Mmm, I am abit confused. I got a single HP boiler providing steam to 3 steam dynamo's with steam. This should provide 120RF/t right? Well the engines all say they provide 40RF/t so they seem to be getting enough steam. Yet, 1 of the redstone furnaces runs at 10RF/t while the pulverizer(connected directly to the leadstone energy cell) runs 30RF/t. The leadstone cell isnt storing energy either. Is there some huge loss going on with these leadstone conduits or? o-O
I would expect the furnace to run at 20RF/t, pulverizer at 40RF/t and the leadstone cell filling up at close to 60 RF/t, minus the time the second furnace runs to smelt the bonus dust. Am I guesing wrong here?

Seems to happen with beta 3 and 5.
Edit: I think its an update issue with the dynamo's RF output. I dont think they are actually getting enough steam even though there power output seems to suggest they do