To be honest with you, I'm not sure I want another Thaumcraft item sitting in my inventory just to keep the Thaumium tools I have from breaking. I don't mean that in a negative way, I love your mod. What I mean is that I already have a Focus Pouch, a wand, and the Thaumometer in there. Sometimes the Thaumonomicon too, because I forget to put it away before I head out to go adventuring.I did mention on the mc forums that I am thinking of nerfing their speed, but I'm not going to remove it. In the same post I also say the reason I want to nerf it is because I'm planning on adding quicker ways to repair things (via a item you keep in your inventory or some other method), but that has some sort of upkeep cost. In short, sort of the way repair worked in TC3.
In fact, if I can work out a server friendly way of having repair work EXACTLY like it did in TC3 I would be happy. However having items with repair constantly check their environs for sources of vis would hurt server ticks.

I feel like the Repair enchant is in an okay place as it currently is. Sometimes it feels kind of slow, but if you pace yourself it is decent. I don't think it needs a change, in my opinion.
Currently a Thaumium Grafter with Repair is the only thing keeping my sanity about tree breeding. A Thaumium Scoop with repair was also one of my favorite things before I was able to make an Equal Trade Focus (which is able to loot bees).