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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Power Craft Factory Mod

This mod is incredible! The conveyor belts allow for the making of awesome factories and are very fun to watch!
But I love the little mining machine in particular! It is a 2x2x2 block that is much easier to program that Rp2 and computercraft. It mines at a decent speed and can be used underground, so that there arent any of the huge holes that quarries create.

Sadly it's rather brittle when combined with our modpacks. I've tried several times to make it work and it fails in various interesting ways.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I strongly suggest the inclusion of the Barrels Mod into those modpacks that don't have Factorization. It essentially implements the barrels with a different recipe. The mod is already in the spreadsheet, I hope for it to be included.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I strongly suggest the inclusion of the Barrels Mod into those modpacks that don't have Factorization. It essentially implements the barrels with a different recipe. The mod is already in the spreadsheet, I hope for it to be included.

Open Source, Open Inclusion, more balanced recipes, works with AE ME Storage Busses. What is not to like about this mod?


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Add Global Warming

Too much polution and you start taking damage from smog, and eventually lose because world has become a frying pan
Too much CFC's from aersol cans and the ozone disappears and the world turn into a frying pan
Reversible by using the ozoneamatic (GT recipes requiring 64 iridium plates)
ALL IC2 + GT machines create some sort of pollution so you need to watch how often you are using them.
Proper ventilation in underground factories is also necessary.

And much much more!

Coming in FTB 1.6.0


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Add Global Warming

Too much polution and you start taking damage from smog, and eventually lose because world has become a frying pan
Too much CFC's from aersol cans and the ozone disappears and the world turn into a frying pan
Reversible by using the ozoneamatic (GT recipes requiring 64 iridium plates)
ALL IC2 + GT machines create some sort of pollution so you need to watch how often you are using them.
Proper ventilation in underground factories is also necessary.

And much much more!

Coming in FTB 1.6.0


But :

I'm going to suggest something wich is a mod, but i don't see any other place to post it.

It's config improvements :

IC2 :

# Enable sounds

to :

# Enable sounds

I' ve seen the IC2 sounds are disabled by default. Why not activate the sounds of a mod? Having machines being silent is weird, especially the jetpack. I can understand that some pepole may find the sound of macerators or electric furnaces annoying, wich make activating the sounds actually debatable, but it adds a lot to the game ambience, and allow you to know if your stuff is running or not.

And the sound of the generator is soooooo relaxing. I've a generator running in my base only for the sound of it. (yes i'm weird)

GregTech :

usefullrecipes {

to :

usefullrecipes {

Opinions about this can be really different, and i can accept the two, but having to use the compressor for storage blocks can be annoying for lots of players, as it's a change on a vanilla system. Do what you want with it, i'm just suggesting.

Modular Powersuits :

general {
B:"Gregtech Recipes"=true
B:"IndustrialCraft Recipes"=false
D:"Joules per IC2 EU"=50.0
B:"Thermal Expansion Recipes"=false
B:"Universal Electricity Recipes"=false
B:"Vanilla Recipes"=true

to :

general {
B:"Gregtech Recipes"=true
B:"IndustrialCraft Recipes"=false
D:"Joules per IC2 EU"=50.0
B:"Thermal Expansion Recipes"=false
B:"Universal Electricity Recipes"=false
B:"Vanilla Recipes"=false

This is definitly the weirdest thing i've seen on the configs. On a modpack where evryone keep talking about balancing, Modular powersuits vanilla recipes are activated by default, allowing to craft really cheaply some epic stuff. I asked why on the forums and they told me that it was because, since on some servers they use non Greg-hardmode configs, and have a modular powersuit config with easy recipes too, to be sure that players can see the easy recipes in NEI, they must be activated on the config of the players. This is completely stupid :

First, this problem would exist with Gregtech too, and the two modes (easy and hard) aren't activated at the same time in the Gregtech config (and it's impossible), so it's just messing with a config while you don't do anything with another, so there will be anyway NEI recipes conflicts.

Also, the vanilla recipes are really OP. I don't think any smart server admin would activate them. If you still want to go with that "easy recipes activated so i can be sure players will have the recipes used by the server visible in the NEI", activate the IC2 recipes. They aren't as OP as the vanilla ones, so it should be fine.

ExtrabiomesXL :

It's just some giant mess in here. Lots of biomes are disabled by default, and i don't really like it. It's supposed to be because there is too much snow biomes. A interessting solution would be to add biomes o plenty. I'm not asking to replace extrabiomesXL with biomes o plenty, igniting another EBXL vs BOP flamewar, but have the two mods together. Why would it solve our "too much snow biomes" problem? BOP add so much biomes (wich are really cool, just look at the pics on the thread (and it add also a lot of cool blocks and items)) that EBXL ones will be diluted into the mass of BOP biomes, lowering a lot the snow biomes density. It will also stop all kind of EBXL vs BOP flamewars. Actually, I'm mostly posting this because i'm not for EBXL or BOP, but i like both and i'd like to have the two together.

Thaumcraft :

# Enables a version of the Thauminomicon in creative mode that grants you all the research when you first use it.

to :

# Enables a version of the Thauminomicon in creative mode that grants you all the research when you first use it.

This will allow creative mode players to have a cheat thauminomicon with all the research done, allowing to have info for testing stuff without having to do all the researchstuff (wich is incredibly long and annoying when you just want to use the thaumonomicon for information needs) and save a lot of time, because, if you can get all the items in the creative mode, all use instructions, and other info is in the book. (there is no thaumcraft wiki)

Enderchests :

#Set to true to make the vanilla enderchest unplaceable.

to :

#Set to true to make the vanilla enderchest unplaceable.

Well ... this is really debatable. I like the vanilla enderchest, but it is quite cheap to craft. On the other side, it can't connect to tubes and break into obsidan when broken. The main difference with the other enderchest is that it allow all players to have a different chest network (like the enderchest from the mod with the diamond lock), but on the same chest, so it acts like a trans-dimentionnal safe. Change it or not. I don't really care about this, i'm mostly here to remember to evryone that it exists.

A last thing, about portalgun config:

Not something wich have to be changed, because it will need to be different for all players, but you can choose the colors of the bacon gun and potato gun portals in the config. It seems that nobody knows about this, since evryone use the default colors on servers.

I think that's all.

EDIT : The forums hate me. I always have to edit because it adds a ton of goddamn blank lines in middle of my post.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
ExtrabiomesXL :

It's just some giant mess in here. Lots of biomes are disabled by default, and i don't really like it. It's supposed to be because there is too much snow biomes. A interessting solution would be to add biomes o plenty. I'm not asking to replace extrabiomesXL with biomes o plenty, igniting another EBXL vs BOP flamewar, but have the two mods together. Why would it solve our "too much snow biomes" problem? BOP add so much biomes (wich are really cool, just look at the pics on the thread (and it add also a lot of cool blocks and items)) that EBXL ones will be diluted into the mass of BOP biomes, lowering a lot the snow biomes density. It will also stop all kind of EBXL vs BOP flamewars. Actually, I'm mostly posting this because i'm not for EBXL or BOP, but i like both and i'd like to have the two together.

No won't happen don't ask agane.
The problem wasn't that there was to many snow bioms butt at there were to many bioms. There are a number of mods that are effected by bioms. To be precise they are effected by Vanilla bioms. They only work with Vanilla bioms. And or require things only found in vanilla bioms. Having to hunt threw a few hundred extra ones is just to much.
I'd guess thtt the rule of thumb that they decides on for adding extra bioms are something like 1 to 1 or 1 to 2. That is one or two extra bioms for each vanilla one. No more.
Mods I know that are effected by this are Foristery and any of the bee addon mods and Redpower 2. It uses one of the plants generated vanilla bioms.
Probably mystcraft to as the added bioms mess with village generating.
And any mod that uses a slimeball. As finding a vanilla swamp biom is a pain. And good luck finding a witch hut.
and now you want to increes the mod IE. junk, IE looks nice but are otherwise useless, bioms.
Not going to happen. Not to mention adding them would totally expletive over all our current worlds.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
No won't happen don't ask agane.
The problem wasn't that there was to many snow bioms butt at there were to many bioms. There are a number of mods that are effected by bioms. To be precise they are effected by Vanilla bioms. They only work with Vanilla bioms. And or require things only found in vanilla bioms. Having to hunt threw a few hundred extra ones is just to much.
I'd guess thtt the rule of thumb that they decides on for adding extra bioms are something like 1 to 1 or 1 to 2. That is one or two extra bioms for each vanilla one. No more.
Mods I know that are effected by this are Foristery and any of the bee addon mods and Redpower 2. It uses one of the plants generated vanilla bioms.

What you just said is wrong. This link is why. We'd do the same for RP2, but we're not allowed ot.

Probably mystcraft to as the added bioms mess with village generating.

Mystcraft has an API for this. Anyone can integrate.

And any mod that uses a slimeball. As finding a vanilla swamp biom is a pain. And good luck finding a witch hut.

BoP makes witches and slimes more plentiful, not less.

and now you want to increes the mod IE. junk, IE looks nice but are otherwise useless, bioms.

I'm not sure what you are saying here, but BoP's worldgen stuff is generally useful.

Not going to happen. Not to mention adding them would totally expletive over all our current worlds.

And again: wrong. It makes some slightly weird artifacts on the edge of your chunks. That's it. Anyone who's imported a vanilla world to FTB sees the same thing.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What an useless and pointless mod... Seriously don't know what's wrong with people these days.

I'd like to add my voice to the choir, and ask for the inclusion of Atum in the pack. Seriously cool dimension that adds a lot of new gameplay, and it's only going to get better. New areas to explore, new enemies, and new loot to acquire are always something that adds a lot to the minecraft experience, like Twilight Forest. The fact that the mod has come so far in such a short period of time during Modjam also goes to show the level of commitment and expertise of the mod's authors.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What an useless and pointless mod... Seriously don't know what's wrong with people these days.

I'd like to add my voice to the choir, and ask for the inclusion of Atum in the pack. Seriously cool dimension that adds a lot of new gameplay, and it's only going to get better. New areas to explore, new enemies, and new loot to acquire are always something that adds a lot to the minecraft experience, like Twilight Forest. The fact that the mod has come so far in such a short period of time during Modjam also goes to show the level of commitment and expertise of the mod's authors.

Sometimes you need to relax from crafting, mining, etc. That's why there are other mods in Ftb packs, not just ones that add more enemies, new areas or loot. For example, secret rooms.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
What you just said is wrong. This link is why. We'd do the same for RP2, but we're not allowed ot.

Mystcraft has an API for this. Anyone can integrate.

BoP makes witches and slimes more plentiful, not less.

I'm not sure what you are saying here, but BoP's worldgen stuff is generally useful.

And again: wrong. It makes some slightly weird artifacts on the edge of your chunks. That's it. Anyone who's imported a vanilla world to FTB sees the same thing.

Mystcraft's API won't change how derped up village spawning can get.
MY math might be a little off but normal minecraft has 10 bioms. Giving the odds of one of them being a swamp biom a 1 in 10 chance to find.
Extra bioms adds one swamp bioms and 27 other one reducing the odds of finding one to 2 in 38.
And no added biom can include the vanilla structures. Don't believe me go look at the FTB Extrabioms wiki page.

Added crap as in things useful for more than there esthetic purposes. Like slimeballs and rubber trees.
Most people don't import vanilla worlds into FTB. It makes it to much trouble to find the resources necessary to actually play FTB. And as vanilla minecraft is easier to play and get set up than a FTB world it's kinda cheat.

All things being equal Bioms O plenty might be a better mod than Extra bioms. But we can't simply remove Extra bioms as that would trash all existing worlds. And we can't add it as well as that would create way to big a mess.
Also I read nothing in that addon plugin about bees IC2 rubber trees or a number of other bioms specific addons.
And another thing why did you say "we're not allowed ot. Surly you're not advertising your own mod. That's just in bad form. :p


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sometimes you need to relax from crafting, mining, etc. That's why there are other mods in Ftb packs, not just ones that add more enemies, new areas or loot. For example, secret rooms.

But unlike the useless and pointless mod you suggested Secret Rooms has a use in map building and hiding things in SMP.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Sometimes you need to relax from crafting, mining, etc. That's why there are other mods in Ftb packs, not just ones that add more enemies, new areas or loot. For example, secret rooms.
But unlike the useless and pointless mod you suggested Secret Rooms has a use in map building and hiding things in SMP.
To be fair, Zaya has a point.

I mean, how does making everything look squiggly and weird in-game even help "relax"?
If anything It'd make one nauseous.

Plus a mod that uses and advocates thank you, specially since Minecraft is played by minors.
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