Whitelist Server VC Unleahsed FTB Server [No Plugin][Asia][Whitelist][Mature][PVE]

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IGN: HyosHi11
Age: 26
Where do you live? Singapore
Something about yourself? I'm a photographer, and I like lego. MC = digital lego!
Experiences with the Minecraft? Playing since 1.2!
Why do you want to join the server? Asian server, need I say more? Same timezone ftw!
IGN: OwnageBear
AGE: 14
Where do you live? Singapore
Something about yourself?: A fat boy who likes to play online games\
Experience with the minecraft?: Played minecraft since beta 1.6 and ftb for 4 months
Why do you want to join the server?: My friend is in the server and I really want to find a non-laggy server to play with my friend
Where do you live:Taiwan
Something about yourself:not really good at speaking English but no problem on understanding what people says,also the reason I wanted to play FTB is that I've been wathing youtube video such as Etho's,Docm,..and others..I learn FTB's MOD from there videos~

Experiences with the Minecraft:18months
Why do you want to join the server:I'm looking for a sever using FTB mod pack but it's hard to find on in Taiwan or China
at least I didn't found one.And then I saw this sever.Maybe our language isn;t the same
but we also have the chance to speak the same language~(where are you from?)
and I don't like server with to many rules(I meant other rules except killing stealing...)

P.s. forgive me on my poor English...I'm not really good on speaking or writing..
if there's some question on what i wrote above please tell me
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IGN: XplosioMC
Age: 17
Where do you live? Malaysia
Something about yourself? <3 Gaming (Especially FPS Games and games like Minecraft :3)
Experiences with the Minecraft? Playing since 1.2.5, subscriber to YouTube Channels Ethoslab, AnderZEL, AntVenom, CaptainSparklez
Why do you want to join the server? I like playing with others and its not easy to find Asian FTB servers.. And oh yea, I hate goddamned griefers
IGN: xFizzles
Age: 15
Where do you live? Singapore
Something about yourself? I couldn't afford to get a minecraft account at first, so i played minecraft classic. Now i play in mostly SMP servers. I (hope) I'm a decent builder. Open with trying out new stuff, trying hard to understand all those complex redstone circuits.
Experiences with the Minecraft? I have played Minecraft since Beta 1.3.
Why do you want to join the server? Firstly, It's an asian server, so the connection is generally better. Also, I have seen many people playing FTB, such as those on Mindcrack, and decided to try it out for myself and join a server.
IGN: jayraymo
Age: 14
Where do you live? Australia
Something about yourself? I enjoy complex mods for minecraft, that make this automated and make you feel rewarded for achieving something in the game, aka FTB modpack :D.
Experiences with the Minecraft? Played since beta 1.2, so more than a year.
Why do you want to join the server? Close region and same TZ, also looks like a good server to play on.
Hi just a quick question, do you host it yourself or do you have host that is located at SEA?
anyone on the server now im woolala321(whitelisted) I'm stuck in the ghast farm being shot by lazers can someone help me take the terracts down please?
IGN: zax0ng
Age: 16
Where do you live? Singapore
Something about yourself? I like to think of ways to do certain things, instead of using the common method. Most of it are complicated.
Experiences with the Minecraft? I have been playing since 1.2.5 and started to play mods in 1.3.2.
Why do you want to join the server? I'm looking for a server that's united and have fun with other people, not just doing stuffs alone without people interfering.
Where do you live:Taiwan

Something about yourself:not good at speaking English but no problem on understanding what people says.

Experiences with the Minecraft:2 years

Why do you want to join the server:because I can't find any "FTB" server in Taiwan.

IGN: Deconfrosty
Age: 27

Where do you live? Singapore
Something about yourself? I'm a geeky engineer who loves gaming !
Experiences with the Minecraft? Since Beta, but recently into FTB. Hosted my own server at home but my personal friends stopped playing
Why do you want to join the server? Likes playing with community and its rare for a same timezone FTB server like yours.
IGN: Ian0737
Age: 23
Where do you live? Malaysia
Something about yourself? I'm currently waiting to further my study in Mechanical engineering, i love machines and stuff.. me and my brother always play together, its like a trademark :)
Experiences with the Minecraft? I've play tekkit like hardcore for months, im good with machines..
Why do you want to join the server? after we got griefed hard, me and my bro want to find a friendly community to play with, i really love to explore ftb server since i kinda new with it. :) added the server from SEA!!
vince I can't log in to the server? They say cannot connect to server? Is the server under mantanince or sth?[DOUBLEPOST=1364625323][/DOUBLEPOST]Has the ip change?