Whitelist Server VC Unleahsed FTB Server [No Plugin][Asia][Whitelist][Mature][PVE]

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IGN: FlyingKanga
Age: 16
Something about yourself?: I'm a human being living on the planet Earth.
Experiences with the Minecraft?: Been playing for about 2 or 3 years now, I'm moderator on one of the largest Minecraft servers in the world. I've played a fair amount of Tekkit and FTB before on my private server with some friends so I'm fairly experienced.
Why do you want to join the server?: These public servers are so... unpleasant! I'd like to play on a server where everyone actually acknowledges each other's presence and gets along. :)
Where do you live?: Singapore
Something about yourself?: Im Asian! I hate griefers and i love playing minecraft with other people
Experiences with the Minecraft?: i have been playing minecraft for almost 2 years now and i have a fair amount of knowledge on tekkit and feed the beast
Why do you want to join the server?: I am slowly learning more and more about feed the beast and i feel that with the help of other fellow minecrafters, my knowledge on feed the beast will grow even more :D
IGN: 2122000nrm
Age: 14
Where do you live? New York
Something about yourself? I am very good with RP2 and IC2
Experiences with the Minecraft? I have been playing Minecraft since the 1.0 Update and FTB since January
Why do you want to join the server? People have griefed me in the last FTB server I was on so I am looking for a mature server that I can peacefully work on my projects.
Where do you live?im a asian that live in hongkong
Something about yourself?.........................im just a student
Experiences with the Minecraft?i have played minecraft since 1.1
Why do you want to join the server?becouse theses no too many asian server .....and i love FTB
Where do you live?: Singapore
Something about yourself?: Random, Not into getting pew pew stuff, more into setting up more outrageous setup.
Experiences with the Minecraft?: Since Alpha, good with IC2, BC, Logistic Pipes, hates RP2 (lol), tried a little of Forestry before.
Why do you want to join the server?: Need a strong fix for minecrack

Where do you live? MURICA F*** YEA
Something about yourself?Im decent at ftb I record I have my own channel which I post on regularly and I love minecraft (Im friendly)
Experiences with the Minecraft?I have had minecraft since 1.7.5 and ive been playing ftb for about a Month
Why do you want to join the server?I need a white listed server other ones that are not white listed all the people are all (Excuse language DOUSHEBAGS
IGN: GreenRaver
Age: 16
Where do you live? America, Not sure if you want me to be specific
Something about yourself? I love playing games and I might get a job soon so ill try to play as much as possible
Experiences with the Minecraft? I've been playing MC for about 3 years now and been playing feed the beast for about 3 months.
Why do you want to join the server? Because i love to be on a whitelisted on servers so i don't have to worry about really bad griefing i'm okay with pranking that would be cool.
IGN: telshak

Age: 25

Where do you live? Canada

Something about yourself? I work in the IT industry, huge gamer since the age of 12, now a daddy of 2 young kids who fills up my daytime =)

Experiences with the Minecraft? I learn pretty quick, started minecraft roughly 2 months ago and since 1.5 came out on vanilla, i've done pretty much all possible idea i could think off and felt that i was limited to what i could build, so i searched for mods and feed the beast seemed the pack to go, i am however 'almost' a total noob when it come to feed the beast, i am hoping to learn the ranks fast =).

Why do you want to join the server? I personnally have my own server running where i had hoped to have my friends join me, however they do not seems to be into the tech side of mods / system creation and didn't follow me and it's well, not so fun to play alone, so i am seeking a community that is active, i am usually online for 5 hours at night, i am hoping to learn and help others and above anything, have fun with other people.
IGN: elips
Age: 30
Something about yourself?
I'm asian and live in asia.
I find nearest server.
Experiences with the Minecraft?
Buy the game is 2 years ago, play with mod is about 3 month.
Why do you want to join the server?
Single play is solitude.

Sorry. I can't write english, well.
IGN: eon380
Age: 14
Where do you live? I am a chinese too :D i live in hong kong
Something about yourself? I am a secondary student, so i may not be able to play much, maybe 45-90 mins/day
Experiences with the Minecraft? Since 1.0.0, played ftb for about 2 months with friends
Why do you want to join the server? i've played in some other servers, but they are overseas so it's laggy, i'd like to join this server as it's near and should be smoother
IGN: AKhayat​
Age: 19​
Where do you live? United Arab Emirates (right next to Asia)​
Something about yourself? I like to study chemistry, Physics, as well as math. Not only do my professors make it fun, but the subject are interesting.​
Experiences with the Minecraft? Been playing minecraft for over a year and a half, Also watch FTB videos almost every night. I stopped playing single player mode as it has become to boring not to play with anyone else.​
Why do you want to join the server? I can't find any good FTB ultimate servers that don't require you to be a you-tuber, or require a sort of skill that I don't have, also since the server is located nearby I hope the lag that i get will be less. Also Ultimate Server can be very laggy at points as it runs more that 90 mods and having a server near my area will help with lag a ton. I would like you to add me because I work hard whenever I do projects and my favorite mode are IC2, extra bees, greg tech, and redpower. Also I like to explore with new mods that weren't available in other mod packs. A now that I am returning to minecraft I would like to discover the uses of Xycraft! Also it will be interseting to play with people who do not have the same background lifestyle as me.​
P.S. Check me for bans at http://whitelist.mcf.li/ it shows that I have never been banned before.​
IGN: helkarakse
Age: 27
Where do you live? Peninsular Malaysia
Something about yourself? I'm a software developer who works days, so I usually only play a few hours at night and on weekends. Sometimes I have tight deadlines so I sometimes drop off the map for a week or two.
Experiences with Minecraft? I started playing Minecraft a short time after version 1.5 (beta) was released in 2011. I have played vanilla and Tekkit, but recently decided to change to FTB after one of my friends recommended it to me.
Why do you want to join the server? I used to play on a private server hosted for friends, but after a while my friends slowly stopped playing one by one until only I was left. I guess I didn't want to stop mostly because I had spent so much time working on Forestry and Bees and Thaumcraft, so I decided to continue playing solo. Only recently I noticed this FTB Asia server post, so I've decided to apply for a whitelist spot. Playing alone in a dead server is just too solitary for me.
Where do you live?I'm living in Singapore now.
Something about yourself?Played Minecraft for few years and wanted to play tekkit but , I actually found out FTB. So excited and I started playing and playing new modpacks keep coming out and yeah , I'm a Asian .
Experiences with the Minecraft?Used to play with other friends but they all quitted Minecraft because they have no maps to play so I started on a whitelist server in tekkit and learnt most of the ic2 and gregtech.
Why do you want to join the server?I wanna help other people on different servers because recently other server that I play is no longer around.
IGN: Donut_Craft
Age: 28
Where do you live? S.Korea
Something about yourself? ESL teacher in Korea. Minecraft geek. Would love to find a good server to call my FTB home!
Experiences with the Minecraft? Since it came out. Very into FTB these days. Enjoy working with turtles. Am on a bit of a farming kick these days.
Why do you want to join the server? Want to play with people on an ASIAN server so I won't have ten million ping. Looks like a good server! Hope to meet people and start playing soon~
IGN: Boonsiri5601
Age: 23
Where do you live? Thailand
Something about yourself? I love Minecraft!!
Experiences with the Minecraft? Not sure what to say, But I'm familiar with it.
Why do you want to join the server? I want to play with the server near my home, So that I'm not to going to experience server delay for all the time. And also because my main server is keep getting dow.
IGN: iTeddd
Age: 18
Where do you live? USA
Something about yourself? Im very friendly, chilled, calm guy.
Experiences with the Minecraft? I've been playing vanilla over a year, and I've been playing mods for about 6 months.
Why do you want to join the server? I was looking for a server with mature players, because I've recently had players on other who would grief and I found that extremely in mature. This server seems right, nothing is pretty much disabled and I like that about this server.
I can't seem to connect since Sunday, is there any update on how long will the server be down?