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Are there any good mods out there that adds more atmospheric music for Minecraft? Notice I said "music," not "sounds," so MATmos doesn't count. If not, I would like to see a mod that adds atmospheric music to Minecraft that occasionally plays different music depending on the environment and the biome the player walks into. There could also be different music that plays at certain situations like when sailing across the ocean during sunrise or when you're outside when it becomes nighttime. Best of all, the music tracks should be completely customizable in case someone doesn't like the defaults and wants to change them to use his/her own music that he/she downloaded.
•-•Tinkers' Utilities(TiCon add on)
-Tinkers Table-Used to create the tools and items, made by surrounding a crafting table with seared bricks
-Springs-Tool part uses 1/2 material, string wood or any metal
-Grappling Hook-Used to climb walls, Spring effects how far it shoots, type of string effects how fast it pulls you up(firey goes faster, normal is medium, enchanted is slow), repair material is string, arrowhead effects how much it pulls mobs before dropping, made with 1 arrowhead, 1 string, 2 springs, 2 tough tool rods
-Clockwork Feet-Makes you jump higher and take less fall damage, plate effects armour rating, springs effect jumping and fall, 1 large plate, 2 springs, and 4 tool rods
-Mechanical Legs-Makes you run faster, spring effects speed, tool rod and plate weight effects hunger usage, 4 springs, 2 tough tool rods, 1 large plate
-Mecha Core-Increases strength and health, springs increase strength, plates effect health boost, 2 large plates, 4 springs, and 4 tool rods
-Tinkering Glasses-Allows you to zoom in and increases crit chance, tool rod effects crit chance bonus, 1 glass pane, 2 tool rods
-Thumper-AoE knockback, does 0.5-1 hearts of damage in a 5x5 area, throws you 2 blocks in the air, turns stone to cobble, cobble to gravel, and gravel to sand in a 3x3 below you, takes a long time to charge, springs effect damage and charge time, plate effects knockback, 1 large plate, 4 springs, and 3 tough tool rods
-Spring Hammer-Huge knock back, very slow, walk slower, no sprinting, plate effects damage, hammer head and springs effect knockback, 1 large plate, 2 springs, 1 hammer head, 1 tough tool rod
-Advanced Clock-Right clicking tells you day, time, temperature, and humidity, made with 4 springs, and 2 sign heads
-Extractor-Mines an entire vein(tree or ores), pick axe heads effect mining level, springs effect mining speed, 2 pickaxe heads, 3 springs, 4 tough tool rods
Most of the armor stuf can be made using the TiCo exo-armor
Simplified AE for those who just wants convenience.
Just one block that has functionality of ME Crafting Terminal (such as NEI integration, search by name, etc) and access to all inventories in small radius.
This mod adds more to TiCon and what I think is a fair XP based magic
•-•Magical Tinkerer(TiCon add on)
Used too make magical wands, staves, and cloaks using TiCo materials
--Mana-Used to cast spells, stored in magic binding and cloaks, base cost is 20 plus what ever is used to activate, shift right click to charge uses 5xp per 1 mana or takes mana from cloak and then uses xp when cloak is out of mana
-Empowering Altar-Uses levels to empower Magic Crystals, uses 5 levels of XP either pumped in liquid form or bottles of enchanting
-Empowering Materials-needs 2 activators, number in parenthesis(x) is mana per cast added to base cost and square brackets[x] is number needed
Ghast Tears-(2)[4] decreases cooldown time
Blaze Powder-(6)[8] fiery
Mossy Cobble-(2)[8] mana regen 2/second
Arrows-(12)[8] adds a scatter effect
Bones-(4)[8] knockback
Quartz-(4)[8] adds 1 heart of damage
Gunpowder-(8)[8] AoE, incompatible w/scatter
-Magic Tool Binding-Decides amount of mana it can hold, number in paranthesis(x) is mana storage
Cactus-(80) x2 regen rate passive and active
Bone-(180) charging mana is more expensive
Copper-(200) charging mana is cheaper
Obsidian-(280) mana charging is slower
Thaumium-(260) -2 mana cost
Wand-Base damage of 1.5 hearts, charging mana from XP is 20/s and cloak is 40/s, made with 1 Magic Crystal, 1 Magic Tool Binding, and 1 Bronze or Thaumium Tool Rod
Staff-Base damage of 2.5 hearts, charging is twice as fast, made with 1 Magic Crystal, 1 Magic Tool Binding, 1 of any Tool Binding, using 2 magic ones gives you (b1+b2)/1.5, 2 Wooden Tough Tool Rods
-Cloak-Used to store extra mana, made by crafting a gold block, iron block, diamond block, and emerald block with 5 leather and then adding 2 different Magic Bindings, shift right click in hand to charge like a wand
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Perhaps I have failed to note some arcane aspect of 1.7.10, and I can't figure out whether this is intrinsic to 1.7.10, to Forge, or to something peculiar to the melange of mods I am playing, but every pack I've made for 1.7.10 so far has an interesting issue in which ordinary vanilla things, for example cobblestone and torches, occasionally become unstackable with other seemingly identical items. Even the Waila tooltips for these blocks-at-odds are the exactly the same. I can only suppose that somehow, somewhere, vanilla blocks are picking up some metadata that cause them to cease being stackable together.

So I would propose a micro-mod or maybe an addition to an existing mod that adds a scrubber to reunite these wayward blocks and items. The "Washing Machine" or something like that? :) Anyway, it's a thought.
A way to edit block drops while I wait for MineTweaker to finally add it would be nice...
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A proper Full metal alchemist mod (Not one a part, like EE)
This would include:
Alchemy (duh) which would probably have some sort of book that you can use to cycle between modes(?)
Some cool gloves, amulet and things that would go in a armour slot and boost your powers (flame glove gives flame 3 and lights a area far away on fire, etc)
and some ridiculous way of making a philosophisers stone (sacrifice ALL the villagers)
A proper Full metal alchemist mod (Not one a part, like EE)
This would include:
Alchemy (duh) which would probably have some sort of book that you can use to cycle between modes(?)
Some cool gloves, amulet and things that would go in a armour slot and boost your powers (flame glove gives flame 3 and lights a area far away on fire, etc)
and some ridiculous way of making a philosophisers stone (sacrifice ALL the villagers)
Sounds awesome have a like

one of us, One of us, ONE OF US!!!
A door that holds a mystcraft book and when you use the door it teleports you to the location in the book.

This is so it can be bigger on the inside. ;-)

You could achieve this with Dimension Doors, though idk if that mod is still being developed.
Small mod idea, but I think it could be useful, both as a way of storage, base security, decoration, and I think it wouldn't be too hard to code either.

I call the idea 9 to the power of Awesome!(or 9^A for short).

The core idea has two sources of inspiration: The first being Vanilla items such as the Block of Iron or Lapis Lazuli block. You take 9 items, and combine them into a block you can place in the world, and for decorations. This also helps storage, since a Block of Iron takes one-ninth the space of its equivalent amount of Iron Ingots.
The second being the output pipe of your average Quarry. A handful of blocks per second, usually crud such as Cobblestone or Dirt. Usually, you send this excess flow straight into some Void Pipe or Incinerator or a pool of lava or a cactus or something. But if you could find a use for it instead? Hmm...

The idea is, you combine 9 cobblestone into a Tier 1 Cobble Block. You combine 9 Tier 1 Cobble Blocks into a Tier 2 Cobble Block, and so forth. As you go up tiers, the Blocks would become useful to a bigger and bigger degree. Similar tiers trees would exist for Dirt, Gravel, Sand or possibly Blocks of Iron too (or even Diamonds, although that tier tree would necessarily have fewer tiers).

Example tier tree: Cobblestone (or Stone, if you want a little more preparations to be required):
Tier 0: Ordinary cobblestone.
Tier 1: Crafted from 9 Cobblestone. Slightly prettier texture, and a slightly higher blast resistance.
Tier 2: Crafted from 9 Tier 1 blocks. Blast resistance akin to Vanilla Obsidian.
Tier 3: Crafted from 9 Tier 2 blocks. This block gives off a little light, enough to keep mobs from spawning on it.
Tier 4: Crafted from 9 Tier 3 blocks. All of the above features, plus it also repels hostile mobs, similar to how they won't cross Railroad tracks in Vanilla. If mobs were to walk on it, they would take damage.
Tier 5: Crafted from 9 Tier 4 blocks. All of the above features, plus also harms hostile mobs walking near it, making it a great material for your base/ mob trap.
Tier 6: Crafted from 9 Tier 5 blocks. All of the above features, blus it provides players with status effects such as Regeneration or Strength, akin to a Beacon.
Tier 7: Crafted from 9 Tier 6 blocks. All of the above features, but the range is longer, its status effects are stronger and it deals a lot of damage to mobs within range (akin to an ARS Tesla Coil).

If you think Tier 6 and 7 blocks seem overpowered (they are crafted from nothing but Cobblestone, after all), I have to remind you about the growth rate of exponential functions. 9^6 is a pretty big number, roughly half a million. A preformatted AE1 64k Storage Cell would barely contain enough Cobble to create a single Tier 6 block. To create the Tier 7 block, you need 4,782,969 Cobblestone. This is the equivalent of 292 chunks of solid stone to a depth of 64 metres.
Even the Tier 4 blocks would require some six and a half thousand Cobble (two double Chests), making it an extremely expensive building material.

Example Tier tree for Dirt:
Tier 0: Ordinary, Vanilla Dirt.
Tier 1: Ordinary Dirt with a slightly stronger blast resistance, reducing Creeper craters in your lawn.
Tier 2: Do not require tilling for crops to grow on it.
Tier 3: As above, plus crops grown on it can't be trampled.
Tier 4: As above, plus gives off enough light to keep hostile mobs from spawning (also allows you to make a lit garden without torches everywhere.
Tier 5: As above, plus harms hostile mobs walking on it.

Since Dirt is somewhat rarer than Cobble, you wouldn't need more than 5 tiers for the Dirt tier tree. Gravel and Sand are even rarer, and could do with 4 tiers. Diamonds would need only 3 (the first of which would be the existing Block of Diamond). Those 700-odd Diamonds used in that recipe better bring some mighty good benefits to players!

All in all, this mod would cater to the world eaters out there. It would be a way to utilize excess Quarry outputs for good, rather than wasting them in some incinerator somewhere. It would also provide players with some handy new building blocks for their base, such as a "treshold" of Tier 4 Cobble that mobs can't cross, or a lamp above your bed that heals you and fills your hunger bar.

Coding-wise, there would be no need for a GUI, only some textures and simple recipes, and as far as I know all the block behaviours exist in even Vanilla already.
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Small mod idea, but I think it could be useful, both as a way of storage, base security, decoration, and I think it wouldn't be too hard to code either.

I call the idea 9 to the power of Awesome!(or 9^A for short).

The core idea has two sources of inspiration: The first being Vanilla items such as the Block of Iron or Lapis Lazuli block. You take 9 items, and combine them into a block you can place in the world, and for decorations. This also helps storage, since a Block of Iron takes one-ninth the space of its equivalent amount of Iron Ingots.
The second being the output pipe of your average Quarry. A handful of blocks per second, usually crud such as Cobblestone or Dirt. Usually, you send this excess flow straight into some Void Pipe or Incinerator or a pool of lava or a cactus or something. But if you could find a use for it instead? Hmm...

The idea is, you combine 9 cobblestone into a Tier 1 Cobble Block. You combine 9 Tier 1 Cobble Blocks into a Tier 2 Cobble Block, and so forth. As you go up tiers, the Blocks would become useful to a bigger and bigger degree. Similar tiers trees would exist for Dirt, Gravel, Sand or possibly Blocks of Iron too (or even Diamonds, although that tier tree would necessarily have fewer tiers).

Example tier tree: Cobblestone (or Stone, if you want a little more preparations to be required):
Tier 0: Ordinary cobblestone.
Tier 1: Crafted from 9 Cobblestone. Slightly prettier texture, and a slightly higher blast resistance.
Tier 2: Crafted from 9 Tier 1 blocks. Blast resistance akin to Vanilla Obsidian.
Tier 3: Crafted from 9 Tier 2 blocks. This block gives off a little light, enough to keep mobs from spawning on it.
Tier 4: Crafted from 9 Tier 3 blocks. All of the above features, plus it also repels hostile mobs, similar to how they won't cross Railroad tracks in Vanilla. If mobs were to walk on it, they would take damage.
Tier 5: Crafted from 9 Tier 4 blocks. All of the above features, plus also harms hostile mobs walking near it, making it a great material for your base/ mob trap.
Tier 6: Crafted from 9 Tier 5 blocks. All of the above features, blus it provides players with status effects such as Regeneration or Strength, akin to a Beacon.
Tier 7: Crafted from 9 Tier 6 blocks. All of the above features, but the range is longer, its status effects are stronger and it deals a lot of damage to mobs within range (akin to an ARS Tesla Coil).

If you think Tier 6 and 7 blocks seem overpowered (they are crafted from nothing but Cobblestone, after all), I have to remind you about the growth rate of exponential functions. 9^6 is a pretty big number, roughly half a million. A preformatted AE1 64k Storage Cell would barely contain enough Cobble to create a single Tier 6 block. To create the Tier 7 block, you need 4,782,969 Cobblestone. This is the equivalent of 292 chunks of solid stone to a depth of 64 metres.
Even the Tier 4 blocks would require some six and a half thousand Cobble (two double Chests), making it an extremely expensive building material.

Example Tier tree for Dirt:
Tier 0: Ordinary, Vanilla Dirt.
Tier 1: Ordinary Dirt with a slightly stronger blast resistance, reducing Creeper craters in your lawn.
Tier 2: Do not require tilling for crops to grow on it.
Tier 3: As above, plus crops grown on it can't be trampled.
Tier 4: As above, plus gives off enough light to keep hostile mobs from spawning (also allows you to make a lit garden without torches everywhere.
Tier 5: As above, plus harms hostile mobs walking on it.

Since Dirt is somewhat rarer than Cobble, you wouldn't need more than 5 tiers for the Dirt tier tree. Gravel and Sand are even rarer, and could do with 4 tiers. Diamonds would need only 3 (the first of which would be the existing Block of Diamond). Those 700-odd Diamonds used in that recipe better bring some mighty good benefits to players!

All in all, this mod would cater to the world eaters out there. It would be a way to utilize excess Quarry outputs for good, rather than wasting them in some incinerator somewhere. It would also provide players with some handy new building blocks for their base, such as a "treshold" of Tier 4 Cobble that mobs can't cross, or a lamp above your bed that heals you and fills your hunger bar.

Coding-wise, there would be no need for a GUI, only some textures and simple recipes, and as far as I know all the block behaviours exist in even Vanilla already.

So basically the compressed blocks from Extra Utilities (I think, one of those type of mods) but with added features?