Whitelist Server Skyward Gaming | 1.7.10 Direwolf20 | Dedicated 24/7 Uptime | 18+ No Drama

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IGN: Dylanmc30
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing FTB since 1.4.7(Ultimate). Love modded minecraft :)
Playstyle: Usually go with Thaumcraft early on
What is your favorite mod?: Thaumcraft or AE2
What is the main rule?: Use common sense :)
IGN: Morathos
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft:
I've been playing modded MC ever since Buildcraft first came out.
Playstyle: I am a cave dweller usually, love to automate just about everything.
What is your favorite mod?: Applied Energistics is probably my favorite mod currently.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
IGN: Matterbound
Age: 18
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I've played modded Minecraft for years. I started with vanilla during in-dev, and started playing with mods during the first "Technic Pack" phase. I've played loads of this game, yet it still keeps me coming back for more.
Playstyle: I like making all inclusive bases that can provide everything you need to live. I'm currently wanting to start up a huge Aperture Science-esque base. I'd love to make a huge facility with a lobby type thing for visitors. It's important to keep up your public appearance! :p Behind the scenes in the "lab" area, I'm visualizing a sprawling complex of chambers, rooms, tunnels, etc. complete with pretty much everything from every mod. Aesthetics are going to be key here.
What is your favorite mod?: I'm a sucker for any mod that has "moving things". I love pipes, tubes, and especially rails. There's just something satisfying about seeing things move around your base.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: papamnky
Age: 33
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Played Vanilla Minecraft since beginning. Very informed on all aspects of modded.
Playstyle: Automate everything while making it look nice.
What is your favorite mod?: right now its a toss up between Thaumcraft and Forestry
What is the main rule?: Use Common Sense!

Thank You for your consideration
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Started playing in Tekkit, and have moved up to various packs since. I mostly stick to modded minecraft these day, learning new mods as they update or come out with new versions for minecraft.
Playstyle: getting basic infrastructure, then moving into a mod I've never used before. Just to learn it.
What is your favorite mod?:Thaumcraft
What is the main rule?:Use Common Sense
IGN: Mortesqe
Age: 20
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Played it for about 2 years now... cant say imma the best or the worst tho :P
Playstyle: Anything (prefer magic mods)
What is your favorite mod?: Botania
What is the main rule?: USE COMMON SENSE
All right, a little house keeping. If you haven't joined since we restarted the world or we don't remember seeing you you have been removed from the whitelist and are required to reapply to be added to the whitelist. If you have joined since the last restart and we have removed you on accident then you can send me a private message with your coords in the world and we will add you back to the whitelist.

Now that that's done with, the following players have been added to the whitelist never to be seen or to be completely forgotten about. Have fun and happy crafting!

@arranms96 @ENGx @eternaldragon @dylanmc30 @Khadryn @Matterbound @PapaMnky @Nefroz @Mortesqe

IGN: Germanko
Age: 22
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: almost 2 years
Playstyle: automating every possible thing
What is your favorite mod?: thermal expansion
What is the main rule?: Use Common Sense...
IGN: GutterblockBoy
Age: 20
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing modded minecraft since Buildcraft first came out.
Playstyle: Bees!
What is your favorite mod?: Forestry
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: singul4r1ty
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Have been playing modded since Direwolf20's first modded LP series! Haven't played MC for about a year but I want to get back into FTB!
Playstyle: Automate everything! With computercraft if possible just to make it harder for myself
What is your favorite mod?: Buildcraft
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: Kellador
Age: 23
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing with mods on and off ever since the very first Technic Pack and with FTB since it's inception.
Playstyle: Exploring all the mods and their possibilites.
What is your favorite mod?: Thermal Expansion.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: HarelexJuls
Age: 18 (from Colombia)
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft:
I've played Direwolf20 1.6.4 and also Bevo Techpack 1.7 (.10 if I'm not wrong) so I can defend myself pretty well in most mods inside the Direwolf modpack. Something I've never been able to understand is the AE Auto-Crafting, but aside that fact, I know a lot of things from many mods and if I don't know, I'll always be happy to learn new stuff. <3
Playstyle: Learn from every mod, then try to combine multiple mods to automate something in an easy and compact way.
What is your favorite mod?: The answer is between EnderIO and Botania, if I have to choose, EnderIO.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
IGN: Nazgul66
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: Been playing on the FTB launcher for like 2 years now.
Playstyle: More magic than tech.
What is your favorite mod?:
What is the main rule?: Use common sense.
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Hey mate!
Only knew how to contact you here... so
Yesterday i logged on the server being great and stuff :) but today i tried to and says i am not white-listed... Didn't change acc or anything.
Can you check the white list again?
Thank you :)
IGN: Arcaru
Age: 17
Experience with Modded Minecraft: Have been playing since Ultimate
Playstyle: Research everything
Favorite mod: Thaumcraft
What is the main rule: Use common sense
Hey mate!
Only knew how to contact you here... so
Yesterday i logged on the server being great and stuff :) but today i tried to and says i am not white-listed... Didn't change acc or anything.
Can you check the white list again?
Thank you :)

Fixed the whitelist and readded the players from yesterday.

@Yurlos @GutterblockBoy @singul4r1ty @Kellador @Julián Franco @Nazgul66

The above players have also been added to the whitelist. Stay safe, happy crafting and don't forget to use common sense!!

@arcaru You have not been added due to your age.
IGN: Polloplay
Age: 20
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: I used to play a lot during 1.4.7, but I got bored and decided to wait until new mods.
Playstyle: I tend to do a little bit of everything, exept building cool looking base... Never been able to do that.
What is your favorite mod?: I can't really state one, since I haven't tried out the newer version, but for what I have seen in Dire's video they all look fun.
What is the main rule?: Use common sense
IGN: sourcream098
Age: 19
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft: had since alpha and played tekkit, ftb, at launcher all the modpacks till now
Playstyle: try out any mods I don't know, and explore mods endlessly
What is your favorite mod?: gregtech
What is the main rule?: common sense

NB I'm posting this because the FTB forums aren't letting him sign up himself!
Experience with FTB/Modded Minecraft:since beta 1.7.2
Playstyle:Automation and magic
What is your favorite mod?:Big Reactor, thaumcraft, Blood magic, Applied Energistic
What is the main rule?:
Use common sense
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