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I didn't know about MusicCraft, and it does have a lot of instruments, so I'm going to look into that. However, it doesn't look like there are any "events" that occur when a specific song is played, and I was kinda hoping to start the creation of a mod that implemented something new. As I said, there aren't that many musical mods, and certainly none that do what I proposed, with the exception of the ocarina mod, and I don't know if that's even been updated for 1.6.
As a person who enjoys a good piece of instrumental music every now and then, I was disappointed when I failed to find a 1.6 or 1.7 mod that added any sort of musical instruments to Minecraft. I then tried to create my own, but failed miserably- object oriented programming is more difficult than it looks. So, I ask those who are more well versed in the Java programming language to succeed where I have failed.

I apologize in advance if any of the following features are a bit difficult to understand; I am not the greatest at explaining my thoughts. The mod should add several "tiers" of instruments, one crude, another basic, one refined, and a Master level. The crude instruments are, well, crude. These you could make within seconds of spawning in a new world with a few sticks, string, and some leather. The basic tier includes just an ordinary violin, drum, horn, and other instruments that do not have a magical nature (yet). The refined level is where things begin to take on an arcane feeling, with the basic instruments being "upgraded" with rare and mystical materials which allow the music played on them to go beyond being sound waves. These instruments can shape the world around them by playing specific notes in a specific order, similar to OOT. Depending on the strength of the materials used to create them, the instruments can either affect a small area around the player, or they can have a far greater area of effect, spanning dozens of blocks. There is only one Instrument in the Master class, the Detragan. The Detragan is a massive machine that can play music as rich as any orchestra*. Due to the large amount of resources used to create it, the machine has far greater capabilities than any of the other instruments; Instead of causing simple weather disturbances or melting obsidian into lava, the Detragan is capable of bending the fabric of reality, changing the land around it, and several other "events" that have yet to be identified.

The songs that I currently have thought of are as follows:
  1. Crude
    1. Catseye- The exact reason that this high-pitched screeching repels the common creeper is unknown
  2. Regular
    1. Tears of the Open Sky- Playing this sad melody causes the clouds to open their floodgates, if only for a short time
    2. Flowing Rock- The fast and intense rhythm of this song reinvigorates any nearby obsidian, causing it to revert into molten lava
    3. Golden Light- When played, the warm and joyous tune almost makes the place seem a little brighter
  3. Refined
    1. Gentle Auram- [REQUIRES THAUMCRAFT 4] This light, gentle, and almost floating melody resonates with the magical properties in the Refined instrument to cause nearby Aura Nodes to recharge faster
  4. Master
    1. Overture to Destruction- This chaotic collection of notes and rests causes the Detragan to lay waste to the surrounding area, leaving absolutely nothing but desolation and destruction in its place. This should probably go without saying, but DO NOT PLAY THIS IN YOUR HOUSE!!!
    2. Biome Medley- Depending on the Detragan's surrounding environment, the Medley will slowly convert the close area to a different biome. This process takes a long time, and as such the Medley is best described as an opera, not a song
**NOTE**: This is nowhere near a complete list. Feel free to suggest your own!

The Detragan may be the only Master class instrument, but the selection of songs played on it can have an effect on the Detragan's appearance and "power". In layman's terms, the more times a song is played on the Detragan, the strength of it increases exponentially. For example, if the song Flowing Rock were to be played over and over on a Detragan, the number of Obsidian blocks that could be melted would increase slowly at first, and increase at faster rate later. The Detragan would also take on more of a reddish appearance, allong with several parts of it to have more of a fire-like structure to it.
I want this.
As I'm working on a magic-based private modpack for 1.7.10, I find myself repeatedly wishing for a pre-industrial revolution tech mod: mostly wind and water wheels generating what, by other tech mods' standards, would be a tiny amount of power--but enough to get ore doubling going, or run a pump, if very slowly.

Unfortunately, the only mod I've found that has the sort of things I want, without adding a bunch of higher-tech machines that I neither need nor want, is Better Than Wolves, which proudly declares itself to be incompatible with everything, and is still on Minecraft 1.5.

Does such a thing exist, and I just haven't found it?
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anyone remember the mod NotEnoughKeys from 1.6.4?
I really liked that mod as it really organized all the shortkeys added by all the mods

sadly in 1.7.10 all the shortkeys have become a real pain in the ass...
it'd be nice if that mod, or a mod like that could be made for 1.7.10 where each mod gets their own button in a list, and when you click that button you get taken to a new page with all the shortkeys of that mod
along with that it'd also be nice if you had the option to choose 2 keys for a shortkey, so for example instead of pressing "M" to open a minimap, you could configure it so you need to press "CTRL+M" to open a minimap, seeing as so many mods nowadays add shortkeys to their mods...
anyone remember the mod NotEnoughKeys from 1.6.4?
I really liked that mod as it really organized all the shortkeys added by all the mods

sadly in 1.7.10 all the shortkeys have become a real pain in the ass...
it'd be nice if that mod, or a mod like that could be made for 1.7.10 where each mod gets their own button in a list, and when you click that button you get taken to a new page with all the shortkeys of that mod
along with that it'd also be nice if you had the option to choose 2 keys for a shortkey, so for example instead of pressing "M" to open a minimap, you could configure it so you need to press "CTRL+M" to open a minimap, seeing as so many mods nowadays add shortkeys to their mods...
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but I only knew of

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Less a suggestion and more of a request, but I'm in need of either a better Superflat preset generator or a custom world type that suites the modpack i'm working on. Vanilla's Superflat preset generator doesn't seem to accept modded item names, and numerical item ids change too often for the map to ever be stable.
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In Minecraft there's two difficulties, the player set one(Peaceful, Easy, Normal, Hard), and Regional difficulty(based on time spent in an area). Regional difficulty is what gives mobs armor and other things relating to how hard they are.

The mod idea is an extension of regional difficulty(RD), it quickens the pace that RD goes up by, sets a much higher limit, and allows for stronger more powerful mobs to be spawned. To the point where it would be unlivable to stay in an area for too long, forcing the player to move. Like normal Minecraft an area would start with a low RD, meaning the player can play around, mine, farm, do stuff, but it would ramp up quickly in maybe 7 or so days to the point that mobs can not be taken on.

The reason for this ties into other ideas, but the point is it would make it so the player has to stay on the move. No house building, no room full of chests, no farms with 100 cows. Just continually moving, picking a place to stay for a night or two, then doing it over again or facing the harsh mobs that will spawn. This could be combined with other mods such as backpack mods, mob altering mods, more worldgen mods with buildings and loot, and other things.

tl;dr Make player have to keep on the move to live.

Or make a floating base with rooms full of chests and farms with 100 cows. Cool idea, but Minecraft logic fails it slightly.
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some mods have really long and confusing recipes for their items/tools/machines and it can take quite some math to figure out how much resources you need to craft things
it'd be nice if there was an ingame resource calculator with mod support, when you're searching up an item in NEI, when you hover it and press a hotkey, it'll calculate how much resources you need to craft that item.
with the mod support it'll also calculate the special recipes that require a machine or a mechanic to craft resources.
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some mods have really long and confusing recipes for their items/tools/machines and it can take quite some math to figure out how much resources you need to craft things
it'd be nice if there was an ingame resource calculator with mod support, when you're searching up an item in NEI, when you hover it and press a hotkey, it'll calculate how much resources you need to craft that item.
with the mod support it'll also calculate the special recipes that require a machine or a mechanic to craft resources.
I never knew this before now but I have always dreamed of this!
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I never knew this before no but I have always dreamed of this!

it'd be nice if it also could take into account if you need a certain amount of items. for example a furnace, the mod can tell you that you need 8 cobblestone to craft a furnace
but what if you need 8 furnaces... if you could also tell the mod how much of an item you need, the mod could tell you that you need 64 cobblestone to craft 8 furnaces.

if you only need like 2 to 3 of an item it's still easy to do the math, but sometimes you could also need a whole lot of an item
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Reactions: Otho and 1SDAN
it'd be nice if it also could take into account if you need a certain amount of items. for example a furnace, the mod can tell you that you need 8 cobblestone to craft a furnace
but what if you need 8 furnaces... if you could also tell the mod how much of an item you need, the mod could tell you that you need 64 cobblestone to craft 8 furnaces.

if you only need like 2 to 3 of an item it's still easy to do the math, but sometimes you could also need a whole lot of an item
I know right? I'm tempted to try and make this myself.
some mods have really long and confusing recipes for their items/tools/machines and it can take quite some math to figure out how much resources you need to craft things
it'd be nice if there was an ingame resource calculator with mod support, when you're searching up an item in NEI, when you hover it and press a hotkey, it'll calculate how much resources you need to craft that item.
with the mod support it'll also calculate the special recipes that require a machine or a mechanic to craft resources.
Do you know Easy Crafting?
some mods have really long and confusing recipes for their items/tools/machines and it can take quite some math to figure out how much resources you need to craft things
it'd be nice if there was an ingame resource calculator with mod support, when you're searching up an item in NEI, when you hover it and press a hotkey, it'll calculate how much resources you need to craft that item.
with the mod support it'll also calculate the special recipes that require a machine or a mechanic to craft resources.
Looks like this may do most if not all of what you're looking for. I haven't tried it myself yet, so no idea how well it works.