Open Server Underground Lounge FTB | Monster 1.0.9 | PvE | Plugins | New World | Active Community

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Server is up and has been for a while. I've been absent for a good while due to not having access to internet after a move to a new home.
I still have full intent to run and support the server to the best of my ability; just not having internet at home is a roadblock in that regard.
I should have net access at home by Tuesday.
IGN: MadDoctor5813
Why I wish to join: I decided to get back into FTB recently, and this server looks like it has a pretty decent community.
Experience: I played a lot with what some might call the oldschool mods, RP2, IC2 etc., and I have some limited knowledge of the "newfangled" mods like Thermal Expansion and such.
IGN: TooAngryZin
Why I want to join: Playing on multiplayer with other people looks like lots of fun - it'd be cool to work with other people rather than play singleplayer all the time, and this server looks friendly.
Experience: Haven't played FTB in a while, but I'm fairly experienced up to mid-tier stuff.
IGN: TooAngryZin
Why I want to join: Playing on multiplayer with other people looks like lots of fun - it'd be cool to work with other people rather than play singleplayer all the time, and this server looks friendly.
Experience: Haven't played FTB in a while, but I'm fairly experienced up to mid-tier stuff.

Whitelisted. Welcome to the server.
IGN: DrakoEsper
Age: 19
Why i want to join: There is only one thing better than playing FTB - playing FTB with friends on a server )
Experience: I've been playing FTB for more than a year.
Hi! Seems like a great server! Me and my brother have been looking for a pure FTB server and we finally found one!

IGN: me: Jackygun, my brother: mgpgord
Age: me: 17, my brother: 16
Why we want to join: First being on a server has advantages such as we can leave a quarry running without being logged on. But the best is to help each other with the mods, and live in community.
Experience: We started playing when Minecraft 1.2.3 came out and we started FTB a year ago. I know a lot about technical mods (IC2, AE, BC,...) and my brother is rather a wizard (thaumcraft, mystcraft,...), we don't know very well the new mods yet but we will learn with time.
Sorry about the wait but congrats you all are now whitelisted.

IGN: simbaorka101
Why i want to join: Server seems nice.
Experience: More than a year.

IGN: DrakoEsper
Age: 19
Why i want to join: There is only one thing better than playing FTB - playing FTB with friends on a server )
Experience: I've been playing FTB for more than a year.

Hi! Seems like a great server! Me and my brother have been looking for a pure FTB server and we finally found one!

IGN: me: Jackygun, my brother: mgpgord
Age: me: 17, my brother: 16
Why we want to join: First being on a server has advantages such as we can leave a quarry running without being logged on. But the best is to help each other with the mods, and live in community.
Experience: We started playing when Minecraft 1.2.3 came out and we started FTB a year ago. I know a lot about technical mods (IC2, AE, BC,...) and my brother is rather a wizard (thaumcraft, mystcraft,...), we don't know very well the new mods yet but we will learn with time.

Remember we are a 1.1.3 unleashed server and to enable all mods =)
IGN - BowShooter200
Age - 16
Why I want to join - I have been looking for a good FTB server and have been disappointed with the ones I have joined so far
Experience - I have been playing FTB for about 6 months now
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Reactions: GBattaglia
IGN : JyrasiQ
Age : 21
Why i want to join : Looking for a friendly community to play with
Experience with FTB : alot of mods
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Reactions: GBattaglia
IGN : AnthonyDakay
Age : 19
Why I want to join : I haven't been playing FTB Online since my favourite server shut down back in 2012. However I have been playing Unleashed by my self, while on the lookout for a neat server and this seems like one. I'm very calm and friendly and I love to play with other people.
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Reactions: GBattaglia
IGN : Skydimond
Age : 14
Why i want to join : I have recently got back into FTB and i like relaxed environment
Experience with FTB : Played FTB since it came out
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Reactions: GBattaglia
IGN: goldern
Age: 16
Reason to join: Searching for a server with a stable community and also mods and admins that know what they're doing
Experience with FTB: I am the kind of guy who play modded minecraft for 2 years and i know how to install mods manually directly into the minecraft.jar(old modloader), also watched direwolf20 Season 3 to Season 5 and a bit of his multiplayer series to learn new building ways, and i'm also experienced with computer craft :P .
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Reactions: GBattaglia
IGN: CardyAll
Age: 16
Reason to join: I'm behind a server with whitelist where I can develop myself and play without lag. and until the end I found one with several plugins, etc..
Experience with FTB: I play minecraft since 2010, like a lot of mods packs FTB, and would like to have experience on your server, I think it's cool, I've got a friend playing on the same, then I would play with him, because he just told me good things about the server in question.
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Reactions: GBattaglia
Reason to join: I just want to be on a ftb server with other people
Experience with FTB: I have been playing ftb since it first came out
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Reactions: GBattaglia
Whitelisted all applicants. Things have been crazy and I greatly apologize about the delay. I imagine most of you guys have moved on to apply to other servers, but I hope you give UgLounge a chance and stop by. Be sure to use 1.1.3 and enable all mods.
