The Update to 1.8

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Relatable Gamer
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Retired Staff
Nov 24, 2012
Would you have preferred to stay in 1.7 for a while, or are you happy about moving to 1.8? Are you still waiting about in 1.6? What are your opinions on the subject?

Previous things:
Minecraft 1.8 is released. I would have enjoyed more time for 1.7 mods to develop :/
Why? 1.7 is a horrible mess.
IIRC cpw said that a 1.8 forge is quite far away.
I believe Lex did as well.
Horrible mess? Not really, I have a stable large custom mod pack. Getting better performance than in previous versions. I just think people who had good performance previously are more vocal about the worse performance in 1.7.10, while us sufferers in previous versions are quite happy with the performance of 1.7.10. So, welcome to our world, feel our pain :p
Well, it might also have something about the mods not being as optimized yet. (for a given value of optimized)
Until I upgrade hardware, I'll probably just play on vanilla for now. I may actually spend time trying to understand redstone. 1.7.10 has some new stuff in the core mods that I like, but the performance hit I'm taking is making it not fun for me.

I don't think 1.8 will be the resource saving update for me either since it too has worse performance than previous vanilla versions. But I wont face less performance if I build a castle. Maybe I'll take a hit with complex redstone, but that's a lot less than how much my system suffers from a few machines and magic items.

I dont expect modded 1.8 to even be a priority any time soon, but you never know what can happen.
1.8 has really fast worldgen so I'm looking forward to that, I find it silly that Fastcraft is a necessity for playing 1.7.10

I'm not looking forward to waiting on MCP and forge, but in the end, I want to see what mods do with banners and the slime blocks. Those slime blocks look so swag, having a bouncy block with frame-like abilities is up there with the highlights.
Played with it for the last few hours... Wildly fluctuating performance. "Aw, phoo"! Colour me unimpressed for now!
Just tried it. I still can't use any fancy options without a huge performance hit. With vsync off and fast graphics, I'm get ~70fps. That's pretty good for Minecraft on my system. If I set the render distance higher than 11 chunks, the game spazzes out so no-go with that.

Slime blocks and banners? Meh, they ripped those off of mods. I still say the bunnies look weird. Twilight forest and other mods have better looking bunnies. The gravity on mobs is very "floaty" now. Its weird. Its not as "realistic" as in previous versions.

I'll still take ~70fps in vanilla. I start off with that in modded 1.7.10 but as soon as I start building machines it tanks. I don't even mean an elaborate setup. Just 4-5 TE machines or a smeltery and i'm back into the 20's.
Just tried it. I still can't use any fancy options without a huge performance hit. With vsync off and fast graphics, I'm get ~70fps. That's pretty good for Minecraft on my system. If I set the render distance higher than 11 chunks, the game spazzes out so no-go with that.

Slime blocks and banners? Meh, they ripped those off of mods. I still say the bunnies look weird. Twilight forest and other mods have better looking bunnies. The gravity on mobs is very "floaty" now. Its weird. Its not as "realistic" as in previous versions.

I'll still take ~70fps in vanilla. I start off with that in modded 1.7.10 but as soon as I start building machines it tanks. I don't even mean an elaborate setup. Just 4-5 TE machines or a smeltery and i'm back into the 20's.

Let's trade machines then :). Seriously though, good for you. All my MC specs are sparse to normal... I go anywhere from 40 to 6 fps... 6 fps is default while I'm outdoors... Throw a creeper chasing you outdoors, and kamikaze's in fashion this autumn in my minecraftia ;)

jeb and dinner and notch and this and that really need to pull their socks up and do something serious about the game instead of arranging deck chairs in the titanic! You rightly summarised all that's to be said about the new flim flams that they've added. as an aside, if it took them this long to introduce cooked mutton from sheep into the bloody game, I am rallying behind the slogan, "Forge for life! Lex Manos for BDFL" :D
Just tried it. I still can't use any fancy options without a huge performance hit. With vsync off and fast graphics, I'm get ~70fps. That's pretty good for Minecraft on my system. If I set the render distance higher than 11 chunks, the game spazzes out so no-go with that.

Slime blocks and banners? Meh, they ripped those off of mods. I still say the bunnies look weird. Twilight forest and other mods have better looking bunnies. The gravity on mobs is very "floaty" now. Its weird. Its not as "realistic" as in previous versions.

I'll still take ~70fps in vanilla. I start off with that in modded 1.7.10 but as soon as I start building machines it tanks. I don't even mean an elaborate setup. Just 4-5 TE machines or a smeltery and i'm back into the 20's.
I do agree that there were a few ideas taken from mods, but I still like the idea of having vanilla player launchers that don't rely on TNT. I used the aerial faith plates, and I still think they kick major butt.
I do agree that there were a few ideas taken from mods, but I still like the idea of having vanilla player launchers that don't rely on TNT. I used the aerial faith plates, and I still think they kick major butt.
the slime block physics were from a private mod from the ZipKrowd that was submitted directly to Mojang. So at least the were "given" that one.

I like to watch Zisteau's Minecraft LP's when I can. He has a new SSP series that he's doing a Minecraft version progression with. Its interesting to see how sparse and limited the content of the game used to be. It'd be worth a view just for the contrast and perspective it gives you. complain as we will, as far as updates and content additions, we get a hell of a lot of value from Minecraft.
I'm thrilled. I'm excited to play 1.8 modded minecraft with the new performance updates to vanilla. I know that's still a ways off, but It's worth losing the 1.7 dev time, imo.

I agree. Even without the bunnies the performance improvements are worth it, and there are apparently more coming according to a dev-blog linked by Notch yesterday.
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I can't wait for mods to move to 1.8. I get ~100 FPS on a newly generating world, and once it's loaded get ~250 FPS. I get ~200 FPS when flying around in creative mode generating terrain.

Twilight forest and other mods have better looking bunnies. The gravity on mobs is very "floaty" now. Its weird.

I do agree that rabbits look weird. The models look strange, but the strangest part is the eyes on the front of their head; they should be on the side.

Floaty gravity is the only thing about this update that really bugs me. You can totally juggle mobs now.
For me as a modder and player of Minecraft , I prefer moving to 1.8 ASAP . The reason behind this is that we should always move on. And there are enough technical reasons already mentioned that suggest it is just a better game.

Just wanted to share my opinion, you know, that's where it is all about ;)

For me personally the FPS boost as people call it is quite significant , from 1200 FPS to over 2000.
To all modders, don't rush to 1.8 yet. Let Mojang get all their patches out the way, otherwise there could be a repeat of the 1.7.2 to 1.7.10 where not all mods would work. Let the vanilla guys get the bugs out the way, concentrate on your ideas and refinements in 1.7.10 version of the mods. Then, port over as is. Honestly, we don't need new mod content for 1.8 when most people haven't even touched modded 1.7.10 yet!
looks like i am the only one with performance decrease. in normal world gen my max fps is 30-40, compared to 50-120 in 1.7. but in superflat i can reach 700 fps, its my personal record. but still terrain load time is super fast even on 10+ chunk render (i have poor celeron e3600 ocd to 3.2ghz).
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I think a LOT of modders will go straight to 1.8 as soon as Forge is ready and had the bugs ironed out of it. 1.7 is dead wood to a lot of players and possibly modders alike due to its inherent problems, that's what I'm hoping for anyway.
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