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Requesting mod block that allows items inserted to behave as if in a player's inventory.
Railcraft firestone ignites things nearby, wheat attracts sheep, active bloodmagic sigils do stuff, etc
Bonus points if it renders the item

Basically my issue is that there's tons of armor stand/item frame emulators that hold and render items, but they're essentially just fancy chests. This seems really lame. If holding a chunk of gregy-gregs radiotronic death uranium gives you radiation then putting it on a damn pedistal and standing right next to it should too
Mod block that exchanges items from the players inventory. Specific slot, equip as armor, whatever. redstone configurable...

If I'm going to a certain area of my base which I've dedicated to a specific mod then switching around all the tools/items that I need for that area is a huge pain and actually takes too much time. Plus it would present all sorts of potential automation and streamlining of very manual tasks
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A "Freshwater lake" biome mod.

If you have a big river mod, such as, then you run the risk of a river starting inland, and not being able to reach an ocean.

Well, a mod that adds in a freshwater lake to act as the river termination is a simple idea.

The basic idea:
1. This would be inserted as a sub biome inside an existing biome.
2. There would be several different variants, corresponding to different height levels. In a plains, for example, the Y=63 version would be used, while in an extreme hills, the Y=70 version might fit better.
3. As a fresh water, instead of ocean water, you would possibly have other differences:
-- mods that give you a thirst meter could be told that this is drinkable water.
-- Different mobs would spawn (no squids, for example)
It can't.
Mod block that exchanges items from the players inventory. Specific slot, equip as armor, whatever. redstone configurable...

If I'm going to a certain area of my base which I've dedicated to a specific mod then switching around all the tools/items that I need for that area is a huge pain and actually takes too much time. Plus it would present all sorts of potential automation and streamlining of very manual tasks
Actually, Steve's Factory Manager has one, and Pneumaticraft has one, each in a slightly different style. Both are available for 1.7.10.
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Make rainfall a biome-by-biome chance, instead of global.

In other words, some biomes are marked as wetter/rainier than others. But right now, it's either on or off, or desert.

I'd like to see something make rainforests almost constant rain, plains much less, and the drier areas even less than that.
Permit mods to use imaginary colors (negative color values, or excessively bright colors) as color channels to the renderer. Intended use: Permit mods to override the "hard-coded colors", such as orange for lava, blue for water, brown for swamp, etc.

(This came up when someone wanted to get an orange-colored water in mystcraft.)
Make rainfall a biome-by-biome chance, instead of global.

In other words, some biomes are marked as wetter/rainier than others. But right now, it's either on or off, or desert.

I'd like to see something make rainforests almost constant rain, plains much less, and the drier areas even less than that.
My idea for this takes note that currently, rainfall on a server is server-wide and counts ALL players in a dimension for humidity value. I'd love to do biome-by-biome rain, taking into account the average frequency or cycle of a real-world biome as well as if nearby loaded biomes are raining or about to be raining. For example, a rain forest tends to rain almost every day like clockwork, but it doesn't necessarily last long (some even rain twice a day). Forests rain more than plains, since trees release vapor into the atmosphere which seeds the clouds above them, encouraging more rain there. Plains rain only occasionally, and the rains tend to be more intense because there's more room for the wind to collect heat energy from the ground. Taiga tends toward drier, so the main difference between taiga and cold taiga in-game is the humidity. Meanwhile frozen biomes tend to be very dry (the cold drives water out of the air), so they snow rarely; but again, if they're gonna snow, the weather tends to be intense. Deserts don't tend to rain except a few times a season, and those are usually HUGE gully-washer thunderstorms.

Now if you combine that with, say, a seasonal cycle, you get snow in the temperate biomes, more often near cold biomes but not near hot biomes. And so on. Rains are more intense during certain seasons, and so on.

Suffice to say, the math isn't difficult since it's mostly consulting a chart every minute and adding a biome-based, time-based value to the humidity of loaded chunks (pre-dawn hour, day, evening hour, night). Once humidity goes over 100%, it rains and humidity gradually drops to a biome-based minimum at a biome-determined rate. If it's raining in a nearby biome, humidity increases faster. If in or near a desert, humidity decreases except when a thunderstorm happens. Thunderstorms have a base 2% chance of happening once it starts to rain, varying based on biome and season, and add +100% to humidity but decrease it faster. If it's thunderstorming nearby, the chance of a thunderstorm goes up to 50%, more if it's already raining.

This approach would lag somewhat like old versions of Thaumcraft, which constantly updated the vis values of each loaded chunk instead of having aura nodes to localize vis, but on the other hand, no more raining just because someone else was online today, and no more rain EVERYWHERE just because it started raining at your house or active base. It would also add a more visible variety to how often and how long it rains.

And just for fun, you could change the color of the sky by visual overlay in morning and evening (redder or bluer) depending on how humid the air is. "Red sky at morning, sailor take warning; red sky at night, sailor's delight."
Permit mods to use imaginary colors (negative color values, or excessively bright colors) as color channels to the renderer. Intended use: Permit mods to override the "hard-coded colors", such as orange for lava, blue for water, brown for swamp, etc.

(This came up when someone wanted to get an orange-colored water in mystcraft.)
I thought the base colors of lava and water are determined by the resource pack's water and lava textures, actually. But maybe there's a render overlay when you're in them or looking through them.
I do agree that it would be good if a mod existed that can configure existing foods, and I've asked the question to Otho, author of customItems.
HO has been able to do this in all of its 1.7.10 versions, but it was never documented until recently (see the HO wiki on Github). The KitchenCraft mod also has support for food value modification along with full support for JSON-based custom foods (with associated crops), but I'm unsure of the status of it.

Heh. My favorite effect of "saturation being hidden, and not really understood" was the whole "Bait, as a cheap emergency food, will reduce your saturation" idea.

Which was probably OK, it's just that the mod author didn't understand the scale properly ... :)
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I thought the base colors of lava and water are determined by the resource pack's water and lava textures, actually. But maybe there's a render overlay when you're in them or looking through them.

Exactly. How can you take a blue base color, and make it bright orange? You need a negative value in the blue channel. Hence, an imaginary color.
I want to play with fire.

Right now, BlockFire has a very low spread chance, even for something that is flammable. In fact, if it's really flammable, it is replaced by air before it has had a chance to spread, and if it doesn't get replaced, it doesn't spread much.

What I'd like to see: The ability to change how far BlockFire looks for spreading; I'd like to see it look one block farther to the side, and 2 blocks farther up. I'd like to see the spread rate go way up, perhaps 3-5 times as likely. The chance to be replaced by air should be about the same, but maybe 50% additional chance to be replaced by fire instead of air.

In other words, I want something less destructive than the old "infinite fire", but much more destructive than what we have now.