little anekdote: ages ago I was moderator on a forum where we had one rather persistant trolls that kept annoying the crap out of people but took great care to stay just within the forum rules. He was a rather vocal type. I met him once on a forum meeting (this was 13 years ago) and he turned out to be a really quiet shy guy in real life.

People like that tend to be shy kids with lousy personalities (unfortunately the "nerdy but nice" stereotype is often wrong on the "nice" part) who should just be ignored until they go away.

Last but not least: FlowerChild is a compleet sociopath.[DOUBLEPOST=1371039395][/DOUBLEPOST]
And I don't see any death threats either so do us all a favour and stop making shit up.

I used that as an example of what hate really is. That was the point, no one was making that kinds of statements so no one was 'hatin''.
By the way...

This situation? "half a dozen mods?" This is a better outcome. Why? Redpower 2 is an object lesson in why. An ecosystem is resilient and diverse, people can come and go, it can grow and shrink as the community demands; all without even trying. Eloraam hits busy months at the right time and suddenly RP2 is gone and everyone flips out.

I keep seeing a persistent disdain here for mixed mod solutions asserted without even the vaguest sense of irony. I think it's funny given where we are.

See this is why I like Redpower. Often I feel it contributes to mixed mod solutions far more than any other mods, because it can't achieve much by itself. I always feel off put by MFR or AE because you only need those mods for the function they are creating. If you want to make a highly efficient farm then just use a series of MFR blocks and your sorted. Want a compact sorting system just set up your AE stuff.

I always try my hardest to avoid using one mod for a function. Because to me it feels pointless doing that in a modpack

Like you've said, I'm not going to sit around and wait for her to update before I allow myself to play again. In fact I keep meaning to put your Resonant Rise modpack together, teach my friends how to use a computer and set up a server for it. I think the only part of Redpower I will really miss are the deployers/block breakers. I'm such a minecraft cheapskate that I can't bring myself to shell out 3 diamonds for a turtle equivalent...
She'll update when she does. Meanwhile I'm actually using updated modded Minecraft thanks in large part to DJ KirinDave, and I'm ok with that. Its also taken me a few months to miss RP2, but vanilla hoppers and an ME chest will soothe that pain. I am rooting hard for RP2, but I'm not going to play an outdated pack when there's lots of other options.

Also... I think someone trumped frames. I don't know about code, but I do know that this looks epic.