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Slowpoke, I'm all for modpacks here and once more you guys scared the living daylights out of me by not telling me about this Ultimate pack. But now I have a question how far will you go to get the mods to play better together? There is a slight possibility you have seen the thread about a meta-mod. If so, is this at all possible? Our game as of right now is technic with permissions and options. Which is fantastic! But it could be more and will become outdated quickly if anyone comes out with a meta-mod pack. Then you would have a flame-war on your hands, not to mention loss of player-base.
There are 4 serious bugs left to resolve in Red Power 2. There has been no progress over the last week due to Eloraam being swamped with work in real life. Things have eased off now and Eloraam has returned to coding this weekend and hopes to have something ready for release soon.

Well that made my day.
#1 The only reason this could scare someone is if they have spent days working on their world and then have it not work in the final release. #2 This modpack will not be outdated very soon, if at all. The variety part of it (being able to choose between Magic, Tech and both) certainly gives it an advantage over Technic/Tekkit. #3 The metamod pack will be as controversial as GregTech was. While I like GregTech, I really dislike the idea of a metamod pack. I want choice. I don't want to be forced down one path and one path only. (The only reason I tolerate Thaumcraft is because of the uniqueness of it. Magic and all.)

Lastly, Slowpoke and his team will do the best they can to make FTB the best experience possible.
Yeah Julian, I cannot guarentee that, The pack is clearly labelled as a test pack and it has been made clear from the start that there may be block id changes. We do hope to have a way for people to convert existing worlds over to the new packs when they come out. We are making efforts to ensure that worlds will survive across, but we cannot make any promises on this.
Alright, do the best you can I guess. Just at the very least make sure you update the current pack to 1.4.5. (And hopefully have Thaumcraft and Xycraft in it. I can take care of the rest with MultiMC).
Thaumcraft 3 is out!!! /)3(\
DUDE. Wouldn't you consider that SPAM? Thanks for letting us know what was said by slowpoke himself a few posts ago.
random opinion:

if the ultimate pack just takes the best from tech/magic, there should be one modpack that takes ALL from tech/magic.
random opinion:

if the ultimate pack just takes the best from tech/magic, there should be one modpack that takes ALL from tech/magic.
By best, I'm sure he means, all that will work together with the two packs. If you've had experience in the modding world, which I'm sure you do, you will know that certain mods just won't work with others no matter how hard they try. Both coding wise and the overall experience
I doubt that will be the case. From what I've observed, Minecraft mod players tend to like playing with as many mods that will work together. Yes, there are those that favor either Tech exclusively or Magic exclusively, but I don't think either group overshadows the group that likes more compatible mods in general.

On a different note, I have no intentions of rushing the team, but I'm quite excited on Thaumcraft being added to a pack, even if it is only the Magic pack at first. I'm quite eager to play it alongside whatever the team has set up compatibility for. (Wondering if anything Buildcraft is included... particularly the lovely Thermal Expansion.)
The ultimate pack would be more ideal for servers where it's not ideal to restrict players to a specific genre of play. For example, many Tekkit servers operated off the "magicians versus mad scientists" theme which was brought through the union of mods like IC2, BC3, and EE2. I predict the separate packs will focus more on unique maps.
I apologize for getting off-track on this post but I feel that someone other than Slowpoke needs to correct the imbecile mindset that SOME people are trying to create and influence on sincere users.

Jyzarc said:
But now it's not looking so good. For starters slowpoke is starting to seem like a jerk. He doesn't seem to care about the community or their opinions, only his stupid map, He constantly changes his mind about mods and how do I know he won't do that with mods that are in the pack, and he has lied about the exclusion of at least one mod. He also said the pack would include Thaumcraft, gregs lighting, etc and people got excited for a legal modpack with all their favorite mods, not all our favorite mods neatly divided up into various modpacks.
What the hell does Slowpoke, and while I'm at it, the WHOLE FTB team owe you? I mention FTB team because Slowpoke isn't the only one spending his resources, time, and money on this project, many people are. Try to reason:
  1. You do not pay Slowpoke or anyone in the FTB team, they are not your employees.
  2. If they are doing this project is because they WANT to, as if the few cents any of them might be getting from any Minecraft-related source would be sufficient to quit their day jobs and sustain their families. Fame does not pay your bills or feed your cat.
  3. Do you know Slowpoke IRL? No? Then how do you know he is a yerk? Because he doesn't spend much time replying to forum posts and the petty squabbles created by people like you? Gee, perhaps he is too busy living a life like (most of us) have and spending his free time on working on this project, ever thought about that? This applies to mod makers and everyone else.
  4. Slowpoke does not own Minecraft or work for Mojang, he is part of the Minecraft community just like any of us.
The above points apply to everyone. We (modders, mod pack owners, players, server owners) are ALL part of the Minecraft community and no one owes anyone else anything. Quit the drama and PLAY.

Jyzarc said:
He let us down and now I don't know what i'm gonna do for the lets play I promised my subs.

I guess your ARMY of 100 mere subscribers will just have to subscribe to someone who isn't impatient, unreasonable, and judgmental.

Kid, this is for you:


Maybe when it has some non-aesthetic features beyond corn, it might be added. Though it's hard to be sure which pack it could go in when there's so little information on how the machines will function.
Ok slowpoke, I'm sorry I may have seemed rude and I'm really just frustrated at how the modpack seems to be changing for the worse and the disorganization of this forum. It's pretty much impossible to find out if and why a mod will be in the pack and no one seems to know whats going on. This thread is a great example of that. But I'm sorry for being rude to you I thought this modpack was gonna be sort of a better alternative to technic instead of specifically designed for your maps. Actually i'm still not really sure what it is. What I meant by you changing your mind is that every mod list I find for this is at least a little different. And about the lying it says on this thread balkons weapons was not included because of lack of permissions. Balkondeur said you never asked him for it. So one of you guys are lying or its a misunderstanding that no one cares enough to work out. Is there a thread with a list of planned mods for each modpack? The ultimate one sounds cool but maybe I should use direwolfs instead or make my own private one but I have no idea what will be in either. Or for that matter the FTB modpack seeing how things are going.

Ok I really want to address this "letting us down" thing. I am disappointed that a mod I was excited about playing in this pack (thaumcraft) will not be added even after you release that teaser image with thaumcraft on it. And yeah I can add it in myself which makes it harder to do multiplayer with my subscribers which was part of the plan. I was also gonna make a map with it and the other mods but thats pretty much pointless now. And I have no idea what you are talking about with the mod developers I never wanted you to rush in fact I wanted you to release this pack in 1.2.5 with redpower and such but thats a different story. And yeah but i'm using direwolf20 as an example of why you should add mods that the community want, or maybe make a pack specifically designed for LPs (like have a bunch of mods and then people enable/disable the mods they want) . Because we aren't famous and don't get our own modpack. Sure I could try to make my own but the chances of me getting all the permissions are quite rare. Hope that clears things up.
You have to understand that I am not to blame for you misconceptions. I cannot control what you think especially when it is contrary to what we are saying. FTB is not here to provide an alternative to technic, tekkit or any other mod pack. The mod pack was created first and foremost for the Feed The Beast Maps. The launcher was created in order to allow more people to install the mods and the maps more easily. Over time however we have also included the ability to play the mod packs as stand-alone packs that can be used in survival worlds etc. It is everyone else who see's this as a better alternative to technicpack. If things had gone differently, we might not have a FTB launcher at all. On more than one occasion I have approached the staff on the technic forums to not just ask but offer to help them make changes which would have allowed me to make maps for their launcher. They decided not to go down this route so the FTB launcher was born.

No one has lied about Weapon Mods, the list is accurate in that is says we do not have permissions for the mod in of itself. However maybe it should be made clear that the reason we dont have permissions is because we have never asked for them. There is no real place for something like Weapon Mods in FTB map packs. As far as I am concerned, unless we maybe do some sort of pack aimed at PvP in the future we wont be looking at adding that mod or anything similar to one of our packs. This doesnt mean that you or some other person cant get permissions for the mod and create your own pack. We can distribute it for you if needed as long as you have the needed permissions.

As to thaumcraft 3 we are already testing the Magic World Pack and this pack not only includes TC3 but is focused around it. Thaumcraft 3 wont be included in the map pack, mainly because it doesnt fit in with our plans for the next map. (having said that, this was based on old information. I havent had a proper chance to take a look at how TC3 works, so even that is subject to change. From the information you are kind of implying, I would guess that the pack you are going to want to use is the one that direwolf will be using or something very close to it. As a lets-player. He will be using a much more general purpose pack where as I will be putting out something that is more themed. I honestly wouldn't worry about that though. Give it a month or two and you will have a large variety of packs that you can use.

Finally please remember that pretty much this entire team is literally coming at this one day at a time. We have made sooo many mistakes that you wouldnt believe. We will probably make a ton more in the future. The last thing anyone needs is to see people coming in here and tearing into them especially when its over stuff that just is not true. By all means give out constructive criticism. We actually do read this stuff and when needed we act on it. We have already made huge changes to the forum and the launcher based off of comments we have seen in this and other forums. The people involved are doing their best to help an insanely large amount of people and this is still a very young project so it is going to take time to get things right.

Think I've said enough for now.
By all means give out constructive criticism.
That's what I thought. I was given some conflicting messages on that front, and I had begun to wonder what the official stance actually was.

At the risk of sounding like I'm kissing ass, I would like to thank you, Slowpoke, for being so thorough in your replies. I greatly appreciate such thoroughness and clarity. Especially the clarity. Not just this post, at all. You seem rather consistent with this sort of thing, particularly when you explained the Techit/FTB conflict or lack thereof.
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