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Mod: Logistics pipe SMP with additional features
Author: Krapht ,RS485,davboecki,thezorro266 (unsure who else)
Reason:this is a moddified version of Kraphts logistics pipes that has been updated to 1.4.2 and has a lot of new cool features.
and perhaps the new and what makes it fit in to the FTB is the energysystem that has been added giving it more balance

Note: giving Krapht veiw on Opensorce

, if anyone can make his code better he said go for it(tho this did not include release it).

I'm adding my vote on this one. This version of Logistics Pipes has a great number of useful features and is being continuously maintained and enhanced. Krapht created a great mod and this fork has made it even better.
Mod: Logistics pipe SMP with additional features

This issue with this would be that Krapht is already updating his original version for 1.4 and, to my knowledge, Slow still intends on the original being in the pack. I doubt very much the two can coexist and even if they can, having both there seems like a bit odd. I can't speak for the FTB team here but unless Krapht cannot or will not update his version then I doubt it will be added. Just my view. We'll see what Slow says on the issue of course.
Could the mods be put in alphabetical order? That would help find out what sections the mods are in without reading each one.
May I suggest a rather small addon for Buildcraft called Valve Pipes by Denoflions? It adds a few new pipes, namely "Stone/Cobblestone Golden Waterproof Pipes", which basically function with the same capacity as golden pipes, but like their stone/cobblestone counterparts, do not connect with each other, which allows two independant pipes to run directly parralel with each other, which is extremely useful when dealing with, for instance the Railcraft Boilers.
"Will Not be Included: Trains and Zeppelins Mod"
"Maybe Maybe not but they have been suggested: Trains Mod"

Huh? So... we're *possibly* getting trains but not zeppelins?
I do want the nether portal to be red, but I did read that mods not adding gameplay would have hard time getting in...

Yeah, I know about that, but I also thought Slow could do something evil with traps....people falling into an inescapable horizontal nether portal that drops folks into a very unpleasant place.

Many opportunities for mischief.
Yeah, I know about that, but I also thought Slow could do something evil with traps....people falling into an inescapable horizontal nether portal that drops folks into a very unpleasant place.

Many opportunities for mischief.

Couldn't one use Mystcraft for that? Find crystal to create such a portal with a Linking Book to the Nether.
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The list on the front page was compiled by Greedseed. It may not be fully accurate. It is however the best we have until Slow has time to take a look and make corrections.

No we will not be listing why each and every one of the mods has been rejected. Once the list is adjusted by Slow I am happy to alphabetize it. Its mainly here as a guideline to what has already been suggested. Not as a list of what is guaranteed to be included.
The biggest rejection at this moment is not beeing up to date to 1.4.2. Also unbalanced or game breaking mods will not even get considered.

If there are here and there some mods missing or the list is not correct, i am sorry. Like jaded sed , slow did not have time yet to look at the list so i had to do more fishing.

Did my best sorry if it is not perfect guys ;) :rolleyes:
Mod: CBM - Condensed Blocks Mod
Authors: Fenrir00 (what an remarkable coincidence...)
Reason: It adds Storage Blocks for near anything from vanilla minecraft mod and ic2 stuff.


I don't want rage on me so i sorted the list: ^^

Is in the pack!

Advanced machines
Buildcraft 3
EE3 -- Upon Completion
Ender Storage
Extra Bees -- Once bugs are worked out
Extra Biomes XL
Gravitation Suite - if its fully updated
Hangable Maps
Iron Chest
Portal Gun
Rai's Minimap
RedPower-- Upon Completion
Rei's Minimap
Secret Rooms
Steve's Carts
Thermal Expansion
Twilight Forest
XyCraft -- upon completion

Not up to date to 1.4

Additional buildcraft objects
Better dungeons
Crafting Table III
Green Stone Wire Mod
Laser Mod
Logistics pipes
More plants

Will Not be Included

3D Items
Aperture Science Turtle Upgrades
Balkon's Weapon Mod
Better World Generation 3
Big Trees 1.3.2
Charge Pads
Compact Solars
Coral Reef Mod
Customizable Inventory
Double Doors Mod
dungeon pack
Dynamic Lights
dynamic web maps for SMP
Essential Food Mod
Flat Bedrock layer
Fossils and Archeology
Goblins Mod
Hot Air Balloons
IC2 Charging Bench
Immibis mods
Jammy Furniture Mod
Mine Little Pony
Mo' Creatures
More Exposives
More pistons mod
Nuclear Control
Plugins for Forestry
Power Converters
Pre-Historic Mod
RanCraft Penguins
RMB Tweak
Show Duration Mod
Smart Moving
Status Effect HUD Mod
Steam craft
The Runic Dust Mod
THX Helicopter
Timber! by TehKrush
Trains and Zeppelin Mod
Tree Capitator
Zaede's SteamWorks

Maybe Maybe not but they have been suggested:

Advanced Alloys
Advanced Generators
Advanced Power Systems
Advanced Solar Panel
Ars Magica
AtomicStryker's InfernalMobs
AtomicStryker's Ruins mod
Back Tools
Clay Soldiers Mod
Diamond buckets
Dragon Mounts
Flan's WW2 Pack
Furniture mod
Greg's Lighting
HybridCraft 2
Minefactory Reloaded
Pam's Combined Mod
Project Zulu
SDK's Guns
Smart Moving
Sneaky Pipes
Soul Shards
The Smart Pessure Plate Mod
Trains mod
Transformers v1.3
Vis Bees
wireless redstone
Zipline Mod
The biggest rejection at this moment is not beeing up to date to 1.4.2. Also unbalanced or game breaking mods will not even get considered.

If there are here and there some mods missing or the list is not correct, i am sorry. Like jaded sed , slow did not have time yet to look at the list so i had to do more fishing.

Did my best sorry if it is not perfect guys ;) :rolleyes:

All you could do was read the other forums.. not all the info there was correct its not your fault.
Wildcaves 3:

- Decorates caves to make them more interesting
- Stalactites and Stalagmites generate in caves.
- Stalagmites will only generate under stalactites.
- Stalactites, Stalagmites and vines generate dynamically and can be as long as you want (config option)
- Different features depending on biome
-- Stalactites and stalagmites in all biomes
-- Vines on jungle like biomes
-- Icicles on cold biomes
-- More water sources on wet biomes
-- Less stalactites and stalagmites on dry biomes
- Stalactites drop cobblestone and they can be collected intact with silk touch
- Glowing mushrooms drop glowstone dust when destroyed and can be sheared
- Properties file with many options to customize the mod to your liking, change block ids, the frequency a certain feature occurs, length of vines and stalactites/stalagmites, etc.
-Compatible with ExtrabiomesXL

compatile with forge and 1.4.2
Wildcaves 3:

- Decorates caves to make them more interesting
- Stalactites and Stalagmites generate in caves.
- Stalagmites will only generate under stalactites.
- Stalactites, Stalagmites and vines generate dynamically and can be as long as you want (config option)
- Different features depending on biome
-- Stalactites and stalagmites in all biomes
-- Vines on jungle like biomes
-- Icicles on cold biomes
-- More water sources on wet biomes
-- Less stalactites and stalagmites on dry biomes
- Stalactites drop cobblestone and they can be collected intact with silk touch
- Glowing mushrooms drop glowstone dust when destroyed and can be sheared
- Properties file with many options to customize the mod to your liking, change block ids, the frequency a certain feature occurs, length of vines and stalactites/stalagmites, etc.
-Compatible with ExtrabiomesXL

compatile with forge and 1.4.2

"Struck by the ooooo's"

looks awesome
Just a quick question: Will The Lemming King's OmniTools be included? I've been playing the latest beta version and have noticed that it isn't there. At the same time, I'm not seeing it on the list yet either. The only reason I bring it up is because it would be good to have seeing as how all it does is consolidate materials between mods.
two mods by denoflions

Plugins for forestry:

I've had no bugs with it yet, 1.4.2 playing in Beta FTB. (same with valvepipe)

If you take a look at the forum threads for Denoflions you'll note he(she?) is very responsive to bug posts and fixing problems

Plugins for forestry ads alot of features, many of them tied to forestry wax and biogas engines. You can squeeze peat into a liquid and pipe that liquid to engines to power them, and you can ferment that liquid peat into sugar peat for a better output per tick. You can squeeze IC2 uranium, and then ferment it to create another stronger fuel for the biogas engine. It adds lots of new uses for wax, like a wax cast (acts somewhat like a wax bucket) and alternative recipes using wax to craft a number of items like arrows, smooth stone, book shelves, and it also adds the ability to convert liquid fuel like biofules and biomass into bars that can be burned in a peat engine (They may also burn in normal engines like peat does, not sure haven't tried yet)

The mod shouldn't add that much to RAM/CPU over head beyond what forestry already takes

A few modules of the mod may be OP depending on what the final buildout of the FTB modpack is, but modules can be shut off, leaving the rest intact, so it is more configurable, otherwise it allows resources already being produced be more useful and versatile, and it adds to the manufacturing/technical feel of the other mods, and it even has Sir Sengirs seal of approval (first page of the forum thread linked above)

Valve pipes (and more):

for buggyness and dev fixing problems see above

As this has already been mentioned a number of times, I think the mod pretty much speaks for itself, however if ABO does get updated, the gold-cobble, gold-stone, gold-sandstone, would still be great additions to the pack as it makes many steam and liquid-systems much easier to handle build troubleshoot and maintain. Overall this is a fantastic mod and adds a lot of pipes for buildcraft. Also CovertJaguar likes it (first page of forum thread), so that counts for something, right?

This mod should actually help reduce RAM/CPU use by reducing the complexity of pipe network buildouts, no more absurdly out of the way item transport systems just to avoid pipe merging problems (particularly liquids)

It adds much to the fit of the modpack by creating better/more efficient systems to create more complex, and working, transport networks (this mod and teleport pipes are an amazing combination, teleport pipes was forked and updated to 1.4.2 as pointed out in a post above)

in regards to permissions from the dev Denoflions has expressed an open policy towards modpacks and that modpack makers are more than welcome to add these mods.
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