Request Suggest mods for creation here

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Maybe physical limitations based upon how many blocks you have in your inventory?

Depending on how full your inventory is with blocks, you could move up to 75% slower. Things such as the wand of dislocation could bypass this, but at a loss of convenience, time, and resources. Early game methods would involve carts, that act sort of like the ships in Archimedes' Ships. A cart would detect the weight of the blocks placed above it, and there would be a small chance every tick for it to snap and tumble the blocks all over the place, the chance increasing as more items are piled on top of the cart. It could only go up 1-block high climbs, and it would need a path 2 blocks wide to travel. Peaceful mobs can be strapped to the cart, or put in boxes for more vertical space, and hostile mobs will spawn and try to raid the cart if it's night.
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How about... hmm
Elemental Swords Mod?
Fire Sword sets fire to mobs
Water Sword gives Slowness to mobs
Air Sword launched mobs in the air
Earth sword Posions mobs
Wither Swords make mobs well... wither effect
and if you right click with the swords you can
Fire sword gives you Fire Protection for 30sec
Water Sword removes all water in a 10x10 area
Air sword makes you leap up 10 blocks and you don't take fall damage
Earth sword acts like Bone meal
Wither sword acts like a bucket of milk that removes all BAD effects
Hello fellow FTBians..
One of the things that i love from Industrial Progress is.. well, pollution.
It is a shame that with so many industrial oriented mods there isn't actually some sort of pollution.
I'm searching a mod that blends well with the FTB atmosphere and that adds some sort of "contamination" enemy to fight.
I still remember the good old days with Thaumcraft 2's Taint or other mods, like The GreyGoo Mod, Tiberium ones (which unfortunately are outdated) and that meteor-ore-mod thingy.
I like to ruin my worlds with Industrial progress and "resource" devouring", draining lakes\rivers, making dams, cut down entire forests and like that, but that doesn't pledge my hunger of matter.
EE2 was very good with this kind of , but it went totally retard, so i'm here to ask you guys about a mod that might have skipped me.

One of my favourite playthroughs (based on some lame adventure on 4chan) it's called "Twilight Factory".
Basically it's about a "mad scientist" gametype, where i actually conquer one of these big muphuggas and morph it in an HUUUUGE castle-factory which dumps... odd liquids and stuff beneath, creating a pool of acid and industral waste.

Yes, this is my fetish.
This is basically what i'm always trying to achieve:

A huge fortress with machines, science-stuff and strange labs which dumps toxic waste and unwanted things beneath itself.

So, basically, is there a mod that implements POLLUTION or serious TOXIC\RADIOACTIVE WASTE that you need to put somewhere while processing ores and things in the name of science and progress?
Or even something that GROWS over time and if not handled correctly will eventually fuck up your entire world?
Mods that adds things like the GreyGoo Mod or the back Thaumcraft 2 Taint system (i loved that so much.)?
Destroying forests and dig mountains with Biome O' Plenty is EXTREMELY satisfying.
Honestly i don't know if this is the correct section, if not, then i apologize and i hope that maybe some kind mod could please move this thread in its appropriate place.
I wasn't suggesting a mod "for creation", i'm just searching it with such features.

Considering there isn't any mod out there that does what you're thinking of currently, it's better off in the mod idea suggestions thread, considering a modder may pick it up and fulfill your desire.
My idea is for mobs that do similar jobs to machines but can follow the player around. They would be fed with food for fuel, possibly different foods for different types of critter.

The first would be an energy critter. This could be fed food and then would produce power which it could use to shock foes or power IC2/BC machines via a custom engine and or generator.

Another critter would be a cruncher which could break ores down into broken ores. The cruncher could also deal melee damage to enemies.

A saliva critter would wash ores by gargling them. He could also produce water similar to an aqueous accumulator.

A thermal critter would be able to smelt things and breath fire at foes and light things similar to flint and steel.

There could be multiple other critters also but these are the first few I had thought of. The main advantage is that these mobs would be portable and double as fighting comrades. I am unsure so far of how exactly they could be automated but seeing as they can move there is no reason why they shouldn't just hop over to their friend and pass them the material/liquid etc. I also think it would be fun to have a system of powering things with food as I don't think any mod has done this yet. Other ideas include mobs growing to upgrade their speed/efficiency.
I just saw that you posted this idea on my friend JuiceGrape's thread on Reddit. Fortunately for you, I talk to him on a regular basis, and decided to let you know my latest project. This. I will be giving you credit for the base idea. I have pretty much every item and recipe figured out, and written in the code, I am just working out a few bugs, need to model and texture, and actually make the critters. If you would like notifications and/or to be credited as something different than Spaceshipable, please let me know, as this mod will go public on completion.

Edit: If you would like to help me out in any other way, please tell me in PM.
Two person boat, with a chest between them.

Thats all I really want....

Oh and a handheld item that will tell me if an area is dark enough to spawn mobs
I am Currently Working on a Concept for a mod. I HAVE tried to learn java coding, but its going very slowly, so I thought that I might as well post the concepts that I have so far, just to see if people like the Idea. this is NOWHERE near finished, and constructive Criticism is Appreciated!
Minecraft Mod Idea #001


This Mod will focus on the “Steampunk” art and design movement, and will feature both mechanical and magical uses for steam. Many of the mod’s features will me based off of creating steam, regulating its pressure in pipes, and imbuing it with different properties (heat, actual water content, magical polarities[positive, negative]). So, without further ado, I present (the concepts for) STEAMCRAFT!

1. Getting Started

Steamcraft will make extensive use of several base components: Alchemical Glass, Dura-Brass, Reinforced Leather, and Treated Wood Planks.

Dura-Brass is made by combining one iron and one gold ingot with Redstone dust in a crafting table (shapeless recipe). This produces a Dura-Brass set, which must be smelted to produce Three (3) Dura-Brass ingots. *Dura-Brass can be crafted into nuggets. **Dura-Brass can be used to create armor/tools.*

Alchemical Glass is created by crafting one sand, one Redstone dust and Three Dura-Brass nuggets into Sand Mix:

Blank---------Dura-brass nugget---------blank

Dura-Brass nugget-Sand-Dura-Brass nugget

Blank-----------Redstone Dust-------------Blank

The sand mix must then be smelted to produce Three (3) Alchemical Glass.

Reinforced Leather is crafted with Three Leather and Four Dura-Brass Nuggets. The recipe is as follows:

Dura-brass nugget-Leather- Dura-brass nugget


Dura-brass nugget-Leather- Dura-brass nugget

This will result in Three (3) Reinforced Leather. *Reinforced Leather can be used to create armor.*

Treated Wood Planks can be crafted by combining any Log, four Dura-Brass nuggets, One Bucket of water, and One Redstone dust:

Dura-brass nugget--Redstone Dust-- Dura-brass nugget

Blank------------------------Any Log------------------------Blank

Dura-brass nugget-Bucket of Water- Dura-brass nugget

This Will Produce Three (3) Treated Wood Planks.

These are not the most efficient ways of obtaining these materials, but You have to start somewhere.

2. Making Steam

As any good Steampunk enthusiast could tell you, nearly everything in a Steampunk world is run off of steam. So, logically, if you want to get started, you’d better get some. The easiest way to begin producing steam is with a steam furnace. A steam furnace is crafted with: seven cobblestone, one bucket, and one Dura-Brass ingot like so:

Cobblestone---Dura-Brass Ingot--Cobblestone



Once crafted, place the steam furnace in the world and provide it with water and solid fuel to start producing steam. The steam furnace will produce One (1) steam unit per tick, store 500 steam units, and will output steam with a pressure of one.

Exothermatic Generator(With math)(Recipe)(And Balancing)

What about a exothermatic generator?

Put it in a light level of x = x output + Heat level

Lava +30*F
Torch +2*F
Glowstone +6*F
Sunlight +1*F
Fire 9*F
While raining -6*F (Only applies when at layer 60 or higher)
While Snowing -16*F (Only applies when at layer 60 or higher)

Sunny Biomes generate x Heat

Standard heat 1.0 = 70*F

Meadows 90*F
Desert 100*F
Swamp 80*F
Snow Biome 25*F
Tundra Biome 10*F
Nether 150*F

Underground levels also affect the generator
Layer 2(1 above bedrock) to 255 (1 below max)
We all know heat rises- 1.0 factor = Layer 100 and lowering by 0.01 per block
Factor is ignored when near lava and below layer 100.

Heating index(Skipping this factoring for now)

Heat is checked every 50 ticks
This heat is = to *F *Efficiency factor
100*F = 0.1EU/T
200*F = 0.2EU/T
300*F = 0.3EU/T
400*F = 0.4EU/T
500*F = 0.5EU/T - Pink
600*F = 0.6EU/T
700*F = 0.7EU/T
800*F = 0.8EU/T
900*F = 0.9EU/T - Yellow
1000*F = 1.0EU/T
2000*F = 2.0EU/T
3000*F = 3.0EU/T
4000*F = 4.0EU/T - Orange
15000*F = 30EU/T - Red
30000*F = 60EU/T - Black
40000*F = 80EU/T - Cracked white / Black Background
50000*F = 100EU/T - Pink
So far an so forth upto 50,000*F rising 2.0EU/T per 1000*F
Every 100*F will increase by 0.1EU/T

Maximum heat extracted from a low-grade machine cannot exceed 2000*F
You must upgrade to extract more heat, attempting to raise the heat without proper upgrades will MELT the machine!

Aquiring 200*F is not easy, a standard coil can pod (in real life) can reach upto 150*F
Reaching 200*F is needed by lava
The following generation will be found like this:
Air Machine Air
3x3 grid below the machine excluding the middle block directly below

1 Lava = +30*F per source block(Flowing lava will not be recognized)
Realistically, a average player will have this above level 50 and under a 3x3 grid of lava
Let's say the biome is 90*F = 1.28 (90 divided by 70)
This would produce: 0.5E*(30*8)*1.28
0.5E would turn into 1.0 due to lava source blocks being under it
(30*8)*1.28 = 327*F Producing 0.6EU/T

Maximum heat generated
Nether = 150*F ( 2.14 Efficiency )
Layer 255 ( 2.05 Efficiency )
30*8 Lava under

3x3 Grid Check
Multiple Exothermal Generators will not tolerate being next to eachother within a 3x3 grid, Attempting to have a exothermal next to another will cause the heat to be split in half.

___Air__.|_Exothermal Generator_|_Exothermal Generator_|_Exothermal Generator_|

Full Efficiency:
Air Exothermal Air Air Exothermal Air Air Exothermal
100% / 100% / 100%

exothermal generators would be created from:
1 Machine Block, 2 Batteries, and 4 glass, and 2 Copper ingots
Gregtech Hardmode Recipe
1 Machine Block, 2 Batteries, 4 Glass, 2 Copper Plates

Much like the O T B M you see on Gregtech machines, this machine will also have some upgrades
Heating Coils / Liquid Plasma / Combustion Chamber / Essence Combustion Chamber / Heating Containment Upgrades / Heating Gauge
HC / ESS / CC / HCC / HC

Heating Coils are a upgrade made around the machine protruding FROM the machine increasing their heating absorbing by 10% per coil ( Overall * 1.40 )

Heating Coils Recipe - (HC Upgrade)
Copper Ingot, Copper Ingot, Copper Ingot
Machine Block, Copper Ingot, Copper Ingot

Gregtech Recipe
Copper Plate, Copper Plate, Copper Plate
Machine Block, Copper Plate, Copper Plate

Liquid Plasma is actually a liquid that must be created with the Essence Combustion Chamber(ECC Upgrade)
Recipe: 8 Glowstone Dust, 1 Enderpearl

(Shift Right-Click on a 3x3)

Combustion chambers require the heat to use items
Using the same system, 1000mB = 1 Bucket of Liquid Plasma
Can be stored in Cans/Buckets/Cells/Tanks/Iron Tanks/Transfered through pipes
Wooden Products require 200*F
Charcoal requires 300*F
Fuel requires 300*F
Oil requires 300*F
Coal requires 400*F

1 stick = 1mB
4 sticks = 1 wood
1 wood = 4mB
1 Chest = 32mB
1 Charcoal = 32mB
1 Fuel = 320mB
1 Oil = 100mB
1 Coal = 50mB

The machine itself can hold 25,000 Liquid Plasma after which will not create any more plasma, but will instead either not produce it- OR if the CC Upgrade is installed- automatically deposit inside the Combustion Chamber for decomposition of elements.

Burning materials does not cause heat to be removed from the machine but fuels it for a short time while burning and extracts the essence from the materials as liquid plasma.
1 stick ~ +20 Heat over 10 seconds
1 Charcoal ~ +640 Heat over 32 seconds
1 Fuel ~ +6400 Heat over 320 seconds (+12EU/T = 76,800EU)
1 Oil ~ +2000 Heat over 100 seconds (+4.0EU/T = 8000EU)
1 Coal ~ +1000 Heat over 50 seconds (+2.0EU/T = 2000EU)

Combustion Chamber - The master of Destruction
Upgrade Recipe:
8 Buckets, 1 Obsidian
(Shift Right-click on a 3x3)

The combustion chamber is much more than just a object that melts or burns items into heat.
Putting broken items will burn the base materials if hot enough
Example 100/251 Iron Pickaxe will burn it's 2 sticks and not burn it's 3 iron unless it is above heat level 2800*F (The melting point of Iron) The iron pickaxe will always yield 3000mB of Iron if the liquid ores mod is installed, or 2 Iron Ingot

Pickaxes 3000mB / 2 Ingots
Axes 3000mB / 2 Ingots
Swords 2000mB / 1 Ingots
Shovels 1000mB / 0 Ingots
Hoes 2000mB / 1 Ingots

Melting Points
Gold - 1900*F
Iron - 2200*F
Steel - 2500*F
Diamond - 8700*F

1000mB of liquid plasma will generate 30,000 Heat over 30 seconds (+60EU/T 36,000EU)

Heating Containment Upgrades (Multi-block structure)
Recipe: 4 Machine Blocks, 4 Refined Iron, 1 Obsidian (Makes 2 per Crafting)
M = Machine Blocks
R = Refined Iron
O = Obsidian
Gregtech Recipe: 4 Machine Blocks, 4 steel, 1 Obsidian (Makes 2 per crafting)

Layer 1

Layer 2
Layer 3
M = Exothermatic Generator
X = Heating Containment Upgrades
O = Heating Coils

Multi-block structures function in these sets:
3x3 - Maximum Heat 10,000

3x3x2 - Maximum Heat - 30,000 -
3x3x3 - Maximum Heat - 50,000 - Unlocks the Combustion Chamber with upgrade

Heating Gauge
Recipe: 2 Redstone,1 Iron, 6 Glass
Shows the heat on 1 side (Can no-longer attach cables to that side)
Various ideas:
-A Gravity Hammer, which has no durability, deals half a heart of damage and comes preloaded with Knockback 25. Make it look completely epic too.
-Rickroll and Nyan Cat music discs
-Nether Star Bricks, made with a 2x2 pattern of Nether Star blocks (9 Nether Stars). Basically a "lol I haz all the stuffs" block.
-A creative-only sword with +2 standard range, AoE and 100 hearts of damage that ignores damage reduction. Name it the Ban Hammer.
-Craftable player heads with a way to make them appear as any registered MC player's. It's possible, look at Calclavia MFFS.
I would love to see a mod that only made it so the user could pick a new button to fly. I am disabled and have a hard time doing double clicks or pushes...I have been trying to get this for months.
You mean creative mode flight? I agree, sometimes if you've got a rubbish framerate it's completely impossible even for someone with superb clicking skills.

I don't know if SPC works with any of the FTB packs, but it has a "/fly" command, and it can also bind any key to any command. I have been meaning to try SPC with FTB for a while now, I used to have a lot of fun with it in vanilla. *Edit* I will try these instructions tonight, which apparently work with Forge installed.
A helpful mod would be one that makes all the textures in a texture pack the same resolution to help frame rate and save time resizing using an extra program. A 'smoothing' option could be added also to try and iron out creases in the newly sized textures.
A helpful mod would be one that makes all the textures in a texture pack the same resolution to help frame rate and save time resizing using an extra program. A 'smoothing' option could be added also to try and iron out creases in the newly sized textures.
AFAIK that would be impossible.
For some time now I have been considering this as an idea, but due to lack of time or ability to code myself I have left it as simply an idea. But with this pack I feel I may as well shed some light on it in case I ever see anything coming of it. As a general fyi, should a mod maker decide that he wants to use this he may, but he does not need to credit me for it. The hard work is honestly being done by them after all, so I feel they deserve the credit. But anyway, on to the idea.

What originally started this idea was watching the Morph mod, which allowed the user to kill mobs or players in order to turn into them. It was a great disguise tool, had an amazing effect, and even went as far as to change actual model depth so that different sizes go through different holes. It was a really cool idea, and for a purely aesthetic thing it also makes it easy to price. If you can kill it, you can have it. But the main idea was what if you could also take some of the additional properties from the creatures you were killing? Thus, the idea of BioEngineering.

The first and most important item would be a BioPod, which honestly just looks like a glass casket, or a cyropod if people know what I'm talking about. It would be a two block item that can be placed on the floor or the wall, and without being connected to anything works in all respects like a fancy bed. however a number of different devices can be connected to it in order to do different things. First off would be a computer. No I don't have a fancy name, as names are really not my strong suit, but it allows you to take direct control of the pod's properties. This can allow it to either work as a bed or not, lock on glass (users inside can punch out if need be), scan the individual inside, 'purge' the Pod, and even set up remote activation's. There will definitely be more options available, but in the end this computer is supposed to be the one GuI you should have to deal with aside from building the machine.

The core point of the mod after all of this though would be editing your genetic structure to have certain buffs or abilities that a human would not normally have. So, you could climb like a spider, have no need to eat like a zombie, or even teleport like an enderman. Not only could you do this, but you can also create potion like buffs that can also become near permanent effects on your body (I say near permanent because it would be very costly to have any permanent feature that isn't very simple.) Fun little ideas to go along with this before I continue explaining would be splicing yourself and a cow so that with an empty bucket you can make milk for the price of hunger, lay eggs as a chicken, or even shoot ink as a squid.

Now, how would one do this exactly? Well, through use of an extractor you can kill and absorb raw genetic code from a target. The exctractor itself would start as a simple melee weapon, but can later be upgraded to do more damage, drain more, or even become a ranged weapon. Once you get this raw genetic code, you would store it in a liquid form either in the form of bottles, or in a tank (The mod would have its own, but be mod compatible to have other tanks work.) In the end, based on whatever buffs or changes you want, you would have to get a certain amount of genetic code required, and possibly some precious materials to fuel the process. You can also mix and match the 'gene pool' allowing for weird combinations, but increasing risks for 'unknown side effects'.

Last big feature would be trapping mobs and changing their genetic code. so, you could have a chicken that can create milk, or a cow who on death drops squid ink. In theory one should be able to breed them for more if you were to make two, but I'm not sure if that's possible.

In the end it was an idea that I had not previously seen, and don't know whether or not it is a good enough idea to qualify creation. either way, I'd like feedback of some sort.
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That is the best thing about programming...just because you do not know how to do it does not mean it could not be done...somethings just take more skill and time.
True, but I think you would either need to add support for each texture pack, which is implausible, or need to add support for each res. which wouldn't be difficult once you have the base code. Either way, I am not the guy who made Optifine, so I have no idea how to write mods that do this sort of thing.