Request Suggest mods for creation here

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Maybe a Chupacabra mod. Chupacabras will only spawn in a 100 block radius from a collection of at least 5 passive mobs. When a Chupacabra is spawned, it will hunt down and kill any passive mobs in a 150 block radius from it. It will only target passive mobs or entities/blocks that damage it though, and will not actively hunt down players. Only 1 Chupacabra may spawn per full moon per 10x10 chunk area. Chupacabras will inflict 4 points of damage (2 hearts) and poison on non-passive creatures and a one hit kill attack on passives. If it kills a passive mob, it will get weakness and slowness for 6 seconds but will restore his health to full. It will break any blocks in order to get to it's target at twice the speed of a player. If it's killed, it will drop a 'Mythic Fang' which can be crafted with a Sword or Book to get the 'Bane of Beasts' Enchantment which deals increased damage to Wolves, Chupacabras and the Ender Dragon. Chupacabras have 20 points of health (10 hearts) and will turn all Wild Wolves in the nearby area when it spawns or kills a passive mob.
might be nice to just slap the passive mobs in the bane o beasts :P that way its not like bane of arthropods ....
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You know, we've got mods based off of things like Myst and Portal, why not have one based off of The Witcher? Players could find, dotted throughout the landscape, ancient Witcher strongholds that have since been abandoned where you can find information on making the mutagens used in the Trial of the Grasses, allowing a player to transform themselves into a Witcher, as well as books detailing Witcher forging and fighting techniques so you can create and use Witcher steel and silver swords. It'd also add things like kikimores, giant centipedes, and drowners to the world; things only a skilled Witcher can hope to take on and succeed against with any regularity. Of course, to offset this, players can also find books on Witcher alchemy, allowing them to make potions (that poison anyone not a Witcher due to their high toxicity) to enhance their combat abilities far beyond that of vanilla brewing.
You know, we've got mods based off of things like Myst and Portal, why not have one based off of The Witcher? Players could find, dotted throughout the landscape, ancient Witcher strongholds that have since been abandoned where you can find information on making the mutagens used in the Trial of the Grasses, allowing a player to transform themselves into a Witcher, as well as books detailing Witcher forging and fighting techniques so you can create and use Witcher steel and silver swords. It'd also add things like kikimores, giant centipedes, and drowners to the world; things only a skilled Witcher can hope to take on and succeed against with any regularity. Of course, to offset this, players can also find books on Witcher alchemy, allowing them to make potions (that poison anyone not a Witcher due to their high toxicity) to enhance their combat abilities far beyond that of vanilla brewing.
Either have those mobs in a dungeon of some sort or have them start spawning once you become a witcher would rather not die over and over as a noob :P
I wish someone could make a watermill/wheel for generation RF/EU early game.. Should be a two part thing. One generator and also a wheel attached to it(probablly wood) that needs to be adjacent to flowing water (which makes the wheel animate as well)
If nobody else will do it, I'm honestly thinking of taking up modding just to make that one thing. Such a beautiful creation by man.


A wheel like that, but smaller + a generator = power :) Low tier of course
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Maybe it breaks over time and needs to be whacked with a wrench every once in a while to fix it with some iron. Then there can be a RF-Automated Wrench machine that smacks it every so often but at the cost of double iron. Maybe also you could use Seed Oil(1a less*) from Forestry, oil from whatever (3a less*) or water (1/2a less*) from vanilla to lessen the wear and tear rate.

*Where a is a configurable rate

note: 1/2a, 1a, and 2a are all configurable
Maybe it breaks over time and needs to be whacked with a wrench every once in a while to fix it with some iron. Then there can be a RF-Automated Wrench machine that smacks it every so often but at the cost of double iron. Maybe also you could use Seed Oil(1a less*) from Forestry, oil from whatever (3a less*) or water (1/2a less*) from vanilla to lessen the wear and tear rate.

*Where a is a configurable rate

note: 1/2a, 1a, and 2a are all configurable
Would be easier to do it like most mods do for such machines. You have your generator with an item slot in it for 'turbines' or 'wheels', make a wheel and put in and it takes damage over time. A good way to balance it would be to make the wheel produce, over its lifetime, a similar amount of power to that of the wood used to make it, if it were turned to charcoal. That way you would be effectively removing the 'baking to charcoal' step and replacing it with 'crafting + needing moving water'.
Delicate missile warfare mod is really needed one, since calclavia discontinued ICBM. Resources are piling up in chest nowdays!
Would be easier to do it like most mods do for such machines. You have your generator with an item slot in it for 'turbines' or 'wheels', make a wheel and put in and it takes damage over time. A good way to balance it would be to make the wheel produce, over its lifetime, a similar amount of power to that of the wood used to make it, if it were turned to charcoal. That way you would be effectively removing the 'baking to charcoal' step and replacing it with 'crafting + needing moving water'.
This is exactly what I thought too. Would be lovely to have a nice house next to a river of some sort and be able to see the beautiful water mills spinning in the water ^^
Why isn't there a mod that just makes multiple colored mobs? *cough*slimes*cough* No extra drops, no "only spawns in this biome/dungeon/structure/etc, no mob drop armors and tools. Something strictly cosmetic that just adds a bit of variety.
Why isn't there a mod that just makes multiple colored mobs? *cough*slimes*cough* No extra drops, no "only spawns in this biome/dungeon/structure/etc, no mob drop armors and tools. Something strictly cosmetic that just adds a bit of variety.
in the rainbow forest biome slimes change colors :P
They also have the "only spawns in certain biomes" and they have extra drops. There's also Dartcraft ChuChu, before someone mentions them.

Edit: That, and the rainbow forest has an enormous animal spawn rate.
wait they have extra drops? did not know that... anyway bring it up with mojang they will make a jeb slime :P wait nvm bring it up with clippy... "it looks like you are trying to make a rainbow slime would you like help with that" *shoves rainbow slime ball down clippys clip throat* i mean erm nuthing! RAINBOW SLIME BOMB
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I actually like Clippy, the hate he gets just makes him awesome, compare with Tingle and hate/kill Fred
What about a mod that adds 'Custom Crafters', with full Minetweaker support. It's designed for packs that want to add new recipes that may not quite suit a 3x3 crafting bench, or seems weird to throw in a furnace/brewing stand.

Anvil: Has a 3x3 crafting grid like a Crafting bench, but has a progress bar. When it needs to be used, you put the recipe in, and it shows on top. You take your hammer item, and right-click it in an interval (Holding right click is slower, so time your hits!) until the progress bar is full, the result shows on top, and you can just take it out! Can be made from any metal or from stone and it's texture changes. In the config, you can also define 'tiers' for different metal anvils. (e.g. Say making a Iron Sword needs an Iron anvil.). You would then add a number in the Minetweaker recipe, defining what tier Anvil is required.

Quern: No custom tiers, designed for those who think AE2 doesn't fit their pack (Not all packs need it! It's fun somtimes to design a giant, mountainous vault to store your epic loot. And I don't mean a giant SSD vault.), but like the Quartz Grindstone. Basically, it's a hand-powered macerator.

Smithing Hammer: Is needed to operate the Anvil (Unless the 'hammer time' option is disabled, then the anvil becomes an ordinary crafting bench with exclusive recipes). You can also specify what tier of anvil these hammers can work (I.E. You'd need a Diamond Hammer to use a Diamond Anvil (that sounds really fragile lol). If Ortho is contacted when this mod is made, or Boni then those mod could support adding custom hammers/making Tinker's Hammers)

Grindstone: Unlike the similarly named AE2 item, this can actually grant a temporary Sharpness (to weapons) or Haste (To mining/chopping/digging tools) buff to any tool, at the cost of durability. No custom tiers. (Not a recipe thing, but a nice addition)

Bellows: No custom tiers, but can make a furnace type machine run faster when used at the cost of making it less fuel efficient while the effect lasts. (Not a recipe thing, but a nice addition)

Now, before anyone says 'Stop ripping ideas from TFC/previous posts' let me explain. This is more of a thing for packs wanting a more 'believable' feel, and also opens up more cool methods of making things. I mean, who wants to sit in a Crafting GUI slapping ingots on a stick all day, when you could be taking hot from a furnace hotter than the Nether, add them to the Anvil with the sticks required, whacking at it with the full force of Nordic Gods, and feel awesome about your new pickaxe? Or how about adding a new early game method of making ore dusts without having to conjure some ozone-killing coal-fired macerator from a wooden bench? Mod packs don't always have to be 'Magic' or 'Tech', and this mod would complement those packs well, but it adds a new crafting dynamic for mod pack makers.
Maybe instead the anvil could be a 3x3 input crafting table with a 3x3 work area and a 4 slot output. Basically you put what you're working on the input area, then place modifiers on the work area. Some modifiers may be mandatory and some may be optional. Also, where you place it and what's on the input area's doppleganger slot may change what you get.

3 Iron Ingots and 2 sticks, basic pick layout.
To make the pick you will need to place a binding on the middle ingot. This can be string (-50% durability) or chains (+10% durability) or a lead. There, you have your pick, but let's modify it. Sandpaper on one stick gives us 40 more durability. Then we place some wool on another stick to give us 5% faster mining speed. Now we can place our Whetstone on an Ingot for even faster speed but less durability. To fix this durability problem we apply an extra iron ingot on the final available ingot for 1/3 more uses.
Maybe instead the anvil could be a 3x3 input crafting table with a 3x3 work area and a 4 slot output. Basically you put what you're working on the input area, then place modifiers on the work area. Some modifiers may be mandatory and some may be optional. Also, where you place it and what's on the input area's doppleganger slot may change what you get.

3 Iron Ingots and 2 sticks, basic pick layout.
To make the pick you will need to place a binding on the middle ingot. This can be string (-50% durability) or chains (+10% durability) or a lead. There, you have your pick, but let's modify it. Sandpaper on one stick gives us 40 more durability. Then we place some wool on another stick to give us 5% faster mining speed. Now we can place our Whetstone on an Ingot for even faster speed but less durability. To fix this durability problem we apply an extra iron ingot on the final available ingot for 1/3 more uses.

So basically this would be a more believable version of Tinker's Construct? I kinda meant for it to be a template mod for use with Minetweaker (*wink wink*), but that would be cool too!
So basically this would be a more believable version of Tinker's Construct? I kinda meant for it to be a template mod for use with Minetweaker (*wink wink*), but that would be cool too!

The idea would be a MineTweaker thing, the recipe I gave was just an example. It'd come with zero recipes and modpackers would MineTweaker in recipes.
Why isn't there a mod that just makes multiple colored mobs? *cough*slimes*cough* No extra drops, no "only spawns in this biome/dungeon/structure/etc, no mob drop armors and tools. Something strictly cosmetic that just adds a bit of variety.
optifine + texture pack is able to do this
anyone ever creating world after world trying to find a good seed with a nice spawn?
and when you finally find a good seed, if you try to use it in another modpack or another minecraft version the seed looks completely different?

I would love it if there was a mod that would allow you to create your own spawning area. you could be able to tell what biome you start in, what biomes are surrounding it, if there's any specific world generation nearby and things like that. though it'd be a problem if new world generation would become messed up, like you sometimes see if you remove a biome creating mod from your world, biomes would abruptly stop and new ones would generate, creating a very messy transition between biomes