Suggest Mods for FTB Here

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Information would help, Slowpoke. This is the first descriptive explanation I've heard about different packs (Technical, Magic, Map, and Ultimate) and I think it makes a lot of sense and should cover most everyone's basic needs. It completely got rid of any fear I had about any certain mods being or not being in the modpack. I think a lot of what Jyzarc is going off of is rumors by members and possibly misinformed moderators, etc. More in the Announcements section would be awesome, I think.
I would Suggest AltriaCraft but it is still in alpha, its a weapon/combat update mod from what I understand.
I suspect anyone looking for a pack with the majority of mods in it will be interested in the Direwolf20 pack since he said on his twitter when asked what would be in it "shorter list: what won't be".
Information would help, Slowpoke. This is the first descriptive explanation I've heard about different packs (Technical, Magic, Map, and Ultimate) and I think it makes a lot of sense and should cover most everyone's basic needs. It completely got rid of any fear I had about any certain mods being or not being in the modpack. I think a lot of what Jyzarc is going off of is rumors by members and possibly misinformed moderators, etc. More in the Announcements section would be awesome, I think.

Actually no. The moderators are not misinformed etc. However this is a very good example of why we DON'T give y'all updates and ETAs. The mod packs are constantly changing based on when mods are updated bugs that are found etc etc. No matter what might be true right now about any mods inclusion or lack thereof into any pack within a few hours to a day the answer could be completely different. We give you information that true when we give it to you, then it changes. And then we have a bunch of people upset that we "lied" or were "misinformed". If we don't tell you anything to keep from causing people to be upset when things change then we get accused of not communicating. Sure we could give out information, but we would have to keep changing it dependent on changes that happen beyond our control. And in the meantime while we are spending hours updating question lists and trying to keep the most current information available we are not getting mod packs made launcher fixes done etc. If people would just be patient and wait stuff would get done mush faster then it will if we have to keep updating info every time something changes. This thread is supposed to be a place for y'all to bring us mods that maybe we haven't seen. Not a place for people to gripe and spew venom over which mods may or may not make it in one of the packs.

Y'all don't realise how many mods have ended up having permissions requested of them because of this thread and others like it. Several of us try out a lot of the mods that are suggested here. Just because a mod conflicts with current mods or has a few too many glitches/bugs doesn't make it a bad mod. And we are not going to sit here and go "too glitchy" "not well coded" etc etc. There are many reason a mod might not end up in one of the packs. A large one is resource usage. Not of game resources but of server and computer resources. Does the mod in question provide enough content and usability to justify the cpu/ram it uses. Mods that work beautifully for SSP often have huge resource management issues for SMP.

So please y'all just keep suggesting good mods you find. We'll keep testing. And if Slow or a mod just says "No" in response to a mod trust that we have our reasons. Hundreds if not thousands of mods have been suggested. It would take a team of people just to keep up with the list of why each one was or was not included. Just sigh and move on and realize Slow and the mod pack team do not throw out mods willy nilly.
just a quick question. Can I safely add thaumcraft 3 to the pack without getting any issues like conflicting ID's?
No, you cannot. FTB is running Minecraft 1.4.2 for now, while TC3 requires 1.4.5 (and also a newer Forge version).
I think Single player commands would be a nice addition to the pack. Not everyone uses it I guess, but it's always nice to have around "just in case".
I apologize for getting off-track on this post but I feel that someone other than Slowpoke needs to correct the imbecile mindset that SOME people are trying to create and influence on sincere users.

What the hell does Slowpoke, and while I'm at it, the WHOLE FTB team owe you? I mention FTB team because Slowpoke isn't the only one spending his resources, time, and money on this project, many people are. Try to reason:
  1. You do not pay Slowpoke or anyone in the FTB team, they are not your employees.
  2. If they are doing this project is because they WANT to, as if the few cents any of them might be getting from any Minecraft-related source would be sufficient to quit their day jobs and sustain their families. Fame does not pay your bills or feed your cat.
  3. Do you know Slowpoke IRL? No? Then how do you know he is a yerk? Because he doesn't spend much time replying to forum posts and the petty squabbles created by people like you? Gee, perhaps he is too busy living a life like (most of us) have and spending his free time on working on this project, ever thought about that? This applies to mod makers and everyone else.
  4. Slowpoke does not own Minecraft or work for Mojang, he is part of the Minecraft community just like any of us.
The above points apply to everyone. We (modders, mod pack owners, players, server owners) are ALL part of the Minecraft community and no one owes anyone else anything. Quit the drama and PLAY.

I guess your ARMY of 100 mere subscribers will just have to subscribe to someone who isn't impatient, unreasonable, and judgmental.
Kid, this is for you:
Honestly I really do/did like this modpack and I was just trying to help make it better by leaving feedback. Thats why I said he SEEMS that way, I know hes probably a nice guy in real life but I had never prior to today see him say anything on this thread, even through Jadedcat and I was frustrated about the lack of answers. And as it turns out he did basically lie about Balkons weapons. And to respond to the last part, Yeah I only have 100 subs I started my channel basically 2 months ago and I never even said I had a lot. I upload to youtube for fun and to help makmakers with NBTedit not to compete for the most subscribers. I don't see how my message was impatient but whatever. Unreasonable, probably I say stupid stuff when I'm mad but I stand by my main point. Judgmental, I never judged Slow I assessed how he seemed to me and probably other members of the community. I wasn't saying he was actually like that and I did apologize to him for sounding rude. If I didn't know any better I would say your judgemental :([DOUBLEPOST=1354458784][/DOUBLEPOST]
No one has lied about Weapon Mods, the list is accurate in that is says we do not have permissions for the mod in of itself. However maybe it should be made clear that the reason we dont have permissions is because we have never asked for them.

*facepalm* Of course you don't have permissions if you didn't ask, Balkondeur said he thought this pack was cool and if you asked him he would let you. I understand your reasoning for not including the mod, but couldn't you have said that at the top of the thread instead of no permissions. It confuses us and makes Balkondeur look bad. I would suggest that you change that, for Balkondeur's sake, Hes a cool guy and people shouldn't think less of him because of your mistake.
I was just trying to help make it better by leaving feedback.
You keep using that word. I don't think it means what you think it means.

Seriously though, destructive criticism isn't feedback, constructive criticism is. Does constructive criticism have to be positive? No, but it has to be well reasoned, it needs to be calm, and possible solutions do need to be proposed. There's a difference between pointing out problems and spewing out vitriol. The one constructive thing I've seen you say in this thread so far is the suggestion that the phrasing be changed for the reason the weapon mod isn't included.
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Jyzarc are you deliberately here just to troll me. If so I suggest you stop now because you have picked the worst possible day to do so. I have not lied, I have not said a single thing to make Balkon look bad. I have certainly never said he refused us permissions and even if he did refuse us permissions that would not make him look bad, that would be his right as a mod developer. I did not post a single thing at the top of this thread. You may want to go back and check, this thread was a repost of greedseeds, made by Jadedcat. I cannot remember the exact details of what I said to greedseed so him posting what he did ie no permissions may just be a miscommunication. Either way, it is a truthful statement, we do not have permissions to distribute the mod,the reasons for us not having permissions are quite honestly nothing to do with you or anyone outside of FTB anyways.

Finally I couldnt have said anything at the top of this thread cause well it isnt my thread. I am sure you may expect us to cross check every thing that is said to ensure it is word perfect and not open for any interpretation. I tell you what., when me everyone on the team and all the modders are on saleries then come and complain about your basic lack of reading comprehension. Maybe English isn't your first language, in which case, you could be forgiven. But either way go troll somewhere else. I wont be kicking you off the forums or banning you or whatever. However in future, please try to post something that contributes something of value cause right now I dont see anything. I think I am dont on this particular conversation. Much more important things in life.
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No offense Slowpoke, but my suggestion is to stop adding oxygen to the fire. If Jyzarc is a troll and let him be one. If you don't like it, ban him. Simple as that. It is YOUR forums not his. You don't have to deal with this nonsense. IMO, the FTB moderators are being too nice. I cannot tell you the number of people I would've banned off this forums by now for spitting information that doesn't add any value to the discussion at hand. My suggestion? Create something similar to the rule book over at Technic Forums. Their policy is, either you add value or you go bye bye.

Check the OP, it states that TreeCapitator will not be added. You could just add it on your own :D
A reason for Treecapitator not being added is it ruins the point of the "Axe of the Stream" from Thaumcraft, which is obtained via research. Of course you could add it in yourself but it will not be in the official mod pack. Hope this helps!
No i'm not a troll. You didn't technically lie but you implied he didn't give permission. And its not like he never gives permission, he has for most major modpacks so it made at least me think that he had something against you or the modpack. That would cause some people to think less of him and create more drama. Thats the way the community is. I think that Jadedcat or whoever should change that because it's not entirely true and can be "misread" and make it look like Balkondeur is the reason it's not in the pack and potentially people will harass him about it. I'm not asking you to do that for me I'm asking it for Balkondeur. You guys are for supporting the mod developers right? Ok this is my last post about this but I hope you guys do whats right.
Slowpoke didn't lie. He didn't imply anything; he didn't make this thread. The original source of this text didn't intentionally imply anything ill. The only drama being caused about this I can see is yours. You have no business speaking for people who haven't asked you to. No one appreciates your intentional implications that the team is somehow being unethical in not making the wording exactly precise.
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(Getting back to mod suggestions...)

I know Crafting Table III isn't updated yet, but when it is I hope you consider it. I always thought it was a wonderful complement to NEI and the Project Table from Redpower.

...I wish I had a more concrete suggestion for other mods, but honestly, you've already assembled a better collection than I would have thought possible. Instead, I'd like to add my support for your NOT including so many of the little gimmicky mods out there. I'd rather see mods that add to the long-term game experience than ones that are distracting or just plain silly. The FTB team has really put a lot of thought into this issue, and for that they get all my thanks.

I just thought it was important that amidst all the 'update now!' and 'give us this!' and 'moar!!!' outcries, somebody should chime in with 'don't rush it.'

The discretion and thoroughness of the FTB team amazes me. This is a huge undertaking, for a largely unappreciative audience, and you folks should know that some of us believe that good things are worth the wait. Given the choice between doing it fast and doing it right, please continue doing it right.
Just a small question like that, okay maybe a couples of questions ;) as I understand there will be like 4 modpack : tech, lite, magic and ultimate; My question is : what is the beta right now, just a beta or the representation of the ultimate mod pack? Or as I understand it's the mods that will be used for the feed the beast map?
I'm getting a little bit confused and I guess i'm not the only one, are we suggesting mods for all of those packs or the mod for the FTB map?
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