Welp, elo's alive

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Quite the opposite. I've been pretty clear about my stance. No one else reading this thread is confused. RP2 was a great mod. It's stagnant now. I'll thank her when she releases. I'm not going to wait. I'd like to play Minecraft now, and that's not her problem.

Thank you for the last word. I'll take it to say your youtube series is great and I am a subscriber. You're one of the reasons I started doing Let's Plays. And if I were hauling in such huge traffic on a minecraft series in the middle of an RP2 megabuild, I'd be very hopeful too, so I think I sorta understand how you feel.

LOL I love how you ended this man. You are a true gentleman.
i dont even know what theyre talking about but im not tired anymore.

Sent from my homophone using metaphorical circuit boards
At least this may GT off post pile for a day or too, its like a whole new flame topic...
Do we all forget that there is no public Xycraft release for any version of 1.5 minecraft? Why does all the hate go to Eloraam and not Soaryn? Because you see him on Dire's channel?

Sorry, but what 'hate'? Would be nice if all the white-knighting pimply faced youth here would stop equalling critique to 'hate'.
Oh goodie, just when I thought the RP2 debate was FINALLY winding down. BRB, gonna go pop some popcorn.
Sorry, but what 'hate'? Would be nice if all the white-knighting pimply faced youth here would stop equalling critique to 'hate'.
Sorry, but what 'critique'? Would be nice if all the foam-at-mouth faced youth here would stop concealing hate as 'critique'.
See... pointless. Works either way, makes sense in neither.

popcorn for the people!
I understand Eloraam. As a programmer myself, I find that after months of hype-coding, productivity goes down. To the point where you find yourself not coding for a few days, or months even. But with the community to give you encouragement, I guess there will be progress, slow or not.

TBH, I was about to make a little mod as a replacement for frames. But now that I'm informed of that tweet, I'll hold back for now.
I'm hoping for a release but know better than to assume it. It comes when it comes, meanwhile I'll have to make do with other stuff. I like redpower but wish there was open source/more up to date mods that provide the same sleek implementation. RP2 just _looks so frakkin good and is so easy to work with_ compared to most other mods that provide similar functionality.

And honestly, with the whole ecosystem thing, it sounds fine in theory...

But in practice I don't really like it that much. The ore and liquid dictionaries are great, but until they bring a machine dictionary I feel "meh". I don't need like 6 different macerators and 10 different furnaces, all with their own little quirks and weirdnesses. I don't need at least 3 different power systems.

I think many small mods that work well together is the future in the long term, but I think it relies on several things:
1. The modders working together. Incompabilities and imbalances are a big issue, even now. The mods need to be balanced in respect to each other (compare the forestry farms to the mfr planter/harvester for obvious example of valuing things very differently).
2. Much more customisation. We need phat config files, pertaining to energy generation, ore frequency and to some degree even crafting recipes (like gregtech provides).
3. A serious reconsideration or customizability of ore frequency and drops. I mean, caves looks like discos nowadays, and each new mod adds more ores where they could've just gone with whatever's already in the game and altered the recipes needed, or if they need to add another ore, make it rare and either drop a lot or require only a little amount of it. I feel like half the ores/crystals etc in ultimate could be mashed together or dropped completely.
Sorry, but what 'critique'? Would be nice if all the foam-at-mouth faced youth here would stop concealing hate as 'critique'.
See... pointless. Works either way

Yeah, but unfortunately your 'way' is wrong. But I guess it's nice to claim for all the drama-feeders here that there actually is 'drama' when people are just having an adult discussion. Too bad there are too many kids who go "lulz y u hatin" whenever 2 people disagree.

Or in other words: grow the F up.
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I mean, caves looks like discos nowadays, and each new mod adds more ores where they could've just gone with whatever's already in the game and altered the recipes needed, or if they need to add another ore, make it rare and either drop a lot or require only a little amount of it. I feel like half the ores/crystals etc in ultimate could be mashed together or dropped completely.
To be fair, this is probably entirely Xycraft's fault. I'm playing 1.5.2 currently (obviously without Xycraft) and caves are much less colorful than they were when I was playing FTB Ultimate.
1. The modders working together. Incompabilities and imbalances are a big issue, even now. The mods need to be balanced in respect to each other (compare the forestry farms to the mfr planter/harvester for obvious example of valuing things very differently).

The problem isn't 'balance'. The problem is that some mod authors instead of adding 'new' stuff are remaking parts of their mods that work quit well in such a manner that people move towards other mods because they're actually making their own mod worse.

The forestry multifarms are a good example: the old farms were just better and more fun to use. People are getting a bit too carried away with these multiblock machines, modders are implementing them 'because they are cool', not because they make sense.

2. Much more customisation. We need phat config files, pertaining to energy generation, ore frequency and to some degree even crafting recipes (like gregtech provides).

Config files don't solve anything untill FTB will allow the distribution of private config packs. Server owners do not want to bother having to explain every single one of their users how/where to copy config files.

3. A serious reconsideration or customizability of ore frequency and drops. I mean, caves looks like discos nowadays, and each new mod adds more ores where they could've just gone with whatever's already in the game and altered the recipes needed, or if they need to add another ore, make it rare and either drop a lot or require only a little amount of it. I feel like half the ores/crystals etc in ultimate could be mashed together or dropped completely.

For a start mods should not do any worldgen unless they really REALLY need to. I think a bit better 'quality control' when adding mods to FTB packs would be a good idea. And I agree: IMHO all the full bright customer renderers for mod ores are a big nono. If it were up to me we'd remove XyCraft altogether from our server because it looks so friggin' terrible.