Ultimate Pack

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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The idea was to kill grief, blocks are there to stop them getting out akin to a nuclear reactor explosion afterwards.
I didn't know we were being considerate :(

I'd feel bad for someone who spent hours on breaking one block just to get into my base :p
(of course, there's the side of me that would troll them by putting another layer of blocks before they break them, then eventually make a layer with lava and when they turn to run, they'll realize that I removed all the land around them with warded blocks, and proceeded to steal all their items with MFFS.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Slowpoke did say some time ago that Gregtech would be disabled by default

People claim this, but I heard differently in early streams. I just never had proof so didn't bother to spark an argument. However, Morvelaira in her stream last night confirmed the same sentiment, that GregTech was always intended to be part of the Ultimate pack.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
People claim this, but I heard differently in early streams. I just never had proof so didn't bother to spark an argument. However, Morvelaira in her stream last night confirmed the same sentiment, that GregTech was always intended to be part of the Ultimate pack.

Yes, always intended. Slowpoke said according to those people (never heard it myself but I don't watch his streams) it would be turned off (but in the pack)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
The whole thing with "Overpowered" and "underpowered" is that if you are playing on Survival, with say, EE2, once you have a Power Flower you might as well turn on Creative.
Thats no fun to alot of people and cheaty :p
"Underpowered" means that say, if greg made Fusion reactor's output 1eu/t, it would be absoloutely worthless for the cost, so it might as well not be added since nobody would use it, even just for fun, it costs more to get the fuel then to burn it.

You know EE2 is not a part of Ultamate right? It's being replaced with EE3 with improved balancing.

While reading this I keep getting reminded of that old argument. "If you don't like it don't use it."
Ultimately powered ether over or under is entirely objective. It's not for any of us to say that for another player. Creative douse not mean easy mod nor douse survival automatically mean hard mode. We all have the right to chose just how hard or easy it should be.
And as this is the Ultimate pack it's supposed to include everything possible. So arguing that something shouldn't be there has no place in this thread. There is no point in discussing the removal of anything.
So gregtech. It's in. Power converters to. They will not be removing anything.
Not in the Ultimate all inclusive pack.

Now the argument between Zan and Rei's minimaps that's relevant.

And my arguments are for Rei's. And are two fold.

One. Even though LPers have contributed enormously to FTB's growth they did so with Rei's Mini map as a part of FTB. FTB is clearly as a whole more important than there choice of maps.

Two. That last argument. Meaningless. LPers are simply in the minority. The bulk of players don't LP. And there for those players are the ones who need to be paid attention to. After all with out LPers FTB "might" never have taken off. But without the rest of us it "definitely" wouldn't have. And it still needs us to survive.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I'm not big on obsidian, if someone really wanted to grief me, I sure do hope they have a diamond pickaxe, or they'd have to waste four minutes on breaking one block. If someone takes the time to break warded stone (I believe it takes 10 minutes just to show a sign of breakage), I would probably have logged in and gave them my stuff at that point.

Serious dedication.

There was a prank someone played using warded blocks and damaging bees. :p
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I just looked at their forums. Yup. That guy is just messed up. Typical "nerd that gets online fans"-syndrome.

What??? does this mean if I get to many people following me I have to become a huge douchenozle?

Can I opt out of that? I like being a nerd and I like poeple like what I do.... or at lest I think people like what I do... when i do it that is... yeah I can be a bit slow sometimes stupid MC taking so much time just to build a huge space ship thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What I would really love is Immibis's Liquid XP mod. Since we already have the core, why not!
Not as useful any more. Look up XP turtles. With a spawner you can mass produce enchanted goods.

And that Liquid XP mod needs a art upgrade.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
About Gregtech being in the mudpack, how about this, The ultimate pack contains all mods that the FTB team gets permission for. Gergtech's nerfs and changes will be disabled and everyone is happy. I would rather have as many mods as I can even if I don't use all of them. Maybe someone who finished everything but gregtech tries to build a fusion reactor. If gregtech isn't included in the pack, than this/these person(s) won't have a chance to try it out.
To simplify things, I want as many mods in the ultimate pack because it lets me play the way I want with the most options.[DOUBLEPOST=1362450479][/DOUBLEPOST]
When people work out that "fun" is relative, we'll all be much better off.

EE2 is still my favourite mod of all time. I was the dude who manufactured pedestals for fun. Haters gonna hate, etc.
I compressed everything into red matter because I had to much. (1 month's of work no collectors!)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So... I know it's in Beta and all, but I'd like to set up my server with this pack asap... Do you think it's stable enough to use (in terms of not having major problems later when upgrading to the finished version)?

Best Regards,
Eager Serveradmin


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
So... I know it's in Beta and all, but I'd like to set up my server with this pack asap... Do you think it's stable enough to use (in terms of not having major problems later when upgrading to the finished version)?

Best Regards,
Eager Serveradmin

I mean its basically as instable as the mods that it includes. Since they are mostly the ones from direwolf, mindcrack, etc i'd say its fine.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Looks like the ultimate pack was officially released. For some reason assembly line is in there even though UE isn't. I wonder if tha'ts a mistake


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Assembly line is as much a part of UE as any other mod is a part of FTB. UE is a mod pack unto itself.