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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An automatic backup mod.

In Sims 3 when you save a file, you get <filename>.sims3 and then it also leaves a file (from the previous save) <filename>.sims3.backup as well. If you save often, as minecraft does, your save file might only go back a few minutes, so it won't be extremely useful for everyone, but if your game crashes because you did something, or something happened, you can copy your backup, remove ".backup" from the copy and start up the "minutes earlier" version and try to either solve the problem or completely avoid doing it in the first place. This will also help with bug reports as people can know what they did exactly when it crashed, reattempt it on a backup world that was already made, and actually be accurate as to what the problem was/is. Not to mention, this would save a lot of worlds from being corrupt because they didn't know "xyz mod" had a bug, saving mod devs anger and headache from players who had their progress lost.

For the average player, if you jumped into a pool of lava with your best gear/incredibly rare item, they're less likely to ragequit and throw away their world entirely because at least they can go back a few minutes and maybe salvage it.
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New Member
Jul 29, 2019
An automatic backup mod.

In Sims 3 when you save a file, you get <filename>.sims3 and then it also leaves a file (from the previous save) <filename>.sims3.backup as well. If you save often, as minecraft does, your save file might only go back a few minutes, so it won't be extremely useful for everyone, but if your game crashes because you did something, or something happened, you can copy your backup, remove ".backup" from the copy and start up the "minutes earlier" version and try to either solve the problem or completely avoid doing it in the first place. This will also help with bug reports as people can know what they did exactly when it crashed, reattempt it on a backup world that was already made, and actually be accurate as to what the problem was/is. Not to mention, this would save a lot of worlds from being corrupt because they didn't know "xyz mod" had a bug, saving mod devs anger and headache from players who had their progress lost.

For the average player, if you jumped into a pool of lava with your best gear/incredibly rare item, they're less likely to ragequit and throw away their world entirely because at least they can go back a few minutes and maybe salvage it.

I was actually looking for a mod like this aswell. I used to use ForgeBackup, but it seems it's been discontinued since 1.5
it allowed you to configure the backup options while being ingame, which was great.

but this week I stumbled upon WorldStateCheckpoints, and I must say, it's even better then ForgeBackup

it's better as it allows you to go back to a snapshot while ingame! this means if you die, you can select a snapshot before you died, while still being ingame.
it also allows you to make automatic backups at a set interval and it'll backup your whole save


Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Ben shapiro
I was actually looking for a mod like this aswell. I used to use ForgeBackup, but it seems it's been discontinued since 1.5
it allowed you to configure the backup options while being ingame, which was great.

but this week I stumbled upon WorldStateCheckpoints, and I must say, it's even better then ForgeBackup

it's better as it allows you to go back to a snapshot while ingame! this means if you die, you can select a snapshot before you died, while still being ingame.
it also allows you to make automatic backups at a set interval and it'll backup your whole save
Erm optifine has a option for save intervals and if you go to save folder right click I think there's a button that says previous sessions and you can click on a older save I know this exists just can't remember how to get to the restore session part


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Erm optifine has a option for save intervals and if you go to save folder right click I think there's a button that says previous sessions and you can click on a older save I know this exists just can't remember how to get to the restore session part

I'm not that good at windows backup functions, so I never use the restore older session folder and thus never used it.
and I've had it happen several times now that minecraft crashed, and I lost the level.dat_old and thus pretty much lost my world, as I hate losing items.
with WorldStateCheckpoints I've an ingame option to autosave my world, restore an older snapshot without having to log out and I can set it so it only keeps a certain amount of snapshots each time


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
"You can only sleep at night"

How often haven't you seen that message fill your chat as you try to go to bed six seconds too early every in-game evening? I mean, unless your bedroom has an unobstructed view of the horizon in the west, it's dang near impossible to know exactly when you can put your pick aside for the day and hit the bedsheets. Of course, you may wait until you're really sure you can go to bed, but a few seconds too much, and you'll have creepers walking the woods outside, ready to mess up your planned logging trip the following day. Your best option would be the four-gold-and-a-redstone ingame clock from Vanilla, but you have to squint at the pixels to make out the moment of bed-readiness. Also, it takes a vital slot in your hotbar.

Which is why I propose digital clocks.

The first idea I had was simply a clock that tells you when you can go to sleep. Its display would switch between "no sleep" and "sleep" at the moment you can go to bed. Then I thought: Why stop at bedtimes?

The core of the med could be simple digital clock that can be embedded in a wall, or put on the ground as a solid block. Make it compatible with Industrial Information Panel Extenders (or ripoff the concept shamelessly), so it can be really big if need be (say, if you want a gargantuan clock tower to broadcast the current time around your base).

A more elegant version could be a wall clock, which would simply be to the basic clock what a flat screen television is to that box you used to watch cartoons on when you were a kid. Basically, it'd fill the same purpose, but be slim enough to be attached to the side of a block rather than being a block in itself.

Then there would be all sort of "timed events". Or rather, clocks that would emit a redstone signal at specific times. Say that you filled your clock tower with note blocks, and made a setup so it would play a tune at sunrise, or bedtime, or thirty seconds before bedtime, so you can go from your machine room to your bed before mobs began to spawn, etc. A simple GUI could let the player pick from pre-defined points in time (sunrise, noon, sunset, midnight), or set his/her own. This could also help making streetlights that turn themselves on when it goes dark, or mechanisms lowering your drawbridge in the morning (possibly only after enough time has passed since sunrise that any skeletons or zombies would have burned to death).

Maybe even add bells, serving the same functionality as note blocks, but more compact (for instance, a single block capable of playing a tune up to 16 notes long).

I realize that one could go a long way towards achieving the same with daylight sensors, but the clock mod would be slightly more flexible.

Any thoughts?
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Ben shapiro
"You can only sleep at night"

How often haven't you seen that message fill your chat as you try to go to bed six seconds too early every in-game evening? I mean, unless your bedroom has an unobstructed view of the horizon in the west, it's dang near impossible to know exactly when you can put your pick aside for the day and hit the bedsheets. Of course, you may wait until you're really sure you can go to bed, but a few seconds too much, and you'll have creepers walking the woods outside, ready to mess up your planned logging trip the following day. Your best option would be the four-gold-and-a-redstone ingame clock from Vanilla, but you have to squint at the pixels to make out the moment of bed-readiness. Also, it takes a vital slot in your hotbar.

Which is why I propose digital clocks.

The first idea I had was simply a clock that tells you when you can go to sleep. Its display would switch between "no sleep" and "sleep" at the moment you can go to bed. Then I thought: Why stop at bedtimes?

The core of the med could be simple digital clock that can be embedded in a wall, or put on the ground as a solid block. Make it compatible with Industrial Information Panel Extenders (or ripoff the concept shamelessly), so it can be really big if need be (say, if you want a gargantuan clock tower to broadcast the current time around your base).

A more elegant version could be a wall clock, which would simply be to the basic clock what a flat screen television is to that box you used to watch cartoons on when you were a kid. Basically, it'd fill the same purpose, but be slim enough to be attached to the side of a block rather than being a block in itself.

Then there would be all sort of "timed events". Or rather, clocks that would emit a redstone signal at specific times. Say that you filled your clock tower with note blocks, and made a setup so it would play a tune at sunrise, or bedtime, or thirty seconds before bedtime, so you can go from your machine room to your bed before mobs began to spawn, etc. A simple GUI could let the player pick from pre-defined points in time (sunrise, noon, sunset, midnight), or set his/her own. This could also help making streetlights that turn themselves on when it goes dark, or mechanisms lowering your drawbridge in the morning (possibly only after enough time has passed since sunrise that any skeletons or zombies would have burned to death).

Maybe even add bells, serving the same functionality as note blocks, but more compact (for instance, a single block capable of playing a tune up to 16 notes long).

I realize that one could go a long way towards achieving the same with daylight sensors, but the clock mod would be slightly more flexible.

Any thoughts?
I know I sound like a hater but I don't see a point in this mod all this stuff can be done vanilla and you could make a mini mod pack for this heck you could just use computer craft monitors and a simple program have it emit redstone signals at certain intervals ect


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
You could hook up a light sensor, and measure the strength it is outputting when the ambient (sky) light level changes from 12 to 11 (aka 6:33 pm in vanilla minecraft).

Or, you could add in mods like "What's my light level" or "in game info", both of which can be configured to display the current game time.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok then, HEHEHEH, this is going to be a massive post of a few amazing ideas that I've had since about 2 years ago, never got around to doing any of them though.

Before you read:

Some of these things people will be like "what is that" but just look it up on the internet... i'm sure you'll find a reference.​

Also, Some background info on me: I used to live in Arizona (its been about 8 years since I lived there by now), so I know my way around the flora there... at least somewhat.

And finally a note about below... Everything in parenthesis and then italicized it is stuff i added just now to the stuff that I have not looked at in a while. Keep this in mind as you read
Sonoran DESERT mod
- adds new cacti to the game like saguaros and cholla and barrel and prickly pears, spiky plants---fruit can growth on tops of saguaros and some other types of cacti
-saguaros grow up to 7-9 high and at a height of around 4-5 they can grow arms
-barrel never grows more than 3
-animals also are added, but spawn rates are very low (snakes, jackrabbits, geckos(at night), lizards, scorpions, roadrunners, possibly honey badgers, coyotes, Gila monsters )
-desert shrubs, increase spawn rate by 50%, every second there is a random chance that a breeze blows them and they turn in to tumble weed, then chance of pushed by wind increases. (I remember one instance of a MASSIVE tumbleweed (like small CAR SIZED) that we almost ran into with our car in the low visibility of a certain dust storm. It was really big. Our house was close enough to the spot that we actually walked back out after the dust storm and moved it off the road. It was light for being small car sized and moved easily)
-sandstorms---fog/render distance comes really close and turns reddish.
-adds different types of trees-creosote bushes(railcraft integration), palo verde trees, Jova bushes used for refining into fuel, aloe plants for healing hp directly. Century plants for making tequila-(IC2 integration?), ocotillos for making fences, mosquite plants-(resin for paint-peapods for food-shelter-mosquite flower- medicines), agave (very sweet plant, roasted produces sweetness, useful fibers for string or rope, needles for sewing, ) arrow weed for making homes out of, willow trees for shelter
-rain chance in desert-except very low
-dust devils!!!- not the destructive type but the cool looking type... (I always thought they were cool when I saw them in person)
-irrigation ditches (2 deep, 2 wide)in npc villages in deserts
-gold panning? 9 gold flakes equals 1 gold dust, 2 gold dust and 1 cobble equals 1 gold ore
-(IC2 integrated gold dust)
-gold spawns higher/ at surface and is more common in deserts
-if you hit a cholla with a projectile, or run into them, it shoots a needle (projectile) back dealing 1 Heart of damage on normal (1/2 on easy and peaceful, and 2 on hard and hardcore), and when you run into them it deals 3 hearts.
-regular /all added cacti deal damage ONE TIME rather than every few ticks that your standing on them, (If your not moving, why should it hurt more?)
-Better water flowing physics?(only flows a MAXIMUM of 18 blocks from source in any direction, and if it's over open space when the water stops flowing it turns into the water particle so it looks like a waterfall ( when there's a block between water and a cave)) (water flows further and/or 2 colliding flowing blocks makes a source when on same level (not just 2 adjacent blocks))
-Option for infinite lava source (yes I know this is O.P. but I think it should be configurable)
(isBlockBelowSpawnPoint, and areTwoSourcesNextToSpawnPoint) refresh for this check is slow, like each flowing block is rendered/ updated once then it goes through the calculations again in the game every like 100 ticks... not as fast respawn as water.
-Cacti maces?
-Cactus hotels? 3 per world like strongholds, findable by "Eye of Snake" (like Eye of Ender for strongholds...), (giant cacti that are around 50 tall and you can walk inside of them) (This is based off of a book that I used to read when I was like 5, I still remember it to this day.)

Other Ideas for modding minecraft

Addicticraft patch/mod additions (sorry couldnt think of a better name.)

•alternative method for crafting furnace, crafting tables, and sticks and a way to get wooden planks besides cutting down a tree(maybe from cacti (1 cacti= 8 planks))
•vertical redstone
•dye redstone different colors
•more seeds and farming stuff
-coco seeds
-compatible with xie's mods
•rivers that flow slowly in 1 direction ( yes- FLOWING RIVERS, not just water pools)
•multiplayer compatibility (this idea was before the server client integration... keep that in mind)
•java 5 compatible (for people on old powerPC macs that dont switch to New WINDOWS PC's!!!!!!!!@!!) (inside joke, dont worry about it)
•super furnace (Idk some kind of better furnace, maybe made of diamond/obsidian)
•detector block that detects certain items or other blocks (no clue what was going through my mind when i made this... so take a guess)
•elevator kind of thing from detector block
•more ores
-obsidian weapons or armor?-maybe mixed with gold in order to create obsidian ingots?
-uber ingots made of a mix or gold iron and diamond that look sweet (lol yes, that just happened)
-aluminum ore
-steel made from aluminum and iron dust crafted into steel dust which can be made into steel bars through smelting?
-tin + copper = bronze? (these all have questionmarks because I knew they were already done by some mods (namely IC/IC2 back then, that was my favorite mod for the longest time-even my oldest modded instances had it. This was around the time Direwolf20's first or second season was going and he only had around 2k views on each of his vids. (yep, I remember watching it every few weeks (I watch in bulk not as each episode comes out) for Equivalent Exchange 1/2 ideas and railcraft stuff))

•technic pack compatible! Mc forge? Or just modloader? ( this was before FTB as you can tell. I also liked the original idea behind the technic modpack as stated by Lewis with words that I recall to be something like: "To talk to some people and get a pack together for the community")

•compact infinite cobble machine (water bucket and lava buckit in slots creates cobble every 3 sec)

•compact infinite obsidian machine (using lava, water, and redstone)-creates obsidian every 15 sec

•computercraft (yeah no clue what this has to do with anything...)


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ok then, HEHEHEH, this is going to be a massive post of a few amazing ideas that I've had since about 2 years ago, never got around to doing any of them though.

Before you read:

Some of these things people will be like "what is that" but just look it up on the internet... i'm sure you'll find a reference.​

Also, Some background info on me: I used to live in Arizona (its been about 8 years since I lived there by now), so I know my way around the flora there... at least somewhat.

And finally a note about below... Everything in parenthesis and then italicized it is stuff i added just now to the stuff that I have not looked at in a while. Keep this in mind as you read
Sonoran DESERT mod
- adds new cacti to the game like saguaros and cholla and barrel and prickly pears, spiky plants---fruit can growth on tops of saguaros and some other types of cacti
-saguaros grow up to 7-9 high and at a height of around 4-5 they can grow arms
-barrel never grows more than 3
-animals also are added, but spawn rates are very low (snakes, jackrabbits, geckos(at night), lizards, scorpions, roadrunners, possibly honey badgers, coyotes, Gila monsters )
-desert shrubs, increase spawn rate by 50%, every second there is a random chance that a breeze blows them and they turn in to tumble weed, then chance of pushed by wind increases. (I remember one instance of a MASSIVE tumbleweed (like small CAR SIZED) that we almost ran into with our car in the low visibility of a certain dust storm. It was really big. Our house was close enough to the spot that we actually walked back out after the dust storm and moved it off the road. It was light for being small car sized and moved easily)
-sandstorms---fog/render distance comes really close and turns reddish.
-adds different types of trees-creosote bushes(railcraft integration), palo verde trees, Jova bushes used for refining into fuel, aloe plants for healing hp directly. Century plants for making tequila-(IC2 integration?), ocotillos for making fences, mosquite plants-(resin for paint-peapods for food-shelter-mosquite flower- medicines), agave (very sweet plant, roasted produces sweetness, useful fibers for string or rope, needles for sewing, ) arrow weed for making homes out of, willow trees for shelter
-rain chance in desert-except very low
-dust devils!!!- not the destructive type but the cool looking type... (I always thought they were cool when I saw them in person)
-irrigation ditches (2 deep, 2 wide)in npc villages in deserts
-gold panning? 9 gold flakes equals 1 gold dust, 2 gold dust and 1 cobble equals 1 gold ore
-(IC2 integrated gold dust)
-gold spawns higher/ at surface and is more common in deserts
-if you hit a cholla with a projectile, or run into them, it shoots a needle (projectile) back dealing 1 Heart of damage on normal (1/2 on easy and peaceful, and 2 on hard and hardcore), and when you run into them it deals 3 hearts.
-regular /all added cacti deal damage ONE TIME rather than every few ticks that your standing on them, (If your not moving, why should it hurt more?)
-Better water flowing physics?(only flows a MAXIMUM of 18 blocks from source in any direction, and if it's over open space when the water stops flowing it turns into the water particle so it looks like a waterfall ( when there's a block between water and a cave)) (water flows further and/or 2 colliding flowing blocks makes a source when on same level (not just 2 adjacent blocks))
-Option for infinite lava source (yes I know this is O.P. but I think it should be configurable)
(isBlockBelowSpawnPoint, and areTwoSourcesNextToSpawnPoint) refresh for this check is slow, like each flowing block is rendered/ updated once then it goes through the calculations again in the game every like 100 ticks... not as fast respawn as water.
-Cacti maces?
-Cactus hotels? 3 per world like strongholds, findable by "Eye of Snake" (like Eye of Ender for strongholds...), (giant cacti that are around 50 tall and you can walk inside of them) (This is based off of a book that I used to read when I was like 5, I still remember it to this day.)

Other Ideas for modding minecraft

Addicticraft patch/mod additions (sorry couldnt think of a better name.)

•alternative method for crafting furnace, crafting tables, and sticks and a way to get wooden planks besides cutting down a tree(maybe from cacti (1 cacti= 8 planks))
•vertical redstone
•dye redstone different colors
•more seeds and farming stuff
-coco seeds
-compatible with xie's mods
•rivers that flow slowly in 1 direction ( yes- FLOWING RIVERS, not just water pools)
•multiplayer compatibility (this idea was before the server client integration... keep that in mind)
•java 5 compatible (for people on old powerPC macs that dont switch to New WINDOWS PC's!!!!!!!!@!!) (inside joke, dont worry about it)
•super furnace (Idk some kind of better furnace, maybe made of diamond/obsidian)
•detector block that detects certain items or other blocks (no clue what was going through my mind when i made this... so take a guess)
•elevator kind of thing from detector block
•more ores
-obsidian weapons or armor?-maybe mixed with gold in order to create obsidian ingots?
-uber ingots made of a mix or gold iron and diamond that look sweet (lol yes, that just happened)
-aluminum ore
-steel made from aluminum and iron dust crafted into steel dust which can be made into steel bars through smelting?
-tin + copper = bronze? (these all have questionmarks because I knew they were already done by some mods (namely IC/IC2 back then, that was my favorite mod for the longest time-even my oldest modded instances had it. This was around the time Direwolf20's first or second season was going and he only had around 2k views on each of his vids. (yep, I remember watching it every few weeks (I watch in bulk not as each episode comes out) for Equivalent Exchange 1/2 ideas and railcraft stuff))

•technic pack compatible! Mc forge? Or just modloader? ( this was before FTB as you can tell. I also liked the original idea behind the technic modpack as stated by Lewis with words that I recall to be something like: "To talk to some people and get a pack together for the community")

•compact infinite cobble machine (water bucket and lava buckit in slots creates cobble every 3 sec)

•compact infinite obsidian machine (using lava, water, and redstone)-creates obsidian every 15 sec

•computercraft (yeah no clue what this has to do with anything...)
Ummm, how long odd it take you to write that? And also a lot of that stuff has already been done


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Ummm, how long odd it take you to write that? And also a lot of that stuff has already been done
Well, yes most of it has already been done, and it took me a half hour to edit for this post, but these ideas were original at the time. This was well before most of the currently popular mods were out (I think I said something about beta 1.7.3 being around the time of writing) This was when EE1 and Industrial craft 1 were still aroud. I 'think' EE2 may have just been started, so maybe it was slightly later than i thought, but no later than 1.1.0 minecraft for sure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
Well, yes most of it has already been done, and it took me a half hour to edit for this post, but these ideas were original at the time. This was well before most of the currently popular mods were out (I think I said something about beta 1.7.3 being around the time of writing) This was when EE1 and Industrial craft 1 were still aroud. I 'think' EE2 may have just been started, so maybe it was slightly later than i thought, but no later than 1.1.0 minecraft for sure.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mod I would LOVE to see:

Mountaincraft- The frontiersman Mod:
Most of the stuff has already been implemented in one form or another, but I would love to have them in one mod.

Crafting table Items:
pistol- create 8 'ball and shot' by combining a firework rocket with iron shot. does damage comparable to a fully drawn bow, can be repaired with a cleaning brush. pistol barrel, cylinder, and action in a row on a crafting table. A cleaning brush and a pistol returns a fully-repaired item. Range similar to bow, but fires faster.
rifle: similar to pistol, the recipe requires heated steel to make the components, plus a rifle stock. can 'zoom' on a target, and does twice as much damage in this mode. "BOOM! Headshot!"
Hammer & Tongs: used for smithing recipes on crafting anvil and for creating heated steel and ingots. hammer is iron ingot above stick, tongs are 3 iron ingots in an upside down 'V'. cheaper tongs recipe on an anvil.
rifle stock: made with planks, used for making a rifle.
Wooden Gear: similar to other mods
wooden gasket: 8 planks in a circular pattern
Wooden shaft: can transfer up to 4 horsepower
windmill blade: a sideways bed recipe
windmill box: 4 windmill blades surrounding a wooden gasket
diamond shaft: can transfer unlimited horsepower

Now to the meat and bones of the mod: the blocks!

Crafting anvil: this is made with an anvil recipe, made of heated steel on a crafting contains a standard 3x3 crafting grid for the mod's special heated metal recipes. EVERYTHING produced on a crafting anvil is made with heated iron or steel, and MUST be quenched to a useable form!
This block produces objects out of heated Iron and steel. Each use removes durability on a hammer. (128 uses)

Iron Horseshoes: crafted on crafting anvil , right-clicking a horse with these allows them to jump higher/farther. 8 heated ingots in an upside-down horseshoe (pants) shape
Railroad spike: when used on a track block, it gives the track and the block below it blast and water resistance. When used on a tree or wooden block, however, it causes axes (other than diamond) to break when taking out the block, and also provides blast resistance. three heated ingots in a vertical line provides 8 spikes.
nails: provides blast resistance for planks and windows. two heated ingots in a horizontal line provides 16 nails.
Plow: 6 ingots in the shape of a fishing pole. allows you to quickly clear plants and crops in a large area by breaking them. also allows you to cultivate a 3x3 area of land (ignoring obstacles and only working on the same level) and returns a cobblestone for each use. If used on horseback, it can cultivate a 3x9 area of land in a line in front of you and returns 3 cobblestone.
barrel hoops: Three heated ingots in a vertical line provides 16 hoops.
Iron Gear: 8 heated spikes in a circular pattern. forge dictionary to allow substitutions
pistol barrel: 6 heated ingots in two lines at top and bottom
Pistol action: 5 heated ingots in an ic2 'tree tap'
Pistol cylinder: 9 heated ingots
Rifle barrel: as pistol, uses heated steel
Rifle action: as pistol, uses heated steel
Rifle cylinder: as pistol, uses heated steel
Iron gasket: 8 heated ingots in a circle.
steel gasket: 8 heated steel in a circle.
Tongs: cheaper recipe, uses 3 heated railroad spikes in an upside-down 'v' shape.
cleaning brush: when crafted with a pistol, returns a full-repaired pistol. stick and heated ingot.
Steel sword: same as other mods. slightly higher damage, twice the durability of iron.
Steel armor: twice the durability of iron.
Steel tools: twice the durability of iron.
Iron Shaft: can transfer up to 16 horsepower
steel shaft: can transfer up to 64 horsepower

similar to a furnace, It does not use any fuel, and can also be used for smelting ores. The downside is, of course, that it has two slots: one for tongs (required for all recipes, takes damage, 128 uses) and a slot for charcoal for making heated steel. it can produce the following:
Heated Ingots: Iron Ingots can be converted into heated ingots in a forge. Alternatively, an iron ingot and 2 charcoal can be turned into a heated steel bar. these can can be 'quenched' to turn into a standard iron or steel bar (forge ore dictionary). This is a more expensive, yet convenient, alternative to other mod's steel.
Heated steel: created with iron ingots, uses 2 charcoal for each bar of heated steel produced
It cannot be used for creating charcoal or cooking. It is crafted with 8 stone bricks surrounding a lava bucket.

Quenching bucket:
Must be filled with water, and kept filled with buckets or another mod's pipes. made by making a cauldron out of logs. can either have a crafting square and button to 'quench' heated items, or you can throw items into it (depending on which is easier to code). ALL items crafted on the crafting anvil must be quenched to be turned into a useable form!


This is the bones of the mod. The millstone accepts power from drive shafts and grinds bones into bonemeal, wheat into flour, ore into powder (doubling of course), and in all respects is very similar to AE grinder, macerator, rock crusher, or rotarycraft grinder. while the mod is supposed to work well with other mods, the millstone uses the mod's special power most efficiently. each HP increases the speed, starting at 16 seconds per item (for 1 hp) and capped at 1/2 second per item. Millstones can be 'stacked' together, adding together their inventory blocks. all items are grinded at the same time, and it requires a minimum of 1 HP per block, with a maximum size of 3x3x3. Power is received through the top or bottom. each millstone is crafted with an iron gear, iron gasket, and 7 stone blocks.

animal hitch:
this item, when animals are hitched to it with a lead, provides motive power for the mod's machines. pigs provide 1/2 hp each, horse 1 horsepower (obviously) and cows 2 hp. multiple animals can be attached to the hitch. power is transferred through either the top or the bottom to shafts or gearboxes. the animal hitch is crafted with two logs and a wooden gasket. the maximum amount of animals that can be hitched is 4 (2 hp for pigs, 8 hp for cows)

collection gear: This accepts power from any source (windmill, waterwheel, paddlewheel, or animal hitch) from any direction and outputs it in the direction opposite the one you are facing when you place it (The output faces towards you). Shafts themselves are much like wires from other mods, but all shafts between shaft boxes have the same horsepower. If the HP transferred is too much for the shaft, it instantly breaks, leaving a wooden plank, iron ingot, or steel ingot, depending on the shaft. collection gears can add together horsepower directly from each shaft facing into a side other than the output.

distribution gear: the direct opposite of collection gears, distribution gears will output power from all sides save the input side. horsepower is split between the shafts touching the sides, with all remainders lost.

Windmills: this is the 'visual' part of the mod. windmills have a multiblock rotating structure that has a 'bounding box', but, like cactus, this bounding box damages anyone that touches it. the 'anchor block' is always only 1 block though, regardless of how big the rotating structure is. Power can be transferred either from any face but the one connected to the rotating structure. objects in front of the windmill obstruct it, causing power loss, however, there is no height requirement (although you cannot place a windmill with other blocks in the way)
The real trick of windmills is that the smallest windmill is a simple windmill box that provides 4 horsepower. the blades are 3x3.
by surrounding an iron gasket with 8 windmill boxes, you get a 'large windmill'. The blades are 5x5 instead of 3x3, and it provides 16 horsepower.
the largest size is a 'giant windmill' at 7x7 blade size, is made by 8 large windmill boxes surrounding a steel gasket, and provides 64 HP.
The default texture for the 'spars' is oak wood planks, and the default textures for the 'sheets' are white wool, but you can change those with any block... want to look techy? replace the spars with steel and the sheets with redstone block. Essentially there should be a GUI for adding a block to spar and sheet and changing their textures.

Waterwheels: these are similar to windmills, with the roating entity scaleable in both the X and Y direction with the recipes (They use gears instead of gaskets). The outer 'meter' in both directions (both width and size) must be immersed in non-source (flowing) water to be effective.... for each block of non-source water so touching the entity's bounding box on the 'paddles', you gain 2 HP. Visually, the wheel moves counterclockwise. like windmills, waterwheels can be configured to have different textures.

in addition, it should have the following blocks:

Gearbox: this converts energy from HP to 512 rpm rotational energy for rotarycraft, and back.
bellows: this item can be used with HP to speed up forges and standard furnaces.
pressure fan: this item can convert HP to BC MJ, and back.
generator motor: This item can convert HP to EU volts and back
Flux centrifuge: this item can convert HP to RF (Thermal expansion) and back.

Mostly the mod would be about creating more 'frontierish' methods of energy for other mods.. the other stuff is simply tacked on to give it a coherent theme for playing it without any others. Also, it would be about customiseable textures for waterwheels and windmills and rotating entities, and using animals.

I am no coder, but I'd be happy to provide any textures or graphics required. I also am a professional 3d artist, although I know basically nothing about creating models for minecraft, I can certainly learn.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
A mod I would LOVE to see:

Mountaincraft- The frontiersman Mod:
Most of the stuff has already been implemented in one form or another, but I would love to have them in one mod.

Crafting table Items:
pistol- create 8 'ball and shot' by combining a firework rocket with iron shot. does damage comparable to a fully drawn bow, can be repaired with a cleaning brush. pistol barrel, cylinder, and action in a row on a crafting table. A cleaning brush and a pistol returns a fully-repaired item. Range similar to bow, but fires faster.
rifle: similar to pistol, the recipe requires heated steel to make the components, plus a rifle stock. can 'zoom' on a target, and does twice as much damage in this mode. "BOOM! Headshot!"
Hammer & Tongs: used for smithing recipes on crafting anvil and for creating heated steel and ingots. hammer is iron ingot above stick, tongs are 3 iron ingots in an upside down 'V'. cheaper tongs recipe on an anvil.
rifle stock: made with planks, used for making a rifle.
Wooden Gear: similar to other mods
wooden gasket: 8 planks in a circular pattern
Wooden shaft: can transfer up to 4 horsepower
windmill blade: a sideways bed recipe
windmill box: 4 windmill blades surrounding a wooden gasket
diamond shaft: can transfer unlimited horsepower

Now to the meat and bones of the mod: the blocks!

Crafting anvil: this is made with an anvil recipe, made of heated steel on a crafting contains a standard 3x3 crafting grid for the mod's special heated metal recipes. EVERYTHING produced on a crafting anvil is made with heated iron or steel, and MUST be quenched to a useable form!
This block produces objects out of heated Iron and steel. Each use removes durability on a hammer. (128 uses)

Iron Horseshoes: crafted on crafting anvil , right-clicking a horse with these allows them to jump higher/farther. 8 heated ingots in an upside-down horseshoe (pants) shape
Railroad spike: when used on a track block, it gives the track and the block below it blast and water resistance. When used on a tree or wooden block, however, it causes axes (other than diamond) to break when taking out the block, and also provides blast resistance. three heated ingots in a vertical line provides 8 spikes.
nails: provides blast resistance for planks and windows. two heated ingots in a horizontal line provides 16 nails.
Plow: 6 ingots in the shape of a fishing pole. allows you to quickly clear plants and crops in a large area by breaking them. also allows you to cultivate a 3x3 area of land (ignoring obstacles and only working on the same level) and returns a cobblestone for each use. If used on horseback, it can cultivate a 3x9 area of land in a line in front of you and returns 3 cobblestone.
barrel hoops: Three heated ingots in a vertical line provides 16 hoops.
Iron Gear: 8 heated spikes in a circular pattern. forge dictionary to allow substitutions
pistol barrel: 6 heated ingots in two lines at top and bottom
Pistol action: 5 heated ingots in an ic2 'tree tap'
Pistol cylinder: 9 heated ingots
Rifle barrel: as pistol, uses heated steel
Rifle action: as pistol, uses heated steel
Rifle cylinder: as pistol, uses heated steel
Iron gasket: 8 heated ingots in a circle.
steel gasket: 8 heated steel in a circle.
Tongs: cheaper recipe, uses 3 heated railroad spikes in an upside-down 'v' shape.
cleaning brush: when crafted with a pistol, returns a full-repaired pistol. stick and heated ingot.
Steel sword: same as other mods. slightly higher damage, twice the durability of iron.
Steel armor: twice the durability of iron.
Steel tools: twice the durability of iron.
Iron Shaft: can transfer up to 16 horsepower
steel shaft: can transfer up to 64 horsepower

similar to a furnace, It does not use any fuel, and can also be used for smelting ores. The downside is, of course, that it has two slots: one for tongs (required for all recipes, takes damage, 128 uses) and a slot for charcoal for making heated steel. it can produce the following:
Heated Ingots: Iron Ingots can be converted into heated ingots in a forge. Alternatively, an iron ingot and 2 charcoal can be turned into a heated steel bar. these can can be 'quenched' to turn into a standard iron or steel bar (forge ore dictionary). This is a more expensive, yet convenient, alternative to other mod's steel.
Heated steel: created with iron ingots, uses 2 charcoal for each bar of heated steel produced
It cannot be used for creating charcoal or cooking. It is crafted with 8 stone bricks surrounding a lava bucket.

Quenching bucket:
Must be filled with water, and kept filled with buckets or another mod's pipes. made by making a cauldron out of logs. can either have a crafting square and button to 'quench' heated items, or you can throw items into it (depending on which is easier to code). ALL items crafted on the crafting anvil must be quenched to be turned into a useable form!


This is the bones of the mod. The millstone accepts power from drive shafts and grinds bones into bonemeal, wheat into flour, ore into powder (doubling of course), and in all respects is very similar to AE grinder, macerator, rock crusher, or rotarycraft grinder. while the mod is supposed to work well with other mods, the millstone uses the mod's special power most efficiently. each HP increases the speed, starting at 16 seconds per item (for 1 hp) and capped at 1/2 second per item. Millstones can be 'stacked' together, adding together their inventory blocks. all items are grinded at the same time, and it requires a minimum of 1 HP per block, with a maximum size of 3x3x3. Power is received through the top or bottom. each millstone is crafted with an iron gear, iron gasket, and 7 stone blocks.

animal hitch:
this item, when animals are hitched to it with a lead, provides motive power for the mod's machines. pigs provide 1/2 hp each, horse 1 horsepower (obviously) and cows 2 hp. multiple animals can be attached to the hitch. power is transferred through either the top or the bottom to shafts or gearboxes. the animal hitch is crafted with two logs and a wooden gasket. the maximum amount of animals that can be hitched is 4 (2 hp for pigs, 8 hp for cows)

collection gear: This accepts power from any source (windmill, waterwheel, paddlewheel, or animal hitch) from any direction and outputs it in the direction opposite the one you are facing when you place it (The output faces towards you). Shafts themselves are much like wires from other mods, but all shafts between shaft boxes have the same horsepower. If the HP transferred is too much for the shaft, it instantly breaks, leaving a wooden plank, iron ingot, or steel ingot, depending on the shaft. collection gears can add together horsepower directly from each shaft facing into a side other than the output.

distribution gear: the direct opposite of collection gears, distribution gears will output power from all sides save the input side. horsepower is split between the shafts touching the sides, with all remainders lost.

Windmills: this is the 'visual' part of the mod. windmills have a multiblock rotating structure that has a 'bounding box', but, like cactus, this bounding box damages anyone that touches it. the 'anchor block' is always only 1 block though, regardless of how big the rotating structure is. Power can be transferred either from any face but the one connected to the rotating structure. objects in front of the windmill obstruct it, causing power loss, however, there is no height requirement (although you cannot place a windmill with other blocks in the way)
The real trick of windmills is that the smallest windmill is a simple windmill box that provides 4 horsepower. the blades are 3x3.
by surrounding an iron gasket with 8 windmill boxes, you get a 'large windmill'. The blades are 5x5 instead of 3x3, and it provides 16 horsepower.
the largest size is a 'giant windmill' at 7x7 blade size, is made by 8 large windmill boxes surrounding a steel gasket, and provides 64 HP.
The default texture for the 'spars' is oak wood planks, and the default textures for the 'sheets' are white wool, but you can change those with any block... want to look techy? replace the spars with steel and the sheets with redstone block. Essentially there should be a GUI for adding a block to spar and sheet and changing their textures.

Waterwheels: these are similar to windmills, with the roating entity scaleable in both the X and Y direction with the recipes (They use gears instead of gaskets). The outer 'meter' in both directions (both width and size) must be immersed in non-source (flowing) water to be effective.... for each block of non-source water so touching the entity's bounding box on the 'paddles', you gain 2 HP. Visually, the wheel moves counterclockwise. like windmills, waterwheels can be configured to have different textures.

in addition, it should have the following blocks:

Gearbox: this converts energy from HP to 512 rpm rotational energy for rotarycraft, and back.
bellows: this item can be used with HP to speed up forges and standard furnaces.
pressure fan: this item can convert HP to BC MJ, and back.
generator motor: This item can convert HP to EU volts and back
Flux centrifuge: this item can convert HP to RF (Thermal expansion) and back.

Mostly the mod would be about creating more 'frontierish' methods of energy for other mods.. the other stuff is simply tacked on to give it a coherent theme for playing it without any others. Also, it would be about customiseable textures for waterwheels and windmills and rotating entities, and using animals.
I am no coder, but I'd be happy to provide any textures or graphics required. I also am a professional 3d artist, although I know basically nothing about creating models for minecraft, I can certainly learn.

I believe some of these types of things are in Better than Wolves, or at least used to be. Perhaps you should try it out. just search "Better than Wolves mod" if you don't know what it is.


New Member
Jul 29, 2019
I believe some of these types of things are in Better than Wolves, or at least used to be. Perhaps you should try it out. just search "Better than Wolves mod" if you don't know what it is.

I played it years ago. No thanks, I really don't want to get into flowerchild's little antiforge love-in... I want something that adds a more frontier/steampunk/medieval feel and set of options to an existing set of mods, and can stand on it's own, not something that forces you to play the modder's special flavor of minecraft, no creativity allowed.


Oct 11, 2013
Can't even remember the better than wolves mod I have seen a mod that made biome dependent wolves and better wolves
Better than wolves was a mod made by flowerchild one of the original forge developers. Due to some ideological differences flowerchild split and made a massive minecraft overhaul mod completely without the use of forge. In fact if forge was loaded better than wolves wouldn't work. Better than wolves added more content than anything I know of ( except for maybe Terra firma craft ). It had a power system somewhat similar to rotary craft, based off shaft power. It had tons of features many of which were added to vanilla minecraft ( hopper hem hem).
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Well-Known Member
Aug 29, 2013
Ben shapiro
Better than wolves was a mod made by flowerchild one of the original forge developers. Due to some ideological differences flowerchild split and made a massive minecraft overhaul mod completely without the use of forge. In fact if forge was loaded better than wolves wouldn't work. Better than wolves added more content than anything I know of ( except for maybe Terra firma craft ). It had a power system somewhat similar to rotary craft, based off shaft power. It had tons of features many of which were added to vanilla minecraft ( hopper hem hem).
Admittedly looked up the mod and thought it looked cool